This is Info file texinfo, produced by Makeinfo version 1.68 from the input file ../texi/texinfo.texi. index (arbitrarily chosen to be the concept index). INFO-DIR-SECTION Texinfo documentation system START-INFO-DIR-ENTRY * Texinfo: (texinfo). The GNU documentation format. * install-info: (texinfo)Invoking install-info. Updating info/dir entries. * texi2dvi: (texinfo)Format with texi2dvi. Printing Texinfo documentation. * texindex: (texinfo)Format with tex/texindex. Sorting Texinfo index files. END-INFO-DIR-ENTRY This file documents Texinfo, a documentation system that can produce both on-line information and a printed manual from a single source file. Copyright (C) 1988, 90, 91, 92, 93, 95, 1996 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This is the second edition of the Texinfo documentation, and is consistent with version 2 of `texinfo.tex'. Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of this manual provided the copyright notice and this permission notice are preserved on all copies. Permission is granted to copy and distribute modified versions of this manual under the conditions for verbatim copying, provided that the entire resulting derived work is distributed under the terms of a permission notice identical to this one. Permission is granted to copy and distribute translations of this manual into another language, under the above conditions for modified versions, except that this permission notice may be stated in a translation approved by the Free Software Foundation.  File: texinfo, Node: Multi-column Tables, Prev: Two-column Tables, Up: Lists and Tables Multi-column Tables =================== `@multitable' allows you to construct tables with any number of columns, with each column having any width you like. You define the column widths on the `@multitable' line itself, and write each row of the actual table following an `@item' command, with columns separated by an `@tab' command. Finally, `@end multitable' completes the table. Details in the sections below. * Menu: * Multitable Column Widths:: Defining multitable column widths. * Multitable Rows:: Defining multitable rows, with examples.  File: texinfo, Node: Multitable Column Widths, Next: Multitable Rows, Prev: Multi-column Tables, Up: Multi-column Tables Multitable Column Widths ------------------------ You can define the column widths for a multitable in two ways: as fractions of the line length; or with a prototype row. Mixing the two methods is not supported. In either case, the widths are defined entirely on the same line as the `@multitable' command. 1. To specify column widths as fractions of the line length, write `@columnfractions' and the decimal numbers (presumably less than 1) after the `@multitable' command, as in: @multitable @columnfractions .33 .33 .33 The fractions need not add up exactly to 1.0, as these do not. This allows you to produce tables that do not need the full line length. 2. To specify a prototype row, write the longest entry for each column enclosed in braces after the `@multitable' command. For example: @multitable {some text for column one} {for column two} The first column will then have the width of the typeset `some text for column one', and the second column the width of `for column two'. The prototype entries need not appear in the table itself. Although we used simple text in this example, the prototype entries can contain Texinfo commands; markup commands such as `@code' are particularly likely to be useful.  File: texinfo, Node: Multitable Rows, Prev: Multitable Column Widths, Up: Multi-column Tables Multitable Rows --------------- After the `@multitable' command defining the column widths (see the previous section), you begin each row in the body of a multitable with `@item', and separate the column entries with `@tab'. Line breaks are not special within the table body, and you may break input lines in your source file as necessary. Here is a complete example of a multi-column table (the text is from the GNU Emacs manual): @multitable @columnfractions .15 .45 .4 @item Key @tab Command @tab Description @item C-x 2 @tab @code{split-window-vertically} @tab Split the selected window into two windows, with one above the other. @item C-x 3 @tab @code{split-window-horizontally} @tab Split the selected window into two windows positioned side by side. @item C-Mouse-2 @tab @tab In the mode line or scroll bar of a window, split that window. @end multitable produces: Key Command Description C-x 2 `split-window-vertically' Split the selected window into two windows, with one above the other. C-x 3 `split-window-horizontally' Split the selected window into two windows positioned side by side. C-Mouse-2 In the mode line or scroll bar of a window, split that window.  