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This dictionary was derived from the
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary
Version published 1913
by the C. & G. Merriam Co.
Springfield, Mass.
Under the direction of
Noah Porter, D.D., LL.D.
and from
WordNet, a semantic network created by
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of Princeton University
under the direction of
Prof. George Miller
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Last edit January 17, 2002.
<-- p. 1560 pr=PI -->
U(, the twenty-first letter of the English alphabet, is a cursive form of the letter V, with which it was formerly used interchangeably, both letters being then used both as vowels and consonants. U and V are now, however, differentiated, U being used only as a vowel or semivowel, and V only as a consonant. The true primary vowel sound of U, in Anglo-Saxon, was the sound which it still retains in most of the languages of Europe, that of long oo, as in tool, and short oo, as in wood, answering to the French ou in tour. Etymologically U is most closely related to o, y (vowel), w, and v; as in two, duet, dyad, twice; top, tuft; sop, sup; auspice, aviary. See V, also O and Y. 1913 Webster]
See Guide to Pronunciation, 1913 Webster]
Ua*ka"ri(?), n.(Zo\'94l.)Same as Ouakari. 1913 Webster]
U"ber*ous(?), a.[L. uber.]Fruitful; copious; abundant; plentiful. [Obs.] Sir T. Herbert. 1913 Webster]
{ U`bi*ca"tion(?), U*bi"e*ty(?), }n.[NL. ubicatio, ubietas, fr. L. ubi where.]The quality or state of being in a place; local relation; position or location; whereness. [R.] Glanvill. 1913 Webster]
{ U"bi*quist(?), U*biq`ui*ta"ri*an(?), }n.[L. ubique everywhere: cf. F. ubiquiste, ubiquitaire. See Ubiquity.](Eccl. Hist.)One of a school of Lutheran divines which held that the body of Christ is present everywhere, and especially in the eucharist, in virtue of his omnipresence. Called also ubiquitist, and ubiquitary. 1913 Webster]
U*biq"ui*ta*ri*ness(, n.Quality or state of being ubiquitary, or ubiquitous. [R.] Fuller. 1913 Webster]
U*biq"ui*ta*ry(, a.[L. ubique everywhere. See Ubiquitarian.]Ubiquitous.Howell. 1913 Webster]
U*biq"ui*ta*ry, n.; pl.Ubiquitaries(/).1.One who exists everywhere.B. Jonson. 1913 Webster]
2.(Eccl. Hist.)A ubiquist.Bp. Hall. 1913 Webster]
U*biq"ui*tist(, n.Same as Ubiquist. 1913 Webster]
U*biq"ui*tous(, a.[See Ubiquity.]Existing or being everywhere, or in all places, at the same time; omnipresent. -- U*biq"ui*tous*ly, adv. 1913 Webster]
In this sense is he ubiquitous.R. D. Hitchcock. 1913 Webster]
U*biq"ui*ty(, n.[L. ubique everywhere, fr. ubi where, perhaps for cubi, quobi (cf. alicubi anywhere), and if so akin to E. who: cf. F. ubiquit\'82.]1.Existence everywhere, or in all places, at the same time; omnipresence; as, the ubiquity of God is not disputed by those who admit his existence. 1913 Webster]
The arms of Rome . . . were impeded by . . . the wide spaces to be traversed and the ubiquity of the enemy.C. Merivale. 1913 Webster]
2.(Theol.)The doctrine, as formulated by Luther, that Christ's glorified body is omnipresent. 1913 Webster]
U"chees(?), n. pl.(Ethnol.)A tribe of North American Indians belonging to the Creek confederation. 1913 Webster]
Uck`e*wal"list(?), prop. n.(Eccl. Hist.)One of a sect of rigid Anabaptists, which originated in 1637, and whose tenets were essentially the same as those of the Mennonists. In addition, however, they held that Judas and the murderers of Christ were saved. So called from the founder of the sect, Ucke Wallis, a native of Friesland.Eadie. 1913 Webster]
U"dal(, n. & a.U"dal*born`, U"dal*er, U"dal*man, etc.[Icel. allodium, an hereditary estate; akin to Sw. odal allodial, Dan. odel.]Vars. of Odal, etc.; property held by udal, or allodial, right -- Obs. exc. in Shetland and the Orkney Islands, where udal designates a freehold, land held in fee simple without any charter and free of any feudal character. Webster 1913 Suppl.]
U"dal, a.Allodial; -- a term used in Finland, Shetland, and Orkney. See Allodial.Burrill. 1913 Webster]
{ U"dal*er(?), U"dal*man(?), }n.In the Shetland and Orkney Islands, one who holds property by udal, or allodial, right.Sir W. Scott. 1913 Webster]
Ud"der(?), n.[OE. uddir, AS. \'d4der; akin to D. uijer, G. euter, OHG. \'d4tar, \'d4tiro, Icel. j\'d4gr, Sw. jufver, jur, Dan. yver, L. uber, Gr. o"y^qar, Skr. \'d4dhar. \'fb216. Cf. Exuberant.]1.(Anat.)The glandular organ in which milk is secreted and stored; -- popularly called the bag in cows and other quadrupeds. See Mamma. 1913 Webster]
A lioness, with udders all drawn dry.Shak. 1913 Webster]
2.One of the breasts of a woman. [R.] 1913 Webster]
Yon Juno of majestic size, udders, and with oxlike eyes.Pope. 1913 Webster]
Ud"dered(?), a.Having an udder or udders. 1913 Webster]
Ud"der*less, a.1.Destitute or deprived of an udder. 1913 Webster]
Ugh(, interj.An exclamation expressive of disgust, horror, or recoil. Its utterance is usually accompanied by a shudder. 1913 Webster]
Ug"le*some(, a.[Ugly.]Ugly. [Obs.] \'bdSuch an uglesome countenance.\'b8 Latimer. 1913 Webster]
Ug"li*fy(?), v. t.[Ugly + -fy.]To disfigure; to make ugly. [R.] Mad. D'Arblay. 1913 Webster]
Ug"li*ly, adv.In an ugly manner; with deformity. 1913 Webster]
Ug"li*ness, n.The quality or state of being ugly. 1913 Webster]
Ug"ly(?), a.[Compar.Uglier(?); superl.Ugliest.][Icel. uggligr fearful, dreadful; uggr fear (akin to ugga to fear) + -ligr (akin to E. -ly, like). //. Cf. Awe.]1.Offensive to the sight; contrary to beauty; being of disagreeable or loathsome aspect; unsightly; repulsive; deformed. 1913 Webster]
The ugly view of his deformed crimes.Spenser. 1913 Webster]
Like the toad, ugly and venomous.Shak. 1913 Webster]
O, I have passed a miserable night, ugly sights, of ghastly dreams.Shak. 1913 Webster]
2.Ill-natured; crossgrained; quarrelsome; as, an ugly temper; to feel ugly. [Colloq. U. S.] 1913 Webster]
3.Unpleasant; disagreeable; likely to cause trouble or loss; as, an ugly rumor; an ugly customer. [Colloq.] 1913 Webster]
Ug"ly(?), n.A shade for the face, projecting from the bonnet. [Colloq. Eng.] C. Kingsley. 1913 Webster]
Ug"ly, v. t.To make ugly. [R.] Richardson. 1913 Webster]
U"gri*an(?), n. pl.(Ethnol.)A Mongolian race, ancestors of the Finns.[Written also Uigrian.] 1913 Webster]
Ug"some(?), a.[//. See Ugly.]Ugly; offensive; loathsome. [Obs.] -- Ug"some*ness, n. [Obs.] \'bdThe horror and ugsomeness of death.\'b8 Latimer. 1913 Webster]
Uh"lan(?), n.[G. uhlan, Pol. ulan, hulan, from Turk. ogl\'ben a youth, lad; of Tartar origin.][Written also ulan, and formerly hulan.]1.One of a certain description of militia among the Tartars. 1913 Webster]
2.(Mil.)One of a kind of light cavalry of Tartaric origin, first introduced into European armies in Poland. They are armed with lances, pistols, and sabers, and are employed chiefly as skirmishers. 1913 Webster]
\'d8U*in`ta*the"ri*um(?), n.[NL., fr. Uinta, the Indian name of the region where the animals were discovered + Gr. qhri`on beast.](Paleon.)An extinct genus of large Eocene ungulates allied to Dinoceras. This name is sometimes used for nearly all the known species of the group. See Dinoceras. 1913 Webster]
U*kase"(?), n.[F., fr. Russ. ukas'; pref. u- + kazate to show, to say.]1.In Russia, a published proclamation or imperial order, having the force of law. 1913 Webster]
2.an order or edict by someone holding absolute authority. PJC]
U"lan(?), n.See Uhlan. 1913 Webster]
U*lar"bu*rong(?), n.[From the native Malay name.](Zo\'94l.)A large East Indian nocturnal tree snake (Dipsas dendrophila). It is not venomous. 1913 Webster]
Ul"cer(?), n.[F. ulc\'8are, L. ulcus, gen. ulceris, akin to Gr. /.]1.(Med.)A solution of continuity in any of the soft parts of the body, discharging purulent matter, found on a surface, especially one of the natural surfaces of the body, and originating generally in a constitutional disorder; a sore discharging pus. It is distinguished from an abscess, which has its beginning, at least, in the depth of the tissues. 1913 Webster]
2.Fig.: Anything that festers and corrupts like an open sore; a vice in character. 1913 Webster]
Cold ulcer(Med.), an ulcer on a finger or toe, due to deficient circulation and nutrition. In such cases the extremities are cold. 1913 Webster]
Ul"cer, v. t.To ulcerate. [R.] Fuller. 1913 Webster]
Ul"cer*a*ble(?), a.Capable of ulcerating. 1913 Webster]
Ul"cer*ate(?), v. i.[imp. & p. p.Ulcerated(?); p. pr. & vb. n.Ulcerating.][L. ulceratus, p. p. of ulcerare, fr. ulcus ulcer.]To be formed into an ulcer; to become ulcerous. 1913 Webster]
Ul"cer*ate, v. t.To affect with, or as with, an ulcer or ulcers.Harvey. 1913 Webster]
Ul"cer*a`ted(?), a.Affected with, or as with, an ulcer or ulcers; as, an ulcerated sore throat. 1913 Webster]
Ul`cer*a"tion(?), n.[L. ulceratio: cf. F. ulc\'82ration.](Med.)The process of forming an ulcer, or of becoming ulcerous; the state of being ulcerated; also, an ulcer. 1913 Webster]
Ul"cer*a*tive(?), a.Of or pertaining to ulcers; as, an ulcerative process. 1913 Webster]
Ul"cered(?), a.Ulcerous; ulcerated. 1913 Webster]
Ul"cer*ous(?), a.[L. ulcerosus: cf. F. ulc\'82reux.]1.Having the nature or character of an ulcer; discharging purulent or other matter.R. Browning. 1913 Webster]
2.Affected with an ulcer or ulcers; ulcerated. 1913 Webster]
It will but skin and film the ulcerous place.Shak. 1913 Webster]
-- Ul"cer*ous*ly, adv. -- Ul"cer*ous*ness, n. 1913 Webster]
{ Ul"cus*cle(?), Ul*cus"cule(?), }n.[L. ulcusculum, dim. of ulcus. See Ulcer.]A little ulcer. [R.] 1913 Webster]
U"le(, n.[Sp.](Bot.)A Mexican and Central American tree (Castilloa elastica and Castilloa Markhamiana) related to the breadfruit tree. Its milky juice contains caoutchouc. Called also ule tree. 1913 Webster]
\'d8U`le*ma"(?), n.[Turk. & Ar. 'ulam\'be the wise or learned men, pl. of '\'belim wise, learned, fr. alima to know.](Islam)A college or body composed of the hierarchy (the imams, or ministers of religion, the muftis, or doctors of law, and the cadis, or administrators of justice). That of Turkey alone now has political power; its head is the sheik ul Islam.This definition was written ca. 1900. The government of Turkey in 1998 is exclusively secular, whereas Iran in 2001 is dominated by Moslem clergy. Webster 1913 Suppl. +PJC]
U"lex*ite(?), n.[After a German chemist.](Min.)A mineral occurring in white rounded crystalline masses. It is a hydrous borate of lime and soda. 1913 Webster]
{ U*lig"i*nose`(?), U*lig"i*nous(?), }a.[L. uliginosus, fr. uligo, -inis, moisture, fr. uvere to be moist.]Muddy; oozy; slimy; also, growing in muddy places. [R.] Woodward. 1913 Webster]
ul"lage(, n.[OF. eullage, ouillage, the filling up of a cask, fr. ouillier, oillier, euillier, to fill a wine cask; properly, to add oil to prevent evaporation, as to a flask that is nearly full, fr. OF. oile oil. See Oil.](Com.)The amount which a vessel, as a cask, of liquor lacks of being full; wantage; deficiency. 1913 Webster]
ul"let(, n.[Cf. OF. hullote, E. howlet.](Zo\'94l.)A European owl (Syrnium aluco) of a tawny color; -- called also uluia. 1913 Webster]
Ull"mann*ite(?), n.[So named after J. C. Ullman, a German chemist.](Min.)A brittle mineral of a steel-gray color and metallic luster, containing antimony, arsenic, sulphur, and nickel. 1913 Webster]
Ul*lu"co(?), n.(Bot.)See Melluc/o. 1913 Webster]
Ul*ma"ceous(?), a.[L. ulmus an elm.](Bot.)Of or pertaining to a suborder of urticaceous plants, of which the elm is the type. 1913 Webster]
Ul"mate(?), n.(Chem.)A salt of ulmic acid. 1913 Webster]
Ul"mic(?), a.[L. ulmus an elm: cf. F. ulmique.](Chem.)Pertaining to ulmin; designating an acid obtained from ulmin. 1913 Webster]
Ul"min(?), n.[L. ulmus an elm: cf. F. ulmine.](Chem.)A brown amorphous substance found in decaying vegetation. Cf. Humin.[Formerly written ulmine.] 1913 Webster]
\'d8Ul"mus(?), n.[L., an elm.](Bot.)A genus of trees including the elm. 1913 Webster]
\'d8Ul"na(, n.[L., the elbow. See Ell.]1.(Anat.)The postaxial bone of the forearm, or brachium, corresponding to the fibula of the hind limb. See Radius. 1913 Webster]
2.(O. Eng. Law)An ell; also, a yard.Burrill. 1913 Webster]
Ul"nage(?), n.[See Ulna, and cf. Alnage.](Old Eng. Law)Measurement by the ell; alnage. 1913 Webster]
Ul"nar(?), a.(Anat.)Of or pertaining to the ulna, or the elbow; as, the ulnar nerve. 1913 Webster]
\'d8Ul*na"re(?), n.; pl.Ulnaria(#).[NL. See Ulna.](Anat.)One of the bones or cartilages of the carpus, which articulates with the ulna and corresponds to the cuneiform in man. 1913 Webster]
\'d8U`lo*den"dron(?), n.[NL., fr. Gr. /, for / whole + / tree.](Paleon.)A genus of fossil trees. 1913 Webster]
U"loid(?), a.[Written also ouloid.][Gr. / scar + -oid.](Med.)Resembling a scar; scarlike. Webster 1913 Suppl.]
\'d8U`lo*na"ta(?), n. pl.[NL.](Zo\'94l.)A division of insects nearly equivalent to the true Orthoptera. 1913 Webster]
U*lot"ri*chan(?), a.(Anthropol.)Of or pertaining to the Ulotrichi. -- n.One of the Ulotrichi. 1913 Webster]
\'d8U*lot"ri*chi(?), n. pl.[NL., fr. Gr. /, /, woolly-haired; / woolly + /, /, hair.](Anthropol.)The division of mankind which embraces the races having woolly or crispy hair. Cf. Leiotrichi. 1913 Webster]
U*lot"ri*chous(?), a.(Anthropol.)Having woolly or crispy hair; -- opposed to leiotrichous. 1913 Webster]
Ul"ster(?), n.A long, loose overcoat, worn by men and women, originally made of frieze from Ulster, Ireland. 1913 Webster]
Ul*te"ri*or(?), a.[L., comp. of ultra, ultro, beyond, on the other side, properly cases of an old adjective, formed with a comparative suffix, which is akin to OL. uls beyond, L. olim formerly, hereafter, orig., at that time, ille that, OL. olle, ollus. Cf. Outrage.]1.Situated beyond, or on the farther side; thither; -- correlative with hither. 1913 Webster]
2.Further; remoter; more distant; succeeding; as, ulterior demands or propositions; ulterior views; what ulterior measures will be adopted is uncertain. 1913 Webster]
Ulterior motive,
Ulterior objector
Ulterior aim, a motive, object or aim beyond that which is avowed. 1913 Webster]
Ul*te"ri*or, n.Ulterior side or part. [R.] Coleridge. 1913 Webster]
Ul*te"ri*or*ly, adv.More distantly or remotely. 1913 Webster]
\'d8Ul"ti*ma(, a.[L., fem. of ultimus last.]Most remote; furthest; final; last. 1913 Webster]
Ultima ratio[L.], the last reason or argument; the last resort. --
Ultima Thule. [L.]See Thule. 1913 Webster]
Ul"ti*ma, n.[L., fem. of ultimus last.](Gram. & Pros.)The last syllable of a word. 1913 Webster]
Ul"ti*mate(?), a.[LL. ultimatus last, extreme, fr. L. ultimare to come to an end, fr. ultimus the farthest, last, superl. from the same source as ulterior. See Ulterior, and cf. Ultimatum.]1.Farthest; most remote in space or time; extreme; last; final. 1913 Webster]
My harbor, and my ultimate repose.Milton. 1913 Webster]
Many actions apt to procure fame are not conductive to this our ultimate happiness.Addison. 1913 Webster]
2.Last in a train of progression or consequences; tended toward by all that precedes; arrived at, as the last result; final. 1913 Webster]
Those ultimate truths and those universal laws of thought which we can not rationally contradict.Coleridge. 1913 Webster]
3.Incapable of further analysis; incapable of further division or separation; constituent; elemental; as, an ultimate particle; an ultimate constituent of matter. 1913 Webster]
Ultimate analysis(Chem.), organic analysis. See under Organic. --
Ultimate belief. See under Belief. --
Ultimate ratio(Math.), the limiting value of a ratio, or that toward which a series tends, and which it does not pass. 1913 Webster]
Syn. -- Final; conclusive. See Final. 1913 Webster]
Ul"ti*mate(?), v. t. & i.[imp. & p. p.Ultimated(?); p. pr. & vb. n.Ultimating.]1.To come or bring to an end or issue; to eventuate; to end. [R.] 1913 Webster]
2.To come or bring into use or practice. [R.] 1913 Webster]
Ul"ti*mate*ly(?), adv.As a final consequence; at last; in the end; as, afflictions often tend to correct immoral habits, and ultimately prove blessings. 1913 Webster]
Ul`ti*ma"tion(, n.State of being ultimate; that which is ultimate, or final; ultimatum. [R.] Swift. 1913 Webster]
Ul`ti*ma"tum(, n.; pl. E. Ultimatums(, L. Ultimata(#).[NL. See Ultimate.]1.A final proposition, concession, or condition; especially, the final propositions, conditions, or terms, offered by either of the parties in a diplomatic negotiation; the most favorable terms that a negotiator can offer, the rejection of which usually puts an end to the hesitation. 1913 Webster]
2.A final demand, the rejection of which may lead to a resort to force or other compelling action by the party presenting the ultimatum. In international diplomacy, an ultimatum may be used as by the demanding country as a signal to other countries that it gave the other country a seemingly reasonable opportunity to avoid a war; in this way, the demanding country may seek to avoid responsibility for starting a war. PJC]
Ul*tim"i*ty(, n.[LL. ultimitus extremity, fr. L. ultimus the last.]The last stage or consequence; finality. [Obs.] Bacon. 1913 Webster]
\'d8Ul"ti*mo. [L. ultimo (mense) in the last month.]In the month immediately preceding the present; as, on the 1st ultimo; -- usually abbreviated to ult. Cf. Proximo. 1913 Webster]
Ul"tion(?), n.[L. ultio.]The act of taking vengeance; revenge. [Obs.] Sir T. Browne. 1913 Webster]
Ul"tra-(?), a.A prefix from the Latin ultra beyond (see Ulterior), having in composition the signification beyond, on the other side, chiefly when joined with words expressing relations of place; as, ultramarine, ultramontane, ultramundane, ultratropical, etc. In other relations it has the sense of excessively, exceedingly, beyond what is common, natural, right, or proper; as, ultraconservative; ultrademocratic, ultradespotic, ultraliberal, ultraradical, etc. 1913 Webster]
Ul"tra, a.[See Ultra-.]Going beyond others, or beyond due limit; extreme; fanatical; uncompromising; as, an ultra reformer; ultra measures. 1913 Webster]
Ul"tra, n.One who advocates extreme measures; an ultraist; an extremist; a radical.Brougham. 1913 Webster]
Ul`tra*gas"e*ous(?), a.[Pref. ultra + gaseous.](Physics)Having the properties exhibited by gases under very low pressures (one millionth of an atmosphere or less). Matter under this condition, which has been termed the fourth state of matter, is sometimes called radiant matter. Webster 1913 Suppl.]
Ul"trage(?), n.Outrage. [Obs.] 1913 Webster]
Ul"tra*ism(, n.[Cf. F. ultra\'8bsme. See Ultra-.]The principles of those who advocate extreme measures, as radical reform, and the like.Dr. H. More. 1913 Webster]
Ul"tra*ist, n.One who pushes a principle or measure to extremes; an extremist; a radical; an ultra. 1913 Webster]
Ul`tra*ma*rine"(, a.[Pref. ultra- + marine.]Situated or being beyond the sea.Burke. 1913 Webster]
Ul`tra*ma*rine", n.[Cf. Sp. ultramarino. So called because the lapis lazuli was originally brought from beyond the sea, -- from Asia.](Chem.)A blue pigment formerly obtained by powdering lapis lazuli, but now produced in large quantities by fusing together silica, alumina, soda, and sulphur, thus forming a glass, colored blue by the sodium polysulphides made in the fusion. Also used adjectively. 1913 Webster]
Green ultramarine, a green pigment obtained as a first product in the manufacture of ultramarine, into which it is changed by subsequent treatment. --
Ultramarine ashor
Ultramarine ashes(Paint.), a pigment which is the residuum of lapis lazuli after the ultramarine has been extracted. It was used by the old masters as a middle or neutral tint for flesh, skies, and draperies, being of a purer and tenderer gray than that produced by the mixture of more positive colors.Fairholt. 1913 Webster]
Ul`tra*mon"tane(?), a.[LL. ultramontanus; L. ultra beyond + montanus belonging to a mountain, from mons, montis, mountain: cf. F. ultramontain, It. ultramontano. See Ultra-, and Mountain.]Being beyond the mountains; specifically, being beyond the Alps, in respect to the one who speaks. 1913 Webster]
ultramontane doctrines, when spoken of north of the Alps, denote the extreme views of the pope's rights and supremacy maintained by Bellarmin and other Italian writers. 1913 Webster]
Ul`tra*mon"tane, n.1.One who resides beyond the mountains, especially beyond the Alps; a foreigner. 1913 Webster]
2.One who maintains extreme views favoring the pope's supremacy. See Ultramontanism. 1913 Webster]
Ul`tra*mon"ta*nism(?), n.[Cf. F. ultramontanisme.]The principles of those within the Roman Catholic Church who maintain extreme views favoring the pope's supremacy; -- so used by those living north of the Alps in reference to the Italians; -- rarely used in an opposite sense, as referring to the views of those living north of the Alps and opposed to the papal claims. Cf. Gallicanism. 1913 Webster]
Ul`tra*mon"ta*nist(?), n.One who upholds ultramontanism. 1913 Webster]
Ul`tra*mun"dane(?), a.[L. ultramundanus. See Ultra-, and Mundane.]Being beyond the world, or beyond the limits of our system.Boyle. 1913 Webster]
Ul`tra*red"(?), a.[Pref. ultra- + red.](Physics)Situated beyond or below the red rays; as, the ultrated rays of the spectrum, which are less refrangible than the red.<-- now called infrared --> 1913 Webster]
Ul`tra*trop"ic*al(?), a.[Pref. ultra- + tropical.]Situated beyond, or outside of, the tropics; extratropical; also, having an excessively tropical temperature; warmer than the tropics. 1913 Webster]
Ul`tra*vi"o*let(?), a.[Pref. ultra- + violet.](Physics)Lying outside the visible spectrum at its blue-violet end; -- said of light more refrangible (i. e. having a shorter wavelength) than the extreme violet rays of the visible spectrum. Electromagnetic radiation with wavelengths shorter than those of ultrviolet light are not usually considered as light waves, but are classified differently. The ultraviolet region of the electromagnetic spectrum is generally considered as comprising those electromagnetic emissions with wavelengths lying between those of visible light and those of X-rays, i. e. between 4000 Angstroms and 100 Angstroms. 1913 Webster +PJC]
\'d8Ul`tra vi"res(?), [Law Latin, from L. prep. ultra beyond + vires, pl. of. vis strength.]Beyond power; transcending authority; -- a phrase used frequently in relation to acts or enactments by corporations in excess of their chartered or statutory rights. 1913 Webster]
Ul`tra*zo*di"a*cal(?), a.[Pref. ultra- + zodiacal.](Astron.)Outside the zodiac; being in that part of the heavens that is more than eight degrees from the ecliptic; as, ultrazodiacal planets, that is, those planets which in part of their orbits go beyond the zodiac. 1913 Webster]
Ul*tro"ne*ous(?), a.[L. ultroneus, from ultro to the further side, on his part, of one's own accord. See Ultra-.]Spontaneous; voluntary. [Obs.] Jer. Taylor. -- Ul*tro"ne*ous*ly, adv. [Obs.] -- Ul*tro"ne*ous*ness, n. [Obs.] 1913 Webster]
\'d8Ul"u*la(?), prop. n.[L., a screech owl.](Zo\'94l.)A genus of owls including the great gray owl (Ulula cinerea) of Arctic America, and other similar species. See Illust. of Owl. 1913 Webster]
Ul"u*lant(?), a.Howling; wailing. 1913 Webster]
Ul"u*late(?), v. i.[imp. & p. p.Ululated(?); p. pr. & vb. n.Ululating.][L. ululatus, p. p. of ululare to howl, yell, shriek.]To howl, as a dog or a wolf; to wail; as, ululating jackals.Sir T. Herbert. 1913 Webster]
Ul`u*la"tion(?), n.[L. ululatio.]A howling, as of a dog or wolf; a wailing. 1913 Webster]
He may fright others with his ululation.Wither. 1913 Webster]
\'d8Ul"va(?), prop. n.[L., sedge.](Bot.)A genus of thin papery bright green seaweeds including the kinds called sea lettuce. 1913 Webster]
Um"be(?), prep.[AS. ymbe; akin to OHG. umbi, G. um. Cf. Amb-.]About. [Obs.] Layamon. 1913 Webster]
Um"be*cast`(?), v. i.[Umbe + cast.]To cast about; to consider; to ponder. [Obs.] Sir T. Malory. 1913 Webster]
Um"bel(?), n.[L. umbella a little shadow, umbrella, dim. of umbra shade. See Umbrella.](Bot.)A kind of flower cluster in which the flower stalks radiate from a common point, as in the carrot and milkweed. It is simple or compound; in the latter case, each peduncle bears another little umbel, called umbellet, or umbellule. 1913 Webster]
Um"bel*lar(?), a.(Bot.)Of or pertaining to an umbel; having the form of an umbel. 1913 Webster]
{ Um"bel*late(?), Um"bel*la`ted(?), }a.[NL. umbellatus.](Bot.)Bearing umbels; pertaining to an umbel; umbel-like; as, umbellate plants or flowers. 1913 Webster]
Um"bel*let(?), n.(Bot.)A small or partial umbel; an umbellule. 1913 Webster]
Um*bel"lic(?), a.(Chem.)Pertaining to, or obtained from, certain umbelliferous plants; as, umbellic acid. 1913 Webster]
Um*bel"li*fer(?), n.[NL. See Umbelliferous.](Bot.)A plant producing an umbel or umbels. 1913 Webster]
Um`bel*lif"er*one(?), n.(Chem.)A tasteless white crystalline substance, C9H6O3, found in the bark of a certain plant (Daphne Mezereum), and also obtained by the distillation of certain gums from the Umbellifer\'91, as galbanum, asafetida, etc. It is analogous to coumarin. Called also hydroxy-coumarin. Its strong fluorescence under ultraviolet light makes it useful in analytical biochemistry, as, for exmple, to detect phosphatase activity by hydrolysis of umbelliferyl phosphate. 1913 Webster +PJC]
Um`bel*lif"er*ous(?), a.[Umbel + -ferous: cf. F. ombellif\'8are.](Bot.)(a)Producing umbels.(b)Of or pertaining to a natural order (Umbellifer\'91) of plants, of which the parsley, carrot, parsnip, and fennel are well-known examples. 1913 Webster]
\'d8Um*bel`lu*la"ri*a(?), prop. n.[NL. See Umbellule.](Zo\'94l.)A genus of deep-sea alcyonaria consisting of a cluster of large flowerlike polyps situated at the summit of a long, slender stem which stands upright in the mud, supported by a bulbous base. 1913 Webster]
Um"bel*lule(?), n.[NL. umbellula, dim. of umbella: cf. F. ombellule.](Bot.)An umbellet. 1913 Webster]
Um"ber(?), n.[F. ombre ocherous ore of iron, terre d'ombre, It. terra d'ombra, literally, earth of shadow or shade, L. umbra shadow, shade. Cf. Umber, 3 & 4, Umbrage.]1.(Paint.)A brown or reddish pigment used in both oil and water colors, obtained from certain natural clays variously colored by the oxides of iron and manganese. It is commonly heated or burned before being used, and is then called burnt umber; when not heated, it is called raw umber. See Burnt umber, below. 1913 Webster]
2.An umbrere. [Obs.] 1913 Webster]
3.[F. ombre, umbre, L. umbra.](Zo\'94l.)See Grayling, 1. 1913 Webster]
4.[Cf. NL. scopus umbretta, F. ombrette; probably fr. L. umbra shade, in allusion to its dark brown color. See Umber a pigment.](Zo\'94l.)An African wading bird (Scopus umbretta) allied to the storks and herons. It is dull dusky brown, and has a large occipital crest. Called also umbrette, umbre, and umber bird. 1913 Webster]
Burnt umber(Paint.), a pigment made by burning raw umber, which is changed by this process from an olive brown to a bright reddish brown. --
Cologne umber, or
German umber, a brown pigment obtained from lignite. See Cologne earth. 1913 Webster]
Um"ber, a.Of or pertaining to umber; resembling umber; olive-brown; dark brown; dark; dusky. 1913 Webster]
Their harps are of the umber shade J. R. Drake. 1913 Webster]
Um"ber, v. t.To color with umber; to shade or darken; as, to umber over one's face.B. Jonson. 1913 Webster]
Um"ber*y(?), a.Of or pertaining to umber; like umber; as, umbery gold. 1913 Webster]
Um*bil"ic(?), n.[From L. umbilicus: cf. F. ombilic. See Navel.]1.The navel; the center. [Obs.] \'bdThe umbilic of the world.\'b8 Sir T. Herbert. 1913 Webster]
2.(Geom.)An umbilicus. See Umbilicus, 5 (b). 1913 Webster]
Um*bil"ic*al(?), a.[Cf. F. ombilical. See Umbilic, n.]1.(Anat.)Of or pertaining to an umbilicus, or umbilical cord; umbilic. 1913 Webster]
2.Pertaining to the center; central. [R.] DeFoe. 1913 Webster]
Umbilical cord. (a)(Anat.)The cord which connects the fetus with the placenta, and contains the arteries and the vein through which blood circulates between the fetus and the placenta; the navel-string.(b)(Bot.)The little stem by which the seeds are attached to the placenta; -- called also funicular cord. --
Umbilical hernia(Med.), hernia of the bowels at the umbilicus. --
Umbilical point(Geom.), an umbilicus. See Umbilicus, 5. --
Umbilical region(Anat.), the middle region of the abdomen, bounded above by the epigastric region, below by the hypogastric region, and on the sides by the lumbar regions. --
Umbilical vesicle(Anat.), a saccular appendage of the developing embryo, containing the nutritive and unsegmented part of the ovum; the yolk sac. See Illust. in Appendix. 1913 Webster]
{ Um*bil"i*cate(?), Um*bil"i*ca`ted(?), }a.[L. umbilicatus. See Umbilic.](a)Depressed in the middle, like a navel, as a flower, fruit, or leaf; navel-shaped; having an umbilicus; as, an umbilicated smallpox vesicle.(b)(Bot.)Supported by a stalk at the central point. 1913 Webster]
Um*bil"i*ca"tion(?), n.A slight, navel-like depression, or dimpling, of the center of a rounded body; as, the umbilication of a smallpox vesicle; also, the condition of being umbilicated. 1913 Webster]
\'d8Um`bi*li"cus(?), n.[L. See Umbilic.]1.(Anat.)The depression, or mark, in the median line of the abdomen, which indicates the point where the umbilical cord separated from the fetus; the navel; the belly button, in humans. 1913 Webster]
2.(Gr. & Rom. Antiq.)An ornamented or painted ball or boss fastened at each end of the stick on which manuscripts were rolled.Dr. W. Smith. 1913 Webster]
3.(Bot.)The hilum. 1913 Webster]
4.(Zo\'94l.)(a)A depression or opening in the center of the base of many spiral shells.(b)Either one of the two apertures in the calamus of a feather. 1913 Webster]
5.(Geom.)(a)One of the foci of an ellipse, or other curve. [Obs.] (b)A point of a surface at which the curvatures of the normal sections are all equal to each other. A sphere may be osculatory to the surface in every direction at an umbilicus. Called also umbilic. 1913 Webster]
Um"ble pie`(?). A pie made of umbles. See To eat humble pie, under Humble. 1913 Webster]
