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7.4 Programmatic Interface

The user interface for access to the argument information is completely defined in the generated header file and in the portions of the distributed file "options.h" that are marked "public".

In the following macros, text marked <NAME> or name is the name of the option in upper case and segmented with underscores _. The macros and enumerations defined in the options header (interface) file are used as follows:

To see how these #define macros are used in a program, the reader is referred to the several `opts.h' files included with the AutoGen sources.

7.4.1 Data for Option Processing  
7.4.2 CLEAR_OPT( <NAME> ) - Clear Option Markings  
7.4.3 COUNT_OPT( <NAME> ) - Definition Count  
7.4.4 DESC( <NAME> ) - Option Descriptor  
7.4.5 DISABLE_OPT_name - Disable an option  
7.4.6 ENABLED_OPT( <NAME> ) - Is Option Enabled?  
7.4.7 ERRSKIP_OPTERR - Ignore Option Errors  
7.4.8 ERRSTOP_OPTERR - Stop on Errors  
7.4.9 HAVE_OPT( <NAME> ) - Have this option?  
7.4.10 ISSEL_OPT( <NAME> ) - Is Option Selected?  
7.4.11 ISUNUSED_OPT( <NAME> ) - Never Specified?  
7.4.12 OPTION_CT - Full Count of Options  
7.4.13 OPT_ARG( <NAME> ) - Option Argument String  
7.4.14 OPT_VALUE_name - Option Argument Value  
7.4.15 RESTART_OPT( n ) - Resume Option Processing  
7.4.16 SET_OPT_name - Force an option to be set  
7.4.17 STACKCT_OPT( <NAME> ) - Stacked Arg Count  
7.4.18 STACKLST_OPT( <NAME> ) - Argument Stack  
7.4.19 START_OPT - Restart Option Processing  
7.4.20 STATE_OPT( <NAME> ) - Option State  
7.4.21 USAGE( exit-code ) - Usage invocation macro  
7.4.22 VALUE_OPT_name - Option Flag Value  
7.4.23 VERSION - Version and Full Version  
7.4.24 WHICH_IDX_name - Which Equivalenced Index  
7.4.25 WHICH_OPT_name - Which Equivalenced Option  
7.4.26 teOptIndex - Option Index and Enumeration  
7.4.27 OPTIONS_STRUCT_VERSION - active version  
7.4.28 libopts External Procedures  

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