File: texinfo, Node: Indices, Next: Insertions, Prev: Lists and Tables, Up: Top Creating Indices **************** Using Texinfo, you can generate indices without having to sort and collate entries manually. In an index, the entries are listed in alphabetical order, together with information on how to find the discussion of each entry. In a printed manual, this information consists of page numbers. In an Info file, this information is a menu entry leading to the first node referenced. Texinfo provides several predefined kinds of index: an index for functions, an index for variables, an index for concepts, and so on. You can combine indices or use them for other than their canonical purpose. If you wish, you can define your own indices. * Menu: * Index Entries:: Choose different words for index entries. * Predefined Indices:: Use different indices for different kinds of entry. * Indexing Commands:: How to make an index entry. * Combining Indices:: How to combine indices. * New Indices:: How to define your own indices.  File: texinfo, Node: Index Entries, Next: Predefined Indices, Prev: Indices, Up: Indices Making Index Entries ==================== When you are making index entries, it is good practice to think of the different ways people may look for something. Different people *do not* think of the same words when they look something up. A helpful index will have items indexed under all the different words that people may use. For example, one reader may think it obvious that the two-letter names for indices should be listed under "Indices, two-letter names", since the word "Index" is the general concept. But another reader may remember the specific concept of two-letter names and search for the entry listed as "Two letter names for indices". A good index will have both entries and will help both readers. Like typesetting, the construction of an index is a highly skilled, professional art, the subtleties of which are not appreciated until you need to do it yourself. *Note Printing Indices & Menus::, for information about printing an index at the end of a book or creating an index menu in an Info file.  File: texinfo, Node: Predefined Indices, Next: Indexing Commands, Prev: Index Entries, Up: Indices Predefined Indices ================== Texinfo provides six predefined indices: * A "concept index" listing concepts that are discussed. * A "function index" listing functions (such as entry points of libraries). * A "variables index" listing variables (such as global variables of libraries). * A "keystroke index" listing keyboard commands. * A "program index" listing names of programs. * A "data type index" listing data types (such as structures defined in header files). Not every manual needs all of these, and most manuals use two or three of them. This manual has two indices: a concept index and an @-command index (that is actually the function index but is called a command index in the chapter heading). Two or more indices can be combined into one using the `@synindex' or `@syncodeindex' commands. *Note Combining Indices::.  File: texinfo, Node: Indexing Commands, Next: Combining Indices, Prev: Predefined Indices, Up: Indices Defining the Entries of an Index ================================ The data to make an index come from many individual indexing commands scattered throughout the Texinfo source file. Each command says to add one entry to a particular index; after formatting, the index will give the current page number or node name as the reference. An index entry consists of an indexing command at the beginning of a line followed, on the rest of the line, by the entry. For example, this section begins with the following five entries for the concept index: @cindex Defining indexing entries @cindex Index entries @cindex Entries for an index @cindex Specifying index entries @cindex Creating index entries Each predefined index has its own indexing command--`@cindex' for the concept index, `@findex' for the function index, and so on. Concept index entries consist of text. The best way to write an index is to choose entries that are terse yet clear. If you can do this, the index often looks better if the entries are not capitalized, but written just as they would appear in the middle of a sentence. (Capitalize proper names and acronyms that always call for upper case letters.) This is the case convention we use in most GNU manuals' indices. If you don't see how to make an entry terse yet clear, make it longer and clear--not terse and confusing. If many of the entries are several words long, the index may look better if you use a different convention: to capitalize the first word of each entry. But do not capitalize a case-sensitive name such as a C or Lisp function name or a shell command; that would be a spelling error. Whichever case convention you use, please use it consistently! Entries in indices other than the concept index are symbol names in programming languages, or program names; these names are usually case-sensitive, so use upper and lower case as required for them. By default, entries for a concept index are printed in a small roman font and entries for the other indices are printed in a small `@code' font. You may change the way part of an entry is printed with the usual Texinfo commands, such as `@file' for file names and `@emph' for