Um"bles(?), n. pl.[See Nombles.]The entrails and coarser parts of a deer; hence, sometimes, entrails, in general.[Written also humbles.]Johnson. 1913 Webster]
\'d8Um"bo(?), n.; pl. L. Umbones(#), E. Umbos(#).[L.]1.The boss of a shield, at or near the middle, and usually projecting, sometimes in a sharp spike. 1913 Webster]
2.A boss, or rounded elevation, or a corresponding depression, in a palate, disk, or membrane; as, the umbo in the integument of the larv\'91 of echinoderms or in the tympanic membrane of the ear. 1913 Webster]
3.(Zo\'94l.)One of the lateral prominences just above the hinge of a bivalve shell. 1913 Webster]
{ Um"bo*nate(?), Um"bo*na`ted(?), }a.[NL. umbonatus. See Umbo.]Having a conical or rounded projection or protuberance, like a boss. 1913 Webster]
\'d8Um"bra(?), n.; pl.Umbr\'91(#).[L., a shadow.]1.(Astron.)(a)The conical shadow projected from a planet or satellite, on the side opposite to the sun, within which a spectator could see no portion of the sun's disk; -- used in contradistinction from penumbra. See Penumbra.(b)The central dark portion, or nucleus, of a sun spot.(c)The fainter part of a sun spot; -- now more commonly called penumbra. 1913 Webster]
2.(Zo\'94l.)Any one of several species of sci\'91noid food fishes of the genus Umbrina, especially the Mediterranean species (Umbrina cirrhosa), which is highly esteemed as a market fish; -- called also ombre, and umbrine. 1913 Webster]
Umbra tree(Bot.), a tree (Phytolacca dioica) of the same genus as pokeweed. It is native of South America, but is now grown in southern Europe. It has large dark leaves, and a somber aspect. The juice of its berries is used for coloring wine.J. Smith (Dict. Econ. Plants). 1913 Webster]
Um*brac`u*lif"er*ous(, a.[L. umbraculum umbrella (dim. of umbra shade) + -ferous.](Bot.)Bearing something like an open umbrella. 1913 Webster]
Um*brac`u*li*form(, a.[L. umbraculum any thing that furnishes shade, a bower, umbrella (dim. of umbra a shade) + -form.]Having the form of anything that serves to shade, as a tree top, an umbrella, and the like; specifically (Bot.), having the form of an umbrella; umbrella-shaped. 1913 Webster]
<-- p. 1562 pr=PI --> 1913 Webster]
Um"brage(, n.[F. ombrage shade, suspicion, umbrage, L. umbraticus belonging to shade, fr. umbra a shade. Cf. Umber, Umbratic.]1.Shade; shadow; obscurity; hence, that which affords a shade, as a screen of trees or foliage. 1913 Webster]
Where highest woods, impenetrable umbrage broad.Milton. 1913 Webster]
The opinion carries no show of truth nor umbrage of reason on its side.Woodward. 1913 Webster]
3.The feeling of being overshadowed; jealousy of another, as standing in one's light or way; hence, suspicion of injury or wrong; offense; resentment. 1913 Webster]
Which gave umbrage to wiser than myself.Evelyn. 1913 Webster]
Persons who feel most umbrage from the overshadowing aristocracy.Sir W. Scott. 1913 Webster]
um*bra"geous(, a.[Cf. F. ombrageux shy, skittish, suspicious, in OF. also, shady. See Umbrage.]1.Forming or affording a shade; shady; shaded; as, umbrageous trees or foliage. 1913 Webster]
Umbrageous grots and caves Milton. 1913 Webster]
2.Not easily perceived, as if from being darkened or shaded; obscure. [Obs.] Sir H. Wotton. 1913 Webster]
3.Feeling jealousy or umbrage; taking, or disposed to take, umbrage; suspicious. [Obs.] Bp. Warburton. -- Um*bra"geous*ly, adv. -- Um*bra"geous*ness, n. 1913 Webster]
Um"brate(, v. t.[L. umbratus, p. p. of umbrare to shade, fr. umbra a shade.]To shade; to shadow; to foreshadow. [Obs.] 1913 Webster]
{ Um*brat"ic(, Um*brat"ic*al(, }a.[L. umbraticus, from umbra shade. See Umbrage.]Of or pertaining to the shade or darkness; shadowy; unreal; secluded; retired. [R.] B. Jonson. 1913 Webster]
Um*bra"tious(?), a.[L. umbra a shade. Cf. Umbrageous.]Suspicious; captious; disposed to take umbrage. [Obs. & R.] Sir H. Wotton. 1913 Webster]
Um"bre(?), n.(Zo\'94l.)See Umber. 1913 Webster]
Um*brel"(?), n.An umbrella. [Obs. or Colloq.] 1913 Webster]
Each of them besides bore their umbrels.Shelton. 1913 Webster]
Um*brel"la(?), n.[It. ombrella, fr. ombra a shade, L. umbra; cf. L. umbella a sunshade, a parasol. Cf. Umbel, Umbrage.]1.A shade, screen, or guard, carried in the hand for sheltering the person from the rays of the sun, or from rain or snow. It is formed of silk, cotton, or other fabric, extended on strips of whalebone, steel, or other elastic material, inserted in, or fastened to, a rod or stick by means of pivots or hinges, in such a way as to allow of being opened and closed with ease. See Parasol. 1913 Webster]
Underneath the umbrella's oily shed.Gay. 1913 Webster]
2.(Zo\'94l.)The umbrellalike disk, or swimming bell, of a jellyfish. 1913 Webster]
3.(Zo\'94l.)Any marine tectibranchiate gastropod of the genus Umbrella, having an umbrella-shaped shell; -- called also umbrella shell. 1913 Webster]
Umbrella ant(Zo\'94l.), the sauba ant; -- so called because it carries bits of leaves over its back when foraging. Called also parasol ant. --
Umbrella bird(Zo\'94l.), a South American bird (Cephalopterus ornatus) of the family Cotingid\'91. It is black, with a large and handsome crest consisting of a mass of soft, glossy blue feathers curved outward at the tips. It also has a cervical plume consisting of a long, cylindrical dermal process covered with soft hairy feathers. Called also dragoon bird. --
Umbrella leaf(Bot.), an American perennial herb (Dyphylleia cymosa), having very large peltate and lobed radical leaves. --
Umbrella shell. (Zo\'94l.)See Umbrella, 3. --
Umbrella tree(Bot.), a kind of magnolia (Magnolia Umbrella) with the large leaves arranged in umbrellalike clusters at the ends of the branches. It is a native of Pennsylvania, Virginia, and Kentucky. Other plants in various countries are called by this name, especially a kind of screw pine (Pandanus odoratissimus). 1913 Webster]
{ Um*brere, Um*briere }(?), n.[F. ombre a shade, L. umbra; cf. F. ombrelle a sunshade, OF. also ombri\'8are. See Umbrella.]In ancient armor, a visor, or projection like the peak of a cap, to which a face guard was sometimes attached. This was sometimes fixed, and sometimes moved freely upon the helmet and could be raised like the beaver. Called also umber, and umbril. [Obs.] 1913 Webster]
But only vented up her umbriere.Spenser. 1913 Webster]
Um*bros"i*ty(?), n.The quality or state of being umbrose; shadiness. [Obs.] Sir T. Browne. 1913 Webster]
um*ho"fo(, n.(Zo\'94l.)An African two-horned rhinoceros (Atelodus simus or Rhinoceros simus); -- called also chukuru, and white rhinoceros. 1913 Webster]
\'d8um"laut(, n.[G., from um about + laut sound.](Philol.)The euphonic modification of a root vowel sound by the influence of a, u, or especially i, in the syllable which formerly followed. 1913 Webster]
a, o, u, followed by old i, are written \'84, \'94, \'81, or ae, oe, ue; as, m\'84nner or maenner, men, from mann, man. Examples of forms resulting from umlaut in English are geese pl. of goose, men pl. of man, etc. 1913 Webster]
Um"laut*ed, a.(Philol.)Having the umlaut; as, umlauted vowels. 1913 Webster]
There is no natural connection between umlauted forms and plurality.Earle. 1913 Webster]
Um"pi*rage(?; 48), n.[From Umpire.]1.The office of an umpire; the power, right, or authority of an umpire to decide. 1913 Webster]
The mild umpirage of the federal Union.E. Everett. 1913 Webster]
2.The act of umpiring; arbitrament.Bp. Hall. 1913 Webster]
Um"pire(?), n.[OE. nompere, nounpere (also impier, fr. F. impair uneven), fr. OF. nomper uneven, F. non-pair; hence the meaning, uneven, i. e., third person; non not + OF. per even, equal, peer, F. pair; cf. L. impar uneven, unequal. See Non-, and Peer, n.] 1913 Webster]
1.A person to whose sole decision a controversy or question between parties is referred; especially, one chosen to see that the rules of a game, as cricket, baseball, or the like, are strictly observed. 1913 Webster]
A man, in questions of this kind, is able to be a skillful umpire between himself and others.Barrow. 1913 Webster]
2.(Law)A third person, who is to decide a controversy or question submitted to arbitrators in case of their disagreement.Blackstone. 1913 Webster]
Syn. -- Judge; arbitrator; referee. See Judge. 1913 Webster]
Um"pire, v. t.[imp. & p. p.Umpired(?); p. pr. & vb. n.Umpiring.]1.To decide as umpire; to arbitrate; to settle, as a dispute. 1913 Webster]
Judges appointed to umpire the matter in contest between them, and to decide where the right lies.South. 1913 Webster]
2.To perform the duties of umpire in or for; as, to umpire a game. [Colloq.] 1913 Webster]
Um"pire, v. i.To act as umpire or arbitrator. 1913 Webster]
ump"teen, a.An indefinite number, usu. more than ten and less than one hundred; a lot. Often used hyperbolically, and usually expressing the notion of more than the usual number or more than I would like. [Colloq.] \'bdI've told you umpteen times not to do that.\'b8 PJC]
ump"teenth, a.Ordinal of umpteen, with corresponding signification; as, for the umpteenth time, I'm telling you to stop. [Colloq.] PJC]
um"quhile(, adv.[Cf. OF. umwhile for a time. See While.]Some time ago; formerly. [Scot.] Sir W. Scott. -- a.Former. [Scot.] 1913 Webster]
Un-. [OE. un-, on-, the unaccented form of the accented prefix and- (cf. Answer); akin to D. ont-, G. ent-, OHG. int-, Goth. and-. See Anti-.]An inseparable verbal prefix or particle. It is prefixed: (a) To verbs to express the contrary, and not the simple negative, of the action of the verb to which it is prefixed; as in unbend, uncoil, undo, unfold. (b) To nouns to form verbs expressing privation of the thing, quality, or state expressed by the noun, or separation from it; as in unchild, unsex. Sometimes particles and participial adjectives formed with this prefix coincide in form with compounds of the negative prefix un- (see 2d Un-); as in undone (from undo), meaning unfastened, ruined; and undone (from 2d un- and done) meaning not done, not finished. Un- is sometimes used with an intensive force merely; as in unloose. 1913 Webster]
1913 Webster]
Un-. [OE. & AS. un-; akin to OFries. un-, D. on-, OS., OHG., & G. un-, Icel. , , Sw. o-, Dan. u-, W. an-, L. in-, Gr. /, /, Skr. an-, a-. \'fb193. Cf. A- not In- not, No, adv.]An inseparable prefix, or particle, signifying not; in-; non-. In- is prefixed mostly to words of Latin origin, or else to words formed by Latin suffixes; un- is of much wider application, and is attached at will to almost any adjective, or participle used adjectively, or adverb, from which it may be desired to form a corresponding negative adjective or adverb, and is also, but less freely, prefixed to nouns. Un- sometimes has merely an intensive force; as in unmerciless, unremorseless. 1913 Webster]
I. Un- is prefixed to adjectives, or to words used adjectively. Specifically: -- 1913 Webster]
(a)To adjectives, to denote the absence of the quality designated by the adjective; as, -- 1913 Webster]
<-- Note: here is a list of words beginning with "un-" but not yet typed in by the typist.
The (a) list starting at p. 1562 continues to page 1563. --> 1913 Webster]
(b)To past particles, or to adjectives formed after the analogy of past particles, to indicate the absence of the condition or state expressed by them; as, -- 1913 Webster]
<-- here another list of "un" words, formed form past participles, but not typed, continuing to page 1564.
They are formatted as three words across in each main column of the dictionary (pages are three main columns across), i.e., forming three subcolumns in each main column.
The words are alphabetically increasing as one goes down (not across) each subcolumn, and continuing at the top of the next subcolumn. For edition 0.45 (Aug. 15, 1997) we type only the first part, those on page 1562.
--> 1913 Webster]
(c)To present participles which come from intransitive verbs, or are themselves employed as adjectives, to mark the absence of the activity, disposition, or condition implied by the participle; as, -- 1913 Webster]
The above classes of words are unlimited in extent, and such compounds may be formed by any writer or speaker at will from almost all the adjectives or participles in the language, excepting those which have a recognized and usual negative correspondent with the prefix -in. No attempt will be made, therefore, to define them all in this Dictionary; many will be omitted from its Vocabulary which are negations of the simple word, and are readily explained by prefixing a not to the latter. Derivatives of these words in -ly and -ness will also, for the most part, be omitted for the same or similar reasons. 1913 Webster]
There will be inserted as separate articles with definitions, the following: -- 1913 Webster]
1.Those which have acquired an opposed or contrary, instead of a merely negative, meaning; as, unfriendly, ungraceful, unpalatable, unquiet, and the like; or else an intensive sense more than a prefixed not would express; as, unending, unparalleled, undisciplined, undoubted, unsafe, and the like. 1913 Webster]
2.Those which have the value of independent words, inasmuch as the simple words are either not used at all, or are rarely, or at least much less frequently, used; as, unavoidable, unconscionable, undeniable, unspeakable, unprecedented, unruly, and the like; or inasmuch as they are used in a different sense from the usual meaning of the primitive, or especially in one of the significations of the latter; as, unaccountable, unalloyed, unbelieving, unpretending, unreserved, and the like; or inasmuch as they are so frequently and familiarly used that they are hardly felt to be of negative origin; as, uncertain, uneven, and the like. 1913 Webster]
3.Those which are anomalous, provincial, or, for some other reason, not desirable to be used, and are so indicated; as, unpure for impure, unsatisfaction for dissatisfaction, unexpressible for inexpressible, and the like. 1913 Webster]
II. Un- is prefixed to nouns to express the absence of, or the contrary of, that which the noun signifies; as, unbelief, unfaith, unhealth, unrest, untruth, and the like. 1913 Webster]
Un*a"ble(?), a.Not able; not having sufficient strength, means, knowledge, skill, or the like; impotent; weak; helpless; incapable; -- now usually followed by an infinitive or an adverbial phrase; as, unable for work; unable to bear fatigue. 1913 Webster]
Sapless age and weak unable limbs.Shak. 1913 Webster]
Un*a"bled(?), a.Disabled. [Obs.] B. Jonson. 1913 Webster]
U"na boat`(?). (Naut.)The English name for a catboat; -- so called because Una was the name of the first boat of this kind taken to England.D. Kemp. 1913 Webster]
Un`ab*sorb"a*ble(?), a.Not absorbable; specifically (Physiol.), not capable of absorption; unable to pass by osmosis into the circulating blood; as, the unabsorbable portion of food. 1913 Webster]
Un`ac*cept`a*bil"i*ty(?), n.The quality of being unacceptable; unacceptableness. 1913 Webster]
Un`ac*cept"a*ble(?), a.Not acceptable; not pleasing; not welcome; unpleasant; disagreeable; displeasing; offensive. -- Un`ac*cept"a*ble*ness, n. -- Un`ac*cept"a*bly, adv. 1913 Webster]
U`na*nim"i*ty(?), n.[L. unanimitas: cf. F. unanimit\'82.]The quality or state of being unanimous. 1913 Webster]
U*nan"i*mous(, a.[L. unanimus, unanimis; unus one + animus mind: cf. F. unanime. See Unit, and Animate.]1.Being of one mind; agreeing in opinion, design, or determination; consentient; not discordant or dissentient; harmonious; as, the assembly was unanimous; the members of the council were unanimous. \'bdBoth in one faith unanimous.\'b8 Milton. 1913 Webster]
2.Formed with unanimity; indicating unanimity; having the agreement and consent of all; agreed upon without the opposition or contradiction of any; as, a unanimous opinion; a unanimous vote. 1913 Webster]
-- U*nan"i*mous*ly, adv. -- U*nan"i*mous*ness, n. 1913 Webster]
Un*an`swer*a*bil"i*ty(?), n.The quality of being unanswerable; unanswerableness. 1913 Webster]
Un*an"swer*a*ble(?), a.Not answerable; irrefutable; conclusive; decisive; as, he gave an unanswerable argument. -- Un*an"swer*a*ble*ness, n. -- Un*an"swer*a*bly, adv. 1913 Webster]
Un*an"swered(?), a.1.Not answered; not replied to; as, an unanswered letter. 1913 Webster]
2.Not refuted; as, an unanswered argument. 1913 Webster]
3.Not responded to in kind; unrequited; as, unanswered affection. 1913 Webster]
Un`ap*palled"(?), a.Not appalled; not frightened; dauntless; undaunted.Milton. 1913 Webster]
Un`ap*par"el(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + apparel.]To divest of clothing; to strip. [Obs.] Donne. 1913 Webster]
Un`ap*peal"a*ble, a.1.Not appealable; that can not be carried to a higher tribunal by appeal; as, an unappealable suit or action. 1913 Webster]
2.Not to be appealed from; -- said of a judge or a judgment that can not be overruled. 1913 Webster]
The infallible, unappealable Judge [God].South. 1913 Webster]
We submitted to a galling yet unappealable necessity.Shelley. 1913 Webster]
Un`ap*pro"pri*ate(?), a.[Pref. un- not + appropriate, a.]1.Inappropriate; unsuitable. 1913 Webster]
2.Not appropriated.Bp. Warburton. 1913 Webster]
Un`ap*pro"pri*ate(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + appropriate, v. t.]To take from private possession; to restore to the possession or right of all; as, to unappropriate a monopoly. [R.] Milton. 1913 Webster]
Un`ap*pro"pri*a`ted(?), a.[Pref. un- not + appropriated.]1.Not specially appropriate; having no special application.J. Warton. 1913 Webster]
2.Not granted to any person, corporation, or the like, to the exclusion of others; as, unappropriated lands. 1913 Webster]
3.Not granted for, or applied to, any specific purpose; as, the unappropriated moneys in the treasury. 1913 Webster]
In the proceedings of the United States congress, money for specific purposes must first be authorized by law, and must subsequently be appropriated in a separate action. Money authorized but not appropriated may be described as unappropriated. PJC]
3.Not censured. [A Latinism. Obs.] B. Jonson. 1913 Webster]
Un*arm"(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + arm.]To disarm.Sir T. Browne. 1913 Webster]
Un*arm", v. i.To put off, or lay down, one's arms or armor. \'bdI'll unarm again.\'b8 Shak. 1913 Webster]
Un*armed"(?), a.[Pref. un- not + armed.]1.Not armed or armored; having no arms or weapons. 1913 Webster]
2.(Nat. Hist.)Having no hard and sharp projections, as spines, prickles, spurs, claws, etc. 1913 Webster]
3.Not in a state in which it may be detonated; unable to be detonated; -- used of nuclear and certain other explosive devices, which, as a safety precaution, are stored and transported in a state in which normal triggering mechanisms will not function to cause the device to detonate. The weapon must first be armed by a separate action, and only subsequent to such arming will the weapon be able to detonate. PJC]
Un*art"ed(?), a.1.Ignorant of the arts. [Obs.] E. Waterhouse. 1913 Webster]
Un`as*sent"ed(?), a.Not assented; -- said specif. of stocks or bonds the holders of which refuse to deposit them by way of assent to an agreement altering their status, as in a readjustment. Webster 1913 Suppl.]
Un`as*sum"ing(?), a.Not assuming; not bold or forward; not arrogant or presuming; humble; modest; retiring; as, an unassuming youth; unassuming manners. 1913 Webster]
Un`as*sured"(?), a.1.Not assured; not bold or confident. 1913 Webster]
2.Not to be trusted. [Obs.] Spenser. 1913 Webster]
3.Not insured against loss; as, unassured goods. 1913 Webster]
Un`a*ton"a*ble(?), a.1.Not capable of being brought into harmony; irreconcilable. \'bdUnatonable matrimony.\'b8 [Obs.] Milton. 1913 Webster]
2.Incapable of being atoned for; inexpiable. 1913 Webster]
Un`at*tached"(?), a.1.Not attached; not adhering; having no engagement; free. 1913 Webster]
2.(Mil.)Not assigned to any company or regiment. 1913 Webster]
3.(Law)Not taken or arrested.R. Junius. 1913 Webster]
Un`at*tire"(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + attire.]To divest of attire; to undress. 1913 Webster]
U*nau"(, n.[Brazilian.](Zo\'94l.)The two-toed sloth (Cholopus didactylus), native of South America. It is about two feet long. Its color is a uniform grayish brown, sometimes with a reddish tint. 1913 Webster]
Un*au"di*enced(?), a.Not given an audience; not received or heard. 1913 Webster]
Un*au"thor*ize(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + authorize.]To disown the authority of; to repudiate. 1913 Webster]
Un`a*void"a*ble(?), a.1.Not avoidable; incapable of being shunned or prevented; inevitable; necessary; as, unavoidable troubles. 1913 Webster]
2.(Law)Not voidable; incapable of being made null or void.Blackstone. 1913 Webster]
Unavoidable hemorrhage(Med.), hemorrhage produced by the afterbirth, or placenta, being situated over the mouth of the womb so as to require detachment before the child can be born. 1913 Webster]
-- Un`a*void"a*ble*ness, n. -- Un`a*void"a*bly, adv. 1913 Webster]
Un`a*void"ed, a.1.Not avoided or shunned.Shak. 1913 Webster]
2.Unavoidable; inevitable. [Obs.] B. Jonson. 1913 Webster]
Un`a*ware"(?), a.Not aware; not noticing; giving no heed; thoughtless; inattentive.Swift. 1913 Webster]
Un`a*wares"(?), adv.Without design or preparation; suddenly; without premeditation, unexpectedly. \'bdMercies lighting unawares.\'b8 J. H. Newman. 1913 Webster]
Lest unawares we lose Milton. 1913 Webster]
At unaware, or
At unawares, unexpectedly; by surprise. 1913 Webster]
He breaks at unawares upon our walks.Dryden. 1913 Webster]
So we met at unaware.R. Browning. 1913 Webster]
Un*backed"(?), a.1.Never mounted by a rider; unbroken. \'bdUnbacked colts.\'b8 Shak. 1913 Webster]
2.Not supported or encouraged; not countenanced; unaided.Daniel. 1913 Webster]
Un*bag"(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + bag.]To pour, or take, or let go, out of a bag or bags. 1913 Webster]
Un*bal"anced(?), a.[In senses 1 and 2, pref. un- not + balanced; in sense 3, 1st pref. un- + balance.]1.Not balanced; not in equipoise; having no counterpoise, or having insufficient counterpoise. 1913 Webster]
Let Earth unbalanced from her orbit fly.Pope. 1913 Webster]
2.(Com.)Not adjusted; not settled; not brought to an equality of debt and credit; as, an unbalanced account; unbalanced books. 1913 Webster]
3.Being, or being thrown, out of equilibrium; hence, disordered or deranged in sense; unsteady; unsound; as, an unbalanced mind.Pope. 1913 Webster]
Un*bal"last(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + ballast.]To free from ballast; to discharge ballast from.Totten. 1913 Webster]
Un*bash"ful(?), a.Not bashful or modest; bold; impudent; shameless.Shak. 1913 Webster]
Un*bay"(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + bay to dam.]To free from the restraint of anything that surrounds or incloses; to let loose; to open. [Obs.] 1913 Webster]
I ought . . . to unbay the current of my passion.Norris. 1913 Webster]
Un*be"(, v. t.[1st pref. un- + be.]To cause not to be; to cause to be another. [Obs. & R.] 1913 Webster]
How oft, with danger of the field beset, unbe Old Play. 1913 Webster]
Un*bear"(, v. t.[1st pref. un- + bear to support.]To remove or loose the bearing rein of (a horse). 1913 Webster]
Un*beast"(, v. t.[1st pref. un- + beast.]To deliver from the form or nature of a beast. 1913 Webster]
My grief lets unbecoming speeches fall.Dryden. 1913 Webster]
-- Un`be*com"ing*ly, adv. -- Un`be*com"ing*ness, n. 1913 Webster]
Un*bed"(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + bed.]To raise or rouse from bed. 1913 Webster]
Eels unbed themselves and stir at the noise of thunder.Walton. 1913 Webster]
Un`be*dinned"(?), a.Not filled with din. 1913 Webster]
Un`be*fool"(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + befool.]To deliver from the state of a fool; to awaken the mind of; to undeceive. 1913 Webster]
Un`be*get"(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + beget.]To deprive of existence.Dryden. 1913 Webster]
Un`be*gilt"(?), a.Not gilded; hence, not rewarded with gold. 1913 Webster]
{ Un`be*got"(?), Un`be*got"ten(?), }a.[Pref. un- not + begot, begotten.]Not begot; not yet generated; also, having never been generated; self-existent; eternal. 1913 Webster]
Un`be*guile"(?), v. t.[imp. & p. p.Unbeguiled(?); p. pr. & vb. n.Unbeguiling.][1st pref. un- + beguile.]To set free from the influence of guile; to undeceive. \'bdThen unbeguile thyself.\'b8 Donne. 1913 Webster]
Un`be*gun"(?), a.Not yet begun; also, existing without a beginning. 1913 Webster]
Un`be*liev"er(?), n.1.One who does not believe; an incredulous person; a doubter; a skeptic. 1913 Webster]
2.A disbeliever; especially, one who does not believe that the Bible is a divine revelation, and holds that Christ was neither a divine nor a supernatural person; an infidel; a freethinker. 1913 Webster]
2.Believing that the thing alleged is not true; disbelieving; especially, believing that the Bible is not a divine revelation, or that Christ was not a divine or a supernatural person. \'bdUnbelieving Jews.\'b8 Acts xiv. 2. 1913 Webster]
-- Un`be*liev"ing*ly(#), adv. -- Un`be*liev"ing*ness, n. 1913 Webster]
Un*belt"(, v. t.[1st pref. un- + belt.]To remove or loose the belt of; to ungird. 1913 Webster]
Un*bend"(, v. t.[imp. & p. p.Unbent(; p. pr. & vb. n.Unbending.][1st pref. un- + bend.]1.To free from flexure; to make, or allow to become, straight; to loosen; as, to unbend a bow. 1913 Webster]
2.A remit from a strain or from exertion; to set at ease for a time; to relax; as, to unbend the mind from study or care. 1913 Webster]
You do unbend your noble strength.Shak. 1913 Webster]
3.(Naut.)(a)To unfasten, as sails, from the spars or stays to which they are attached for use.(b)To cast loose or untie, as a rope. 1913 Webster]
Un*bend", v. i.1.To cease to be bent; to become straight or relaxed. 1913 Webster]
2.To relax in exertion, attention, severity, or the like; hence, to indulge in mirth or amusement. 1913 Webster]
Un*bend"ing, a.[In senses 1, 2, and 3, pref. un- not + bending; in sense 4, properly p. pr. of unbend.]1.Not bending; not suffering flexure; not yielding to pressure; stiff; -- applied to material things. 1913 Webster]
Flies o'er the unbending corn, and skims along the main.Pope. 1913 Webster]
2.Unyielding in will; not subject to persuasion or influence; inflexible; resolute; -- applied to persons. 1913 Webster]
3.Unyielding in nature; unchangeable; fixed; -- applied to abstract ideas; as, unbending truths. 1913 Webster]
4.Devoted to relaxation or amusement. [R.] 1913 Webster]
It may entertain your lordships at an unbending hour.Rowe. 1913 Webster]
-- Un*bend"ing*ly, adv. -- Un*bend"ing*ness, n. 1913 Webster]
Un`be*nev"o*lence(?), n.Absence or want of benevolence; ill will. 1913 Webster]
Un`be*witch"(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + bewitch.]To free from a spell; to disenchant. [R.] South. 1913 Webster]
Un*bi"as(, v. t.[1st pref. un- + bias.]To free from bias or prejudice.Swift. 1913 Webster]
Un*bi"ased(, a.[Pref. un- not + biased.]Free from bias or prejudice; unprejudiced; impartial. -- Un*bi"ased*ly, adv. --Un*bi"ased*ness, n. 1913 Webster]
{ Un*bid"(, Un*bid"den(?), }a.1.Not bidden; not commanded. 1913 Webster]
Thorns also and thistles it shall bring thee forth Unbid; and thou shalt eat the herb of the field.Milton. 1913 Webster]
3.Being without a prayer. [Obs.] Spenser. 1913 Webster]
Un*bind"(, v. t.[imp. & p. p.Unbound(; p. pr. & vb. n.Unbinding.][AS. unbindan. See Un-, and Bind.]To remove a band from; to set free from shackles or fastenings; to untie; to unfasten; to loose; as, unbind your fillets; to unbind a prisoner's arms; to unbind a load. 1913 Webster]
Un*bish"op(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + bishop.]To deprive, as a city, of a bishop; to deprive, as a clergyman, of episcopal dignity or rights. [R.] \'bdThen he unbishops himself.\'b8 Milton. 1913 Webster]
Un*bit"(?), v. t.[imp. & p. p.Unbitted; p. pr. & vb. n.Unbitting.][1st pref. un- + bit.](Naut.)To remove the turns of (a rope or cable) from the bits; as, to unbit a cable.Totten. 1913 Webster]
Un*blem"ished(?), a.Not blemished; pure; spotless; as, an unblemished reputation or life.Addison. 1913 Webster]
Un*bless"(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + bless.]To deprive of blessings; to make wretched. [Obs.] Shak. 1913 Webster]
Un*blind"(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + blind.]To free from blindness; to give or restore sight to; to open the eyes of. [R.] J. Webster (1607). 1913 Webster]
Un*blind"fold`(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + blindfold.]To free from that which blindfolds.Spenser. 1913 Webster]
Un*blood"y(?), a.Not bloody.Dryden. 1913 Webster]
Unbloody sacrifice. (a)A sacrifice in which no victim is slain.(b)(R. C. Ch.)The Mass. 1913 Webster]
Un*bod"y(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + body.]To free from the body; to disembody. 1913 Webster]
Her soul unbodied of the burdenous corse.Spenser. 1913 Webster]
Un*bod"y, v. i.To leave the body; to be disembodied; -- said of the soul or spirit. [R.] Chaucer. 1913 Webster]
Un*bolt"(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + bolt.]To remove a bolt from; to unfasten; to unbar; to open. \'bdHe shall unbolt the gates.\'b8 Shak. 1913 Webster]
Un*bolt", v. i.To explain or unfold a matter; to make a revelation. [Obs.] \'bdI will unbolt to you.\'b8 Shak. 1913 Webster]
Un*bone"(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + bone.] 1913 Webster]
1.To deprive of bones, as meat; to bone. 1913 Webster]
2.To twist about, as if boneless. [R.] Milton. 1913 Webster]
Un*bon"net(?), v. t. & i.[1st pref. un- + bonnet.]To take a bonnet from; to take off one's bonnet; to uncover; as, to unbonnet one's head.Sir W. Scott. 1913 Webster]
Un*booked"(?), a.Not written in a book; unrecorded. \'bdUnbookedEnglish life.\'b8 Masson. 1913 Webster]
Un*boot"(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + boot.]To take off the boots from. 1913 Webster]
