#!/usr/bin/perl -w package List::Temporal; $VERSION = "1.000"; require Exporter; @ISA = qw(Exporter); @EXPORT_OK = qw(tgrep); sub version { $VERSION; } sub new { my $class = shift; my $this = {}; $this->{content} = [ @_ ]; bless($this,$class); return $this; } sub grep { my ($this, $exp) = @_; my (@matches, @newcontent); foreach (@{$this->{content}}) { if ($_ =~ $exp) { push @matches, $_; } else { push @newcontent, $_; } } $this->{content} = [ @newcontent ]; @matches; } sub remains { my ($this) = @_; @{$this->{content}}; } sub tgrep { my ($exp, $content) = @_; my (@matches, @newcontent); foreach (@{$content}) { if ($_ =~ $exp) { push @matches, $_; } else { push @newcontent, $_; } } @{$content} = @newcontent; @matches; } 1; __END__ =head1 NAME List::Temporal - Temporal list system =head1 SYNOPSIS use List::Temporal; # Load up a list $templist = List::Temporal->new(qw(word1 word2 word3 word4 word5)); # Extract first grep $output = $templist->grep(qr/[2-3]/); # Will contain 'word2', 'word3' # Extact second grep from whats left over from the first $templist->grep(qr/[2-5]/); # Will contain 'word4', 'word5' because 'word2' and 'word3' have # already been extracted. $templist->remains; # Will return 'word1' because its all thats left =head2 SYNOPSIS - The Non-OO way: use List::Temporal qw(tgrep); @anarray = qw(word1 word2 word3 word4 word5); @matches = tgrep(qr/[2-3]/, \@anarray); # @anarray now has 'word1', 'word4', 'word5' in it =head1 DESCRIPTION Manipulates a list in that any action (such as grep) also removes the matches putting the remaining items in the orignal list. This differs from a normal grep which leaves the unmatched items in the originaly given array. =head1 AUTHOR Matt Carter E<lt>m@ttcarter.comE<gt> =cut