emphasis (*note Marking Text::.). The six indexing commands for predefined indices are: `@cindex CONCEPT' Make an entry in the concept index for CONCEPT. `@findex FUNCTION' Make an entry in the function index for FUNCTION. `@vindex VARIABLE' Make an entry in the variable index for VARIABLE. `@kindex KEYSTROKE' Make an entry in the key index for KEYSTROKE. `@pindex PROGRAM' Make an entry in the program index for PROGRAM. `@tindex DATA TYPE' Make an entry in the data type index for DATA TYPE. *Caution:* Do not use a colon in an index entry. In Info, a colon separates the menu entry name from the node name. An extra colon confuses Info. *Note The Parts of a Menu: Menu Parts, for more information about the structure of a menu entry. If you write several identical index entries in different places in a Texinfo file, the index in the printed manual will list all the pages to which those entries refer. However, the index in the Info file will list *only* the node that references the *first* of those index entries. Therefore, it is best to write indices in which each entry refers to only one place in the Texinfo file. Fortunately, this constraint is a feature rather than a loss since it means that the index will be easy to use. Otherwise, you could create an index that lists several pages for one entry and your reader would not know to which page to turn. If you have two identical entries for one topic, change the topics slightly, or qualify them to indicate the difference. You are not actually required to use the predefined indices for their canonical purposes. For example, suppose you wish to index some C preprocessor macros. You could put them in the function index along with actual functions, just by writing `@findex' commands for them; then, when you print the "Function Index" as an unnumbered chapter, you could give it the title `Function and Macro Index' and all will be consistent for the reader. Or you could put the macros in with the data types by writing `@tindex' commands for them, and give that index a suitable title so the reader will understand. (*Note Printing Indices & Menus::.)  File: texinfo, Node: Combining Indices, Next: New Indices, Prev: Indexing Commands, Up: Indices Combining Indices ================= Sometimes you will want to combine two disparate indices such as functions and concepts, perhaps because you have few enough of one of them that a separate index for them would look silly. You could put functions into the concept index by writing `@cindex' commands for them instead of `@findex' commands, and produce a consistent manual by printing the concept index with the title `Function and Concept Index' and not printing the `Function Index' at all; but this is not a robust procedure. It works only if your document is never included as part of another document that is designed to have a separate function index; if your document were to be included with such a document, the functions from your document and those from the other would not end up together. Also, to make your function names appear in the right font in the concept index, you would need to enclose every one of them between the braces of `@code'. * Menu: * syncodeindex:: How to merge two indices, using `@code' font for the merged-from index. * synindex:: How to merge two indices, using the default font of the merged-to index.  File: texinfo, Node: syncodeindex, Next: synindex, Prev: Combining Indices, Up: Combining Indices `@syncodeindex' --------------- When you want to combine functions and concepts into one index, you should index the functions with `@findex' and index the concepts with `@cindex', and use the `@syncodeindex' command to redirect the function index entries into the concept index. The `@syncodeindex' command takes two arguments; they are the name of the index to redirect, and the name of the index to redirect it to. The template looks like this: @syncodeindex FROM TO For this purpose, the indices are given two-letter names: `cp' concept index `fn' function index `vr' variable index `ky' key index `pg' program index `tp' data type index Write an `@syncodeindex' command before or shortly after the end-of-header line at the beginning of a Texinfo file. For example, to merge a function index with a concept index, write the following: @syncodeindex fn cp This will cause all entries designated for the function index to merge in with the concept index instead. To merge both a variables index and a function index into a concept index, write the following: @syncodeindex vr cp @syncodeindex fn cp The `@syncodeindex' command puts all the entries from the `from' index (the redirected index) into the `@code' font, overriding whatever default font is used by the index to which the entries are now directed. This way, if you direct function names from a function index into a concept index, all the function names are printed in the `@code' font as you would expect.  