Un*born"(?), a.Not born; not yet brought into life; being still to appear; future. 1913 Webster]
Some unborn sorrow, ripe in fortune's womb.Shak. 1913 Webster]
See future sons, and daughters yet unborn.Pope. 1913 Webster]
Un*bor"rowed(?), a.Not borrowed; being one's own; native; original. 1913 Webster]
Un*bos"om(?), v. t.[imp. & p. p.Unbosomed(?); p. pr. & vb. n.Unbosoming.][1st pref. un- + bosom.]To disclose freely; to reveal in confidence, as secrets; to confess; -- often used reflexively; as, to unbosom one's self.Milton. 1913 Webster]
Un*bos"om*er(?), n.One who unbosoms, or discloses. [R.] \'bdAn unbosomer of secrets.\'b8 Thackeray. 1913 Webster]
Un*bot"tomed(?), a.1.[1st pref. un- + bottom + -ed.]Deprived of a bottom. 1913 Webster]
2.[Pref. un- not + bottomed.]Having no bottom; bottomless.Milton. 1913 Webster]
Un*bound"(?), imp. & p. p. of Unbind. 1913 Webster]
I am . . . unboundably beholding to you.J. Webster (1607). 1913 Webster]
Un*bound"ed, a.Having no bound or limit; as, unbounded space; an, unbounded ambition.Addison. -- Un*bound"ed*ly, adv. -- Un*bound"ed*ness, n. 1913 Webster]
Un*bowed"(?), a.[Pref. un- not + bowed.]Not bent or arched; not bowed down.Byron. 1913 Webster]
Un*bow"el(?), v. t.[imp. & p. p.Unboweled(?) or Unbowelled; p. pr. & vb. n.Unboweling or Unbowelling.][1st pref. un- + bowel.]To deprive of the entrails; to disembowel.Dr. H. More. 1913 Webster]
Un*box"(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + box.]To remove from a box or boxes. 1913 Webster]
Un*boy"(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + boy.]To divest of the traits of a boy. [R.] Clarendon. 1913 Webster]
Un*brace"(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + brace.]To free from tension; to relax; to loose; as, to unbrace a drum; to unbrace the nerves.Spenser. 1913 Webster]
Un*braid"(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + braid.]To separate the strands of; to undo, as a braid; to unravel; to disentangle. 1913 Webster]
Un*breast"(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + breast.]To disclose, or lay open; to unbosom. [Obs.] P. Fletcher, 1913 Webster]
Un*breech"(?), v. t.[imp. & p. p.Unbreeched(?); p. pr. & vb. n.Unbreeching.][1st pref. un- + breech.]1.To remove the breeches of; to divest or strip of breeches.Shak. 1913 Webster]
2.(Gun.)To free the breech of, as a cannon, from its fastenings or coverings.Pennant. 1913 Webster]
Un*brewed"(?), a.Not made by brewing; unmixed; pure; genuine. [R.] Young. 1913 Webster]
Un*bri"dle(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + bridle.]To free from the bridle; to set loose. 1913 Webster]
Un*bri"dled(?), a.[Pref. un- not + bridled.]Loosed from the bridle, or as from the bridle; hence, unrestrained; licentious; violent; as, unbridled passions. \'bdUnbridled boldness.\'b8 B. Jonson. 1913 Webster]
Lands deluged by unbridled floods.Wordsworth. 1913 Webster]
Un*buc"kle(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + buckle.]To loose the buckles of; to unfasten; as, to unbuckle a shoe. \'bdUnbuckle anon thy purse.\'b8 Chaucer. 1913 Webster]
Un*build(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + build.]To demolish; to raze. \'bdTo unbuild the city.\'b8 Shak. 1913 Webster]
Un*bun"dle(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + bundle.]To release, as from a bundle; to disclose. 1913 Webster]
Un*bung"(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + bung.]To remove the bung from; as, to unbung a cask. 1913 Webster]
Un*bur"den(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + burden.]1.To relieve from a burden. 1913 Webster]
2.To throw off, as a burden; to unload. 1913 Webster]
Un*bur"i*a*ble(?), a.Not ready or not proper to be buried.Tennyson. 1913 Webster]
Un*bur"row(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + burrow.]To force from a burrow; to unearth. 1913 Webster]
Un*bur"then(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + burthen.]To unburden; to unload. 1913 Webster]
Un*bur"y(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + bury.]To disinter; to exhume; fig., to disclose. 1913 Webster]
Un*bus"ied(?), a.Not required to work; unemployed; not busy. [R.] 1913 Webster]
These unbusied persons can continue in this playing idleness till it become a toil.Bp. Rainbow 1913 Webster]
Un*but"ton(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + button.]To loose the buttons of; to unfasten. 1913 Webster]
Unce, n.[L. uncia ounce. See Ounce a weight.]An ounce; a small portion. [Obs.] \'bdBy unces hung his locks.\'b8 Chaucer. 1913 Webster]
Un*ceas"a*ble(?), a.Not capable of being ended; unceasing. [R.] 1913 Webster]
{ Un*cen"ter, Un*cen"tre }(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + center.]To throw from its center. 1913 Webster]
Un*cen"tu*ry(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + century.]To remove from its actual century. [R.] 1913 Webster]
It has first to uncentury itself.H. Drummond. 1913 Webster]
Un*cer"tain(, a.[Pref. un- not + certain. Cf. Incertain.]1.Not certain; not having certain knowledge; not assured in mind; distrustful.Chaucer. 1913 Webster]
Man, without the protection of a superior Being, . . . is uncertain of everything that he hopes for.Tillotson. 1913 Webster]
2.Irresolute; inconsonant; variable; untrustworthy; as, an uncertain person; an uncertain breeze. 1913 Webster]
O woman! in our hours of ease, Uncertain, coy, and hard to please!Sir W. Scott. 1913 Webster]
3.Unsafe to meddle with; dangerous. [Scot.] 1913 Webster]
Un*chap"lain(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + chaplain.]To remove from a chaplaincy. 1913 Webster]
Un*charge"(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + charge.] 1913 Webster]
1.To free from a charge or load; to unload.Wyclif. 1913 Webster]
2.To free from an accusation; to make no charge against; to acquit.Shak. 1913 Webster]
Un*char"i*ot(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + chariot.]To throw out of a chariot.Pope. 1913 Webster]
Un*char"i*ta*ble(?), a.Not charitable; contrary to charity; severe in judging; harsh; censorious; as, uncharitable opinions or zeal.Addison. -- Un*char"i*ta*ble*ness, n. -- Un*char"i*ta*bly, adv. 1913 Webster]
'T were much uncharity in you.J. Webster. 1913 Webster]
Un*charm"(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + charm.]To release from a charm, fascination, or secret power; to disenchant.Beau. & Fl. 1913 Webster]
Un*char"nel(?), v. t.[imp. & p. p.Uncharneled(?); p. pr. & vb. n.Uncharneling.][1st pref. un- + charnel.]To remove from a charnel house; to raise from the grave; to exhume.Byron. 1913 Webster]
Un*chaste"(?), a.Not chaste; not continent; lewd. -- Un*chaste"ly, adv. -- Un*chaste"ness, n. 1913 Webster]
Un*chas"ti*ty(?), n.The quality or state of being unchaste; lewdness; incontinence. 1913 Webster]
Un*check"a*ble(?), a.Not capable of being checked or stopped. [R.] 1913 Webster]
Un*child"(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + child.] 1913 Webster]
1.To bereave of children; to make childless.Shak. 1913 Webster]
2.To make unlike a child; to divest of the characteristics of a child.Bp. Hall. 1913 Webster]
Un*chris"tened(?), a.[Pref. un- not + christened.]Not christened; as, an unchristened child. 1913 Webster]
Un*chris"tian(?), a.[Pref. un- not + Christian.]1.Not Christian; not converted to the Christian faith; infidel. 1913 Webster]
2.Contrary to Christianity; not like or becoming a Christian; as, unchristian conduct. 1913 Webster]
Un*chris"tian, v. t.[1st pref. un- + Christian.]To make unchristian. [Obs.] South. 1913 Webster]
Un*chris"tian*ize(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + Christianize.]To turn from the Christian faith; to cause to abandon the belief and profession of Christianity. 1913 Webster]
Un*chris"tian*ly, adv.In an unchristian manner. 1913 Webster]
Un*chris"tian*ness, n.The quality or state of being unchristian. [R.] Eikon Basilike. 1913 Webster]
Un*church"(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + church.]1.To expel, or cause to separate, from a church; to excommunicate.Sir M. Hale. 1913 Webster]
2.To deprive of the character, privileges, and authority of a church.South. 1913 Webster]
\'d8Un"ci*a(?), n.; pl.Unci\'91(#).[L. See Ounce a measure of weight.]1.(Rom. Antiq.)A twelfth part, as of the Roman as; an ounce. 1913 Webster]
2.(Alg.)A numerical coefficient in any particular case of the binomial theorem. [Obs.] 1913 Webster]
Un"cial(?), a.[L. uncialis amounting to the twelfth part of a pound or a foot, from uncia the twelfth part of a pound or of a foot, an ounce, an inch: cf. F. oncial. See Inch a measure.]Of, pertaining to, or designating, a certain style of letters used in ancient manuscripts, esp. in Greek and Latin manuscripts. The letters are somewhat rounded, and the upstrokes and downstrokes usually have a slight inclination. These letters were used as early as the 1st century b. c., and were seldom used after the 10th century a. d., being superseded by the cursive style. 1913 Webster]
Un"cial, n.An uncial letter. 1913 Webster]
\'d8Un`ci*a"tim(?), adv.[L.]Ounce by ounce. 1913 Webster]
Un"ci*form(, a.[L. uncus a hook + -form.]Having the shape of a hook; being of a curved or hooked form; hooklike. 1913 Webster]
Unciform bone(Anat.), a bone of the carpus at the bases of the fourth and fifth metacarpals; the hamatum. 1913 Webster]
Un"ci*form, n.(Anat.)The unciform bone. See Illust. of Perissodactyla. 1913 Webster]
\'d8Un`ci*na"ta(, n. pl.[NL., fr. L. uncinus a hook.](Zo\'94l.)A division of marine ch\'91topod annelids which are furnished with uncini, as the serpulas and sabellas. 1913 Webster]
Un"ci*nate(?), a.[L. uncinatus, from uncinus a hook, from uncus a hook.]Hooked; bent at the tip in the form of a hook; as, an uncinate process. 1913 Webster]
\'d8Un`ci*na"tum(?), n.[NL., from L. uncinatus hooked.](Anat.)The unciform bone. 1913 Webster]
\'d8Un*ci"nus(?), n.; pl.Uncini(#).[L., a hook.](Zo\'94l.)One of the peculiar minute chitinous hooks found in large numbers in the tori of tubicolous annelids belonging to the Uncinata. 1913 Webster]
Un*ci"pher(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + cipher.]To decipher; as, to uncipher a letter. [Obs.] Sir W. Temple. 1913 Webster]
Un*cir"cum*cised(?), n.Not circumcised; hence, not of the Israelites. \'bdThis uncircumcised Philistine.\'b8 1 Sam. xvii. 26. 1913 Webster]
Un*cir`cum*ci"sion(?), n.1.The absence or want of circumcision. 1913 Webster]
2.(Script.)People not circumcised; the Gentiles. 1913 Webster]
Un*cir`cum*stand"tial(?), a.1.Not circumstantial; not entering into minute particulars. 1913 Webster]
2.Not important; not pertinent; trivial. [Obs.] 1913 Webster]
Un*cit"y(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + city.]To deprive of the rank or rights of a city. [Obs.] 1913 Webster]
Un*civ`i*li*za"tion(?), n.The state of being uncivilized; savagery or barbarism. [R.] 1913 Webster]
Un*civ"i*lized(?), a.1.Not civilized; not reclaimed from savage life; rude; barbarous; savage; as, the uncivilized inhabitants of Central Africa. 1913 Webster]
Un*civ"il*ty, adv.In an uncivil manner. 1913 Webster]
Un*clasp"(, v. t.[1st pref. un- + clasp.]To loose the clasp of; to open, as something that is fastened with, or as with, a clasp; as, to unclasp a book; to unclasp the hands; to unclasp one's heart. 1913 Webster]
Un"cle(?), n.[OE. uncle, OF. oncle, uncle, F. oncle, fr. L. avunculus a maternal uncle, dim. of avus a grandfather; akin to Lith. avynas uncle, Goth. aw/ grandmother, Icel. \'bei great grandfather.]1.The brother of one's father or mother; also applied to an aunt's husband; -- the correlative of aunt in sex, and of nephew and niece in relationship. 1913 Webster]
2.A pawnbroker. [Slang] Thackeray. 1913 Webster]
3.An eldery man; -- used chiefly as a kindly or familiar appellation, esp. (Southern U. S.) for a worthy old negro; as, \'bdUncle Remus.\'b8 [Colloq.]
Plain old uncle as he [Socrates] was, with his great ears, -- an immense talker.Emerson. Webster 1913 Suppl.]
My uncle, a pawnbroker. [Slang] --
Uncle Sam, a humorous appellation given to the United States Government. See Uncle Sam, in Dictionary of Noted Names in Fiction. 1913 Webster]
Un*clean"(, a.[AS. uncl. See Unnot, and Clean.]1.Not clean; foul; dirty; filthy. 1913 Webster]
He that toucheth the dead body of any man shall be unclean seven days.Num. xix. 11. 1913 Webster]
3.Morally impure. \'bdAdultery of the heart, consisting of inordinate and unclean affections.\'b8 Perkins. 1913 Webster]
-- Un*clean"ly, adv. -- Un*clean"ness, n. 1913 Webster]
Unclean animals(Script.), those which the Israelites were forbidden to use for food. --
Unclean spirit(Script.), a wicked spirit; a demon.Mark i. 27. 1913 Webster]
Un*cleans"a*ble(?), a.Incapable of being cleansed or cleaned. 1913 Webster]
Un*clench"(?), v. t.Same as Unclinch. 1913 Webster]
Un"cle*ship(?), n.The office or position of an uncle.Lamb. 1913 Webster]
Un*clew"(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + clew.]To unwind, unfold, or untie; hence, to undo; to ruin.Shak. 1913 Webster]
Un*clinch"(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + clinch.]To cause to be no longer clinched; to open; as, to unclinch the fist.[Written also unclench.] 1913 Webster]
Un*cling"(?), v. i.[1st pref. un- + cling.]To cease from clinging or adhering. [Obs.] Milton. 1913 Webster]
Un*cloak"(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + cloak.]To remove a cloak or cover from; to deprive of a cloak or cover; to unmask; to reveal. 1913 Webster]
Un*cloak", v. i.To remove, or take off, one's cloak. 1913 Webster]
Un*clog", v. t.[1st pref. un- + clog.]To disencumber of a clog, or of difficulties and obstructions; to free from encumbrances; to set at liberty.Shak. 1913 Webster]
Un*clois"ter(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + cloister.]To release from a cloister, or from confinement or seclusion; to set free; to liberate. 1913 Webster]
Un*close"(?), v. t. & i.[1st pref. un- + close.]1.To open; to separate the parts of; as, to unclose a letter; to unclose one's eyes. 1913 Webster]
2.To disclose; to lay open; to reveal. 1913 Webster]
Un*closed"(?), a.[Pref. un- not + closed.]1.Not separated by inclosures; open.Clarendon. 1913 Webster]
2.Not finished; not concluded. [R.] Madison. 1913 Webster]
3.Not closed; not sealed; open.Byron. 1913 Webster]
Un*clothe"(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + clothe.]To strip of clothes or covering; to make naked.I. Watts. 1913 Webster]
[We] do groan being burdened; not for that we would be unclothed, but clothed upon.2 Cor. v. 4. 1913 Webster]
Un*clothed"(?), a.1.[Properly p. p. of unclothe.]Divested or stripped of clothing.Byron. 1913 Webster]
Un*cloud"(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + cloud.]To free from clouds; to unvail; to clear from obscurity, gloom, sorrow, or the like.Beau. & Fl. 1913 Webster]
Un*clue"(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + clue.]To unwind; to untangle. 1913 Webster]
Un*clutch"(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + clutch.]1.To open, as something closely shut. \'bdUnclutch his griping hand.\'b8 Dr. H. More. 1913 Webster]
2.(Mech.)To disengage, as a clutch. 1913 Webster]
Un"co(?), a.[Scot. The same word as E. uncouth.]Unknown; strange, or foreign; unusual, or surprising; distant in manner; reserved. [Scot.] 1913 Webster]
Un"co, adv.In a high degree; to a great extent; greatly; very. [Prov. Eng. & Scot.] 1913 Webster]
Un"co, n.A strange thing or person. [Scot.] 1913 Webster]
Un*coach"(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + coach.]To detach or loose from a coach. [Obs.] Chapman. 1913 Webster]
Un*cock"(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + cock.]1.To let down the cock of, as a firearm. 1913 Webster]
2.To deprive of its cocked shape, as a hat, etc. 1913 Webster]
3.To open or spread from a cock or heap, as hay. 1913 Webster]
Un*cof"fle(?; 115), v. t.[1st pref. un- + coffle.]To release from a coffle. 1913 Webster]
Un*coif"(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + coif.]To deprive of the coif or cap.Young. 1913 Webster]
Un*coil"(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + coil.]To unwind or open, as a coil of rope.Derham. 1913 Webster]
Un*coined"(?), a.1.Not coined, or minted; as, uncoined silver.Locke. 1913 Webster]
2.Not fabricated; not artificial or counterfeit; natural. \'bdPlain and uncoined constancy.\'b8 Shak. 1913 Webster]
Un`com*bine"(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + combine.]To separate, as substances in combination; to release from combination or union. [R.] Daniel. 1913 Webster]
Un`come*at"a*ble(?), a.Not to be come at, or reached; inaccessible. [Colloq.] Addison. 1913 Webster]
My honor is infallible and uncomeatable.Congreve. 1913 Webster]
Un*come"ly(?), a.Not comely. -- adv. In an uncomely manner.1 Cor. vii. 36. 1913 Webster]
Un*com"fort*a*ble(?), a.1.Feeling discomfort; uneasy; as, to be uncomfortable on account of one's position. 1913 Webster]
2.Causing discomfort; disagreeable; unpleasant; as, an uncomfortable seat or situation. 1913 Webster]
The most dead, uncomfortable time of the year.Addison. 1913 Webster]
-- Un*com"fort*a*ble*ness, n. -- Un*com"fort*a*bly, adv. 1913 Webster]
Un*com"mon(?), a.Not common; unusual; infrequent; rare; hence, remarkable; strange; as, an uncommon season; an uncommon degree of cold or heat; uncommon courage. 1913 Webster]
Un*com"pro*mi`sing(?), a.Not admitting of compromise; making no truce or concessions; obstinate; unyielding; inflexible. -- Un*com"pro*mi`sing*ly, adv. 1913 Webster]
Un`con*cern"(?), n.Want of concern; absence of anxiety; freedom from solicitude; indifference. 1913 Webster]
A listless unconcern, Thomson. 1913 Webster]
Un`con*cerned"(?), a.Not concerned; not anxious or solicitous; easy in mind; carelessly secure; indifferent; as, to be unconcerned at what has happened; to be unconcerned about the future. -- Un`con*cern"ed*ly(#), adv. -- Un`con*cern"ed*ness, n. 1913 Webster]
Happy mortals, unconcerned for more.Dryden. 1913 Webster]
Un`con*cern"ing, a.Not interesting or affecting; insignificant; not belonging to one. [Obs.] Addison. 1913 Webster]
Un`con*cern"ment(?), n.The state of being unconcerned, or of having no share or concern; unconcernedness. [Obs.] South. 1913 Webster]
Un`con*di"tion*al(?), a.Not conditional, limited, or conditioned; made without condition; absolute; unreserved; as, an unconditional surrender. 1913 Webster]
O, pass not, Lord, an absolute decree, unconditional.Dryden. 1913 Webster]
-- Un`con*di"tion*al*ly, adv. 1913 Webster]
Un`con*di"tioned(?), a.1.Not conditioned or subject to conditions; unconditional. 1913 Webster]
2.(Metaph.)Not subject to conditions or limitations; infinite; absolute; hence, inconceivable; incogitable.Sir W. Hamilton. 1913 Webster]
The unconditioned(Metaph.), all that which is inconceivable and beyond the realm of reason; whatever is inconceivable under logical forms or relations. 1913 Webster]
Un*con"fi*dence(?), n.Absence of confidence; uncertainty; doubt. 1913 Webster]
Un`con*form"(?), a.Unlike. [Obs.] 1913 Webster]
Not unconform to other shining globes.Milton. 1913 Webster]
Un`con*form`a*bil"i*ty, n.1.The quality or state of being unconformable; unconformableness. 1913 Webster]
2.(Geol.)Lack of parallelism between one series of strata and another, especially when due to a disturbance of the position of the earlier strata before the latter were deposited. 1913 Webster]
Un`con*form"a*ble(?), a.1.Not conformable; not agreeable; not conforming. 1913 Webster]
Moral evil is an action unconformable to it [the rule of our duty].I. Watts. 1913 Webster]
2.(Geol.)Not conformable; not lying in a parallel position; as, unconformable strata. 1913 Webster]
-- Un`con*form"a*ble*ness, n. -- Un`con*form"a*bly, adv. 1913 Webster]
Un`con*form"i*ty, n.1.Want of conformity; incongruity; inconsistency.South. 1913 Webster]
2.(Geol.)Want of parallelism between strata in contact. 1913 Webster]
unconformity is equivalent to unconformability; but it is often used more broadly, for example, to include the case when the parallelism of strata once conformable has been disturbed by faulting and the like. 1913 Webster]
Un`con*found"(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + confound.]To free from a state of confusion, or of being confounded.Milton. 1913 Webster]
Un`con*found"ed(?), a.[Pref. un- not + confounded.]Not confounded.Bp. Warburton. 1913 Webster]
Un`con*geal"(?), v. i.[1st pref. un- + congeal.]To thaw; to become liquid again.Tennyson. 1913 Webster]
Un*con"scion*a*ble(, a.1.Not conscionable; exceeding the limits of any reasonable claim or expectation; not conforming to reason; unreasonable; inordinate; extravagant; as, an unconscionable person or demand; unconscionable size. 1913 Webster]
Which use of reason, most reasonless and unconscionable, is the utmost that any tyrant ever pretended.Milton. 1913 Webster]
His giantship is gone somewhat crestfallen, unconscionable strides.Milton. 1913 Webster]
2.Not guided by, or conformed to, conscience; that cannot be done in good conscience; as, unconscionable profits. 1913 Webster +PJC]
Ungenerous as well as unconscionable practices.South. 1913 Webster]
-- Un*con"scion*a*ble*ness, n. -- Un*con"scion*a*bly, adv. 1913 Webster]
un*con"scious(, a.1.Not conscious; having no consciousness or power of mental perception; without cerebral appreciation; hence, not knowing or regarding; ignorant; as, an unconscious man.Cowper. 1913 Webster]
2.Not known or apprehended by consciousness; resulting from neural activity of which a person is not aware; as, an unconscious movement; unconscious cerebration. \'bdUnconscious causes.\'b8 Blackmore. 1913 Webster]
3.Having no knowledge by experience; -- followed by of; as, a mule unconscious of the yoke.Pope. 1913 Webster]
4.Unintentional; as, an unconscious insult. PJC]
-- Un*con"scious*ly, adv. -- Un*con"scious*ness, n. 1913 Webster]
un*con"scious(, n.(Psychoanalysis)Usually
the unconscious; that part of the mind in which mental processes occur that are not accesible to the awareness, but may significantly influence behavior. PJC]
<-- p. 1568 pr=PI --> 1913 Webster]
Un*con"se*crate(, v. t.[1st pref. un- + consecrate.]To render not sacred; to deprive of sanctity; to desecrate. [Obs.]<-- deconsecrate? --> South. 1913 Webster]
Un*con`sti*tu"tion*al(?), a.Not constitutional; not according to, or consistent with, the terms of a constitution of government; contrary to the constitution; as, an unconstitutional law, or act of an officer.Burke. -- Un*con`sti*tu"tion*al"i*ty(#), n. -- Un*con`sti*tu"tion*al-ly(#), adv. 1913 Webster]
Un`con*straint"(?), n.Freedom from constraint; ease.Felton. 1913 Webster]
Un`con*sum"mate(?), a.Not consummated; not accomplished. [Obs.] Dryden. 1913 Webster]
Un*con"ti*nent(?), a.Not continent; incontinent.Wyclif (2 Tim. iii. 3). 1913 Webster]
Un`con*trol"la*ble(?), a.1.Incapable of being controlled; ungovernable; irresistible; as, an uncontrollable temper; uncontrollable events. 1913 Webster]
2.Indisputable; irrefragable; as, an uncontrollable maxim; an uncontrollable title. [R.] Swift. 1913 Webster]
-- Un`con*trol"la*ble*ness, n. -- Un`con*trol"la*bly, adv. 1913 Webster]
Un*cord"(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + cord.]To release from cords; to loosen the cord or cords of; to unfasten or unbind; as, to uncord a package. 1913 Webster]
Un*cork"(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + cork.]To draw the cork from; as, to uncork a bottle. 1913 Webster]
Un*cor"ri*gi*ble(?), a.Incorrigible; not capable of correction. [Obs.] 1913 Webster]
Un`cor*rupt"(?), a.Incorrupt. 1913 Webster]
Un`cor*rupt"i*ble(?), a.Incorruptible. \'bdThe glory of the uncorruptible God.\'b8 Rom. i. 23. 1913 Webster]
Un`cor*rup"tion(?), n.Incorruption. 1913 Webster]
Un*cou"ple(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + couple.]To loose, as dogs, from their couples; also, to set loose; to disconnect; to disjoin; as, to uncouple railroad cars. 1913 Webster]
Un*cou"ple, v. i.To roam at liberty. [Obs.] Chaucer. 1913 Webster]
Un*court"li*ness(?), n.Absence of courtliness; rudeness; rusticity.Addison. 1913 Webster]
Un"cous(?), a.[L. uncus hooked, as n., a hook.]Hooklike; hooked. [Obs.] Sir T. Browne. 1913 Webster]
Un*couth"(, a.[OE. uncouth, AS. unc unknown, strange: un- (see Un- not) + c known, p. p. of cunnan to know. See Can to be able, and cf. Unco, Unked.]1.Unknown. [Obs.] \'bdThis uncouth errand.\'b8 Milton. 1913 Webster]
To leave the good that I had in hand, uncouth.Spenser. 1913 Webster]
Un*cov"e*nant*ed(?), a.1.Not covenanted; not granted or entered into under a covenant, agreement, or contract.Bp. Horsley. 1913 Webster]
2.Not having joined in a league, or assented to a covenant or agreement, as to the Solemn League and Covenant of the Scottish people in the times of the Stuarts. 1913 Webster]
In Scotland a few fanatical nonjurors may have grudged their allegiance to an uncovenanted king.Sir T. E. May. 1913 Webster]
3.(Theol.)Not having entered into relationship with God through the appointed means of grace; also, not promised or assured by the divine promises or conditions; as, uncovenanted mercies. 1913 Webster]
Un*cov"er(?), v. t.[imp. & p. p.Uncovered(?); p. pr. & vb. n.Uncovering.][1st pref. un- + cover.]1.To take the cover from; to divest of covering; as, to uncover a box, bed, house, or the like; to uncover one's body. 1913 Webster]
2.To show openly; to disclose; to reveal. \'bdTo uncover his perjury to the oath of his coronation.\'b8 Milton. 1913 Webster]
3.To divest of the hat or cap; to bare the head of; as, to uncover one's head; to uncover one's self. 1913 Webster]
Un*cov"er(?), v. i.1.To take off the hat or cap; to bare the head in token of respect. 1913 Webster]
We are forced to uncover after them.Addison. 1913 Webster]
2.To remove the covers from dishes, or the like. 1913 Webster]
Uncover, dogs, and lap.Shak. 1913 Webster]
Un*cowl"(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + cowl.]To divest or deprive of a cowl.Pope. 1913 Webster]
Un`cre*ate"(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + create.]To deprive of existence; to annihilate. 1913 Webster]
Who can uncreate thee, thou shalt know.Milton. 1913 Webster]
Un`cre*ate"(?), a.[Pref. un- not + create, a.]Uncreated; self-existent.Book of Common Prayer. 1913 Webster]
Un`cre*at"ed, a.[In sense 1, properly p. p. of uncreate; in senses 2 and 3, pref. un- not + created.]1.Deprived of existence; annihilated.Beau. & Fl. 1913 Webster]
Un*crown"(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + crown.]To deprive of a crown; to take the crown from; hence, to discrown; to dethrone. 1913 Webster]
He hath done me wrong, uncrown him ere't be long.Shak. 1913 Webster]
Un*crud"ded(?), a.[See Un- not, and Curd.]Not cruddled, or curdled. [Obs.] 1913 Webster]
Her breast like to a bowl of cream uncrudded.Spenser. 1913 Webster]
Unc"tion(?), n.[OE. unccioun, uncioun, OF. oncion, onction, F. onction, fr. L. unctio, fr. ungere, unctum, to anoint. See Unguent.]1.The act of anointing, smearing, or rubbing with an unguent, oil, or ointment, especially for medical purposes, or as a symbol of consecration; as, mercurial unction. 1913 Webster]
To be heir, and to be king unction, thy deserved right.Milton. 1913 Webster]
2.That which is used for anointing; an unguent; an ointment; hence, anything soothing or lenitive. 1913 Webster]
The king himself the sacred unction made.Dryden. 1913 Webster]
Lay not that flattering unction to your soul.Shak. 1913 Webster]
3.Divine or sanctifying grace. [R.] 1913 Webster]
4.That quality in language, address, or the like, which excites emotion; especially, strong devotion; religious fervor and tenderness; sometimes, a simulated, factitious, or unnatural fervor. 1913 Webster]
The delightful equivoque and unction of the passage in Farquhar.Hazlitt. 1913 Webster]
The mention of thy glory unction to the breast.Neale (Rhythm of St. Bernard). 1913 Webster]
Extreme unction(R. C. Ch. & Gr. Ch.), the sacrament of anointing in the last hours; the application of consecrated oil by a priest to all the senses, that is, to eyes, ears, nostrils, etc., of a person when in danger of death from illness, -- done for remission of sins. [James v. 14, 15.] 1913 Webster]
Unc"tious(?), a.Unctuous. [Obs.] 1913 Webster]
Unc`tu*os"i*ty(?; 135), n.[Cf. F. onctuosit\'82.]Quality or state of being unctuous.Sir T. Browne. 1913 Webster]
Unc"tu*ous(?; 135), a.[F. onctueux, LL. unctuosus, fr. L. unctus anointment, fr. ungere, unctum, to anoint. See Unguent.]1.Of the nature or quality of an unguent or ointment; fatty; oily; greasy. \'bdThe unctuous cheese.\'b8 Longfellow. 1913 Webster]
2.Having a smooth, greasy feel, as certain minerals. 1913 Webster]
3.Bland; suave; also, tender; fervid; as, an unctuous speech; sometimes, insincerely suave or fervid. 1913 Webster]
-- Unc"tu*ous*ly, adv. -- Unc"tu*ous*ness, n. 1913 Webster]
Un*cul"pa*ble(?), a.Inculpable; not blameworthy. [R.] Hooker. 1913 Webster]
Un*cult"(?), a.[Pref. un- not + L. cultus, p. p. of colere to cultivate. Cf. Incult.]Not cultivated; rude; illiterate. [Obs.] 1913 Webster]
Un*cur"a*bly, adv.In an uncurable manner. 1913 Webster]
Un*curb"a*ble(?), a.Not capable of being curbed.Shak. 1913 Webster]
Un*curl"(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + curl.]To loose from curls, or ringlets; to straighten out, as anything curled or curly. 1913 Webster]
He sheaths his paw, uncurls his angry mane.Dryden. 1913 Webster]
Un*curl", v. i.To become uncurled, or straight. 1913 Webster]
Un*cur"rent(?), a.Not current. Specifically: Not passing in common payment; not receivable at par or full value; as, uncurrent notes.Shak. 1913 Webster]
Un*curse"(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + curse.]To free from a curse or an execration.Shak. 1913 Webster]
Un*cur"tain(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + curtain.]To remove a curtain from; to reveal.Moore. 1913 Webster]
\'d8Un"cus(?), n.; pl.Unci(#).[L.](Zo\'94l.)A hook or claw. 1913 Webster]
