--- meta: Producers: $0: /home/pause/pause/cron/cron-p6daily.pl File::Rsync::Mirror::Recentfile: 0.0.9 time: '1734052681.66426' aggregator: - 6h - 1d - 1W - 1M - 1Q - 1Y - Z canonize: naive_path_normalize comment: These files are part of the CPAN mirroring concept, described in File::Rsync::Mirror::Recent dirtymark: '1389168062.25724006' filenameroot: RECENT interval: 1h merged: epoch: '1734052681.18745' into_interval: 6h time: '1734052681.28101' minmax: max: '1734052681.66404' min: '1734051134.30685' mtime: '1734052681' protocol: 1 serializer_suffix: .yaml recent: - epoch: '1734052681.66404' path: p6binaries.json.gz type: new - epoch: '1734052681.63488' path: p6provides.json.gz type: new - epoch: '1734052681.29171' path: p6dists.json.gz type: new - epoch: '1734052681.18745' path: 02STAMP type: new - epoch: '1734051542.02052' path: id/G/GE/GENE/Music-Dice-0.0200.tar.gz type: delete - epoch: '1734051542.01741' path: id/G/GE/GENE/Music-Dice-0.0200.readme type: delete - epoch: '1734051542.00362' path: id/G/GE/GENE/Music-Dice-0.0200.meta type: delete - epoch: '1734051541.99951' path: 08pumpkings.txt.gz type: new - epoch: '1734051541.98937' path: 02authors.txt.gz type: new - epoch: '1734051541.92669' path: 01mailrc.txt.gz type: new - epoch: '1734051541.83853' path: 00whois.xml type: new - epoch: '1734051541.8289' path: 00whois.html type: new - epoch: '1734051162.75542' path: id/W/WO/WOUTER/CHECKSUMS type: new - epoch: '1734051162.17367' path: id/V/VO/VOEGELAS/CHECKSUMS type: new - epoch: '1734051158.60389' path: id/S/SA/SAMYOUNG/CHECKSUMS type: new - epoch: '1734051158.40121' path: id/R/RU/RURBAN/CHECKSUMS type: new - epoch: '1734051157.3862' path: id/R/RE/REEDFISH/CHECKSUMS type: new - epoch: '1734051157.05231' path: id/R/RA/RAGE/CHECKSUMS type: new - epoch: '1734051155.72017' path: id/P/PE/PERLANCAR/CHECKSUMS type: new - epoch: '1734051152.82641' path: id/O/OO/OODLER/CHECKSUMS type: new - epoch: '1734051152.22546' path: id/N/NI/NICS/CHECKSUMS type: new - epoch: '1734051150.22072' path: id/M/MB/MBESSON/CHECKSUMS type: new - epoch: '1734051150.07819' path: id/M/MA/MATEU/CHECKSUMS type: new - epoch: '1734051149.65332' path: id/M/MA/MANWAR/CHECKSUMS type: new - epoch: '1734051147.55579' path: id/L/LN/LNATION/CHECKSUMS type: new - epoch: '1734051146.25122' path: id/K/KI/KIMOTO/CHECKSUMS type: new - epoch: '1734051144.3542' path: id/J/JJ/JJNAPIORK/CHECKSUMS type: new - epoch: '1734051143.70105' path: id/J/JI/JIMAVERA/CHECKSUMS type: new - epoch: '1734051143.14762' path: id/J/JA/JANESKIL/Tools/CHECKSUMS type: new - epoch: '1734051139.1382' path: id/D/DC/DCANTRELL/CHECKSUMS type: new - epoch: '1734051138.10873' path: id/C/CR/CRABAPP/CHECKSUMS type: new - epoch: '1734051137.99121' path: id/C/CO/CONTRA/CHECKSUMS type: new - epoch: '1734051134.30685' path: id/A/AA/AALLGOOD/CHECKSUMS type: new