File: texinfo, Node: synindex, Prev: syncodeindex, Up: Combining Indices `@synindex' ----------- The `@synindex' command is nearly the same as the `@syncodeindex' command, except that it does not put the `from' index entries into the `@code' font; rather it puts them in the roman font. Thus, you use `@synindex' when you merge a concept index into a function index. *Note Printing Indices & Menus::, for information about printing an index at the end of a book or creating an index menu in an Info file.  File: texinfo, Node: New Indices, Prev: Combining Indices, Up: Indices Defining New Indices ==================== In addition to the predefined indices, you may use the `@defindex' and `@defcodeindex' commands to define new indices. These commands create new indexing @-commands with which you mark index entries. The `@defindex 'command is used like this: @defindex NAME The name of an index should be a two letter word, such as `au'. For example: @defindex au This defines a new index, called the `au' index. At the same time, it creates a new indexing command, `@auindex', that you can use to make index entries. Use the new indexing command just as you would use a predefined indexing command. For example, here is a section heading followed by a concept index entry and two `au' index entries. @section Cognitive Semantics @cindex kinesthetic image schemas @auindex Johnson, Mark @auindex Lakoff, George (Evidently, `au' serves here as an abbreviation for "author".) Texinfo constructs the new indexing command by concatenating the name of the index with `index'; thus, defining an `au' index leads to the automatic creation of an `@auindex' command. Use the `@printindex' command to print the index, as you do with the predefined indices. For example: @node Author Index, Subject Index, , Top @unnumbered Author Index @printindex au The `@defcodeindex' is like the `@defindex' command, except that, in the printed output, it prints entries in an `@code' font instead of a roman font. Thus, it parallels the `@findex' command rather than the `@cindex' command. You should define new indices within or right after the end-of-header line of a Texinfo file, before any `@synindex' or `@syncodeindex' commands (*note Header::.).  File: texinfo, Node: Insertions, Next: Glyphs, Prev: Indices, Up: Top Special Insertions ****************** Texinfo provides several commands for formatting dimensions, for inserting single characters that have special meaning in Texinfo, such as braces, and for inserting special graphic symbols that do not correspond to characters, such as dots and bullets. * Menu: * Braces Atsigns:: How to insert braces, `@'. * Inserting Space:: How to insert the right amount of space within a sentence. * Inserting Accents:: How to insert accents and special characters. * Dots Bullets:: How to insert dots and bullets. * TeX and copyright:: How to insert the TeX logo and the copyright symbol. * pounds:: How to insert the pounds currency symbol. * minus:: How to insert a minus sign. * math:: How to format a mathematical expression.  File: texinfo, Node: Braces Atsigns, Next: Inserting Space, Prev: Insertions, Up: Insertions Inserting @ and Braces ====================== `@' and curly braces are special characters in Texinfo. To insert these characters so they appear in text, you must put an `@' in front of these characters to prevent Texinfo from misinterpreting them. Do not put braces after any of these commands; they are not necessary. * Menu: * Inserting An Atsign:: How to insert `@'. * Inserting Braces:: How to insert `{' and `}'.  File: texinfo, Node: Inserting An Atsign, Next: Inserting Braces, Prev: Braces Atsigns, Up: Braces Atsigns Inserting `@' with @@ --------------------- `@@' stands for a single `@' in either printed or Info output. Do not put braces after an `@@' command.  File: texinfo, Node: Inserting Braces, Prev: Inserting An Atsign, Up: Braces Atsigns Inserting `{' and `}'with @{ and @} ----------------------------------- `@{' stands for a single `{' in either printed or Info output. `@}' stands for a single `}' in either printed or Info output. Do not put braces after either an `@{' or an `@}' command.  File: texinfo, Node: Inserting Space, Next: Inserting Accents, Prev: Braces Atsigns, Up: Insertions Inserting Space =============== The following sections describe commands that control spacing of various kinds within and after sentences. * Menu: * Not Ending a Sentence:: Sometimes a . doesn't end a sentence. * Ending a Sentence:: Sometimes it does. * Multiple Spaces:: Inserting multiple spaces. * dmn:: How to format a dimension.  File: texinfo, Node: Not Ending a Sentence, Next: Ending a Sentence, Prev: Inserting Space, Up: Inserting Space Not Ending a Sentence --------------------- Depending on whether a period or exclamation point or question mark is inside or at the end of a sentence, less or more space is inserted after a period in a typeset manual. Since it is not always possible for Texinfo to determine when a period ends a sentence and when it is used in an abbreviation, special commands are needed in some circumstances. (Usually, Texinfo can guess how to handle periods, so you do not need to use the special commands; you just enter a period as you would if you were using a typewriter, which means you put two spaces after the period, question mark, or exclamation mark that ends a sentence.) Use the `@:' command after a period, question mark, exclamation mark, or colon that should not be followed by extra space. For example, use `@:' after periods that end abbreviations which are not at the ends of sentences. `@:' has no effect on the Info file output. For example, The s.o.p.