Un*cus"tom*a*ble(?), a.Not customable, or subject to customs duties. 1913 Webster]
Un*cus"tomed(?), a.Uncustomable; also, not having paid duty or customs.Smollett. 1913 Webster]
Un*cut"(?), a.1.Not cut; not separated or divided by cutting or otherwise; -- said especially of books, periodicals, and the like, when the leaves have not been separated by trimming in binding. 1913 Webster]
2.Not ground, or otherwise cut, into a certain shape; as, an uncut diamond. 1913 Webster]
3.Not shortened; not condensed; unabridged; -- said of books, plays, and movies; as, an uncut edition of the film. PJC]
4.Not diluted; -- said especially of illegal narcotic drugs; as, uncut heroin. Such illegal drugs are often diluted by admixture with harmless foodstuffs such as sugars. PJC]
Un*cut" vel"vet. A fabric woven like velvet, but with the loops of the warp threads uncut. 1913 Webster]
Un*cy"pher(?), v. t.alternate spelling of Uncipher; same as decipher. 1913 Webster]
Un*dam"(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + dam.]To free from a dam, mound, or other obstruction.Dryden. 1913 Webster]
Un*damp"ned(?), a.Uncondemned. [Obs.] Wyclif (Acts xvi. 37). 1913 Webster]
Un"da*ted(, a.[L. undatus, p. p. of undare to rise in waves, to wave, to undulate, fr. unda a wave. See Undulate.](Bot.)Rising and falling in waves toward the margin, as a leaf; waved. 1913 Webster]
Un*dat"ed(, a.[Pref. un- not + dated.]Not dated; having no date; of unknown age; as, an undated letter. 1913 Webster]
Un*daunt"a*ble(, a.Incapable of being daunted; intrepid; fearless; indomitable.Bp. Hall. 1913 Webster]
Un*daunt"ed(?), a.Not daunted; not subdued or depressed by fear.Shak. 1913 Webster]
-- Un*daunt"ed*ly, adv. -- Un*daunt"ed*ness, n. 1913 Webster]
Un"d\'82(?), a.[F. ond\'82.](Her.)Waving or wavy; -- applied to ordinaries, or division lines. 1913 Webster]
Un*dead"ly(?), a.Not subject to death; immortal. [Obs.] -- Un*dead"li*ness, n. [Obs.]Wyclif. 1913 Webster]
Un*deaf"(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + deaf.]To free from deafness; to cause to hear. [Obs.] Shak. 1913 Webster]
Un*dec"a*gon(?), n.[L. undecim eleven + Gr. / an angle.](Geom.)A figure having eleven angles and eleven sides. 1913 Webster]
Un"de*cane(?), n.[L. undecim eleven.](Chem.)A liquid hydrocarbon, C11H24, of the methane series, found in petroleum; -- so called from its containing eleven carbon atoms in the molecule. 1913 Webster]
Un`de*ceive"(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + deceive.]To cause to be no longer deceived; to free from deception, fraud, fallacy, or mistake.South. 1913 Webster]
Un*de"cen*cy(?), n.Indecency. [Obs.] \'bdDecency and undecency.\'b8 Jer. Taylor. 1913 Webster]
Un`de*cen"na*ry(?), a.[L. undecim eleven (unus one + decem ten) + -ennary as in decennary. Cf. Undecennial.]Occurring once in every period of eleven years; undecennial. 1913 Webster]
An undecennary account laid before Parliament.E. Stiles. 1913 Webster]
Un`de*cen"ni*al(?), a.[See Undecennary, and cf. Decennial.]Occurring or observed every eleventh year; belonging to, or continuing, a period of eleven years; undecennary; as, an undecennial festival. 1913 Webster]
Un*de"cent(?), a.Indecent. [Obs.] 1913 Webster]
Un`de*cide"(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + decide.]To reverse or recant, as a previous decision. 1913 Webster]
[Eve] undecked, save with herself, more lovely fair
Than wood nymph.Milton. 1913 Webster]
2.Not having a deck; as, an undecked vessel. 1913 Webster]
Un`de*col"ic(?), a.[Undecylenic + propiolic.](Chem.)Pertaining to, or designating, an acid, C11H18O2, of the propiolic acid series, obtained indirectly from undecylenic acid as a white crystalline substance. 1913 Webster]
Un`de*creed"(?), a.1.[Pref. un- not + decreed.]Not decreed. 1913 Webster]
2.[1st pref. un- + decree.]Reversed or nullified by decree, as something previously decreed. 1913 Webster]
Un"de*cyl(?), n.[Undecane + -yl.](Chem.)The radical regarded as characteristic of undecylic acid. 1913 Webster]
Un*dec`y*len"ic(?), a.(Chem.)Pertaining to, or designating, an acid C11H20O2, homologous with acrylic acid, and obtained as a white crystalline substance by the distillation of castor oil. 1913 Webster]
Un`de*cyl"ic(?), a.(Chem.)Related to, derived from, or containing, the undecyl radical; specifically, designating that member of the fatty acids which corresponds to undecane, and is obtained as a white crystalline substance, C10H21.CO2H. 1913 Webster]
Un*deed"ed(?), a.1.Not deeded or transferred by deed; as, undeeded land. 1913 Webster]
2.Not made famous by any great action. [Obs.] Shak. 1913 Webster]
Un`de*fine"(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + define.]To make indefinite; to obliterate or confuse the definition or limitations of. 1913 Webster]
Un*de"i*fy(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + deify.]To degrade from the state of deity; to deprive of the character or qualities of a god; to deprive of the reverence due to a god.Addison. 1913 Webster]
2.Unobjectionable; unquestionably excellent; as, a person of undeniable connections. [Colloq.] G. Eliot. 1913 Webster]
Un`de*ni"a*bly, adv.In an undeniable manner. 1913 Webster]
Un`de*part"a*ble(?), a.Incapable of being parted; inseparable. [Obs.] Chaucer. Wyclif. 1913 Webster]
Un"der(, prep.[AS. under, prep. & adv.; akin to OFries. under, OS. undar, D. onder, G. unter, OHG. untar, Icel. undir, Sw. & Dan. under, Goth. undar, L. infra below, inferior lower, Skr. adhas below. Inferior.]1.Below or lower, in place or position, with the idea of being covered; lower than; beneath; -- opposed to over; as, he stood under a tree; the carriage is under cover; a cellar extends under the whole house. 1913 Webster]
Fruit put in bottles, and the bottles let down into wells under water, will keep long.Bacon. 1913 Webster]
Be gathered now, ye waters under heaven, Milton. 1913 Webster]
2. Hence, in many figurative uses which may be classified as follows; -- 1913 Webster]
(a)Denoting relation to some thing or person that is superior, weighs upon, oppresses, bows down, governs, directs, influences powerfully, or the like, in a relation of subjection, subordination, obligation, liability, or the like; as, to travel under a heavy load; to live under extreme oppression; to have fortitude under the evils of life; to have patience under pain, or under misfortunes; to behave like a Christian under reproaches and injuries; under the pains and penalties of the law; the condition under which one enters upon an office; under the necessity of obeying the laws; under vows of chastity. 1913 Webster]
<-- p. 1569 pr=PI --> 1913 Webster]
Both Jews and Gentiles . . . are all under sin.Rom. iii. 9. 1913 Webster]
That led the embattled seraphim to war Under thy conduct.Milton. 1913 Webster]
Who have their provand under them.Shak. 1913 Webster]
(b)Denoting relation to something that exceeds in rank or degree, in number, size, weight, age, or the like; in a relation of the less to the greater, of inferiority, or of falling short. 1913 Webster]
Three sons he dying left under age.Spenser. 1913 Webster]
Medicines take effect sometimes under, and sometimes above, the natural proportion of their virtue.Hooker. 1913 Webster]
There are several hundred parishes in England under twenty pounds a year.Swift. 1913 Webster]
It was too great an honor for any man under a duke.Addison. 1913 Webster]
at, with, or for, less than; as, he would not sell the horse under sixty dollars. 1913 Webster]
Several young men could never leave the pulpit under half a dozen conceits.Swift. 1913 Webster]
(c)Denoting relation to something that comprehends or includes, that represents or designates, that furnishes a cover, pretext, pretense, or the like; as, he betrayed him under the guise of friendship; Morpheus is represented under the figure of a boy asleep. 1913 Webster]
A crew who, under names of old renown . . . abused Milton. 1913 Webster]
Mr. Duke may be mentioned under the double capacity of a poet and a divine.Felton. 1913 Webster]
Under this head may come in the several contests and wars betwixt popes and the secular princes.C. Leslie. 1913 Webster]
(d)Less specifically, denoting the relation of being subject, of undergoing regard, treatment, or the like; as, a bill under discussion. 1913 Webster]
Abject and lost, lay these, covering the flood, Under amazement of their hideous change.Milton. 1913 Webster]
Under arms. (Mil.)(a)Drawn up fully armed and equipped.(b)Enrolled for military service; as, the state has a million men under arms. --
Under canvas. (a)(Naut.)Moved or propelled by sails; -- said of any vessel with her sail set, but especially of a steamer using her sails only, as distinguished from one under steam. Under steam and canvas signifies that a vessel is using both means of propulsion.(b)(Mil.)Provided with, or sheltered in, tents. --
Under fire, exposed to an enemy's fire; taking part in a battle or general engagement. --
Under foot. See under Foot, n. --
Under ground, below the surface of the ground. --
Under one's signature, with one's signature or name subscribed; attested or confirmed by one's signature. Cf. the second Note under Over, prep. --
Under sail. (Naut.)(a)With anchor up, and under the influence of sails; moved by sails; in motion.(b)With sails set, though the anchor is down.(c)Same as Under canvas(a), above.Totten. --
Under sentence, having had one's sentence pronounced. --
Under the breath, with low voice; very softly. --
Under the lee(Naut.), to the leeward; as, under the lee of the land. --
Under the rose. See under Rose, n. --
Under water, below the surface of the water. --
Under way, or
Under weigh(Naut.), in a condition to make progress; having started. 1913 Webster]
Un"der(, adv.In a lower, subject, or subordinate condition; in subjection; -- used chiefly in a few idiomatic phrases; as, to bring under, to reduce to subjection; to subdue; to keep under, to keep in subjection; to control; to go under, to be unsuccessful; to fail; to go bankrupt. 1913 Webster]
I keep under my body, and bring it into subjection.1 Cor. ix. 27. 1913 Webster]
The minstrel fell, but the foeman's chain under.Moore. 1913 Webster]
Under is often used in composition with a verb to indicate lowness or inferiority in position or degree, in the act named by the verb; as, to underline; to undermine; to underprop. 1913 Webster]
Un"der, a.Lower in position, intensity, rank, or degree; subject; subordinate; -- generally in composition with a noun, and written with or without the hyphen; as, an undercurrent; undertone; underdose; under-garment; underofficer; undersheriff. 1913 Webster]
Under covert(Zo\'94l.), one of the feathers situated beneath the bases of the quills in the wings and tail of a bird. See Illust. under Bird. 1913 Webster]
Un`der*act"(?), v. t.To perform inefficiently, as a play; to act feebly. 1913 Webster]
Un"der*ac`tion(?), n.Subordinate action; a minor action incidental or subsidiary to the main story; an episode. 1913 Webster]
The least episodes or underactions . . . are parts necessary or convenient to carry on the main design.Dryden. 1913 Webster]
Un`der*aid"(?), v. t.To aid clandestinely. [Obs.] 1913 Webster]
Un"der-arm(?), a.(Cricket)1.Done (as bowling) with the arm not raised above the elbow, that is, not swung far out from the body; underhand. Cf. Over-arm and Round-Arm. 1913 Webster]
2.For use under the arms, specifically in the armpit; as, an underarm deodorant. PJC]
Un"der*back`(?), n.(Brewing)A vessel which receives the wort as it flows from the mashing tub. 1913 Webster]
Un`der*bear"(?), v. t.[AS. underberan. See Under, and Bear to support.]1.To support; to endure. [Obs.] Shak. 1913 Webster]
2.To line; to guard; to face; as, cloth of gold underborne with blue tinsel. [Obs.] Shak. 1913 Webster]
Un"der*bear`er(?), n.One who supports or sustains; especially, at a funeral, one of those who bear the corpse, as distinguished from a bearer, or pallbearer, who helps to hold up the pall. 1913 Webster]
Un"der*bel`ly(?), n.1.The lower ventral part of the abdomen of an animal, especially one that walks on four feet. PJC]
2.The surface of an object closest to the ground, especially of an extended object such as an airplane. PJC]
3.The weak point of an object vulnerable to attack; used especially in the phrase \'bdthe soft underbelly\'b8. PJC]
Un`der*bid"(?), v. t.To bid less than, as when a contract or service is offered to the lowest bidder; to offer to contract, sell, or do for a lower price than. 1913 Webster]
Un`der*bind"(?), v. t.To bind beneath.Fairfax. 1913 Webster]
Un"der*board`(?), adv.Under the board, or table; hence, secretly; unfairly; underhand. See the Note under Aboveboard. 1913 Webster]
Un`der*brace(?), v. t.To brace, fasten, or bind underneath or below.Cowper. 1913 Webster]
Un"der*brush`(?), n.Shrubs, small trees, and the like, in a wood or forest, growing beneath large trees; undergrowth. 1913 Webster]
Un"der*build`er(?), n.A subordinate or assistant builder. 1913 Webster]
An underbuilder in the house of God.Jer. Taylor. 1913 Webster]
Un"der*build`ing, n.Same as Substruction. 1913 Webster]
Un`der*buy"(?), v. t.To buy at less than the real value or worth; to buy cheaper than. [R.] J. Fletcher. 1913 Webster]
Un`der*cast"(?), v. t.To cast under or beneath. 1913 Webster]
Un`der*cham"ber*lain(?), n.A deputy chamberlain of the exchequer. 1913 Webster]
Un`der*chant"er(?), n.Same as Subchanter. 1913 Webster]
Un"der*chaps`(?), n. pl.The lower chaps or jaw.Paley. 1913 Webster]
Un`der*charge"(?), v. t.1.To charge below or under; to charge less than is usual or suitable for; as, to undercharge goods or services. 1913 Webster]
2.To put too small a charge into; as, to undercharge a gun. 1913 Webster]
Undercharged mine(Mil.), a mine whose crater is not as wide at top as it is deep.W. P. Craighill. 1913 Webster]
Un"der*charge`(?), n.A charge that is less than is usual or suitable. 1913 Webster]
Un"der*clay`(?), n.(Geol.)A stratum of clay lying beneath a coal bed, often containing the roots of coal plants, especially the Stigmaria. 1913 Webster]
Un"der*cliff`(?), n.A subordinate cliff on a shore, consisting of material that has fallen from the higher cliff above. 1913 Webster]
Un"der*clothes`(?), n. pl.Clothes worn under others, especially those worn next the skin for warmth; underwear. 1913 Webster]
Un"der*cloth`ing(?), n.Same as Underclothes. 1913 Webster]
Un"der*coat`(?), n.1.A coat worn under another; a light coat, as distinguished from an overcoat, or a greatcoat. 1913 Webster]
2.A growth of short hair or fur partially concealed by a longer growth; as, a dog's undercoat. 1913 Webster]
Un"der*con`duct(?), n.A lower conduit; a subterranean conduit. [Obs.] Sir H. Wotton. 1913 Webster]
Un`der*con*sump"tion(?), n.(Polit. Econ.)Consumption of less than is produced; consumption of less than the usual amount.F. A. Walker. 1913 Webster]
Un"der*craft`(?), n.A sly trick or device; as, an undercraft of authors. [R.] Sterne. 1913 Webster]
Un`der*creep"(?), v. i.To creep secretly or privily. [Obs.] Wyclif. 1913 Webster]
Un`der*crest"(?), v. t.To support as a crest; to bear. [Obs. & R.] Shak. 1913 Webster]
Un"der*croft(?), n.[Under + Prov. E. croft a vault; cf. OD. krochte crypt, and E. crypt.](Arch.)A subterranean room of any kind; esp., one under a church (see Crypt), or one used as a chapel or for any sacred purpose. 1913 Webster]
Un`der*cry"(?), v. i.To cry aloud. [Obs.] Wyclif. 1913 Webster]
Un"der*cur`rent(?), n.1.A current below the surface of water, sometimes flowing in a contrary direction to that on the surface.Totten. 1913 Webster]
2.Hence, figuratively, a tendency of feeling, opinion, or the like, in a direction contrary to what is publicly shown; an unseen influence or tendency; as, a strong undercurrent of sentiment in favor of a prisoner. 1913 Webster]
All the while there was a busy undercurrent in her.G. Eliot. 1913 Webster]
Un`der*delve"(?), v. t.To delve under. [Obs.] 1913 Webster]
Un`der*dig"(?), v. t.To dig under or beneath; to undermine. [Obs.] Wyclif. 1913 Webster]
Un`der*ditch"(?), v. t.To dig an underground ditch or ditches in, so as to drain the surface; to underdrain; as, to underditch a field or a farm. 1913 Webster]
Un`der*do"(?), v. i.To do less than is requisite or proper; -- opposed to overdo.Grew. 1913 Webster]
Un`der*do", v. t.To do less thoroughly than is requisite; specifically, to cook insufficiently; as, to underdo the meat; -- opposed to overdo. 1913 Webster]
Un"der*do`er(?), n.One who underdoes; a shirk. 1913 Webster]
Un`der*dolv"en(?), obs. p. p. of Underdelve. 1913 Webster]
Un"der*dose`(?), n.A dose which is less than required; a small or insufficient dose. 1913 Webster]
Un`der*dose"(?), v. t. & i.To give an underdose or underdoses to; to practice giving insufficient doses. 1913 Webster]
Un"der*drain`(?), n.An underground drain or trench with openings through which the water may percolate from the soil or ground above. 1913 Webster]
Un`der*drain"(?), v. t.To drain by forming an underdrain or underdrains in; as, to underdrain land. 1913 Webster]
Un`der*feed"(?), v. t.To feed with too little food; to supply with an insufficient quantity of food. 1913 Webster]
Un"der*fel`low(?), n.An underling; a mean, low fellow. [R.] Sir P. Sidney. 1913 Webster]
Un"der*fill`ing(?), n.The filling below or beneath; the under part of a building.Sir H. Wotton. 1913 Webster]
Un`der*fol"low(?), v. t.To follow closely or immediately after. [Obs.] Wyclif. 1913 Webster]
Un`der*fong"(?), v. t.[AS. underfongen, p. p. of underf to undertake; under under + f to take. See Fang to seize.]1.To undertake; to take in hand; to receive. [Obs.] Piers Plowman.Rom. of R. 1913 Webster]
2.To insnare; to circumvent. [Obs.] Spenser. 1913 Webster]
3.To sustain; to support; to guard. [Obs.] Nash. 1913 Webster]
Un`der*foot"(?), adv.Under the feet; underneath; below. See Under foot, under Foot, n. 1913 Webster]
Un`der*get"(?), v. t.To get under or beneath; also, to understand. [Obs.] R. of Gloucester. 1913 Webster]
Un`der*gird"(?), v. t.To bind below; to gird round the bottom. 1913 Webster]
They used helps, undergirding the ship.Acts xxvii. 17. 1913 Webster]
Un"der*glaze`(?), a.Applied under the glaze, that is, before the glaze is put on; fitted to be so applied; -- said of colors in porcelain painting. 1913 Webster]
Un`der*go"(?), v. t.[imp.Underwent(?); p. p.Undergone(?; 115); p. pr. & vb. n.Undergoing.][AS. underg\'ben. See Under, and Go.]1.To go or move below or under. [Obs.] 1913 Webster]
2.To be subjected to; to bear up against; to pass through; to endure; to suffer; to sustain; as, to undergo toil and fatigue; to undergo pain, grief, or anxiety; to undergothe operation of amputation; food in the stomach undergoes the process of digestion. 1913 Webster]
Certain to undergo like doom.Milton. 1913 Webster]
3.To be the bearer of; to possess. [Obs.] 1913 Webster]
Their virtues else, be they as pure as grace, undergo.Shak. 1913 Webster]
4.To undertake; to engage in; to hazard. [Obs.] 1913 Webster]
I have moved already undergo with me an enterprise.Shak. 1913 Webster]
5.To be subject or amenable to; to underlie. [Obs.] 1913 Webster]
Claudio undergoes my challenge.Shak. 1913 Webster]
Un"der*god`(?), n.A lower or inferior god; a subordinate deity; a demigod. 1913 Webster]
Un`der*gore"(?), v. t.To gore underneath. 1913 Webster]
Un"der*gown`(?), n.A gown worn under another, or under some other article of dress. 1913 Webster]
An undergown and kirtle of pale sea-green silk.Sir W. Scott. 1913 Webster]
Un`der*grad"u*ate(?), n.A member of a university or a college who has not taken his first degree; a student in any school who has not completed his course. Contrasted with graduate student. 1913 Webster +PJC]
Un`der*grad"u*ate, a.Of or pertaining to an undergraduate, or the body of undergraduates. 1913 Webster]
Un`der*grad"u*ate*ship, n.The position or condition of an undergraduate. 1913 Webster]
Un`der*groan(?), v. t.To groan beneath. [Obs.] 1913 Webster]
Earth undergroaned their high-raised feet.Chapman. 1913 Webster]
Un"der*ground`(?), n.1.The place or space beneath the surface of the ground; subterranean space. 1913 Webster]
A spirit raised from depth of underground.Shak. 1913 Webster]
2.a subway or subway system, especially in the United Kingdom. [chiefly British] PJC]
3.a secret organization opposed to the prevailing government; as, the French underground during the Nazi occupation. PJC]
4.a group or movement holding unorthodox views in an environment where conventional ideas dominate, as in artistic circles. PJC]
2.(Baseball, Cricket, etc.)Done, as pitching, with the hand lower than the shoulder, or, as bowling, with the hand lower than the elbow. 1913 Webster]
Un"der*hand`(, adv.1.By secret means; in a clandestine manner; hence, by fraud; unfairly; dishonorably. 1913 Webster]
Such mean revenge, committed underhand.Dryden. 1913 Webster]
Baillie Macwheeble provided Janet, underhand, with meal for their maintenance.Sir W. Scott. 1913 Webster]
In modern usage, the sense is usually negative. PJC]
2.(Baseball, Cricket, etc.)In an underhand manner; thrown with the hand no higher than the shoulder and the palm turned upward during part of the pitch; -- said of pitching or bowling a ball. 1913 Webster +PJC]
2.Insufficiently provided with hands or workers; short-handed; sparsely populated; obsolete in this sense, short-handed or understaffed being the preferrred term. 1913 Webster +JG]
Norway . . . might defy the world, . . . but it is much underhanded now.Coleridge. 1913 Webster]
Un"der*hand`ed*ly(, adv.In an underhand manner. 1913 Webster]
Un`der*hang"(, v. t. & i.To hang under or down; to suspend.Holland. 1913 Webster]
Un"der*hang`man(?), n.An assistant or deputy hangman.Shak. 1913 Webster]
Un"der*head`(?), n.A blockhead, or stupid person; a dunderhead. [Obs.] Sir T. Browne. 1913 Webster]
Un`der*heave"(?), v. i.To heave or lift from below. [Obs.] Wyclif. 1913 Webster]
Un`der*hew"(?), v. t.To hew less than is usual or proper; specifically, to hew, as a piece of timber which should be square, in such a manner that it appears to contain a greater number of cubic feet than it really does contain.Haldeman. 1913 Webster]
Un`der*hon"est(?), a.Not entirely honest. [R.] \'bdWe think him overproud and underhonest.\'b8 Shak. 1913 Webster]
Un`der*hung"(?), a.1.(Carp.)Resting on a track at the bottom, instead of being suspended; -- said of a sliding door.Forney. 1913 Webster]
2.Having the lower jaw projecting.T. Hughes. 1913 Webster]
Un"der*king`dom(?), n.A subordinate or dependent kingdom.Tennyson. 1913 Webster]
Un"der*la`bor*er(?), n.An assistant or subordinate laborer.Locke. 1913 Webster]
Un`der*laid"(?), a.Laid or placed underneath; also, having something laid or lying underneath. 1913 Webster]
Un`der*lay"(?), v. t.[AS. underlecgan. See Under, and Lay, v. t.]1.To lay beneath; to put under. 1913 Webster]
2.To raise or support by something laid under; as, to underlay a cut, plate, or the like, for printing. See Underlay, n., 2. 1913 Webster]
3.To put a tap on (a shoe). [Prov. Eng.] 1913 Webster]
Un`der*lay", v. i.(Mining)To incline from the vertical; to hade; -- said of a vein, fault, or lode. 1913 Webster]
Un"der*lay`(?), n.1.(Mining)The inclination of a vein, fault, or lode from the vertical; a hade; -- called also underlie. 1913 Webster]
2.(Print.)A thickness of paper, pasteboard, or the like, placed under a cut, or stereotype plate, or under type, in the form, to bring it, or any part of it, to the proper height; also, something placed back of a part of the tympan, so as to secure the right impression. 1913 Webster]
Un"der*lay`er(?), n.1.One who, or that which, underlays or is underlaid; a lower layer. 1913 Webster]
2.(Mining)A perpendicular shaft sunk to cut the lode at any required depth.Weale. 1913 Webster]
Un"der*leaf`(?), n.A prolific sort of apple, good for cider. [Obs.] Mortimer. 1913 Webster]
Un"der*lease(?), n.(Law)A lease granted by a tenant or lessee; especially, a lease granted by one who is himself a lessee for years, for any fewer or less number of years than he himself holds; a sublease.Burrill. 1913 Webster]
Un`der*let"(?), v. t.1.To let below the value. 1913 Webster]
All my farms were underlet.Smollett. 1913 Webster]
2.To let or lease at second hand; to sublet. 1913 Webster]
Un"der*let`ter(?), n.A tenant or lessee who grants a lease to another. 1913 Webster]
Un`der*lie"(?), v. t.[AS. underlicgan. See Under, and Lie to be prostrate.]1.To lie under; to rest beneath; to be situated under; as, a stratum of clay underlies the surface gravel. 1913 Webster]
2.To be at the basis of; to form the foundation of; to support; as, a doctrine underlying a theory. 1913 Webster]
3.To be subject or amenable to. [R.] 1913 Webster]
The knight of Ivanhoe . . . underlies the challenge of Brian der Bois Guilbert.Sir W. Scott. 1913 Webster]
Un`der*lie", v. i.To lie below or under. 1913 Webster]
The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars, underlings.Shak. 1913 Webster]
Un"der*lip`(?), n.The lower lip. 1913 Webster]
Un"der*load(?), v. t.to load (a truck, etc.) with less than its full capacity; -- in certain circumstances, an inefficient use of resources. PJC]
Un"der*load start`er. (Elec.)A motor starter provided with an underload switch. Webster 1913 Suppl.]
Underload switch. (Elec.)A switch which opens a circuit when the current falls below a certain predetermined value, used to protect certain types of motors from running at excessive speed upon decrease of load. Webster 1913 Suppl.]
un"der*lock`(?), n.A lock of wool hanging under the belly of a sheep. 1913 Webster]
un"der*look`er(?), n.(Mining)A person who inspects a mine daily; -- called also underviewer. 1913 Webster]
un`der*ly"ing(?), a.1.Lying under or beneath; as, the underlying strata of a locality. 1913 Webster]
3.Implicit; not immediately obvious; requiring careful scrutiny to discover; as, the underlying sarcasm in her seemingly innocuous remark.. PJC]
Un`der*manned"(?), a.(Naut.)Insufficiently furnished with men; short-handed. 1913 Webster]
Un"der*mast`ed(?), a.(Naut.)Having masts smaller than the usual dimension; -- said of vessels.Totten. 1913 Webster]
Un"der*mas`ter(?), n.A master subordinate to the principal master; an assistant master. 1913 Webster]
Un"der*match`(?), n.One who is not a match for another.Fuller. 1913 Webster]
Un"der*meal`(?), n.[AS. under under + m/l part or portion; cf. AS. underm/l midday. See Under, Meal a part, and cf. Undern.]1.The inferior, or after, part of the day; the afternoon. [Obs. or Prov. Eng.] 1913 Webster]
In undermeals and in mornings.Chaucer. 1913 Webster]
2.Hence, something occurring or done in the afternoon; esp., an afternoon meal; supper; also, an afternoon nap; a siesta. [Obs. or Prov. Eng.] 1913 Webster]
Another great supper, or undermeal, was made ready for them, coming home from ditching and plowing.Withals (1608). 1913 Webster]
I think I am furnished with Cattern [Catharine] pears for one undermeal.B. Jonson. 1913 Webster]
In a narrower limit than the forty years' undermeal of the seven sleepers.Nash. 1913 Webster]
Un`der*mine"(?), v. t.1.To excavate the earth beneath, or the part of, especially for the purpose of causing to fall or be overthrown; to form a mine under; to sap; as, to undermine a wall. 1913 Webster]
A vast rock undermined from one end to the other, and a highway running through it.Addison. 1913 Webster]
2.Fig.: To remove the foundation or support of by clandestine means; to ruin in an underhand way; as, to undermine reputation; to undermine the constitution of the state. 1913 Webster]
He should be warned who are like to undermine him.Locke. 1913 Webster]
Un`der*min"er(?), n.One who undermines. 1913 Webster]
Un`der*min"is*ter(?), v. t.To serve, or minister to, in a subordinate relation. [Obs.] Wyclif. 1913 Webster]
Un`der*min"is*try(?), n.A subordinate or inferior ministry.Jer. Taylor. 1913 Webster]
Un"der*mirth`(?), n.Suppressed or concealed mirth. [Obs.] The Coronation. 1913 Webster]
Un"der*most(?), a.[From Under; cf. Aftermost.]Lowest, as in place, rank, or condition.Addison. 1913 Webster]
Un"dern(?), n.[AS. undern; akin to OS. undorn, OHG. untarn, untorn, Icel. undorn mid afternoon, mid forenoon, Goth. unda\'a3rnimats the midday meal. Cf. Undermeal, Undertime.]The time between; the time between sunrise and noon; specifically, the third hour of the day, or nine o'clock in the morning, according to ancient reckoning; hence, mealtime, because formerly the principal meal was eaten at that hour; also, later, the afternoon; the time between dinner and supper. [Obs. or Prov. Eng.] 1913 Webster]
Betwixt undern and noon was the field all won.R. of Brunne. 1913 Webster]
In a bed of worts still he lay undern of the day.Chaucer. 1913 Webster]
Un`der*neath"(?), adv.[OE. undirnepe. See Under, and Beneath.]Beneath; below; in a lower place; under; as, a channel underneath the soil. 1913 Webster]
Or sullen mole, that runneth underneath.Milton. 1913 Webster]
Un`der*pight"(?), imp. of Underpitch. 1913 Webster]
Un`der*pin"(?), v. t.[imp. & p. p.Underpinned(?); p. pr. & vb. n.Underpinning.]1.To lay stones, masonry, etc., under, as the sills of a building, on which it is to rest. 1913 Webster]
2.To support by some solid foundation; to place something underneath for support. 1913 Webster]
Un"der*pin`ning(?), n.1.The act of one who underpins; the act of supporting by stones, masonry, or the like. 1913 Webster]
2.(Arch.)(a)That by which a building is underpinned; the material and construction used for support, introduced beneath a wall already constructed.(b)The foundation, esp. of a frame house. [Local, U. S.] 1913 Webster]
Un`der*pitch"(?), v. t.[imp.Underpight.][OE. underpicchen. See Under, and Pitch to throw, fix.]To fill underneath; to stuff. [Obs.] 1913 Webster]
He drank and well his girdle underpight.Chaucer. 1913 Webster]
Un`der*plant"(?), v. t.[imp. & p. p.Underplanted; p. pr. & vb. n.Underplanting.]To plant under;specif.(Forestry), to plant (young trees) under an existing stand. Webster 1913 Suppl.]
