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At the top of output the summary information is displayed. It consists of two lines. First line shows the statistic collection uptime and current date/time. Second line shows total number of lines, number of active lines, number of idle (inactive) lines and load percentage.

The dialup statistics is displayed in the area below. For each dialup line three lines of data are shown.

First line shows the network access server name, port number on that server, number of logins registered on this line, status of the line, amount of time the line keeps the current status, and date and time where the line has switched to the current status.

If the line is currently active, the status field displays login name of the user logged in on this line. If the line is inactive, the word `[Idle]' is displayed.

Second and third lines display active and idle usage summary. They show following data: total time the line is in the given state, maximum amount of time in this state, and starting date and time when maximum duration was perceived.

The example of default display:

    uptime    90+20:35         Sun Dec 17 12:21                                    
    235 lines,  71 active, 164 idle. Pool load 0.30                                
    max          001  2796 [idle]                 00:05 Sun Dec 17 12:16           
                 43+00:17     1+22:39 Fri Sep 22 18:04 - 16:44                     
                 47+20:22       06:25 Thu Oct 05 02:24 - 08:50                     
    max          002  2877 [idle]                 00:09 Sun Dec 17 12:11           
                 41+06:56       10:55 Sat Oct 28 21:20 - 07:15                     
                 49+13:35       05:32 Mon Oct 02 00:33 - 06:05                     
    max          003  3000 [idle]                 00:08 Sun Dec 17 12:12           
                 39+14:42       19:44 Thu Nov 02 14:52 - 10:36                     
                 50+11:22       07:29 Wed Oct 11 23:30 - 06:59                     
    max          004  2829 jsmith                 00:05 Sun Dec 17 12:15           
                 41+21:11     1+00:04 Sun Sep 24 12:17 - 12:21                     
                 48+23:28       04:51 Sat Oct 07 03:42 - 08:33                     
    max          005  2913 gray                   00:41 Sun Dec 17 11:40           
                 40+12:01       15:24 Mon Dec 11 19:18 - 10:43                     
                 50+08:03       11:58 Wed Nov 29 13:43 - 01:41                     
    max          006  3014 roland                 00:39 Sun Dec 17 11:41           
                 42+02:10       22:28 Sun Sep 24 13:46 - 12:15                     
                 48+17:39       05:30 Fri Nov 24 01:57 - 07:28                     
    max          007  2937 [idle]                 00:06 Sun Dec 17 12:15           

This default display can be altered using command line options or interactive commands

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