@: has three parts ... The s.o.p. has three parts ... produces The s.o.p. has three parts ... The s.o.p. has three parts ... `@:' has no effect on the Info output. (`s.o.p.' is an abbreviation for "Standard Operating Procedure".) Do not put braces after `@:'.  File: texinfo, Node: Ending a Sentence, Next: Multiple Spaces, Prev: Not Ending a Sentence, Up: Inserting Space Ending a Sentence ----------------- Use `@.' instead of a period, `@!' instead of an exclamation point, and `@?' instead of a question mark at the end of a sentence that ends with a single capital letter. Otherwise, TeX will think the letter is an abbreviation and will not insert the correct end-of-sentence spacing. Here is an example: Give it to M.I.B. and to M.E.W@. Also, give it to R.J.C@. Give it to M.I.B. and to M.E.W. Also, give it to R.J.C. produces Give it to M.I.B. and to M.E.W. Also, give it to R.J.C. Give it to M.I.B. and to M.E.W. Also, give it to R.J.C. In the Info file output, `@.' is equivalent to a simple `.'; likewise for `@!' and `@?'. The meanings of `@:' and `@.' in Texinfo are designed to work well with the Emacs sentence motion commands (*note Sentences: (emacs)Sentences.). This made it necessary for them to be incompatible with some other formatting systems that use @-commands. Do not put braces after any of these commands.  File: texinfo, Node: Multiple Spaces, Next: dmn, Prev: Ending a Sentence, Up: Inserting Space Multiple Spaces --------------- Ordinarily, TeX collapses multiple whitespace characters (space, tab, and newline) into a single space. (Info output, on the other hand, preserves whitespace as you type it, except for changing a newline into a space; this is why it is important to put two spaces at the end of sentences in Texinfo documents.) Occasionally, you may want to actually insert several consecutive spaces, either for purposes of example (what your program does with multiple spaces as input), or merely for purposes of appearance in headings or lists. Texinfo supports three commands: `@ ', `@TAB', and `@NL', all of which insert a single space into the output. (Here, `TAB' and `NL' represent the tab character and end-of-line, i.e., when `@' is the last character on a line.) For example, Spacey@ @ @ @ example. produces Spacey example. Other possible uses of `@ ' have been subsumed by `@multitable' (*note Multi-column Tables::.). Do not follow any of these commands with braces.  File: texinfo, Node: dmn, Prev: Multiple Spaces, Up: Inserting Space `@dmn'{DIMENSION}: Format a Dimension ------------------------------------- At times, you may want to write `12pt' or `8.5in' with little or no space between the number and the abbreviation for the dimension. You can use the `@dmn' command to do this. On seeing the command, TeX inserts just enough space for proper typesetting; the Info formatting commands insert no space at all, since the Info file does not require it. To use the `@dmn' command, write the number and then follow it immediately, with no intervening space, by `@dmn', and then by the dimension within braces. For example, A4 paper is 8.27@dmn{in} wide. produces A4 paper is 8.27in wide. Not everyone uses this style. Instead of writing `8.27@dmn{in}' in the Texinfo file, you may write `8.27 in.' or `8.27 inches'. (In these cases, the formatters may insert a line break between the number and the dimension. Also, if you write a period after an abbreviation within a sentence, you should write `@:' after the period to prevent TeX from inserting extra whitespace. *Note Inserting Space::.  File: texinfo, Node: Inserting Accents, Next: Dots Bullets, Prev: Inserting Space, Up: Insertions Inserting Accents ================= Here is a table with the commands Texinfo provides for inserting floating accents. The commands with non-alphabetic names do not take braces around their argument (which is taken to be the next character). (Exception: `@,' *does* take braces around its argument.) This is so as to make the source as convenient to type and read as possible, since accented characters are very common in some languages. Command Output What @"o "o umlaut accent @'o 'o acute accent @,{c} c, cedilla accent @=o =o macron/overbar accent @^o ^o circumflex accent @`o `o grave accent @~o ~o tilde accent @dotaccent{o} .o overdot accent @H{o} ''o long Hungarian umlaut @ringaccent{o} *o ring accent @tieaccent{oo} [oo tie-after accent @u{o} (o breve accent @ubaraccent{o} o_ underbar accent @udotaccent{o} o-. underdot accent @v{o} ' or `==>'. Likewise, there are commands to insert glyphs to indicate printed output, error messages, equivalence of expressions, and the location of point. The glyph-insertion commands do not need to be used within an example, but most often they are. Every glyph-insertion command is followed by a pair of left- and right-hand braces. * Menu: * Glyphs Summary:: * result:: How to show the result of expression. * expansion:: How to indicate an expansion. * Print Glyph:: How to indicate printed output. * Error Glyph:: How to indicate an error message. * Equivalence:: How to indicate equivalence. * Point Glyph:: How to indicate the location of point.  