Un`der*play"(?), v. i.1.To play in a subordinate, or in an inferior manner; to underact a part. 1913 Webster]
2.(Card Playing)To play a low card when holding a high one, in the hope of a future advantage. 1913 Webster]
Un"der*play`(?), n.(Card Playing)The act of underplaying. 1913 Webster]
Un"der*plot`(?), n.1.A series of events in a play, proceeding collaterally with the main story, and subservient to it.Dryden. 1913 Webster]
2.A clandestine scheme; a trick.Addison. 1913 Webster]
Un`der*poise"(?), v. t.To weigh, estimate, or rate below desert; to undervalue. [R.] Marston. 1913 Webster]
Un"der*pos*sess`or(?), n.One who possesses or holds anything subject to the superior of another.Jer. Taylor. 1913 Webster]
Un`der*praise"(?), v. t.To praise below desert. 1913 Webster]
Un`der*prize"(?), v. t.To undervalue; to underestimate.Shak. 1913 Webster]
Un`der*pro*duc"tion(?), n.(Polit. Econ.)The production of less than is demanded or of less than the usual supply.F. A. Walker. 1913 Webster]
Un"der*proof`(?), a.Containing less alcohol than proof spirit. See Proof spirit, under Spirit. 1913 Webster]
Un`der*prop"(?), v. t.To prop from beneath; to put a prop under; to support; to uphold. 1913 Webster]
Underprop the head that bears the crown.Fenton. 1913 Webster]
Un`der*pro*por"tioned(?), a.Of inadequate or inferior proportions; small; poor. 1913 Webster]
Scanty and underproportioned returns of civility.Collier. 1913 Webster]
Un"der*prop`per(?), n.One who, or that which, underprops or supports. 1913 Webster]
Un"der*pull`er(?), n.One who underpulls. [Obs.] 1913 Webster]
Un`der*put"(?), v. t.To put or send under. [Obs.] 1913 Webster]
Un`der*rate"(?), v. t.To rate too low; to rate below the value; to undervalue.Burke. 1913 Webster]
Un"der*rate`(?), n.A price less than the value; as, to sell a thing at an underrate.Cowley. 1913 Webster]
Un`der*reck"on(?), v. t.To reckon below what is right or proper; to underrate.Bp. Hall. 1913 Webster]
Un`der*run"(?), v. t.To run or pass under;especially(Naut.), to pass along and under, as a cable, for the purpose of taking it in, or of examining it. 1913 Webster]
Totten. 1913 Webster]
To underrun a hose(Naut.), to lift it up at one end, then walk along shifting one hand after another so that the water will run out. --
To underrun a tackle(Naut.), to separate its parts and put them in order. 1913 Webster]
Un`der*sail"(?), v. i.To sail alongshore. [Obs.] 1913 Webster]
Un"der*sailed`(?), a.Inadequately equipped with sails. [Obs.] 1913 Webster]
Un`der*say"(?), v. t.To say by way of derogation or contradiction. [Obs.] Spenser. 1913 Webster]
Un`der*score"(?), v. t.To draw a mark or line under; to underline.J. Tucker. 1913 Webster]
Un`der*sec"re*ta*ry(?), n.A secretary who is subordinate to the chief secretary; an assistant secretary; as, an undersecretary of the Treasury. 1913 Webster]
Un`der*sell"(?), v. t.To sell the same articles at a lower price than; to sell cheaper than. 1913 Webster]
Un"der*shirt`(?), n.A shirt worn next the skin, under another shirt; -- called also undervest. 1913 Webster]
Un`der*shoot"(?), v. t.To shoot short of (a mark). 1913 Webster]
Un"der*shot`(?), a.1.(Zo\'94l.)Having the lower incisor teeth projecting beyond the upper ones, as in the bulldog. 1913 Webster]
2.Moved by water passing beneath; -- said of a water wheel, and opposed to overshot; as, an undershot wheel. 1913 Webster]
Un"der*shriev"al*ty(?), n.The office or position of an undersheriff. 1913 Webster]
Un"der*shrieve`(?), n.(Bot.)A low shrub; a woody plant of low stature. 1913 Webster]
Un"der*shrub`, a.Partly shrublike. 1913 Webster]
Un"der*shut`(?), a.Closed from beneath. 1913 Webster]
Undershut valve(Mach.), a valve which shuts by being lifted against a seat facing downward.Knight. 1913 Webster]
Un"der*side`(?), n.The lower or lowest side of anything.Paley. 1913 Webster]
Un`der*sign"(?), v. t.To write one's name at the foot or end of, as a letter or any legal instrument. 1913 Webster]
The undersigned, the person whose name is signed, or the persons whose names are signed, at the end of a document; the subscriber or subscribers. 1913 Webster]
Un"der*sized`(?), a.Of a size less than is common. 1913 Webster]
Un"der*skirt`(?), n.A petticoat; the foundation skirt of a draped dress. 1913 Webster]
Un"der*sky`(?), n.The lower region of the sky. 1913 Webster]
Floating about the undersky.Tennyson. 1913 Webster]
Un"der*sleeve`(?), n.A sleeve of an under-garment; a sleeve worn under another, 1913 Webster]
{ Un"der*slung`(?), Un"der*hung"(?) }, a.Of an automobile body, suspended from the springs in such a manner that the frame of the chassis is below the axles, the object being to lower the center of gravity of the car. Webster 1913 Suppl.]
Un"der*soil`(?), n.The soil beneath the surface; understratum; subsoil. 1913 Webster]
Un`der*sold"(?), p. p. of Undersell. 1913 Webster]
Un"der*song`(?), n.1.The burden of a song; the chorus; the refrain.Dryden. 1913 Webster]
2.Accompanying strain; subordinate and underlying meaning; accompaniment; undertone. 1913 Webster]
In the very [poetry] there often an undersong of sense which none beside the poetic mind . . . can comprehend.Landor. 1913 Webster]
Un"der*sparred`(?), a.(Naut.)Having spars smaller than the usual dimension; -- said of vessels. 1913 Webster]
Un`der*spend"(?), v. t.To spend less than. 1913 Webster]
Un"der*sphere`(?), n.1.A sphere which is smaller than, and in its movements subject to, another; a satellite. 1913 Webster]
2.An inferior sphere, or field of action. 1913 Webster]
Un`der*spore"(?), v. t.To raise with a spar, or piece of wood, used as a lever. [Obs.] 1913 Webster]
Give me a staff that I may underspore.Chaucer. 1913 Webster]
Un"der*stair`(?), a.Of or pertaining to the kitchen, or the servants' quarters; hence, subordinate; menial. [Obs.] 1913 Webster]
Un"der*stairs`(?), n.The basement or cellar. 1913 Webster]
<-- p. 1571 --> 1913 Webster]
Un`der*stand"(, v. t.[imp. & p. p.Understood(, and Archaic Understanded; p. pr. & vb. n.Understanding.][OE. understanden, AS. understandan, literally, to stand under; cf. AS. forstandan to understand, G. verstehen. The development of sense is not clear. See Under, and Stand.]1.To have just and adequate ideas of; to apprehended the meaning or intention of; to have knowledge of; to comprehend; to know; as, to understand a problem in Euclid; to understand a proposition or a declaration; the court understands the advocate or his argument; to understand the sacred oracles; to understand a nod or a wink.
<-- in ety, sic: "development of sense"?? perh. s.b. "development of this sense"?? --> 1913 Webster]
Speaketh [i. e., speak thou] so plain at this time, I you pray, understande what ye say.Chaucer. 1913 Webster]
I understand not what you mean by this.Shak. 1913 Webster]
Understood not all was but a show.Milton. 1913 Webster]
A tongue not understanded of the people.Bk. of Com. Prayer. 1913 Webster]
2.To be apprised, or have information, of; to learn; to be informed of; to hear; as, I understand that Congress has passed the bill. 1913 Webster]
3.To recognize or hold as being or signifying; to suppose to mean; to interpret; to explain. 1913 Webster]
The most learned interpreters understood the words of sin, and not of Abel.Locke. 1913 Webster]
4.To mean without expressing; to imply tacitly; to take for granted; to assume. 1913 Webster]
War, then, war, understood, must be resolved.Milton. 1913 Webster]
5.To stand under; to support. [Jocose & R.] Shak. 1913 Webster]
To give one to understand, to cause one to know. --
To make one's self understood, to make one's meaning clear. 1913 Webster]
Un`der*stand", v. i.1.To have the use of the intellectual faculties; to be an intelligent being. 1913 Webster]
Imparadised in you, in whom alone understand, and grow, and see.Donne. 1913 Webster]
2.To be informed; to have or receive knowledge. 1913 Webster]
I came to Jerusalem, and understood of the evil that Eliashib did for Tobiah.Neh. xiii. 7. 1913 Webster]
Un`der*stand"a*ble(, a.Capable of being understood; intelligible.Chillingworth. 1913 Webster]
Un`der*stand"er(, n.One who understands, or knows by experience. [R.] Dryden. 1913 Webster]
Un`der*stand"ing(, a.Knowing; intelligent; skillful; as, he is an understanding man. 1913 Webster]
Un`der*stand"ing, n.1.The act of one who understands a thing, in any sense of the verb; knowledge; discernment; comprehension; interpretation; explanation. 1913 Webster]
2.An agreement of opinion or feeling; adjustment of differences; harmony; anything mutually understood or agreed upon; as, to come to an understanding with another. 1913 Webster]
He hoped the loyalty of his subjects would concur with him in the preserving of a good understanding between him and his people.Clarendon. 1913 Webster]
3.The power to understand; the intellectual faculty; the intelligence; the rational powers collectively conceived an designated; the higher capacities of the intellect; the power to distinguish truth from falsehood, and to adapt means to ends. 1913 Webster]
But there is a spirit in man; and the inspiration of the Almighty giveth them understanding.Job xxxii. 8. 1913 Webster]
The power of perception is that which we call the understanding. Perception, which we make the act of the understanding, is of three sorts: 1. The perception of ideas in our mind; 2. The perception of the signification of signs; 3. The perception of the connection or repugnancy, agreement or disagreement, that there is between any of our ideas. All these are attributed to the understanding, or perceptive power, though it be the two latter only that use allows us to say we understand.Locke. 1913 Webster]
In its wider acceptation, understanding is the entire power of perceiving an conceiving, exclusive of the sensibility: the power of dealing with the impressions of sense, and composing them into wholes, according to a law of unity; and in its most comprehensive meaning it includes even simple apprehension.Coleridge. 1913 Webster]
4.Specifically, the discursive faculty; the faculty of knowing by the medium or use of general conceptions or relations. In this sense it is contrasted with, and distinguished from, the reason. 1913 Webster]
I use the term understanding, not for the noetic faculty, intellect proper, or place of principles, but for the dianoetic or discursive faculty in its widest signification, for the faculty of relations or comparisons; and thus in the meaning in which \'bdverstand\'b8 is now employed by the Germans.Sir W. Hamilton. 1913 Webster]
Syn. -- Sense; intelligence; perception. See Sense. 1913 Webster]
Un`der*stand"ing*ly, adv.In an understanding manner; intelligibly; with full knowledge or comprehension; intelligently; as, to vote upon a question understandingly; to act or judge understandingly. 1913 Webster]
The gospel may be neglected, but in can not be understandingly disbelieved.J. Hawes. 1913 Webster]
Un`der*state"(?), v. t.To state or represent less strongly than may be done truthfully. 1913 Webster]
Un"der*state`ment(?), n.The act of understating, or the condition of being understated; that which is understated; a statement below the truth. 1913 Webster]
Un`der*stock"(?), v. t.To supply insufficiently with stock.A. Smith. 1913 Webster]
Un`der*stood"(?), imp. & p. p. of Understand. 1913 Webster]
Un"der*strap`per(?), n.A petty fellow; an inferior agent; an underling. 1913 Webster]
This was going to the fountain head at once, not applying to the understrappers.Goldsmith. 1913 Webster]
Un"der*strap`ping, a.Becoming an understrapper; subservient. [R.] Sterne. 1913 Webster]
Un"der*stra`tum(?), n.; pl. L. Understrata(/), E. Understratums(/).The layer, or stratum, of earth on which the mold, or soil, rests; subsoil. 1913 Webster]
Un`der*stroke"(?), v. t.To underline or underscore.Swift. 1913 Webster]
Un"der*stud`y(?), v. t. & i.(Theater)To study, as another actor's part, in order to be his substitute in an emergency; to study another actor's part. 1913 Webster]
Un"der*stud`y, n.One who studies another's part with a view to assuming it in an emergency. 1913 Webster]
Un"der*suit`(?), n.A suit worn under another suit; a suit of underclothes. 1913 Webster]
Un`der*tak"a*ble(?), a.Capable of being undertaken; practicable. 1913 Webster]
Un`der*take"(?), v. t.[imp.Undertook(?); p. p.Undertaken(?); p. pr. & vb. n.Undertaking.][Under + take.]1.To take upon one's self; to engage in; to enter upon; to take in hand; to begin to perform; to set about; to attempt. 1913 Webster]
To second, or oppose, or undertake Milton. 1913 Webster]
2.Specifically, to take upon one's self solemnly or expressly; to lay one's self under obligation, or to enter into stipulations, to perform or to execute; to covenant; to contract. 1913 Webster]
I 'll undertake to land them on our coast.Shak. 1913 Webster]
3.Hence, to guarantee; to promise; to affirm. 1913 Webster]
And he was not right fat, I undertake.Dryden. 1913 Webster]
And those two counties I will undertake Shak. 1913 Webster]
I dare undertake they will not lose their labor.Woodward. 1913 Webster]
4.To assume, as a character. [Obs.] Shak. 1913 Webster]
5.To engage with; to attack. [Obs.] 1913 Webster]
It is not fit your lordship should undertake every companion that you give offense to.Shak. 1913 Webster]
6.To have knowledge of; to hear. [Obs.] Spenser. 1913 Webster]
7.To take or have the charge of. [Obs.] \'bdWho undertakes you to your end.\'b8 Shak. 1913 Webster]
Keep well those that ye undertake.Chaucer. 1913 Webster]
Un`der*take", v. i.1.To take upon one's self, or assume, any business, duty, or province. 1913 Webster]
O Lord, I am oppressed; undertake for me.Isa. xxxviii. 14. 1913 Webster]
2.To venture; to hazard. [Obs.] 1913 Webster]
It is the cowish terror of his spirit undertake.Shak. 1913 Webster]
3.To give a promise or guarantee; to be surety. 1913 Webster]
But on mine honor dare I undertake Shak. 1913 Webster]
Un`der*tak"er(?), n.1.One who undertakes; one who engages in any project or business.Beau. & Fl. 1913 Webster]
2.One who stipulates or covenants to perform any work for another; a contractor. 1913 Webster]
To sign deputations for undertakes to furnish their proportions of saltpeter.Evelyn. 1913 Webster]
In come some other undertakes, and promise us the same or greater wonders.South. 1913 Webster]
3.Specifically, one who takes the charge and management of funerals. 1913 Webster]
Un`der*tak"ing, n.1.The act of one who undertakes, or engages in, any project or business.Hakluyt. 1913 Webster]
2.That which is undertaken; any business, work, or project which a person engages in, or attempts to perform; an enterprise. 1913 Webster]
3.Specifically, the business of an undertaker, or the management of funerals. 1913 Webster]
4.A promise or pledge; a guarantee.A. Trollope. 1913 Webster]
Un`der*tap"ster(?), n.Assistant to a tapster. 1913 Webster]
Un"der*taxed`(?), a.Taxed too little, or at a lower rate than others. 1913 Webster]
Un"der*ten`an*cy(?), n.Tenancy or tenure under a tenant or lessee; the tenure of an undertenant. 1913 Webster]
Un"der*ten`ant(?), n.The tenant of a tenant; one who holds lands or tenements of a tenant or lessee. 1913 Webster]
Un"der**thing`(?), n.Something that is inferior and of little worth. [Obs.] Beau. & Fl. 1913 Webster]
{ Un"der*tide`(?), Un"der*time`(?), }n.[Under + tide, time. Cf. Undern.]The under or after part of the day; undermeal; evening. [Obs.] 1913 Webster]
He, coming home at undertime, there found Spenser. 1913 Webster]
Un"der*tone`(?), n.A low or subdued tone or utterance; a tone less loud than usual.
<-- 2. an attitude, usu. conveyed by more than one part of an action or a communication, but not explicitly expressed. --> 1913 Webster]
Un`der*took"(?), imp. of Undertake. 1913 Webster]
Un"der*tow`(?), n.(Naut.)The current that sets seaward near the bottom when waves are breaking upon the shore. 1913 Webster]
Un"der*wear`(?), n.That which is worn under the outside clothing; underclothes. 1913 Webster]
Un`der*ween"(?), v. t.To undervalue. [Obs.] 1913 Webster]
Un`der*went"(?), imp. of Undergo. 1913 Webster]
Un`der*whelm"(?), v. t.To interest less than anticipated; to be dull to (a person). PJC]
Un`der*whelm"ing(?), a.1.Less interesting than expected; dull. PJC]
2.Smaller than expected or hoped; as, an underwhelming response. PJC]
Un"der*wing`(?), n.1.(Zo\'94l.)One of the posterior wings of an insect. 1913 Webster]
2.(Zo\'94l.)Any one of numerous species of noctuid moths belonging to Catocala and allied genera, in which the hind wings are banded with red and black or other conspicuous colors. Many of the species are called red underwing. 1913 Webster]
Un"der*wood`(?), n.Small trees and bushes that grow among large trees; coppice; underbrush; -- formerly used in the plural. 1913 Webster]
Shrubs and underwoods look well enough while they grow within the shade of oaks and cedars.Addison. 1913 Webster]
Un`der*work"(?), v. t.[imp. & p. p.Underworked(?) or Underwrought(/); p. pr. & vb. n.Underworking.]1.To injure by working secretly; to destroy or overthrow by clandestine measure; to undermine. 1913 Webster]
But thou from loving England art so far, underwrought his lawful king.Shak. 1913 Webster]
2.To expend too little work upon; as, to underwork a painting.Dryden. 1913 Webster]
3.To do like work at a less price than; as, one mason may underwork another. 1913 Webster]
Un`der*work", v. i.1.To work or operate in secret or clandestinely.B. Jonson. 1913 Webster]
2.To do less work than is proper or suitable. 1913 Webster]
3.To do work for a less price than current rates. 1913 Webster]
Un"der*work`(?), n.Inferior or subordinate work; petty business.Addison. 1913 Webster]
Un"der*work`er(?), n.1.One who underworks. 1913 Webster]
2.An inferior or subordinate workman.Waterland. 1913 Webster]
Un"der*world`(?), n.1.The lower of inferior world; the world which is under the heavens; the earth. 1913 Webster]
That overspreads (with such a reverence) underworld.Daniel. 1913 Webster]
2.The mythological place of departed souls; Hades. 1913 Webster]
3.The portion of the world which is below the horizon; the opposite side of the world; the antipodes. [R.] 1913 Webster]
Fresh as the first beam glittering on a sail, underworld.Tennyson. 1913 Webster]
4.The inferior part of mankind. [R.] Atterbury. 1913 Webster]
Un`der*write"(?), v. t.[imp.Underwrote(?), Obs. Underwrit(/); p. p.Underwritten(?), Obs. Underwrit; p. pr. & vb. n.Underwriting.]1.To write under something else; to subscribe. 1913 Webster]
What addition and change I have made I have here underwritten.Bp. Sanderson. 1913 Webster]
2.To subscribe one's name to for insurance, especially for marine insurance; to write one's name under, or set one's name to, as a policy of insurance, for the purpose of becoming answerable for loss or damage, on consideration of receiving a certain premium per cent; as, individuals, as well as companies, may underwrite policies of insurance.B. Jonson. 1913 Webster]
The broker who procures the insurance ought not, by underwriting the policy, to deprive the parties of his unbiased testimony.Marshall. 1913 Webster]
Un`der*write", v. i.To practice the business of insuring; to take a risk of insurance on a vessel or the like. 1913 Webster]
Un"der*writ`er(?), n.One who underwrites his name to the conditions of an insurance policy, especially of a marine policy; an insurer. 1913 Webster]
Un"der*writ`ing, n.The business of an underwriter, 1913 Webster]
Un`der*yoke"(?), v. t.To subject to the yoke; to make subject.Wyclif. 1913 Webster]
Un`de*serve"(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + deserve.]To fail to deserve. [Obs.] Milton. 1913 Webster]
Un`de*serv"er(?), n.One of no merit; one who is nor deserving or worthy. [Obs.] Shak. 1913 Webster]
Un`de*sign"ing(?), a.Having no artful, ulterior, or fraudulent purpose; sincere; artless; simple. 1913 Webster]
Un`de*ter"mi*nate(?), a.Nor determinate; not settled or certain; indeterminate.South. -- Un`de*ter"mi*nate*ness, n.Dr. H. More. 1913 Webster]
Un`de*ter`mi*na"tion(?), n.Indetermination.Sir M. Hale. 1913 Webster]
Un*dev"il(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + devil.]To free from possession by a devil or evil spirit; to exorcise. [Obs.] 1913 Webster]
They boy having gotten a habit of counterfeiting . . . would not be undeviled by all their exorcisms.Fuller. 1913 Webster]
Un`de*vo"tion(?), n.Absence or want of devotion. 1913 Webster]
Un*did"(?), imp. of Undo. 1913 Webster]
Un*dif`fer*en"ti*a`ted(?), a.Not differentiated; specifically (Biol.), homogenous, or nearly so; -- said especially of young or embryonic tissues which have not yet undergone differentiation (see Differentiation, 3), that is, which show no visible separation into their different structural parts. 1913 Webster]
Un*dig"e*nous(?), a.[L. unda a wave + -genous.]Generated by water. [R.] Kirwan. 1913 Webster]
Un*dine"(?), n.[G. undine, or F. ondin, ondine, from L. unda a wave, water.]One of a class of fabled female water spirits who might receive a human soul by intermarrying with a mortal.<-- a water nymph --> 1913 Webster]
Un*di"o*cesed(?), a.Unprovided with a diocese; having no diocese.Milton. 1913 Webster]
Un`di*rect"(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + direct, v. t.]To misdirect; to mislead. [Obs.] 1913 Webster]
who make false fires to undirect seamen in a tempest.Fuller. 1913 Webster]
Un`di*rect", a.[Pref. un- not + direct.]Indirect. 1913 Webster]
Un`di*rect"ed, a.[In senses 1 and 2, pref. un- not + directed; in sense 3 properly p. p. of undirect.]1.Not directed; not guided; left without direction. 1913 Webster]
2.Not addressed; not superscribed, as a letter. 1913 Webster]
3.Misdirected; misled; led astray. [R.] 1913 Webster]
Un`di*vid"ed(?), a.1.Not divided; not separated or disunited; unbroken; whole; continuous; as, plains undivided by rivers or mountains. 1913 Webster]
2.Not set off, as a share in a firm; not made actually separate by division; as, a partner, owning one half in a firm, is said to own an undivided half so long as the business continues and his share is not set off to him. 1913 Webster]
3.Not directed or given to more than one object; as, undivided attention or affection.Shak. 1913 Webster]
4.(Bot.)Not lobed, cleft, or branched; entire. 1913 Webster]
True courage and courtesy are undividual companions.Fuller. 1913 Webster]
Un`di*vis"i*ble(?), a.Indivisible. 1913 Webster]
Un*do"(?), v. t.[AS. und/n. See 1st Un-, and Do to perform.]1.To reverse, as what has been done; to annul; to bring to naught. 1913 Webster]
What's done can not be undone.Shak. 1913 Webster]
To-morrow, ere the setting sun, undo that she had done.Swift. 1913 Webster]
2.To loose; to open; to take to piece; to unfasten; to untie; hence, to unravel; to solve; as, to undo a knot; to undo a puzzling question; to undo a riddle.Tennyson. 1913 Webster]
Pray you, undo this button.Shak. 1913 Webster]
She took the spindle, and undoing the thread gradually, measured it.Sir W. Scott. 1913 Webster]
3.To bring to poverty; to impoverish; to ruin, as in reputation, morals, hopes, or the like; as, many are undone by unavoidable losses, but more undo themselves by vices and dissipation, or by indolence. 1913 Webster]
That quaffing and drinking will undo you,Shak. 1913 Webster]
Un*dock"(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + dock.](Naut.)To take out of dock; as, to undock a ship. 1913 Webster]
Un*do"er(?), n.One who undoes anything; especially, one who ruins another. 1913 Webster]
Un*do"ing, n.1.The reversal of what has been done. 1913 Webster]
2.Ruin. \'bdThe utter undoing of some.\'b8 Hooker. 1913 Webster]
Un`do*mes"ti*cate(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + domesticate.]To make wild or roving. 1913 Webster]
Un*done"(?), p. p. of Undo. 1913 Webster]
Un*done", a.[Pref. un- not + done.]Not done or performed; neglected. 1913 Webster]
Un*dou"ble(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + double.]To unfold, or render single. 1913 Webster]
Un*doubt"a*ble(?), a.Indubitable. 1913 Webster]
Un*doubt"ed, a.Not doubted; not called in question; indubitable; indisputable; as, undoubted proof; undoubted hero. -- Un*doubt"ed*ly, adv. 1913 Webster]
Un*drape"(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + drape.]To strip of drapery; to uncover or unveil. 1913 Webster]
Un*draw"(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + draw.]To draw aside or open; to draw back. 1913 Webster]
Angels undrew the curtain of the throne.Young. 1913 Webster]
{ Un*dreamed"(?), Un*dreamt"(?), }a.Not dreamed, or dreamed of; not th/ught of; not imagined; -- often followed by of. 1913 Webster]
Un*dress"(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + dress.] 1913 Webster]
1.To divest of clothes; to strip. 1913 Webster]
2.To divest of ornaments to disrobe. 1913 Webster]
3.(Med.)To take the dressing, or covering, from; as, to undress a wound. 1913 Webster]
Un"dress(?), n.1.A loose, negligent dress; ordinary dress, as distinguished from full dress. 1913 Webster]
2.(Mil. & Naval)An authorized habitual dress of officers and soldiers, but not full-dress uniform. 1913 Webster]
Undress parade(Mil.), a substitute for dress parade, allowed in bad weather, the companies forming without arms, and the ceremony being shortened. 1913 Webster]
Un*du"bi*ta*ble(?), a.Indubitable; as, an undubitable principle. [Obs.] Locke. 1913 Webster]
Un*due"(?), a.1.Not due; not yet owing; as, an undue debt, note, or bond. 1913 Webster]
2.Not right; not lawful or legal; improper; as, an undue proceeding.Bacon. 1913 Webster]
3.Not agreeable to a rule or standard, or to duty; disproportioned; excessive; immoderate; inordinate; as, an undue attachment to forms; an undue rigor in the execution of law. 1913 Webster]
Undue influence(Law), any improper or wrongful constraint, machination, or urgency of persuasion, by which one's will is overcome and he is induced to do or forbear an act which he would not do, or would do, if left to act freely.Abbott. 1913 Webster]
Un*due"ness, n.The quality of being undue. 1913 Webster]
Un*duke"(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + duke.]To deprive of dukedom.Swift. 1913 Webster]
Un"du*lant(?), a.Undulating. [R.] 1913 Webster]
Un"du*la*ry(?), a.[See Undulate.]Moving like waves; undulatory. [Obs.] Sir T. Browne. 1913 Webster]
Un"du*late(?), a.[L. undulatus undulated, wavy, a dim. from unda a wave; cf. AS. //, Icel. unnr; perhaps akin to E. water. Cf. Abound, Inundate, Redound, Surround.]Same as Undulated. 1913 Webster]
Un"du*late(?), v. t.[imp. & p. p.Undulated(?); p. pr. & vb. n.Undulating.]To cause to move backward and forward, or up and down, in undulations or waves; to cause to vibrate. 1913 Webster]
Breath vocalized, that is, vibrated and undulated.Holder. 1913 Webster]
Un"du*late, v. i.To move in, or have, undulations or waves; to vibrate; to wave; as, undulating air. 1913 Webster]
Un"du*la`ted(?), a.1.Resembling, or in the nature of, waves; having a wavy surface; undulatory. 1913 Webster]
2.(Bot.)Waved obtusely up and down, near the margin, as a leaf or corolla; wavy. 1913 Webster]
3.(Zo\'94l.)Formed with elevations and depressions resembling waves; having wavelike color markings; as, an undulated shell. 1913 Webster]
Un"du*la`ting, a.Rising and falling like waves; resembling wave form or motion; undulatory; rolling; wavy; as, an undulating medium; undulating ground. -- Un"du*la`ting*ly. adv. 1913 Webster]
Un`du*la"tion(?), n.[Cf. F. ondulation.]1.The act of undulating; a waving motion or vibration; as, the undulations of a fluid, of water, or of air; the undulations of sound. 1913 Webster]
2.A wavy appearance or outline; waviness.Evelyn. 1913 Webster]
3.(Mus.)(a)The tremulous tone produced by a peculiar pressure of the finger on a string, as of a violin.(b)The pulsation caused by the vibrating together of two tones not quite in unison; -- called also beat. 1913 Webster]
4.(Physics)A motion to and fro, up and down, or from side to side, in any fluid or elastic medium, propagated continuously among its particles, but with no translation of the particles themselves in the direction of the propagation of the wave; a wave motion; a vibration. 1913 Webster]
Un`du*la"tion*ist, n.One who advocates the undulatory theory of light.<-- Archaic. --> Whewell. 1913 Webster]
Un"du*la*tive(?), a.Consisting in, or accompanied by, undulations; undulatory. 1913 Webster]
Un"du*la*to*ry(?; 277), a.[Cf. F. ondulatoire.]Moving in the manner of undulations, or waves; resembling the motion of waves, which successively rise or swell rise or swell and fall; pertaining to a propagated alternating motion, similar to that of waves. 1913 Webster]
Undulatory theory, or
Wave theory (of light) (Opt.), that theory which regards the various phenomena of light as due to undulations in an ethereal medium, propagated from the radiant with immense, but measurable, velocities, and producing different impressions on the retina according to their amplitude and frequency, the sensation of brightness depending on the former, that of color on the latter. The undulations are supposed to take place, not in the direction of propagation, as in the air waves constituting sound, but transversely, and the various phenomena of refraction, polarization, interference, etc., are attributable to the different affections of these undulations in different circumstances of propagation. It is computed that the frequency of the undulations corresponding to the several colors of the spectrum ranges from 458 millions of millions per second for the extreme red ray, to 727 millions of millions for the extreme violet, and their lengths for the same colors, from the thirty-eight thousandth to the sixty thousandth part of an inch. The theory of ethereal undulations is applicable not only to the phenomena of light, but also to those of heat.
