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Radius-Specific Functions

Scheme Function: avl-delete av-list attr
Delete from av-list the pairs with attribute attr.

Scheme Function: avl-merge dst src
Merge src into dst.

Scheme Function: avl-match? target list
Return #t if all pairs from list are present in target.

Scheme Function: rad-dict-name->attr name
Return a dictionary entry for the given attribute name or #f if no such name was found in the dictionary.

A dictionary entry is a list in the form:

Scheme List: dict-entry name-string attr-number type-number vendor
The attribute name
The attribute number
The attribute type
is the vendor PEC, if the attribute is a Vendor-Specific one, or #f otherwise.

Scheme Function: rad-dict-value->name attr value
Returns a dictionary name of the given value for an integer-type attribute attr. attr can be either an attribute number or its dictionary name.

Scheme Function: rad-dict-name->value attr value
Convert a symbolic attribute value name into its integer representation

Scheme Function: rad-dict-pec->vendor pec
Convert PEC to the vendor name

Scheme Function: rad-log-open prio
Open radius logging to the severity level prio.

Scheme Function: rad-log-close
Close radius logging channel open by a previous call to rad-log-open.

Scheme Function: rad-rewrite-execute-string string
Interpret string as an invocation of a function in Rewrite language and execute it.

Return value: return of the corresponding Rewrite call, translated to the Scheme data type.

Scheme Function: rad-rewrite-execute arglist
Execute a Rewrite language function. (car arglist) is interpreted as a name of the Rewrite function to execute, and (cdr arglist) as a list of arguments to be passed to it.

Return value: return of the corresponding Rewrite call, translated to the Scheme data type.

Scheme Function: rad-openlog ident option facility
Scheme interface to the system openlog() call.

Scheme Function: rad-syslog prio text
Scheme interface to the system syslog() call.

Scheme Function: rad-closelog
Scheme interface to the system closelog() call.

Scheme Function: rad-utmp-putent status delay list radutmp_file radwtmp_file
Write the supplied data into the radutmp file. If RADWTMP_FILE is not nil the constructed entry is also appended to WTMP_FILE. list is:

Scheme List: utmp-entry user-name orig-name port-id port-type session-id caller-id framed-ip nas-ip proto

The user name
Original user name from the request
The value of NAS-Port-Id attribute.
A number or character indicating the port type.
Session ID.
The value of Calling-Station-Id attribute from the request.
The framed IP address assigned to the user.
The NAS IP address.
Number or character indicating type of the connection.

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