File: texinfo, Node: Glyphs Summary, Next: result, Prev: Glyphs, Up: Glyphs Glyphs Summary ============== Here are the different glyph commands: => `@result{}' points to the result of an expression. ==> `@expansion{}' shows the results of a macro expansion. -| `@print{}' indicates printed output. error--> `@error{}' indicates that the following text is an error message. == `@equiv{}' indicates the exact equivalence of two forms. -!- `@point{}' shows the location of point.  File: texinfo, Node: result, Next: expansion, Prev: Glyphs Summary, Up: Glyphs =>: Indicating Evaluation ========================= Use the `@result{}' command to indicate the result of evaluating an expression. The `@result{}' command is displayed as `=>' in Info and as a double stemmed arrow in the printed output. Thus, the following, (cdr '(1 2 3)) => (2 3) may be read as "`(cdr '(1 2 3))' evaluates to `(2 3)'".  File: texinfo, Node: expansion, Next: Print Glyph, Prev: result, Up: Glyphs ==>: Indicating an Expansion ============================ When an expression is a macro call, it expands into a new expression. You can indicate the result of the expansion with the `@expansion{}' command. The `@expansion{}' command is displayed as `==>' in Info and as a long arrow with a flat base in the printed output. For example, the following @lisp (third '(a b c)) @expansion{} (car (cdr (cdr '(a b c)))) @result{} c @end lisp produces (third '(a b c)) ==> (car (cdr (cdr '(a b c)))) => c which may be read as: `(third '(a b c))' expands to `(car (cdr (cdr '(a b c))))'; the result of evaluating the expression is `c'. Often, as in this case, an example looks better if the `@expansion{}' and `@result{}' commands are indented five spaces.  File: texinfo, Node: Print Glyph, Next: Error Glyph, Prev: expansion, Up: Glyphs -|: Indicating Printed Output ============================= Sometimes an expression will print output during its execution. You can indicate the printed output with the `@print{}' command. The `@print{}' command is displayed as `-|' in Info and similarly, as a horizontal dash butting against a vertical bar, in the printed output. In the following example, the printed text is indicated with `-|', and the value of the expression follows on the last line. (progn (print 'foo) (print 'bar)) -| foo -| bar => bar In a Texinfo source file, this example is written as follows: @lisp (progn (print 'foo) (print 'bar)) @print{} foo @print{} bar @result{} bar @end lisp  File: texinfo, Node: Error Glyph, Next: Equivalence, Prev: Print Glyph, Up: Glyphs error-->: Indicating an Error Message ===================================== A piece of code may cause an error when you evaluate it. You can designate the error message with the `@error{}' command. The `@error{}' command is displayed as `error-->' in Info and as the word `error' in a box in the printed output. Thus, @lisp (+ 23 'x) @error{} Wrong type argument: integer-or-marker-p, x @end lisp produces (+ 23 'x) error--> Wrong type argument: integer-or-marker-p, x This indicates that the following error message is printed when you evaluate the expression: Wrong type argument: integer-or-marker-p, x Note that `error-->' itself is not part of the error message.  File: texinfo, Node: Equivalence, Next: Point Glyph, Prev: Error Glyph, Up: Glyphs ==: Indicating Equivalence ========================== Sometimes two expressions produce identical results. You can indicate the exact equivalence of two forms with the `@equiv{}' command. The `@equiv{}' command is displayed as `==' in Info and as a three parallel horizontal lines in the printed output. Thus, @lisp (make-sparse-keymap) @equiv{} (list 'keymap) @end lisp produces (make-sparse-keymap) == (list 'keymap) This indicates that evaluating `(make-sparse-keymap)' produces identical results to evaluating `(list 'keymap)'.  File: texinfo, Node: Point Glyph, Prev: Equivalence, Up: Glyphs Indicating Point in a Buffer ============================ Sometimes you need to show an example of text in an Emacs buffer. In such examples, the convention is to include the entire contents of the buffer in question between two lines of dashes containing the buffer name. You can use the `@point{}' command to show the location of point in the text in the buffer. (The symbol for point, of course, is not part of the text in the buffer; it indicates the place *between* two characters where point is located.) The `@point{}' command is displayed as `-!