<-- this theory as stated is essentially accepted, but elaborated by quantum theory. Mention of Maxwell's equations would be appropriate. --> 1913 Webster]
Un*dull"(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + dull.]To remove the dullness of; to clear. [Obs.] Whitlock. 1913 Webster]
Un*du"ly(?), adv.In an undue manner. 1913 Webster]
Un*dump"ish(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + dumpish.]To relieve from the dumps. [Obs.] Fuller. 1913 Webster]
Un*dust"(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + dust.]To free from dust. [Obs.] 1913 Webster]
Un*dwell"a*ble(?), a.Uninhabitable. [Obs.] \'bdA land undwellable.\'b8 Wyclif. 1913 Webster]
Un*dwelt"(?), a.Not lived (in); -- with in. 1913 Webster]
Un*dy"ing(?), a.Not dying; imperishable; unending; immortal; as, the undying souls of men. 1913 Webster]
Un*eared"(?), a.Not eared, or plowed.Shak. 1913 Webster]
Un*earned"(?), a.Not earned; not gained by labor or service. 1913 Webster]
Unearned increment(Polit. Econ.), a increase in the value of land due to no labor or expenditure on the part of the owner, but to natural causes, such as the increase of population, the growth of a town in the vicinity, or the like. Some hold that this should belong to the nation.<-- these days called windfall profits --> 1913 Webster]
Un*earth"(?), v. t.[imp. & p. p.Unearthed(?); p. pr. & vb. n.Unearthing.][1st pref. un- + earth.]To drive or draw from the earth; hence, to uncover; to bring out from concealment; to bring to light; to disclose; as, to unearth a secret. 1913 Webster]
To unearth the roof of an old tree.Wordsworth. 1913 Webster]
Un*earth"ly, a.Not terrestrial; supernatural; preternatural; hence, weird; appalling; terrific; as, an unearthly sight or sound. -- Un*earth"li*ness(#), n. 1913 Webster]
Un*ease"(?), n.Want of ease; uneasiness. [Obs.] 1913 Webster]
Un*eas"i*ly(?), adv.In an easy manner. 1913 Webster]
Un*eas"i*ness, n.1.The quality or state of being uneasy; restlessness; disquietude; anxiety. 1913 Webster]
2.The quality of making uneasy; discomfort; as, the uneasiness of the road. [Obs.] Bp. Burnet. 1913 Webster]
(a)Not perplexed in mind; not confused; as, the speaker appeared unembarrassed. 1913 Webster]
(b)Free from pecuniary difficulties or encumbrances; as, he and his property are unembarrassed. 1913 Webster]
(c)Free from perplexing connection; as, the question comes into court unembarrassed with irrelevant matter. 1913 Webster]
Un`em*bar"rass*ment(?), n.Freedom from embarrassment. 1913 Webster]
Un`em*bod"ied(?), a.1.Free from a corporeal body; disembodied; as, unembodied spirits.Byron. 1913 Webster]
2.Not embodied; not collected into a body; not yet organized; as, unembodied militia. 1913 Webster]
Un`em*pir"ic*al*ly(?), adv.Not empirically; without experiment or experience. 1913 Webster]
Un`em*ployed"(?), a.1.Not employed in manual or other labor; having no regular work. 1913 Webster]
2.Not invested or used; as, unemployed capital. 1913 Webster]
3.(Economics)actively seeking employment but unable to find a suitable job. 1913 Webster]
Un`em*ploy"ment(?), n.Quality or state of being not employed; -- used esp. in economics, of the condition of various social classes when temporarily thrown out of employment, as those engaged for short periods, those whose trade is decaying, and those least competent.Unemployment is usually cointed as the condition of those who wish to work, but cannot find a suitable job, rather than others who may voluntarily refrain from working, such as retired persons, youth, or those remaining at home to care for young children. The
unemployment rate in economics is thus the proportion of those actively seeking work but unable to find it, to the total labor force, expressed as a percentage. Webster 1913 Suppl. +PJC]
Un`en*cum"ber(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + encumber.]To free from incumbrance; to disencumber. 1913 Webster]
Un*end"ly(?), a.[Pref. un- not + end + -ly.]Unending; endless. [Obs.] Sir P. Sidney. 1913 Webster]
Un`en*tan"gle(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + entangle.]To disentangle. 1913 Webster]
Un*e"qual(?), a.[Cf. Inequal.]1.Not equal; not matched; not of the same size, length, breadth, quantity, strength, talents, acquirements, age, station, or the like; as, the fingers are of unequal length; peers and commoners are unequal in rank. 1913 Webster]
2.Ill balanced or matched; disproportioned; hence, not equitable; partial; unjust; unfair. 1913 Webster]
Against unequal arms to fight in pain.Milton. 1913 Webster]
Jerome, a very unequal relator of the opinion of his adversaries.John Worthington. 1913 Webster]
To punish me for what you make me do unequal.Shak. 1913 Webster]
3.Not uniform; not equable; irregular; uneven; as, unequal pulsations; an unequal poem. 1913 Webster]
4.Not adequate or sufficient; inferior; as, the man was unequal to the emergency; the timber was unequal to the sudden strain. 1913 Webster]
5.(Bot.)Not having the two sides or the parts symmetrical. 1913 Webster]
Un*e"qual*a*ble(?), a.Not capable of being equaled or paralleled. [Obs.] Boyle. 1913 Webster]
Un*e"qualed(?), a.Not equaled; unmatched; unparalleled; unrivaled; exceeding; surpassing; -- in a good or bad sense; as, unequaled excellence; unequaled ingratitude or baseness.[Written also unequalled.] 1913 Webster]
Un*e"qual*ly(?), adv.In an unequal manner. 1913 Webster]
Unequally pinnate(Bot.), pinnate, but with an odd number of leaflets. 1913 Webster]
Un*e"qual*ness, n.The quality or state of being unequal; inequality; unevenness.Jer. Taylor. 1913 Webster]
Un*eq"ui*ta*ble(?), a.Inequitable. 1913 Webster]
Un*eq"ui*ty(?), n.Want of equity or uprightness; injustice; wickedness; iniquity. [Obs.] Wyclif. 1913 Webster]
Un`e*quiv"o*cal(?), a.Not equivocal; not doubtful; not ambiguous; evident; sincere; plain; as, unequivocal evidence; unequivocal words. -- Un`e*quiv"o*cal*ly, adv. -- Un`e*quiv"o*cal*ness, n. 1913 Webster]
Un*err"ing(?), a.Committing no mistake; incapable or error or failure certain; sure; unfailing; as, the unerring wisdom of God. 1913 Webster]
Hissing in air the unerring weapon flew.Dryden. 1913 Webster]
Un*err"ing*ly, adv.In an unerring manner. 1913 Webster]
Un`es*sen"tial(?), a.1.Not essential; not of prime importance; not indispensable; unimportant.Addison. 1913 Webster]
2.Void of essence, or real being. [R.] Milton. 1913 Webster]
Un`es*sen"tial, n.Something not constituting essence, or something which is not of absolute necessity; as, forms are among the unessentials of religion. 1913 Webster]
Un`es*sen"tial*ly, adv.In an unessential manner. 1913 Webster]
The Parliament demanded of the king to unestablish that prelatical government.Milton. 1913 Webster]
{ Un*eth"(, Un*ethes"(?) }, adv.With difficulty; scarcely. See Uneath.[Written also unethe, unneth, unnethe, unnethes, etc.] [Obs.] Chaucer. 1913 Webster]
Un*e"ven(?), a.[AS. unefen. See Un- not, and Even, a.]1.Not even; not level; not uniform; rough; as, an uneven road or way; uneven ground. 1913 Webster]
2.Not equal; not of equal length. 1913 Webster]
Hebrew verse consists of uneven feet.Peacham. 1913 Webster]
3.Not divisible by two without a remainder; odd; -- said of numbers; as, 3, 7, and 11 are uneven numbers. 1913 Webster]
Un*e"ven*ly, adv. -- Un*e"ven*ness, n. 1913 Webster]
Un`ex*am"pled(?), a.Having no example or similar case; being without precedent; unprecedented; unparalleled. \'bdA revolution . . . unexampled for grandeur of results.\'b8 De Quincey. 1913 Webster]
Un`ex*cep"tion*a*ble(?), a.Not liable to any exception or objection; unobjectionable; faultless; good; excellent; as, a man of most unexceptionable character. -- Un`ex*cep"tion*a*ble*ness(#), n. -- Un`ex*cep"tion*a*bly, adv. 1913 Webster]
<-- p. 1573 --> 1913 Webster]
Chesterfield is an unexceptionable witness.Macaulay. 1913 Webster]
Un`ex*cept"ive(?), a.Not exceptive; not including, admitting, or being, an exception. 1913 Webster]
Un`ex*cus"a*ble(?), a.Inexcusable.Hayward. -- Un`ex*cus"a*ble*ness, n. 1913 Webster]
Un*ex"tri*ca*ble(?), a.Not extricable; inextricable. [Obs.] Dr. H. More. 1913 Webster]
Un*face"(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + face.]To remove the face or cover from; to unmask; to expose. 1913 Webster]
Un*fail"a*ble(?), a.Infallible. [Obs.] \'bdThis unfailable word of truth.\'b8 Bp. Hall. 1913 Webster]
Un*fail"ing, a.Not failing; not liable to fail; inexhaustible; certain; sure.Dryden. -- Un*fail"ing*ly, adv. -- Un*fail"ing*ness, n. 1913 Webster]
Un*fair"(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + fair.]To deprive of fairness or beauty. [R.] Shak. 1913 Webster]
Un*fair", a.[AS. unf\'91ger unlovely. See Un- not, and Fair, a.]Not fair; not honest; not impartial; disingenuous; using or involving trick or artifice; dishonest; unjust; unequal. 1913 Webster]
You come, like an unfair merchant, to charge me with being in your debt.Swift. 1913 Webster]
-- Un*fair"ly, adv. -- Un*fair"ness, n. 1913 Webster]
Un*faith"(?), n.Absence or want of faith; faithlessness; distrust; unbelief. [R.] 1913 Webster]
Faith and unfaith can ne'er be equal powers: Unfaith in aught is want of faith in all.Tennyson. 1913 Webster]
Un*faith"ful(?), a.1.Not faithful; not observant of promises, vows, allegiance, or duty; violating trust or confidence; treacherous; perfidious; as, an unfaithful subject; an unfaithful agent or servant. 1913 Webster]
My feet, through wine, unfaithful to their weight.Pope. 1913 Webster]
His honor rooted in dishonor stood, unfaithful kept him falsely true.Tennyson. 1913 Webster]
To each his sufferings: all are men, unfeeling for his own.Gray. 1913 Webster]
-- Un*feel"ing*ly, adv. -- Un*feel"ing*ness, n. 1913 Webster]
Un*feigned"(?), a.Not feigned; not counterfeit; not hypocritical; real; sincere; genuine; as, unfeigned piety; unfeigned love to man. \'bdGood faith unfeigned.\'b8 Chaucer. -- Un*feign"ed*ly(#), adv. -- Un*feign"ed*ness, n. 1913 Webster]
Un*fel"low(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + fellow.]To prevent from being a fellow or companion; to separate from one's fellows; to dissever. 1913 Webster]
Death quite unfellows us.Mrs. Browning. 1913 Webster]
Un*fel"lowed(?), a.[Pref. un- + fellowed.]Being without a fellow; unmatched; unmated.Shak. 1913 Webster]
Un*fence"(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + fence.]To strip of a fence; to remove a fence from. 1913 Webster]
Un*fer"tile(?), a.Not fertile; infertile; barren. -- Un*fer"tile*ness, n. 1913 Webster]
Un*fest"lich(?), a.Unfit for a feast; hence, jaded; worn. [Obs.] Chaucer. 1913 Webster]
Un*fet"ter(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + fetter.]To loose from fetters or from restraint; to unchain; to unshackle; to liberate; as, to unfetter the mind. 1913 Webster]
Un*feu"dal*ize(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + feudalize.]To free from feudal customs or character; to make not feudal.Carlyle. 1913 Webster]
Un*file"(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + file.]To remove from a file or record. 1913 Webster]
Un*filed"(?), a.[Pref. un- not + filed, p. p. of file to defile.]Not defiled; pure. [Obs.] Surrey. 1913 Webster]
Un*fil"ial(?), a.Unsuitable to a son or a daughter; undutiful; not becoming a child. -- Un*fil"ial*ly, adv. 1913 Webster]
Un*fin"ished(?), a.Not finished, not brought to an end; imperfect; incomplete; left in the rough; wanting the last hand or touch; as, an unfinished house; an unfinished picture; an unfinished iron casting. 1913 Webster]
Un*firm"(?), a.Infirm. [R.] Dryden. 1913 Webster]
Un*firm"ness, n.Infirmness. [R.] 1913 Webster]
Un*fit"(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + fit.]To make unsuitable or incompetent; to deprive of the strength, skill, or proper qualities for anything; to disable; to incapacitate; to disqualify; as, sickness unfits a man for labor; sin unfits us for the society of holy beings. 1913 Webster]
Un*fix"(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + fix.]1.To loosen from a fastening; to detach from anything that holds; to unsettle; as, to unfix a bayonet; to unfix the mind or affections. 1913 Webster]
2.To make fluid; to dissolve. [R.] 1913 Webster]
The mountain stands; nor can the rising sun Unfix her frosts.Dryden. 1913 Webster]
Un*fledged"(?), a.Not fledged; not feathered; hence, not fully developed; immature.Dryden. 1913 Webster]
Un*flesh"(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + flesh.]To deprive of flesh; to reduce a skeleton. \'bdUnfleshed humanity.\'b8 Wordsworth. 1913 Webster]
Un*flesh"ly(?), a.Not pertaining to the flesh; spiritual. 1913 Webster]
Un*flow"er(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + flower.]To strip of flowers. [R.] G. Fletcher. 1913 Webster]
Un*fold"(?), v. t.[AS. unfealdan. See 1st Un-, and Fold, v. t.]1.To open the folds of; to expand; to spread out; as, to unfold a tablecloth. 1913 Webster]
Unfold thy forehead gathered into frowns.Herbert. 1913 Webster]
2.To open, as anything covered or close; to lay open to view or contemplation; to bring out in all the details, or by successive development; to display; to disclose; to reveal; to elucidate; to explain; as, to unfold one's designs; to unfold the principles of a science. 1913 Webster]
Unfold the passion of my love.Shak. 1913 Webster]
3.To release from a fold or pen; as, to unfold sheep. 1913 Webster]
Un*fold", v. i.To open; to expand; to become disclosed or developed. 1913 Webster]
The wind blows cold unfold.J. Fletcher. 1913 Webster]
Un*fold"er(?), n.One who, or that which, unfolds. 1913 Webster]
Un*fold"ment(?), n.The acct of unfolding, or the state of being unfolded. 1913 Webster]
The extreme unfoldment of the instinctive powers.C. Morris. 1913 Webster]
Un*fool"(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + fool.]To restore from folly, or from being a fool. [Obs.] Shak. 1913 Webster]
Un`fore*see"(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + foresee.]To fail to foresee.Bp. Hacket. 1913 Webster]
Un`fore*see"a*ble(?), a.Incapable of being foreseen.South. 1913 Webster]
Un*fore"skinned(?), a.[1st pref. un- + foreskin + -ed.]Deprived of the foreskin; circumcised. [R.] Milton. 1913 Webster]
Un`for*get"ta*ble(?), a.Not forgettable; enduring in memory. 1913 Webster]
Pungent and unforgettable truths.Emerson. 1913 Webster]
Un*form"(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + form.]To decompose, or resolve into parts; to destroy the form of; to unmake. [R.] Good. 1913 Webster]
Un*formed"(?), a.[In sense 1 properly p. p. of un form; in senses 2 and 3 pref. un- not + formed.] 1913 Webster]
1.Decomposed, or resolved into parts; having the form destroyed. 1913 Webster]
2.Not formed; not arranged into regular shape, order, or relations; shapeless; amorphous. 1913 Webster]
3.(Biol.)Unorganized; without definite shape or structure; as, an unformed, or unorganized, ferment. 1913 Webster]
Unformed stars(Astron.), stars not grouped into any constellation; informed stars. See Sporades. 1913 Webster]
Un*for"tu*nate(?), a.Not fortunate; unsuccessful; not prosperous; unlucky; attended with misfortune; unhappy; as, an unfortunate adventure; an unfortunate man; an unfortunate commander; unfortunate business. -- n.An unfortunate person.Hood. 1913 Webster]
-- Un*for"tu*nate*ly, adv. -- Un*for"tu*nate*ness, n. 1913 Webster]
Un*found"ed(?), a.1.Not founded; not built or established.Milton. 1913 Webster]
Un*fre"quent(/), a.[Pref. un- not + frequent.]Infrequent.J. H. Newman. -- Un*fre"quent*lyadv. 1913 Webster]
Un`fre*quent"(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + frequent.]To cease to frequent. [Obs.] 1913 Webster]
They quit their thefts and unfrequent the fields.J. Philips. 1913 Webster]
Un`fre*quent"ed, a.[Pref. un- + frequented.]Rarely visited; seldom or never resorted to by human beings; as, an unfrequented place or forest.Addison. 1913 Webster]
Un*fret"(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + fret.]To smooth after being fretted. [Obs.] 1913 Webster]
Un*friend"(?), n.One not a friend; an enemy. [R.] Carlyle. 1913 Webster]
Un*friend"ed, a.Wanting friends; not befriended; not countenanced or supported.Goldsmith. 1913 Webster]
If Richard indeed does come back, it must be alone, unfollowed, unfriended.Sir W. Scott. 1913 Webster]
Un*friend"ly, a.1.Not friendly; not kind or benevolent; hostile; as, an unfriendly neighbor. 1913 Webster]
2.Not favorable; not adapted to promote or support any object; as, weather unfriendly to health. 1913 Webster]
-- Un*friend"li*ness(#), n. 1913 Webster]
Un*friend"ship, n.The state or quality of being unfriendly; unfriendliness; enmity. 1913 Webster]
An act of unfriendship to my sovereign person.Sir W. Scott. 1913 Webster]
Un*frock"(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + frock.]To deprive or divest or a frock; specifically, to deprive of priestly character or privilege; as, to unfrock a priest. 1913 Webster]
Un*fruit"ful(?), a.Not producing fruit or offspring; unproductive; infertile; barren; sterile; as, an unfruitful tree or animal; unfruitful soil; an unfruitful life or effort. -- Un*fruit"ful*ly, adv. -- Un*fruit"ful*ness, n. 1913 Webster]
Un*fumed"(?), a.Not exposed to fumes; not fumigated.Milton. 1913 Webster]
Un*furl"(?), v. t. & i.[1st pref. un- + furl.]To loose from a furled state; to unfold; to expand; to open or spread; as, to unfurl sails; to unfurl a flag. 1913 Webster]
Un*fur"nish(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + furnish.]To strip of furniture; to divest; to strip. 1913 Webster]
Un*fu"si*ble(?), a.Infusible. [R.] 1913 Webster]
Un*gain"(?), a.[OE. ungein. See Ungainly.]Ungainly; clumsy; awkward; also, troublesome; inconvenient. [Obs. or Prov. Eng.] Beau. & Pl. 1913 Webster]
Un*gain"li*ness, n.The state or quality of being ungainly; awkwardness. 1913 Webster]
Un*gain"ly, a.[OE. ungeinliche, adv., fr. ungein inconvenient; un- + Icel. gegn ready, serviceable; adv., against, opposite. See Un- not, and Gain, a., Again.] 1913 Webster]
1.Not gainly; not expert or dexterous; clumsy; awkward; uncouth; as, an ungainly strut in walking. 1913 Webster]
His ungainly figure and eccentric manners.Macaulay. 1913 Webster]
Un*gain"ly, adv.In an ungainly manner. 1913 Webster]
Un*gear"(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + gear.]To strip of gear; to unharness; to throw out of gear. 1913 Webster]
Un*geld"(?), n.[Pref. un- not + geld payment.](Anglo-Sax. Law)A person so far out of the protection of the law, that if he were murdered, no geld, or fine, should be paid, or composition made by him that killed him.Cowell. Burrill. 1913 Webster]
Un*glove"(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + glove.]To take off the glove or gloves of; as, to unglove the hand.Beau. & Fl. 1913 Webster]
Un*glue"(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + glue.]To separate, part, or open, as anything fastened with glue. 1913 Webster]
She stretches, gapes, unglues her eyes, Swift. 1913 Webster]
Un*god"(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + god.]1.To deprive of divinity; to undeify. [R.] Donne. 1913 Webster]
2.To cause to recognize no god; to deprive of a god; to make atheistical. [R.] Dryden. 1913 Webster]
Un*god"ly, a.1.Not godly; not having regard for God; disobedient to God; wicked; impious; sinful. 1913 Webster]
2.Polluted by sin or wickedness. 1913 Webster]
The hours of this ungodly day.Shak. 1913 Webster]
<-- 3. outrageous, awful --> 1913 Webster]
-- Un*god"li*ly(#), adv. -- Un*god"li*ness, n. 1913 Webster]
<-- p. 1574 --> 1913 Webster]
Un*gored"(?), a.[Pref. un- + gore blood.]Not stained with gore; not bloodied.Sylvester. 1913 Webster]
Un*gored"(?), a.[Pref. un- + gored, p. p. of 3d gore.]Not gored or pierced. 1913 Webster]
{ Un*got"(?), Un*got"ten(?), }a.1.Not gotten; not acquired. 1913 Webster]
2.Not begotten. [Obs. or Poetic] \'bdHis loins yet full of ungot princes.\'b8 Waller. 1913 Webster]
Un*gov"ern*a*ble(?), a.Not governable; not capable of being governed, ruled, or restrained; licentious; wild; unbridled; as, ungovernable passions. -- Un*gov"ern*a*bly, adv.Goldsmith. 1913 Webster]
Un*gown"(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + gown.]To strip of a gown; to unfrock. 1913 Webster]
Un*gowned"(?), a.1.[1st pref. un- + gown.]Stripped of a gown; unfrocked. 1913 Webster]
2.[Pref. un- not + gowned.]Not having, or not wearing, a gown. 1913 Webster]
Un*grace"ful(?), a.Not graceful; not marked with ease and dignity; deficient in beauty and elegance; inelegant; awkward; as, ungraceful manners; ungraceful speech. 1913 Webster]
The other oak remaining a blackened and ungraceful trunk.Sir W. Scott. 1913 Webster]
-- Un*grace"ful*ly, adv. -- Un*grace"ful*ness, n. 1913 Webster]
Un*gra"cious(?), a.1.Not gracious; showing no grace or kindness; being without good will; unfeeling.Shak. 1913 Webster]
2.Having no grace; graceless; wicked. [Obs.] Shak. 1913 Webster]
3.Not well received; offensive; unpleasing; unacceptable; not favored. 1913 Webster]
Anything of grace toward the Irish rebels was as ungracious at Oxford as at London.Clarendon. 1913 Webster]
-- Un*gra"cious*ly, adv. -- Un*gra"cious*ness, n. 1913 Webster]
Un*grate"ful(?), a.1.Not grateful; not thankful for favors; making no returns, or making ill return for kindness, attention, etc.; ingrateful.South. 1913 Webster]
2.Unpleasing; unacceptable; disagreeable; as, harsh sounds are ungrateful to the ear. 1913 Webster]
-- Un*grate"ful*ly, adv. -- Un*grate"ful*ness, n. 1913 Webster]
Un*grave"(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + grave.]To raise or remove from the grave; to disinter; to untomb; to exhume. [Obs.] Fuller. 1913 Webster]
Un"gual(?), a.[L. unguis a nail, claw, hoof.] 1913 Webster]
1.Of or pertaining to a nail, claw, talon, or hoof, or resembling one. 1913 Webster]
2.Having a nail, claw, or hoof attached; -- said of certain bones of the feet. 1913 Webster]
Un*guard"(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + guard.]To deprive of a guard; to leave unprotected. [R.] Sterne. 1913 Webster]
Un"gue*al(?), a.[Cf. F. ongu\'82al. See Ungual.]Ungual. 1913 Webster]
Un"guent(?; 277), n.[L. unguentum, from unguere, ungere, to anoint: cf. F. onguent. See Ointment, and cf. Unction, Unctuous.]A lubricant or salve for sores, burns, or the like; an ointment.Cowper. 1913 Webster]
unguent is stiffer than a liniment, but softer than a cerate. 1913 Webster]
Un"guen*ta*ry(?), a.[L. unguentarius.]Like an unguent, or partaking of its qualities. 1913 Webster]
Un*guen"tous(?), a.Unguentary. 1913 Webster]
Un*guest"like(?), adv.In a manner not becoming to a guest. [R.] Milton. 1913 Webster]
Un"guic*al(?), a.[L. unguis a nail or claw. Cf. Ungual.]Ungual. 1913 Webster]
Un*guic"u*lar(?), a.[L. unguiculus, dim. of unguis a nail.]Of or pertaining to a claw or a nail; ungual. 1913 Webster]
\'d8Un*guic`u*la"ta(?), n. pl.[NL., fr. L. unguiculus a finger nail.](Zo\'94l.)An extensive division of Mammalia including those having claws or nails, as distinguished from the hoofed animals (Ungulata). 1913 Webster]
Un*guic"u*late(?), n.(Zo\'94l.)One of the Unguiculata. 1913 Webster]
{ Un*guic"u*late, Un*guic"u*la`ted(?), }a.1.Furnished with nails, claws, or hooks; clawed. See the Note under Nail, n., 1. 1913 Webster]
2.(Bot.)Furnished with a claw, or a narrow stalklike base, as the petals of a carnation. 1913 Webster]
Un*guif"er*ous(?), a.[L. unguis nail or claw + -ferous.]Producing, having, or supporting nails or claws. 1913 Webster]
Un"gui*form(?), a.[L. unguis a nail or claw + -form.]Having the form of a claw or claws. 1913 Webster]
Un"gui*nous(?), a.[L. unguinosus, fr. unguen, -inis, fat, ointment.]Consisting of, or resembling, fat or oil; oily; unctuous; oleaginous. 1913 Webster]
\'d8Un"guis(?), n.; pl.Ungues(#).[L., nail, claw, or hoof.]1.The nail, claw, talon, or hoof of a finger, toe, or other appendage. 1913 Webster]
2.(Zo\'94l.)One of the terminal hooks on the foot of an insect. 1913 Webster]
3.(Bot.)The slender base of a petal in some flowers; a claw; called also ungula. 1913 Webster]
\'d8Un"gu*la(?), n.; pl.Ungul\'91(#).[L., a claw, hoof, from unguis a nail, claw, hoof.]1.A hoof, claw, or talon. 1913 Webster]
2.(Geom.)A section or part of a cylinder, cone, or other solid of revolution, cut off by a plane oblique to the base; -- so called from its resemblance to the hoof of a horse. 1913 Webster]
3.(Bot.)Same as Unguis, 3. 1913 Webster]
Spherical ungula(Geom.), a part of a sphere bounded by two planes intersecting in a diameter and by a line of the surface of the sphere. 1913 Webster]
Un"gu*lar(?), a.(Anat.)Of or pertaining to a hoof, claw, or talon; ungual. 1913 Webster]
\'d8Un`gu*la"ta(?), n. pl.[NL., fr. L. ungula hoof.](Zo\'94l.)An extensive group of mammals including all those that have hoofs. It comprises the Artiodactyla and Perissodactyla. 1913 Webster]
Un"gu*late(?), a.[L. ungulatus. See Ungula.]1.Shaped like a hoof. 1913 Webster]
2.(Zo\'94l.)Furnished with hoofs. See the Note under Nail, n., 1. 1913 Webster]
Un"gu*late, n.(Zo\'94l.)Any hoofed quadruped; one of the Ungulata. 1913 Webster]
Un"guled(?), a.[L. ungula a claw.](Her.)Hoofed, or bearing hoofs; -- used only when these are of a tincture different from the body. 1913 Webster]
Un"gu*li*grade(?), a.[L. ungula hoof + gradi to walk.](Zo\'94l.)Having, or walking on, hoofs. 1913 Webster]
Un"gu*lous(?), a.[See Ungula.](Zo\'94l.)Same as Ungulate. 1913 Webster]
Un*hair"(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + hair.]To deprive of hair, or of hairs; as, to unhair hides for leather. 1913 Webster]
I 'll unhair thy head.Shak. 1913 Webster]
Un*hal"low(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + hallow.]To profane; to desecrate. 1913 Webster]
The vanity unhallows the virtue.L'Estrange. 1913 Webster]
The ships were unwieldy and unhandsome.Holland. 1913 Webster]
A narrow, straight path by the water's side, very unhandsome for an army to pass that way, though they found not a man to keep the passage.Sir T. North. 1913 Webster]
-- Un*hand"some*ly, adv. -- Un*hand"some*ness, n. 1913 Webster]
Un*hand"y(?), a.Clumsy; awkward; as, an Unhandy man. 1913 Webster]
Un*hang"(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + hang.] 1913 Webster]
1.To divest or strip of hangings; to remove the hangings, as a room. 1913 Webster]
2.To remove (something hanging or swinging) from that which supports it; as, to unhang a gate. 1913 Webster]
Un*hap"(?), n.Ill luck; misfortune. [Obs.] \'bdThe cause of her unhap.\'b8 Sir P. Sidney. 1913 Webster]
Un*har"ness(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + harness.]1.To strip of harness; to loose from harness or gear; as, to unharness horses or oxen.Cowper. 1913 Webster]
2.To disarm; to divest of armor.Holinshed. 1913 Webster]
Un*hasp"(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + hasp.]To unloose the hasp of; to unclose. 1913 Webster]
Un*hat"(?), v. t. & i.[1st pref. un- + hat.]To take off the hat of; to remove one's hat, especially as a mark of respect.H. Spenser. 1913 Webster]
Un*head"(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + head.] 1913 Webster]
1.To take out the head of; as, to unhead a cask. 1913 Webster]
2.To decapitate; to behead. [Obs.] T. Brown. 1913 Webster]
Un*heard"(?), a.1.Not heard; not perceived by the ear; as, words unheard by those present. 1913 Webster]
2.Not granted an audience or a hearing; not allowed to speak; not having made a defense, or stated one's side of a question; disregarded; unheeded; as, to condem/ a man unheard. 1913 Webster]
What pangs I feel, unpitied and unheard!Dryden. 1913 Webster]
3.Not known to fame; not illustrious or celebrated; obscure. 1913 Webster]
Nor was his name unheard or unadored.Milton. 1913 Webster]
Unheard of. (a)Not heard of; of which there are no tidings.(b)Unknown to fame; obscure.Glanvill. 1913 Webster]
Un*heired"(?), a.Destitute of an heir. 1913 Webster]
To leave him utterly unheired.Chapman. 1913 Webster]
Un*hele"(?), n.Same as Unheal, n. [Obs.] 1913 Webster]
Un*hele", v. t.[AS. unhelian. See 1st Un-, and Hele to cover.]To uncover. [Obs.] Spenser. Marston. 1913 Webster]
Un*helm"(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + helm.]To deprive of the helm or helmet.Sir W. Scott. 1913 Webster]
Un*helmed"(?), a.1.[Properly p. p. of unhelm.]Divested or deprived of the helm or helmet. 1913 Webster]
2.[Pref. un- not + helm.]Not wearing a helmet; without a helmet.Sir W. Scott. 1913 Webster]
Un*hel"met(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + helmet.]To deprive of the helmet.Sir W. Scott. 1913 Webster]
Un*hide"(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + hide.]To bring out from concealment; to discover. [Obs.] P. Fletcher. 1913 Webster]
Un*hinge"(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + hinge.] 1913 Webster]
1.To take from the hinges; as, to unhinge a door. 1913 Webster]
2.To displace; to unfix by violence.Blackmore. 1913 Webster]
3.To render unstable or wavering; to unsettle; as, to unhinge one's mind or opinions; to unhinge the nerves. 1913 Webster]
Why should I then unhinge my brains, ruin my mind?South. 1913 Webster]
His sufferings, nay the revolutions of his fate, had not in the least unhinged his mind.Walpole. 1913 Webster]
Un*hinge"ment(?), n.The act unhinging, or the state of being unhinged. 1913 Webster]
un*hitch"(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + hitch.]To free from being hitched, or as if from being hitched; to unfasten; to loose; as, to unhitch a horse, or a trace. 1913 Webster]
un*hive"(, v. t.[1st pref. un- + hive.] 1913 Webster]
1.To drive or remove from a hive. 1913 Webster]
2.To deprive of habitation or shelter, as a crowd. 1913 Webster]
un*hoard"(, v. t.[1st pref. un- + hoard.]To take or steal from a hoard; to pilfer.Milton. 1913 Webster]
un*hold"(, v. t.[1st pref. un- + hold.]To cease to hold; to unhand; to release. [Obs.] Otway. 1913 Webster]
un*ho"ly(, a.Not holy; unhallowed; not consecrated; hence, profane; wicked; impious. -- un*ho"li*ly(#), adv. -- un*ho"li*ness, n. 1913 Webster]
un*hood"(, v. t.[1st pref. un- + hood.]To remove a hood or disguise from.Quarterly Rev. 1913 Webster]
Un*hook"(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + hook.]To loose from a hook; to undo or open by loosening or unfastening the hooks of; as, to unhook a fish; to unhook a dress. 1913 Webster]
Un*hoop"(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + hoop.]To strip or deprive of hoops; to take away the hoops of. 1913 Webster]
Un*horse"(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + horse.]To throw from a horse; to cause to dismount; also, to take a horse or horses from; as, to unhorse a rider; to unhorse a carriage.Cowper. 1913 Webster]
Un*house"(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + house.]To drive from a house or habitation; to dislodge; hence, to deprive of shelter. 1913 Webster]
Un*housed"(?), a.1.[Properly p. p. of unhouse.]Driven from a house; deprived of shelter. 1913 Webster]
2.[Pref. un- + housed.]Not provided with a house or shelter; houseless; homeless. 1913 Webster]
Un*hou"seled(?), a.Not having received the sacrament. [Obs.] [Written also unhouselled.] 1913 Webster]
To die like the houseless dog on yonder common, unshriven and unhouseled.Sir W. Scott. 1913 Webster]
Un*hu"man(?), a.Not human; inhuman. 1913 Webster]
Un*hu"man*ize(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + humanize.]To render inhuman or barbarous.J. Barlow. 1913 Webster]
Un*husked"(?), a.1.[Pref. un- not + husked.]Not husked; having the husk on.
<-- #2. "husked" here means having the husk removed. This word has opposite meanings. --> 1913 Webster]
2.[1st pref. un- + husk, n.]Having the husk removed; without husk.Bp. Hall. 1913 Webster]
U"ni-(?). [L. unus one. See One.]A prefix signifying one, once; as in uniaxial, unicellular. 1913 Webster]
{ U"ni*at(?), U"ni*ate(?), }n.(Eccl.)A member of the Greek Church, who nevertheless acknowledges the supremacy of the Pope of Rome; one of the United Greeks. Also used adjectively. 1913 Webster]
U`ni*ax"i*al(?), a.[Uni + axial.]1.(Crystallog.)Having but one optic axis, or line of no double refraction. 1913 Webster]
uniaxial crystals, the optic axis has the direction of the vertical crystallographic axis. All tetragonal and hexagonal crystals are uniaxial. 1913 Webster]
2.(Biol.)Having only one axis; developing along a single line or plane; -- opposed to multiaxial. 1913 Webster]
U`ni*ax"i*al*ly, adv.In a uniaxial manner. 1913 Webster]
U`ni*bran"chi*ate(?), a.[Uni- + branchiate.](Zo\'94l.)Having but one gill, as certain molluscs. 1913 Webster]
<-- p. 1575 --> 1913 Webster]
U`ni*cam"e*ral(?), a.[Uni- + L. camera vault.]Having, or consisting of, a single chamber; -- said of a legislative assembly. [R.] F. Lieber. 1913 Webster]
U`ni*cap"su*lar(?). [Uni- + capsular: cf. F. unicapsulaire.](Bot.)Having but one capsule to each flower. 1913 Webster]
U`ni*car"i*na`ted(?), a.[Uni- + carinated.]Having one ridge or keel.Craig. 1913 Webster]
U`ni*cel"lu*lar(?), a.[Uni- + cellular.]Having, or consisting of, but a single cell; as, a unicellular organism. 1913 Webster]
U`ni*cen"tral(?), a.[Uni- + central.](Biol.)Having a single center of growth. 1913 Webster]
Unicentral development, that form of development which takes place primarily around a single central point, as in the lowest of unicellular organisms. 1913 Webster]
U*nic"i*ty(?), n.[L. unicus single. See Unique.]The condition of being united; quality of the unique; unification. 1913 Webster]
Not unity, but what the schoolmen call unicity.De Quincey. 1913 Webster]
The unicity we strive not to express, for that is impossible, but to designate by the nearest analogy.Coleridge. 1913 Webster]
U`ni*cli"nal(?), a.[Uni- + Gr. / to incline.](Geol.)See Nonoclinal. 1913 Webster]
U`ni*col"or*ous(?), a.[Uni- + color.](Zo\'94l.)Having the surface of a uniform color. 1913 Webster]
U"ni*corn(?), n.[OE. unicorne, F. unicorne, L. unicornis one-horned, having a single horn; unus one + cornu a horn; cf. L. unicornuus a unicorn. See One, and Horn.]1.A fabulous animal with one horn; the monoceros; -- often represented in heraldry as a supporter. 1913 Webster]
2.A two-horned animal of some unknown kind, so called in the Authorized Version of the Scriptures. 1913 Webster]
Canst thou bind the unicorn with his band in the furrow?Job xxxix. 10. 1913 Webster]
Reem. 1913 Webster]
3.(Zo\'94l.)(a)Any large beetle having a hornlike prominence on the head or prothorax.(b)The larva of a unicorn moth. 1913 Webster]
4.(Zo\'94l.)The kamichi; -- called also unicorn bird. 1913 Webster]
5.(Mil.)A howitzer. [Obs.] 1913 Webster]
Fossil unicorn, or
Fossil unicorn's horn(Med.), a substance formerly of great repute in medicine; -- named from having been supposed to be the bone or the horn of the unicorn. --
Unicorn fish,
Unicorn whale(Zo\'94l.), the narwhal. --
Unicorn moth(Zo\'94l.), a notodontian moth (C\'d2lodasys unicornis) whose caterpillar has a prominent horn on its back; -- called also unicorn prominent. --
Unicorn root(Bot.), a name of two North American plants, the yellow-flowered colicroot (Aletris farinosa) and the blazing star (Cham\'91lirium luteum). Both are used in medicine. --
Unicorn shell(Zo\'94l.), any one of several species of marine gastropods having a prominent spine on the lip of the shell. Most of them belong to the genera Monoceros and Leucozonia. 1913 Webster]
U`ni*cor"nous(?), a.[See Unicorn.](Zo\'94l.)Having but a single horn; -- said of certain insects. \'bdUnicornous beetles.\'b8 Sir T. Browne. 1913 Webster]
U`ni*cos"tate(?), a.[Uni- + costate.](Bot.)Having a single rib or strong nerve running upward from the base; -- said of a leaf. 1913 Webster]
U`ni*cur"sal(?), a.[Uni- + L. currere, cursum, to run.](Geom.)That can be passed over in a single course; -- said of a curve when the co\'94rdinates of the point on the curve can be expressed as rational algebraic functions of a single parameter 1913 Webster]
Un`i*di*men"sion*al(?), a.[Uni- + dimensional.](Math.)Having but one dimension. See Dimension. 1913 Webster]
U`ni*fa"cial(?), a.[Uni- + facial.]Having but one front surface; as, some foliaceous corals are unifacial, the polyp mouths being confined to one surface. 1913 Webster]
U*nif"ic(?), a.Making one or unity; unifying. 1913 Webster]
U`ni*fi*ca"tion(?), n.[See Unify.]The act of unifying, or the state of being unified. 1913 Webster]
Unification with God was the final aim of the Neoplatonicians.Fleming. 1913 Webster]
U"ni*fi`er(?), n.One who, or that which, unifies; as, a natural law is a unifier of phenomena. 1913 Webster]
U`ni*fi"lar(?), a.[Uni- + L. filum a thread.]Having only one thread; involving the use of only one thread, wire, fiber, or the like; as, unifilar suspension. 1913 Webster]
Unifilar magnetometer(Physics), an instrument which consists of a magnetic bar suspended at its center of gravity by a long thread, constituting a delicate means for accurately measuring magnetic intensities, also for determining declinations of the magnetic needle. 1913 Webster]
U`ni*fla*gel"late(?), a.[Uni- + flagellate.](Biol.)Having but one flagellum; as, uniflagellate organisms. 1913 Webster]
U`ni*flo"rous(?), a.[Uni- + L. flos, floris, a flower: cf. F. uniflore.](Bot.)Bearing one flower only; as, a uniflorous peduncle. 1913 Webster]
U`ni*fol"li*ate(?), a.[Uni- + foliate.](Bot.)Having only one leaf. 1913 Webster]
U`ni*fol"li*late(?), a.[Uni- + foliolate.](Bot.)Having only one leaflet, as the leaves of the orange tree. 1913 Webster]
U"ni*form(?), a.[L. uniformis; unus one + forma from: cf. F. uniforme.] 1913 Webster]
1.Having always the same form, manner, or degree; not varying or variable; unchanging; consistent; equable; homogenous; as, the dress of the Asiatics has been uniform from early ages; the temperature is uniform; a stratum of uniform clay.Whewell. 1913 Webster]
2.Of the same form with others; agreeing with each other; conforming to one rule or mode; consonant. 1913 Webster]
The only doubt is . . . how far churches are bound to be uniform in their ceremonies.Hooker. 1913 Webster]
Uniform matter, that which is all of the same kind and texture; homogenous matter. --
Uniform motion, the motion of a body when it passes over equal spaces in equal times; equable motion.Hutton. 1913 Webster]
U"ni*form, n.[F. uniforme. See Uniform, a.]A dress of a particular style or fashion worn by persons in the same service or order by means of which they have a distinctive appearance; as, the uniform of the artillery, of the police, of the Freemasons, etc. 1913 Webster]
There are many things which, a soldier will do in his plain clothes which he scorns to do in his uniform.F. W. Robertson. 1913 Webster]
In full uniform(Mil.), wearing the whole of the prescribed uniform, with ornaments, badges of rank, sash, side arms, etc. --
Uniform sword, an officer's sword of the regulation pattern prescribed for the army or navy. 1913 Webster]
U"ni*form, v. t.1.To clothe with a uniform; as, to uniform a company of soldiers. 1913 Webster]
2.To make conformable. [Obs.] Sir P. Sidney. 1913 Webster]
U"ni*form`ism(?), n.[From Uniform.](Geol.)The doctrine of uniformity in the geological history of the earth; -- in part equivalent to uniformitarianism, but also used, more broadly, as opposed to catastrophism. 1913 Webster]
U`ni*form`i*ta"ri*an(?), a.(Geol.)Of, pertaining to, or designating, the view or doctrine that existing causes, acting in the same manner and with essentially the same intensity as at the present time, are sufficient to account for all geological changes. 1913 Webster]
U`ni*form`i*ta"ri*an, n.(Geol.)One who accepts uniformitarianism, or the uniformitarian doctrine. 1913 Webster]
U`ni*form"i*ty(?), n.[L. uniformitas: cf. F. uniformit\'82.]1.The quality or state of being uniform; freedom from variation or difference; resemblance to itself at all times; sameness of action, effect, etc., under like conditions; even tenor; as, the uniformity of design in a poem; the uniformity of nature. 1913 Webster]
2.Consistency; sameness; as, the uniformity of a man's opinions. 1913 Webster]
3.Similitude between the parts of a whole; as, the uniformity of sides in a regular figure; beauty is said to consist in uniformity with variety. 1913 Webster]
4.Continued or unvaried sameness or likeness. 1913 Webster]
5.Conformity to a pattern or rule; resemblance, consonance, or agreement; as, the uniformity of different churches in ceremonies or rites. 1913 Webster]
Act of Uniformity(Eng. Hist.), an act of Parliament, passed in 1661, prescribing the form of public prayers, administration of sacraments, and other rites of the Established Church of England. Its provisions were modified by the \'bdAct of Uniformity Amendment Act,\'b8 of 1872. 1913 Webster]
U"ni*form`ly(?), adv.In a uniform manner; without variation or diversity; by a regular, constant, or common ratio of change; with even tenor; as, a temper uniformly mild. 1913 Webster]
To vary uniformly(Math.), to vary with the ratio of the corresponding increments constant; -- said of two dependent quantities with regard to each other. 1913 Webster]
U"ni*from`ness, n.The quality or state of being uniform; uniformity. 1913 Webster]
U"ni*fy(?), v. t.[imp. & p. p.Unified(?); p. pr. & vb. n.Unifying(?).][Uni- + -fy: cf. F. unifier.]To cause to be one; to make into a unit; to unite; to view as one. 1913 Webster]
A comprehensive or unifying act of the judging faculty.De Quincey. 1913 Webster]
Perception is thus a unifying act.Sir W. Hamilton. 1913 Webster]
U`ni*gen"i*ture(?), n.[L. unigenitus only-begotten; unus one + gignere, genitum, to beget.]The state of being the only begotten. [R.] Bp. Pearson. 1913 Webster]
U*nig"e*nous(?), a.[L. unigena; unus one + genere, gignere, to beget.](Biol.)Being of one kind; being of the same genus. 1913 Webster]
U*nij"u*gate(?), a.[Uni- + L. jugum yoke, pair: cf. L. unijugus having one yoke.](Bot.)Having but one pair of leaflets; -- said of a pinnate leaf. 1913 Webster]
U`ni*la"bi*ate(?), a.[Uni- + labiate.](Bot.)Having one lip only; as, a unilabiate corolla. 1913 Webster]
U`ni*lat"er*al(?), a.[Uni- + lateral: cf. F. unilat\'82ral.]1.Being on one side only; affecting but one side; one-sided. 1913 Webster]
2.(Biol.)Pertaining to one side; one-sided; as, a unilateral raceme, in which the flowers grow only on one side of a common axis, or are all turned to one side. 1913 Webster]
Unilateral contract(Law), a contract or engagement requiring future action only by one party. 1913 Webster]
U`ni*lit"er*al(?), a.[Uni- + literal.]Consisting of one letter only; as, a uniliteral word or sign. 1913 Webster]
U`ni*lo"bar(?), a.[Uni- + lobar.]Consisting of a single lobe. 1913 Webster]
U`ni*loc"u*lar(?), a.[Uni- + locular: cf. F. uniloculaire.](Biol.)Having one cell or cavity only; as, a unilocular capsule or shell. 1913 Webster]
Un`im*pair"a*ble(?), a.That can not be impaired.Hakewill. 1913 Webster]
Un`im*peach"a*ble(?), a.Not impeachable; not to be called in question; exempt from liability to accusation; free from stain, guilt, or fault; irreproachable; blameless; as, an unimpeachable reputation; unimpeachable testimony.Burke. -- Un`im*peach"a*ble*ness, n. -- Un`im*peach"a*bly, adv. 1913 Webster]
Un*im"pli*cate(?), a.Not implicated. \'bdUnimplicate in folly.\'b8 R. Browning. 1913 Webster]
Un`im*por"tance(?), n.Want of importance; triviality.Johnson. 1913 Webster]
Un`im*proved"(?), a.1.Not improved; not made better or wiser; not advanced in knowledge, manners, or excellence. 1913 Webster]
2.Not used; not employed; especially, not used or employed for a valuable purpose; as, unimproved opportunities; unimproved blessings.Cowper. 1913 Webster]
3.Not tilled, cultivated, or built upon; yielding no revenue; as, unimproved land or soil. 1913 Webster]
U`ni*mus"cu*lar(?), a.[Uni- muscular.](Zo\'94l.)Having only one adductor muscle, and one muscular impression on each valve, as the oyster; monomyarian. 1913 Webster]
Un`in*cum"bered(?), a.1.Not incumbered; not burdened. 1913 Webster]
2.(Law)Free from any temporary estate or interest, or from mortgage, or other charge or debt; as, an estate unincumbered with dower. 1913 Webster]
Un`in*frin"gi*ble(?), a.That may not be infringed; as, an uninfringible monopoly. 1913 Webster]
Un`in*tel"li*gence(?), n.Absence or lack of intelligence; unwisdom; ignorance.Bp. Hall. 1913 Webster]
Un*in"ter*est*ed(?), a.1.Not interested; not having any interest or property in; having nothing at stake; as, to be uninterested in any business. 1913 Webster]
2.Not having the mind or the passions engaged; as, uninterested in a discourse or narration. 1913 Webster]
Un*in`ter*mis"sion(?), n.Want or failure of intermission. [R.] Bp. Parker. 1913 Webster]
U`ni*nu"cle*a`ted(?), a.[Uni- + nucleated.](Biol.)Possessed of but a single nucleus; as, a uninucleated cell. 1913 Webster]
U"ni*o(?), n.[NL., fr. L. unio unity, union, a single large pearl. See Union.](Zo\'94l.)Any one of numerous species of fresh-water mussels belonging to Unio and many allied genera. 1913 Webster]
U`ni*oc"u*lar(?), a.[Uni- + ocular.]Of, pertaining to, or seated in, one eye; monocular. 1913 Webster]
Un"ion(?; 277), n.[F., from L. unio oneness, union, a single large pearl, a kind of onion, fr. unus one. See One, and cf. Onion, Unit.]1.The act of uniting or joining two or more things into one, or the state of being united or joined; junction; coalition; combination. 1913 Webster]
Union differs from connection, as it implies that the bodies are in contact, without an inter/ening body; whereas things may be connected by the in///vention of a third body, as by a cord or chain. 1913 Webster]
2.Agreement and conjunction of mind, spirit, will, affections, or the like; harmony; concord. 1913 Webster]
3.That which is united, or made one; something formed by a combination or coalition of parts or members; a confederation; a consolidated body; a league; as, the weavers have formed a union; trades unions have become very numerous; the United States of America are often called the Union.A. Hamilton. 1913 Webster]
4.A textile fabric composed of two or more materials, as cotton, silk, wool, etc., woven together. 1913 Webster]
5.A large, fine pearl. [Obs.] 1913 Webster]
If they [pearls] be white, great, round, smooth, and weighty . . . our dainties and delicates here at Rome . . . call them unions, as a man would say \'bdsingular,\'b8 and by themselves alone.Holland. 1913 Webster]
In the cup an union shall he throw, Shak. 1913 Webster]
6.A device emblematic of union, used on a national flag or ensign, sometimes, as in the military standard of Great Britain, covering the whole field; sometimes, as in the flag of the United States, and the English naval and marine flag, occupying the upper inner corner, the rest of the flag being called the fly. Also, a flag having such a device; especially, the flag of Great Britain. 1913 Webster]
union of the United States ensign is a cluster of white stars, denoting the union of the States, and, properly, equal in number to that of the States, displayed on a blue field; the fly being composed of alternate stripes of red and white. The union of the British ensign is the three crosses of St. George, St. Andrew, and St. Patrick in combination, denoting the union of England, Scotland and Ireland, displayed on a blue field in the national banner used on shore, on a red, white, or blue field in naval ensigns, and with a white border or fly in the merchant service. 1913 Webster]
<-- p. 1576 --> 1913 Webster]
7.(Mach.)A joint or other connection uniting parts of machinery, or the like, as the elastic pipe of a tender connecting it with the feed pipe of a locomotive engine; especially, a pipe fitting for connecting pipes, or pipes and fittings, in such a way as to facilitate disconnection. 1913 Webster]
8.(Brewing)A cask suspended on trunnions, in which fermentation is carried on. 1913 Webster]
Hypostatic union(Theol.)See under Hypostatic. --
Latin union. See under Latin. --
Legislative Union(Eng. Hist.), the union of Great Britain and Ireland, which took place Jan. 1, 1801. --
Union, or
Act of Union(Eng. Hist.), the act by which Scotland was united to England, or by which the two kingdoms were incorporated into one, in 1707. --
Union by the first intention, or
Union by the second intention. (Surg.)See To heal by the first intention, orTo heal by the second intention, under Intention. --
Union down(Naut.), a signal of distress at sea made by reversing the flag, or turning its union downward. --
Union jack. (Naut.)See Jack, n., 10. --
Union joint. (Mech.)(a)A joint formed by means of a union.(b)A piece of pipe made in the form of the letter T. 1913 Webster]
Syn. -- Unity; junction; connection; concord; alliance; coalition; combination; confederacy. -- Union, Unity. Union is the act of bringing two or more things together so as to make but one, or the state of being united into one. Unity is a state of simple oneness, either of essence, as the unity of God, or of action, feeling, etc., as unity of design, of affection, etc. Thus, we may speak of effecting a union of interests which shall result in a unity of labor and interest in securing a given object. 1913 Webster]
One kingdom, joy, and union without end.Milton. 1913 Webster]
[Man] is to . . . beget unity defective; which requires Milton. 1913 Webster]
Un"ion*ism(?), n.1.The sentiment of attachment to a federal union, especially to the federal union of the United States. 1913 Webster]
2.The principles, or the system, of combination among workmen engaged in the same occupation or trade. 1913 Webster]
Un"ion*ist, n.1.One who advocates or promotes union; especially a loyal supporter of a federal union, as that of the United States. 1913 Webster]
2.A member or supporter of a trades union. 1913 Webster]
Un`ion*is"tic(?), a.Of or pertaining to union or unionists; tending to promote or preserve union. 1913 Webster]
U`ni*o"vu*late(?), a.[Uni- + ovulate.](Bot.)Containing but one ovule. 1913 Webster]
\'d8U*nip"a*ra(?), n.[NL. See Uniparous.]A woman who has borne one child. 1913 Webster]
U*nip"a*rous(?), a.[Uni- + L. parere to bring forth.]1.(Zo\'94l.)Producing but one egg or young at a time. 1913 Webster]
2.(Bot.)Producing but one axis of inflorescence; -- said of the scorpioid cyme. 1913 Webster]
U"ni*ped(?), a.[Uni- + L. pes, pedis, foot.]Having only one foot.Wright. 1913 Webster]
1.Existing as one, and only one, person; as, a unipersonal God. 1913 Webster]
2.(Gram.)Used in only one person, especially only in the third person, as some verbs; impersonal. 1913 Webster]
U`ni*per"so*nal*ist, n.(Theol.)One who believes that the Deity is unipersonal. 1913 Webster]
U*niph"o*nous(?), a.[Uni- + Gr. / sound.]Having but one sound, as the drum. [R.] 1913 Webster]
U*nip"li*cate(?), a.[Uni- + plicate.]Having, or consisting of, but one fold. 1913 Webster]
U`ni*po"lar(?), a.[Uni- + polar.]1.(Physics)Having, or acting by means of, one pole only. 1913 Webster]
2.(Anat.)Having but one pole or process; -- applied to those ganglionic nerve cells which have but one radiating process; -- opposed to multipolar. 1913 Webster]
Unipolar induction(Elec.), induction, as in a conducting circuit, by only one pole of a magnet. --
Unipolar stimulation(Physiol.), the simulation sometimes produced when one electrode of an induction apparatus is applied to a nerve; -- called also unipolar induction action.Du Bois-Reymond. 1913 Webster]
U*nique"(?), a.[F. unique; cf. It. unico; from L. unicus, from unus one. See One.]Being without a like or equal; unmatched; unequaled; unparalleled; single in kind or excellence; sole. -- U*nique"ly, adv. -- U*nique"ness, n. 1913 Webster]
U*nique", n.A thing without a like; something unequaled or unparalleled. [R.] 1913 Webster]
The phenix, the unique pf birds.De Quincey. 1913 Webster]
U*niq"ui*ty(?), n.The quality or state of being unique; uniqueness. [R.] Walpole. 1913 Webster]
U`ni*ra"di*a`ted(?), a.[Uni- + radiated.]Having but one ray. 1913 Webster]
U`ni*ra"mous(?), a.[Uni- + L. ramus branch.](Biol.)Having but one branch. 1913 Webster]
U`ni*sep"tate(?), a.[Uni- + septate.](Bot.)Having but one septum, or partition; -- said of two-celled fruits, such as the silicles of cruciferous plants. 1913 Webster]
U`ni*se"ri*al(?), a.[Uni- + serial.]Having only one row or series. 1913 Webster]
U`ni*se"ri*ate(?), a.[Uni- + seriate.]Having one line or series; uniserial. -- U`ni*se"ri*ate*ly, adv. 1913 Webster]
U`ni*sex"u*al(?), a.[Uni- + sexual: cf. F. unisexuel.](Biol.)Having one sex only, as plants which have the male and female flowers on separate individuals, or animals in which the sexes are in separate individuals; dibisexual, or hermaphrodite. See Di. 1913 Webster]
U`ni*sil"i*cate(?), n.[Uni- + silicate.](Min.)A salt of orthosilicic acid, H4SiO4; -- so called because the ratio of the oxygen atoms united to the basic metals and silicon respectively is 1:1; for example, Mg2SiO4 or 2MgO.SiO2. 1913 Webster]
U"ni*son(?; 277), n.[LL. unisonus having the same sound; L. unus one + sonus a sound: cf. F. unisson, It. unisono. See One, and Sound a noise.]1.Harmony; agreement; concord; union. 1913 Webster]
2.(Mus.)Identity in pitch; coincidence of sounds proceeding from an equality in the number of vibrations made in a given time by two or more sonorous bodies. Parts played or sung in octaves are also said to be in unison, or in octaves. 1913 Webster]
unison, and their sounds will be in unison. Sounds of very different qualities and force may be in unison, as the sound of a bell may be in unison with a sound of a flute. Unison, then, consists in identity of pitch alone, irrespective of quality of sound, or timbre, whether of instruments or of human voices. A piece or passage is said to be sung or played in unison when all the voices or instruments perform the same part, in which sense unison is contradistinguished from harmony. 1913 Webster]
3.A single, unvaried. [R.] Pope. 1913 Webster]
In unison, in agreement; agreeing in tone; in concord. 1913 Webster]
U"ni*son(?; 277), a.[Cf. It. unisono. See Unison, n.]1.Sounding alone. [Obs.] 1913 Webster]
[sounds] intermixed with voice, unison.Milton. 1913 Webster]
2.(Mus.)Sounded alike in pitch; unisonant; unisonous; as, unison passages, in which two or more parts unite in coincident sound. 1913 Webster]
U*nis"o*nal(?), a.Being in unison; unisonant. -- U*nis"o*nal*ly, adv. 1913 Webster]
U*nis"o*nance(?), n.[See Unisonant.]Accordance of sounds; unison. 1913 Webster]
U*nis"o*nant(?), a.[Uni- + sonant. See Unison.]Being in unison; having the same degree of gravity or acuteness; sounded alike in pitch. 1913 Webster]
U*nis"o*nous(?), a.[See Unison.]Being in unison; unisonant.Busby. 1913 Webster]
U"nit(?), n.[Abbrev. from unity.]1.A single thing or person. 1913 Webster]
2.(Arith.)The least whole number; one. 1913 Webster]
Units are the integral parts of any large number.I. Watts. 1913 Webster]
3.A gold coin of the reign of James I., of the value of twenty shillings.Camden. 1913 Webster]
4.Any determinate amount or quantity (as of length, time, heat, value) adopted as a standard of measurement for other amounts or quantities of the same kind. 1913 Webster]
5.(Math.)A single thing, as a magnitude or number, regarded as an undivided whole. 1913 Webster]
Abstract unit, the unit of numeration; one taken in the abstract; the number represented by 1. The term is used in distinction from concrete, or determinate, unit, that is, a unit in which the kind of thing is expressed; a unit of measure or value; as 1 foot, 1 dollar, 1 pound, and the like. --
Complex unit(Theory of Numbers), an imaginary number of the form a + b-1, when a2 + b2 = 1. --
Duodecimal unit, a unit in the scale of numbers increasing or decreasing by twelves. --
Fractional unit, the unit of a fraction; the reciprocal of the denominator; thus, unit of the fraction --
Integral unit, the unit of integral numbers, or 1. --
Physical unit, a value or magnitude conventionally adopted as a unit or standard in physical measurements. The various physical units are usually based on given units of length, mass, and time, and on the density or other properties of some substance, for example, water. See Dyne, Erg, Farad, Ohm, Poundal, etc. --
Unit deme(Biol.), a unit of the inferior order or orders of individuality. --
Unit jar(Elec.), a small, insulated Leyden jar, placed between the electrical machine and a larger jar or battery, so as to announce, by its repeated discharges, the amount of electricity passed into the larger jar. --
Unit of heat(Physics), a determinate quantity of heat adopted as a unit of measure; a thermal unit (see under Thermal). Water is the substance generally employed, the unit being one gram or one pound, and the temperature interval one degree of the Centigrade or Fahrenheit scale. When referred to the gram, it is called the gram degree. The British unit of heat, or thermal unit, used by engineers in England and in the United States, is the quantity of heat necessary to raise one pound of pure water at and near its temperature of greatest density (39.1Rankine. --
Unit of illumination, the light of a sperm candle burning 120 grains per hour. Standard gas, burning at the rate of five cubic feet per hour, must have an illuminating power equal to that of fourteen such candles. --
Unit of measure (as of length, surface, volume, dry measure, liquid measure, money, weight, time, and the like), in general, a determinate quantity or magnitude of the kind designated, taken as a standard of comparison for others of the same kind, in assigning to them numerical values, as 1 foot, 1 yard, 1 mile, 1 square foot, 1 square yard, 1 cubic foot, 1 peck, 1 bushel, 1 gallon, 1 cent, 1 ounce, 1 pound, 1 hour, and the like; more specifically, the fundamental unit adopted in any system of weights, measures, or money, by which its several denominations are regulated, and which is itself defined by comparison with some known magnitude, either natural or empirical, as, in the United States, the dollar for money, the pound avoirdupois for weight, the yard for length, the gallon of 8.3389 pounds avoirdupois of water at 39.8 --
Unit of power. (Mach.)See Horse power. --
Unit of resistance. (Elec.)See Resistance, n., 4, and Ohm. --
Unit of work(Physics), the amount of work done by a unit force acting through a unit distance, or the amount required to lift a unit weight through a unit distance against gravitation. See Erg, Foot Pound, Kilogrammeter. --
Unit stress(Mech. Physics), stress per unit of area; intensity of stress. It is expressed in ounces, pounds, tons, etc., per square inch, square foot, or square yard, etc., or in atmospheres, or inches of mercury or water, or the like. 1913 Webster]
U*nit"a*ble(?), a.Capable of union by growth or otherwise.Owen. 1913 Webster]
U`ni*ta"ri*an(?), n.[Cf. F. unitaire, unitairien, NL. unitarius. See Unity.]1.(Theol.)One who denies the doctrine of the Trinity, believing that God exists only in one person; a unipersonalist; also, one of a denomination of Christians holding this belief. 1913 Webster]
2.One who rejects the principle of dualism. 1913 Webster]
3.A monotheist. [R.] Fleming. 1913 Webster]
U`ni*ta"ri*an(?), a.Of or pertaining to Unitarians, or their doctrines. 1913 Webster]
U`ni*ta"ri*an*ism(?), n.[Cf. F. unitairianisme.]The doctrines of Unitarians. 1913 Webster]
U`ni*ta"ri*an*ize(?), v. t. & i.[imp. & p. p.Unitarianized(?); p. pr. & vb. n.Unitarianizing(?).]To change or turn to Unitarian views. 1913 Webster]
U"nit*a*ry(?), a.1.Of or pertaining to a unit or units; relating to unity; as, the unitary method in arithmetic. 1913 Webster]
2.Of the nature of a unit; not divided; united. 1913 Webster]
Unitary theory(Chem.), the modern theory that the molecules of all complete compounds are units, whose parts are bound together in definite structure, with mutual and reciprocal influence on each other, and are not mere aggregations of more or less complex groups; -- distinguished from the dualistic theory. 1913 Webster]
U*nite"(?), v. t.[imp. & p. p.United; p. pr. & vb. n.Uniting.][L. unitus, p. p. of unire to unite, from unus one. See One.]1.To put together so as to make one; to join, as two or more constituents, to form a whole; to combine; to connect; to join; to cause to adhere; as, to unite bricks by mortar; to unite iron bars by welding; to unite two armies. 1913 Webster]
2.Hence, to join by a legal or moral bond, as families by marriage, nations by treaty, men by opinions; to join in interest, affection, fellowship, or the like; to cause to agree; to harmonize; to associate; to attach. 1913 Webster]
Under his great vicegerent reign abide, United as one individual soul.Milton. 1913 Webster]
The king proposed nothing more than to unite his kingdom in one form of worship.Clarendon. 1913 Webster]
Syn. -- To add; join; annex; attach. See Add. 1913 Webster]
U*nite", v. i.1.To become one; to be cemented or consolidated; to combine, as by adhesion or mixture; to coalesce; to grow together. 1913 Webster]
2.To join in an act; to concur; to act in concert; as, all parties united in signing the petition. 1913 Webster]
U*nite", a.[L. unitus, p. p. See Unite, v. t.]United; joint; as, unite consent. [Obs.] J. Webster. 1913 Webster]
U*nit"ed, a.Combined; joined; made one. 1913 Webster]
United Brethren. (Eccl.)See Moravian, n. --
United flowers(Bot.), flowers which have the stamens and pistils in the same flower. --
The United Kingdom, Great Britain and Ireland; -- so named since January 1, 1801, when the Legislative Union went into operation.<-- ##?? needs to be updated: =
The United Kingdom fo Great Britain and Northern Ireland --> --
United Greeks(Eccl.), those members of the Greek Church who acknowledge the supremacy of the pope; -- called also uniats. 1913 Webster]
U*nit"ed*ly, adv.In an united manner.Dryden. 1913 Webster]
U*nit"er(?), n.One who, or that which, unites. 1913 Webster]
U*nit"er*a*ble(?), a.Not iterable; incapable of being repeated. [Obs.] \'bdTo play away an uniterable life.\'b8 Sir T. Browne. 1913 Webster]
U*ni"tion(?), n.[LL. unitio, from L. unire. See Unite,v. t.]The act of uniting, or the state of being united; junction. [Obs.] Wiseman. 1913 Webster]
U"ni*tive(?), a.[LL. unitivus: cf. F. unitif.]Having the power of uniting; causing, or tending to produce, union.Jer. Taylor. 1913 Webster]
U"ni*tive*ly, adv.In a unitive manner.Cudworth. 1913 Webster]
U"nit*ize(?), v. t.[imp. & p. p.Unitized(?); p. pr. & vb. n.Unitizing(?).]To reduce to a unit, or one whole; to form into a unit; to unify. 1913 Webster]
U"ni*tude(?), n.Unity. [R.] H. Spenser. 1913 Webster]
U"ni*ty(?), n.; pl.Unities(#).[OE. unite, F. unit\'82, L. unitas, from unus one. See One, and cf. Unit.]1.The state of being one; oneness. 1913 Webster]
Whatever we can consider as one thing suggests to the understanding the idea of unity.Locks. 1913 Webster]
Unity is affirmed of a simple substance or indivisible monad, or of several particles or parts so intimately and closely united as to constitute a separate body or thing. See the Synonyms under Union. 1913 Webster]
2.Concord; harmony; conjunction; agreement; uniformity; as, a unity of proofs; unity of doctrine. 1913 Webster]
Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity!Ps. cxxxiii. 1. 1913 Webster]
3.(Math.)Any definite quantity, or aggregate of quantities or magnitudes taken as one, or for which 1 is made to stand in calculation; thus, in a table of natural sines, the radius of the circle is regarded as unity. 1913 Webster]
unity. 1913 Webster]
4.(Poetry & Rhet.)In dramatic composition, one of the principles by which a uniform tenor of story and propriety of representation are preserved; conformity in a composition to these; in oratory, discourse, etc., the due subordination and reference of every part to the development of the leading idea or the eastablishment of the main proposition. 1913 Webster]
action, of time, and of place; that is, that there should be but one main plot; that the time supposed should not exceed twenty-four hours; and that the place of the action before the spectators should be one and the same throughout the piece. 1913 Webster]
5.(Fine Arts & Mus.)Such a combination of parts as to constitute a whole, or a kind of symmetry of style and character. 1913 Webster]
6.(Law)The peculiar characteristics of an estate held by several in joint tenancy. 1913 Webster]
unity, which is fourfold; unity of interest, unity of title, unity of time, and unity of possession; in other words, joint tenants have one and the same interest, accruing by one and the same conveyance, commencing at the same time, and held by one and the same undivided possession. Unity of possession is also a joint possession of two rights in the same thing by several titles, as when a man, having a lease of land, afterward buys the fee simple, or, having an easement in the land of another, buys the servient estate. 1913 Webster]
<-- p. 1577 --> 1913 Webster]
At unity, at one. --
Unity of type. (Biol.)See under Type. 1913 Webster]
U*niv"a*lence(?), n.(Chem.)The quality or state of being univalent. 1913 Webster]
U*niv"a*lent(?), a.[Uni- + L. valens, -entis, p. pr. See Valence.](Chem.)Having a valence of one; capable of combining with, or of being substituted for, one atom of hydrogen; monovalent; -- said of certain atoms and radicals. 1913 Webster]
U"ni*valve(?), n.[Uni- + valve: cf. F. univalve.](Zo\'94l.)A shell consisting of one valve only; a mollusk whose shell is composed of a single piece, as the snails and conchs. 1913 Webster]
1913 Webster]
{ U"ni*valve(?), U"ni*valved(?), }a.[Cf. F. univalve.](Bot. & Zo\'94l.)Having one valve; as, a univalve shell or pericarp. 1913 Webster]
\'d8U`ni*val"vi*a(/), n. pl.[NL.](Zo\'94l.)Same as Gastropoda. 1913 Webster]
U`ni*val"vu*lar(?), a.(Bot. & Zo\'94l.)Same as Univalve, a. 1913 Webster]
U`ni*va"ri*ant(?), a.(Chem.)Having one degree of freedom or variability. Webster 1913 Suppl.]