-' in Info and as a small five pointed star in the printed output. The following example shows the contents of buffer `foo' before and after evaluating a Lisp command to insert the word `changed'. ---------- Buffer: foo ---------- This is the -!-contents of foo. ---------- Buffer: foo ---------- (insert "changed ") => nil ---------- Buffer: foo ---------- This is the changed -!-contents of foo. ---------- Buffer: foo ---------- In a Texinfo source file, the example is written like this: @example ---------- Buffer: foo ---------- This is the @point{}contents of foo. ---------- Buffer: foo ---------- (insert "changed ") @result{} nil ---------- Buffer: foo ---------- This is the changed @point{}contents of foo. ---------- Buffer: foo ---------- @end example  File: texinfo, Node: Breaks, Next: Definition Commands, Prev: Glyphs, Up: Top Making and Preventing Breaks **************************** Usually, a Texinfo file is processed both by TeX and by one of the Info formatting commands. Line, paragraph, or page breaks sometimes occur in the `wrong' place in one or other form of output. You must ensure that text looks right both in the printed manual and in the Info file. For example, in a printed manual, page breaks may occur awkwardly in the middle of an example; to prevent this, you can hold text together using a grouping command that keeps the text from being split across two pages. Conversely, you may want to force a page break where none would occur normally. Fortunately, problems like these do not often arise. When they do, use the break, break prevention, or pagination commands. * Menu: * Break Commands:: Cause and prevent splits. * Line Breaks:: How to force a single line to use two lines. * - and hyphenation:: How to tell TeX about hyphenation points. * w:: How to prevent unwanted line breaks. * sp:: How to insert blank lines. * page:: How to force the start of a new page. * group:: How to prevent unwanted page breaks. * need:: Another way to prevent unwanted page breaks.  File: texinfo, Node: Break Commands, Next: Line Breaks, Prev: Breaks, Up: Breaks The Break Commands ================== The break commands create or allow line and paragraph breaks: `@*' Force a line break. `@sp N' Skip N blank lines. `@-' Insert a discretionary hyphen. `@hyphenation{HY-PHEN-A-TED WORDS}' Define hyphen points in HY-PHEN-A-TED WORDS. The line-break-prevention command holds text together all on one line: `@w{TEXT}' Prevent TEXT from being split and hyphenated across two lines. The pagination commands apply only to printed output, since Info files do not have pages. `@page' Start a new page in the printed manual. `@group' Hold text together that must appear on one printed page. `@need MILS' Start a new printed page if not enough space on this one.  File: texinfo, Node: Line Breaks, Next: - and hyphenation, Prev: Break Commands, Up: Breaks `@*': Generate Line Breaks ========================== The `@*' command forces a line break in both the printed manual and in Info. For example, This line @* is broken @*in two places. produces This line is broken in two places. (Note that the space after the first `@*' command is faithfully carried down to the next line.) The `@*' command is often used in a file's copyright page: This is edition 2.0 of the Texinfo documentation,@* and is for ... In this case, the `@*' command keeps TeX from stretching the line across the whole page in an ugly manner. *Please note:* Do not write braces after an `@*' command; they are not needed. Do not write an `@refill' command at the end of a paragraph containing an `@*' command; it will cause the paragraph to be refilled after the line break occurs, negating the effect of the line break.  File: texinfo, Node: - and hyphenation, Next: w, Prev: Line Breaks, Up: Breaks `@-' and `@hyphenation': Helping TeX hyphenate ============================================== Although TeX's hyphenation algorithm is generally pretty good, it does miss useful hyphenation points from time to time. (Or, far more rarely, insert an incorrect hyphenation.) So, for documents with an unusual vocabulary or when fine-tuning for a printed edition, you may wish to help TeX out. Texinfo supports two commands for this: `@-' Insert a discretionary hyphen, i.e., a place where TeX can (but does not have to) hyphenate. This is especially useful when you notice an overfull hbox is due to TeX missing a hyphenation (*note Overfull hboxes::.). TeX will not insert any hyphenation points in a word containing `@-'. `@hyphenation{HY-PHEN-A-TED WORDS}' Tell TeX how to hyphenate HY-PHEN-A-TED WORDS. As shown, you put a `-' at each hyphenation point. For example: @hyphenation{man-u-script man-u-scripts} TeX only uses the specified hyphenation points when the words match exactly, so give all necessary variants. Info output is not hyphenated, so these commands have no effect there.  File: texinfo, Node: w, Next: sp, Prev: - and hyphenation, Up: Breaks `@w'{TEXT}: Prevent Line Breaks =============================== `@w{TEXT}' outputs TEXT and prohibits line breaks within TEXT. You can use the `@w' command to prevent TeX from automatically hyphenating a long name or phrase that accidentally falls near the end of a line. You can copy GNU software from @w{@file{}}. produces You can copy GNU software from `'. *Caution:* Do not write an `@refill' command at the end of a paragraph containing an `@w' command; it will cause the paragraph to be refilled and may thereby negate the effect of the `@w' command.  File: texinfo, Node: sp, Next: page, Prev: w, Up: Breaks `@sp' N: Insert Blank Lines =========================== A line beginning with and containing only `@sp N' generates N blank lines of space in both the printed manual and the Info file. `@sp' also forces a paragraph break. For example, @sp 2 generates two blank lines. The `@sp' command is most often used in the title page.  File: texinfo, Node: page, Next: group, Prev: sp, Up: Breaks `@page': Start a New Page ========================= A line containing only `@page' starts a new page in a printed manual. The command has no effect on Info files since they are not paginated. An `@page' command is often used in the `@titlepage' section of a Texinfo file to start the copyright page.  File: texinfo, Node: group, Next: need, Prev: page, Up: Breaks `@group': Prevent Page Breaks ============================= The `@group' command (on a line by itself) is used inside an `@example' or similar construct to begin an unsplittable vertical group, which will appear entirely on one page in the printed output. The group is terminated by a line containing only `@end group'. These two lines produce no output of their own, and in the Info file output they have no effect at all. Although `@group' would make sense conceptually in a wide variety of contexts, its current implementation works reliably only within `@example' and variants, and within `@display', `@format', `@flushleft' and `@flushright'. *Note Quotations and Examples::. (What all these commands have in common is that each line of input produces a line of output.) In other contexts, `@group' can cause anomalous vertical spacing. This formatting requirement means that you should write: @example @group ... @end group @end example with the `@group' and `@end group' commands inside the `@example' and `@end example' commands. The `@group' command is most often used to hold an example together on one page. In this Texinfo manual, more than 100 examples contain text that is enclosed between `@group' and `@end group'. If you forget to end a group, you may get strange and unfathomable error messages when you run TeX. This is because TeX keeps trying to put the rest of the Texinfo file onto the one page and does not start to generate error messages until it has processed considerable text. It is a good rule of thumb to look for a missing `@end group' if you get incomprehensible error messages in TeX.  File: texinfo, Node: need, Prev: group, Up: Breaks `@need MILS': Prevent Page Breaks ================================= A line containing only `@need N' starts a new page in a printed manual if fewer than N mils (thousandths of an inch) remain on the current page. Do not use braces around the argument N. The `@need' command has no effect on Info files since they are not paginated. This paragraph is preceded by an `@need' command that tells TeX to start a new page if fewer than 800 mils (eight-tenths inch) remain on the page. It looks like this: @need 800 This paragraph is preceded by ... The `@need' command is useful for preventing orphans (single lines at the bottoms of printed pages).  File: texinfo, Node: Definition Commands, Next: Footnotes, Prev: Breaks, Up: Top Definition Commands ******************* The `@deffn' command and the other "definition commands" enable you to describe functions, variables, macros, commands, user options, special forms and other such artifacts in a uniform format. In the Info file, a definition causes the entity category--`Function', `Variable', or whatever--to appear at the beginning of the first line of the definition, followed by the entity's name and arguments. In the printed manual, the command causes TeX to print the entity's name and its arguments on the left margin and print the category next to the right margin. In both output formats, the body of the definition is indented. Also, the name of the entity is entered into the appropriate index: `@deffn' enters the name into the index of functions, `@defvr' enters it into the index of variables, and so on. A manual need not and should not contain more than one definition for a given name. An appendix containing a summary should use `@table' rather than the definition commands. * Menu: * Def Cmd Template:: How to structure a description using a definition command. * Optional Arguments:: How to handle optional and repeated arguments. * deffnx:: How to group two or more `first' lines. * Def Cmds in Detail:: All the definition commands. * Def Cmd Conventions:: Conventions for writing definitions. * Sample Function Definition::