U`ni*ver"sal(?), a.[L. universalis: cf. F. universel, OF. also universal. See Universe.]1.Of or pertaining to the universe; extending to, including, or affecting, the whole number, quantity, or space; unlimited; general; all-reaching; all-pervading; as, universal ruin; universal good; universal benevolence or benefice. \'bdAnointed universal King.\'b8 Milton. 1913 Webster]
The universal cause Pope. 1913 Webster]
This universal frame began.Dryden. 1913 Webster]
Universal and its derivatives are used in common discourse for general and its derivatives. See General. 1913 Webster]
2.Constituting or considered as a whole; total; entire; whole; as, the universal world.Shak. 1913 Webster]
At which the universal host up dent Milton. 1913 Webster]
3.(Mech.)Adapted or adaptable to all or to various uses, shapes, sizes, etc.; as, a universal milling machine. 1913 Webster]
4.(Logic)Forming the whole of a genus; relatively unlimited in extension; affirmed or denied of the whole of a subject; as, a universal proposition; -- opposed to particular; e. g. (universal affirmative) All men are animals; (universal negative) No men are omniscient. 1913 Webster]
Universal chuck(Mach.), a chuck, as for a lathe, having jaws which can be moved simultaneously so as to grasp objects of various sizes. --
Universal church, the whole church of God in the world; the catholic church. See the Note under Catholic, a., 1. --
Universal coupling. (Mach.)Same as Universal joint, below. --
Universal dial, a dial by which the hour may be found in any part of the world, or under any elevation of the pole. --
Universal instrument(Astron.), a species of altitude and azimuth instrument, the peculiarity of which is, that the object end of the telescope is placed at right angles to the eye end, with a prism of total reflection at the angle, and the eye end constitutes a portion of the horizontal axis of the instrument, having the eyepiece at the pivot and in the center of the altitude circle, so that the eye has convenient access to both at the same time. --
Universal joint(Mach.), a contrivance used for joining two shafts or parts of a machine endwise, so that the one may give rotary motion to the other when forming an angle with it, or may move freely in all directions with respect to the other, as by means of a cross connecting the forked ends of the two shafts (Fig. 1). Since this joint can not act when the angle of the shafts is less than 140 --
Universal umbel(Bot.), a primary or general umbel; the first or largest set of rays in a compound umbel; -- opposed to partial umbel. A universal involucre is not unfrequently placed at the foot of a universal umbel. 1913 Webster]
Syn. -- General; all; whole; total. See General. 1913 Webster]
U`ni*ver"sal, n.1.The whole; the general system of the universe; the universe. [Obs.] 1913 Webster]
Plato calleth God the cause and original, the nature and reason, of the universal.Sir W. Raleigh. 1913 Webster]
2.(Logic)(a)A general abstract conception, so called from being universally applicable to, or predicable of, each individual or species contained under it.(b)A universal proposition. See Universal, a., 4. 1913 Webster]
U`ni*ver"sal do"nor, n.(Med.)a person belonging to the O blood group (of the ABO classification), who can safely donate blood to anyone. PJC]
U`ni*ver"sal gram"mar, n.1.(Linguistics)the principles forming the basis for the human ability to understand language. PJC]
2.(Linguistics)the general properties and constraints common to all human languages; also, the study of such principles. PJC]
U`ni*ver*sa"li*an(?), a.Of or pertaining to Universalism; Universalist. [R.] 1913 Webster]
U`ni*ver"sal*ism(?), n.[Cf. F. universalisme.](Theol.)The doctrine or belief that all men will be saved, or made happy, in the future state. 1913 Webster]
U`ni*ver"sal*ist(?), n.[Cf. F. universaliste.] 1913 Webster]
1.(Theol.)One who believes in Universalism; one of a denomination of Christians holding this faith. 1913 Webster]
2.One who affects to understand all the particulars in statements or propositions. [Obs.] Bentley. 1913 Webster]
U`ni*ver"sal*ist(?), a.Of or pertaining to Unversalists of their doctrines. 1913 Webster]
U`ni*ver`sal*is"tic(?), a.Of or pertaining to the whole; universal. 1913 Webster]
U`ni*ver*sal"i*ty(?), n.; pl.Universalties(#).[Cf. F. universalit\'82.]The quality or state of being universal; unlimited extension or application; generality; -- distinguished from particularity; as, the unversality of a proposition; the unversality of sin; the unversality of the Deluge. 1913 Webster]
U`ni*ver"sal*ize(?), v. t.[imp. & p. p.Universalized(?); p. pr. & vb. n.Universalizing(?).][Cf. F. universaliser.]To make universal; to generalize.Coleridge. 1913 Webster]
U`ni*ver"sal*ly, adv.In a universal manner; without exception; as, God's laws are universally binding on his creatures. 1913 Webster]
U`ni*ver"sal*ness, n.The quality or state of being universal; universality. 1913 Webster]
U"ni*verse(?), n.[L. universum, from universus universal; unus one + vertere, versum, to turn, that is, turned into one, combined into one whole; cf. F. univers. See One, and Verse.]All created things viewed as constituting one system or whole; the whole body of things, or of phenomena; the to~ pa^n of the Greeks, the mundus of the Latins; the world; creation. 1913 Webster]
How may I universe Milton. 1913 Webster]
U"ni*verse of dis"course(?), n.everything which may be considered, explicitly or implicitly, in a particular theory or discussion. PJC]
U`ni*ver"si*ty(?), n.; pl.Universities(#).[OE. universite, L. universitas all together, the whole, the universe, a number of persons associated into one body, a society, corporation, fr. universus all together, universal: cf. F. universit\'82. See Universe.]1.The universe; the whole. [Obs.] Dr. H. More. 1913 Webster]
2.An association, society, guild, or corporation, esp. one capable of having and acquiring property. [Obs.] 1913 Webster]
The universities, or corporate bodies, at Rome were very numerous. There were corporations of bakers, farmers of the revenue, scribes, and others.Eng. Cyc. 1913 Webster]
3.An institution organized and incorporated for the purpose of imparting instruction, examining students, and otherwise promoting education in the higher branches of literature, science, art, etc., empowered to confer degrees in the several arts and faculties, as in theology, law, medicine, music, etc. A university may exist without having any college connected with it, or it may consist of but one college, or it may comprise an assemblage of colleges established in any place, with professors for instructing students in the sciences and other branches of learning. In modern usage, a university is expected to have both an undergraduate division, granting bachelor's degrees, and a graduate division, granting master's or doctoral degrees, but there are some exceptions. In addition, a modern university typically also supports research by its faculty 1913 Webster]
The present universities of Europe were, originally, the greater part of them, ecclesiastical corporations, instituted for the education of churchmen . . . What was taught in the greater part of those universities was suitable to the end of their institutions, either theology or something that was merely preparatory to theology.A. Smith. 1913 Webster]
universitas, collegium, corpus, are derived the terms university, college, and corporation, of modern languages; and though these words have obtained modified significations in modern times, so as to be indifferently applicable to the same things, they all agree in retaining the fundamental signification of the terms, whatever may have been added to them. There is now no university, college, or corporation, which is not a juristical person in the sense above explained [see def. 2, above]; wherever these words are applied to any association of persons not stamped with this mark, it is an abuse of terms. Eng. Cyc. 1913 Webster]
U`ni*ver"si*ty ex*ten"sion. The extension of the advantages of university{3} instruction by means of lectures and classes at various centers. Webster 1913 Suppl.]
U`ni*ver`so*log"ic*al(?), a.Of or pertaining to universology. 1913 Webster]
U`ni*ver*sol"o*gist(?), n.One who is versed in universology. 1913 Webster]
U`ni*ver*sol"o*gy(?), n.[Universe + -logy.]The science of the universe, and the relations which it involves. 1913 Webster]
U*niv"o*ca*cy(?), n.The quality or state of being univocal. [R.] Sir T. Browne. 1913 Webster]
U*niv"o*cal(?), a.[L. univocus; unus one + vox, vocis, a voice, word. See One, and Voice.]1.Having one meaning only; -- contrasted with equivocal. 1913 Webster]
2.Having unison of sound, as the octave in music. See Unison, n., 2. 1913 Webster]
3.Having always the same drift or tenor; uniform; certain; regular. [R.] Sir T. Browne. 1913 Webster]
U*niv"o*cal, n.1.(Aristotelian Logic)A generic term, or a term applicable in the same sense to all the species it embraces. 1913 Webster]
2.A word having but one meaning. 1913 Webster]
U*niv"o*cal*ly, adv.In a univocal manner; in one term; in one sense; not equivocally. 1913 Webster]
How is sin univocally distinguished into venial and mortal, if the venial be not sin?Bp. Hall. 1913 Webster]
U*niv`o*ca"tion(?), n.[Cf. F. univocation.]Agreement of name and meaning. [Obs.] Whiston. 1913 Webster]
Un*join"(?), v. t.[1st un- + join.]To disjoin. 1913 Webster]
Un*joint"(?), v. t.[1st un- + joint.]To disjoint. 1913 Webster]
Un*joint"ed, a.[Properly p. p. of unjoint.]1.Disjointed; unconnected; hence, incoherent.Shak. 1913 Webster]
2.[Pref. un- + jointed.]Having no joint or articulation; as, an unjointed stem. 1913 Webster]
Un*just"(?), a.1.Acting contrary to the standard of right; not animated or controlled by justice; false; dishonest; as, an unjust man or judge. 1913 Webster]
2.Contrary to justice and right; prompted by a spirit of injustice; wrongful; as, an unjust sentence; an unjust demand; an unjust accusation. 1913 Webster]
-- Un*just"ly, adv. -- Un*just"ness, n. 1913 Webster]
Un*jus"tice(?), n.Want of justice; injustice. [Obs.] Hales. 1913 Webster]
Un*list"ed(?), a.Not listed;specif.(a)(New York Stock Exchange), admitted to quotation in the unlisted department, that is, admitted to be dealt in on the floor, but not to the \'bdregular list.\'b8(b)not listed in the telephone directory; -- of telephone numbers; as, an unlisted number. Webster 1913 Suppl. +PJC]
\'d8Un"ke(?), n.[G. unke.](Zo\'94l.)A European aquatic toad (Bombinator igneus). Its back is dark; its belly is marked with crimson. Called also feuerkr\'94te. 1913 Webster]
Un"ked(?), a.[Corrupted fr. uncouth, or OE. unkid; un- + p. p. of AS. c to make known, fr. c known. See Uncouth.]1.Odd; strange; ugly; old; uncouth. [Prov. Eng.] 1913 Webster]
Un*lash"(?), v. t.[1st un- + lash.](Naut.)To loose, as that which is lashed or tied down. 1913 Webster]
Un*latch"(?), v. i.[imp. & p. p.Unlatched(?); p. pr. & vb. n.Unlatching.][1st un- + latch.]To open or loose by lifting the latch; as, to unlatch a door. 1913 Webster]
Un*laugh"(?), v. t.[1st un- + laugh.]To recall, as former laughter. [Obs. & R.] Sir T. More. 1913 Webster]
Un*law"(?), v. t.[1st un- + law.]1.To deprive of the authority or character of law. [Obs.] 1913 Webster]
2.To put beyond protection of law; to outlaw. [Obs.] 1913 Webster]
3.(Scots Law)To impose a fine upon; to fine. 1913 Webster]
<-- p. 1578 --> 1913 Webster]
Un*law"(?), n.[Pref. un- + law.](Scots Law)(a)Any transgression or offense against the law.(b)A fine imposed as a penalty for violation of the law. 1913 Webster]
Un*lawed"(?), a.[Pref. un- + lawed, p. p. of lawe.]Not having the claws and balls of the forefeet cut off; -- said of dogs. 1913 Webster]
Un*law"ful(?), a.Not lawful; contrary to law. -- Un*law"ful*ly, adv. -- Un*law"ful*ness, n. 1913 Webster]
Unlawful assembly. (Law)See under Assembly. 1913 Webster]
Un*law"like`(?), a.Not according to law; being or done in violation of law; unlawful.Milton. 1913 Webster]
Un*lay"(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + lay.](Naut.)To untwist; as, to unlay a rope. 1913 Webster]
Un*learn"(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + learn.] 1913 Webster]
1.To forget, as what has been learned; to lose from memory; also, to learn the contrary of. 1913 Webster]
I had learned nothing right; I had to unlearn everything.Milner. 1913 Webster]
2.To fail to learn. [Obs.] Dr. H. More. 1913 Webster]
Un*less"(?), conj.[Formerly, onles, onlesse, onlesse that, that is, in less, in a less case. See On, and Less.]Upon any less condition than (the fact or thing stated in the sentence or clause which follows); if not; supposing that not; if it be not; were it not that; except; as, we shall fail unless we are industrious. 1913 Webster]
unless was frequently used prepositionally, -- a construction common in Shakespeare and still employed colloquially. 1913 Webster]
Here nothing breeds unless the nightly owl.Shak. 1913 Webster]
Un*licked"(?), a.Not licked; hence, not properly formed; ungainly. Cf. To lick into shape, under Lick, v.Shak. 1913 Webster]
Un*like"(?), a.1.Not like; dissimilar; diverse; having no resemblance; as, the cases are unlike. 1913 Webster]
Un*lim"it*ed, a.1.Not limited; having no bounds; boundless; as, an unlimited expanse of ocean. 1913 Webster]
2.Undefined; indefinite; not bounded by proper exceptions; as, unlimited terms. \'bdNothing doth more prevail than unlimited generalities.\'b8 Hooker. 1913 Webster]
3.Unconfined; not restrained; unrestricted. 1913 Webster]
Ascribe not unto God such an unlimited exercise of mercy as may destroy his justice.Rogers. 1913 Webster]
Unlimited problem(Math.), a problem which is capable of an infinite number of solutions. --
Unlimited pump, a kind of deep-well pump placed at the level of the water, and operated from above ground. 1913 Webster]
-- Un*lim"it*ed*ly, adv. -- Un*lim"it*ed*ness, n. 1913 Webster]
Un*line"(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + line.]To take the lining out of; hence, to empty; as, to unline one's purse. 1913 Webster]
Un*link"(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + link.]To separate or undo, as links; to uncoil; to unfasten.Shak. 1913 Webster]
Un*liq"ui*da`ted(?), a.Not liquidated; not exactly ascertained; not adjusted or settled. 1913 Webster]
Unliquidated damages(Law), penalties or damages not ascertained in money.Burrill. 1913 Webster]
Un*liq"uored(?), a.1.Not moistened or wet with liquor; dry. \'bdUnliquored coach.\'b8 Bp. Hall. 1913 Webster]
2.Not in liquor; not intoxicated; sober. 1913 Webster]
Like an unliquored Silenus.Milton. 1913 Webster]
Un*live"(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + live.]To //ve in a contrary manner, as a life; to live in a manner contrary to. [R.] Glanvill. 1913 Webster]
Un*lived"(?), a.[See 1st pref. Un-, and Life, Live.]Bereft or deprived of life. [Obs.] Shak. 1913 Webster]
Un*load"(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + load.]1.To take the load from; to discharge of a load or cargo; to disburden; as, to unload a ship; to unload a beast. 1913 Webster]
2.Hence, to relieve from anything onerous. 1913 Webster]
3.To discharge or remove, as a load or a burden; as, to unload the cargo of a vessel. 1913 Webster]
4.To draw the charge from; as, to unload a gun. 1913 Webster]
5.To sell in large quantities, as stock; to get rid of. [Brokers' Cant, U. S.] 1913 Webster]
Un*load", v. i.To perform the act of unloading anything; as, let unload now. 1913 Webster]
Un*load"er(?), n.One who, or that which, unloads; a device for unloading, as hay from a wagon. 1913 Webster]
Un*lo"ca*ted(?), a.1.Not located or placed; not fixed in a place. 1913 Webster]
2.Not surveyed, or designated by marks, limits, or boundaries, as appropriated to some individual, company, or corporation; as, unlocated lands. 1913 Webster]
Un*lock"(?), v. t.[Cf. AS. unl/can. See 1st Un-, and Lock, v. t.]1.To unfasten, as what is locked; as, to unlock a door or a chest. 1913 Webster]
2.To open, in general; to lay open; to undo. 1913 Webster]
Unlock your springs, and open all your shades.Pope. 1913 Webster]
[Lord] unlock the spell of sin.J. H. Newman. 1913 Webster]
Un*lodge"(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + lodge.]To dislodge; to deprive of lodgment.Carew. 1913 Webster]
Un*look"(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + look.]To recall or retract, as a look. [R.] Richardson. 1913 Webster]
Un*looked"(?), a.[Pref. un- not + looked.]Not observed or foreseen; unexpected; -- generally with for. \'bdUnlooked success.\'b8 Denham. 1913 Webster]
She comes unlooked for, if she comes at all.Pope. 1913 Webster]
Un*loose"(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- (intensive) + loose.]To make loose; to loosen; to set free.Shak. 1913 Webster]
Un*loose", v. i.To become unfastened; to lose all connection or union. 1913 Webster]
Un*loos"en(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- (intensive) + loosen.]To loosen; to unloose. 1913 Webster]
Un*lord"(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + lord.]To deprive of the rank or position of a lord.Milton. 1913 Webster]
Un*lord"ed, a.1.[Properly p. p. of unlord.]Deprived of the rank of a lord. 1913 Webster]
2.[Pref. un- + lorded.]Not raised to the rank of a lord.Milton. 1913 Webster]
Un*love"(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + love.]To cease to love; to hate. [Obs.] 1913 Webster]
Un*love"ly(?), a.Not lovely; not amiable; possessing qualities that excite dislike; disagreeable; displeasing; unpleasant. -- Un*love"li*ness(#), n. 1913 Webster]
Un*luck"i*ly(?), adv.In an unlucky manner. 1913 Webster]
Un*luck"i*ness, n.Quality or state of being unlucky. 1913 Webster]
Un*luck"y(?), a.1.Not lucky; not successful; unfortunate; ill-fated; unhappy; as, an unlucky man; an unlucky adventure; an unlucky throw of dice; an unlucky game. 1913 Webster]
1913 Webster]
2.Bringing bad luck; ill-omened; inauspicious. 1913 Webster]
Haunt me not with that unlucky face.Dryden. 1913 Webster]
3.Mischievous; as, an unlucky wag. [Colloq.] 1913 Webster]
Un*lust"(?), n.Listlessness; disinclination. [Obs.] \'bdIdleness and unlust.\'b8 Chaucer. 1913 Webster]
Un*lute"(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + lute.]To separate, as things cemented or luted; to take the lute or the clay from.Boyle. 1913 Webster]
Un*made"(?), a.1.[Pref. un- not + made.]Not yet made or formed; as, an unmade grave.Shak. 1913 Webster]
2.[Properly p. p. of unmake.]Deprived of form, character, etc.; disunited. 1913 Webster]
Un*mag"is*trate(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + magistrate.]To divest of the office or authority of a magistrate. [Obs.] Milton. 1913 Webster]
Un*maid"en(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + maiden.]To ravish; to deflower. [Obs.] 1913 Webster]
Un*make"(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + make.]To destroy the form and qualities of; to deprive of being; to uncreate. 1913 Webster]
God does not make or unmake things to try experiments.T. Burnet. 1913 Webster]
Un*man"(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + man.] 1913 Webster]
1.To deprive of the distinctive qualities of a human being, as reason, or the like. [R.] South. 1913 Webster]
2.To emasculate; to deprive of virility. 1913 Webster]
3.To deprive of the courage and fortitude of a man; to break or subdue the manly spirit in; to cause to despond; to dishearten; to make womanish. 1913 Webster]
Let's not unman each other.Byron. 1913 Webster]
4.To deprive of men; as, to unman a ship. 1913 Webster]
Un*man"a*cle(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + manacle.]To free from manacles.Tennyson. 1913 Webster]
Un*man"hood(?), n.Absence or lack of manhood. [Obs.] Chaucer. 1913 Webster]
Un*manned"(?), a.1.[Properly p. p. of unman.]Deprived of manly qualities; deficient in vigor, strength, courage, etc.; weak; effeminate. 1913 Webster]
2.[Pref. un- not + man + -ed.](Falconry)Not tamed; not made familiar with, or subject to, man; -- also used figuratively. [Obs.] 1913 Webster]
Hood my unmanned blood bating in my cheeks Shak. 1913 Webster]
3.[Pref. un- not + manned.]Not furnished with men; as, an unmanned ship. 1913 Webster]
Un*mew"(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + mew to confine.]To release from confinement or restraint.Keats. 1913 Webster]
Un*min"gle(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + mingle.]To separate, as things mixed.Bacon. 1913 Webster]
Un`mis*tak"a*ble(?), a.Incapable of being mistaken or misunderstood; clear; plain; obvious; evident. -- Un`mis*tak"a*bly, adv. 1913 Webster]
{ Un*mi"ter, Un*mi"tre(?) }, v. t.[1st pref. un- + miter.]To deprive of a miter; to depose or degrade from the rank of a bishop.Milton. 1913 Webster]
{ Un*mold", Un*mould" }(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + mold.]To change the form of; to reduce from any form. \'bdUnmolding reason's mintage.\'b8 Milton. 1913 Webster]
Un*mon"eyed(?), a.Destitute of money; not rich.[Written also unmonied.]Shenstone. 1913 Webster]
Un`mo*nop"o*lize(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + monopolize.]To recover or release from the state of being monopolized. [R.] 1913 Webster]
Unmonopolizing the rewards of learning and industry.Milton. 1913 Webster]
Un*moor"(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + moor.](Naut.)(a)To cause to ride with one anchor less than before, after having been moored by two or more anchors.(b)To loose from anchorage. See Moor, v. t. 1913 Webster]
Un*moor", v. i.To weigh anchor.Sir W. Scott. 1913 Webster]
Un*mor"al(?), a.Having no moral perception, quality, or relation; involving no idea of morality; -- distinguished from both moral and immoral. -- Un`mo*ral"i*ty(#), n. 1913 Webster]
Un*mor"al*ized(?), a.Not restrained or tutored by morality.Norris. 1913 Webster]
Un*mor"rised(?), a.Not arrayed in the dress of a morris dancer. [Obs.] Beau. & Fl. 1913 Webster]
Un*mor"tise(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + mortise.]To loosen, unfix, or separate, as things mortised together.Tennyson. 1913 Webster]
Un`-Mo*sa"ic(?), a.Not according to Moses; unlike Moses or his works. 1913 Webster]
By this reckoning Moses should be most un Mosaic.Milton. 1913 Webster]
Un*moth"ered(?), [1st pref. un- + mother.]Deprived of a mother; motherless. 1913 Webster]
Un*muz"zle(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + muzzle.]To loose from a muzzle; to remove a muzzle from. 1913 Webster]
Un*nail"(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + nail.]To remove the nails from; to unfasten by removing nails. 1913 Webster]
Un*napped"(?), a.Finished without a nap. 1913 Webster]
I did not attempt her with a threadbare name, Unnapped with meritorious actions.Beau. & Fl. 1913 Webster]
Un*nat"u*ral(?; 135), a.Not natural; contrary, or not conforming, to the order of nature; being without natural traits; as, unnatural crimes. 1913 Webster]
Syn. -- See Factitious. 1913 Webster]
-- Un*nat"u*ral*ly, adv. -- Un*nat"u*ral*ness, n. 1913 Webster]
Un*nat"u*ral*ize(?), v. t.To make unnatural. [R.] Hales. 1913 Webster]
Un*na"ture(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + nature.]To change the nature of; to invest with a different or contrary nature. [Obs.] 1913 Webster]
A right heavenly nature, indeed, as if were unnaturing them, doth so bridle them [the elements].Sir P. Sidney. 1913 Webster]
Un*na"ture, n.[Pref. un- not + nature.]The contrary of nature; that which is unnatural. [R.] 1913 Webster]
So as to be rather unnature, after all, than nature.H. Bushnell. 1913 Webster]
Un*near"(?), prep.Not near; not close to; at a distance from. [Obs.] Davies (Muse's Sacrifice). 1913 Webster]
Un*nec"es*sa*ry(?), a.Not necessary; not required under the circumstances; unless; needless; as, unnecessary labor, care, or rigor. -- Un*nec"es*sa*ri*ly(#), adv. -- Un*nec"es*sa*ri*ness, n. 1913 Webster]
<-- p. 1579 --> 1913 Webster]
Un`ne*ces"si*ty(?), n.The state of being unnecessary; something unnecessary. [Obs.] 1913 Webster]
Un*neigh"bored(?), a.Being without neigbors.Cowper. 1913 Webster]
Un*neigh"bor*ly(?), a.Not neighborly; distant; reserved; solitary; exclusive. -- adv.Not in a neighborly manner.Shak. 1913 Webster]
Un*nerv"ate(?), a.Enervate. [Obs.] 1913 Webster]
Un*nerve"(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + nerve.]To deprive of nerve, force, or strength; to weaken; to enfeeble; as, to unnerve the arm. 1913 Webster]
Unequal match'd, . . . unnerved father falls.Shak. 1913 Webster]
Un*nest(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + nest.]To eject from a nest; to unnestle. [R.] T. Adams. 1913 Webster]
Un*nes"tle(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + nestle.]Same as Unnest. [R.] 1913 Webster]
Un*or"gan*ized(?), a.Not organized; being without organic structure; specifically (Biol.), not having the different tissues and organs characteristic of living organisms, nor the power of growth and development; as, the unorganized ferments. See the Note under Ferment, n., 1. 1913 Webster]
Un`o*rig"i*na`ted(?), a.1.Not originated; existing from all eternity.F. W. Newman. 1913 Webster]
2.Not yet caused to be, or to be made; as, possible inventions still unoriginated. 1913 Webster]
2.Not owed; as, to pay money unowed. 1913 Webster]
Un*own"ed(?), a.[Pref. un- not + (sense 1) owned possessed, and (sense 2) owned granted, acknowledged.] 1913 Webster]
1.Not owned; having no owner.Milton. 1913 Webster]
2.Not acknowledged; not avowed.Gay. 1913 Webster]
Un*pack"(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + pack.] 1913 Webster]
1.To separate and remove, as things packed; to open and remove the contents of; as, to unpack a trunk. 1913 Webster]
2.To relieve of a pack or burden. [R.] Shak. 1913 Webster]
Un*pack"er(?), n.One who unpacks. 1913 Webster]
Un*pa"gan*ize(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + paganize.]To cause to cease to be pagan; to divest of pagan character. [R.] Cudworth. 1913 Webster]
Un*paint"(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + paint.]To remove the paint from; to efface, as a painting.Parnell. 1913 Webster]
Un*paired(?), a.Not paired; not suited or matched. 1913 Webster]
And minds unpaired had better think alone.Crabbe. 1913 Webster]
Un*palped"(?), a.(Zo\'94l.)Destitute of a palp. 1913 Webster]
Un*pan"nel(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + pannel.]To take the saddle off; to unsaddle. [Obs.] Jervas. 1913 Webster]
Un*par"a*dise(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + paradise.]To deprive of happiness like that of paradise; to render unhappy. [R.] Young. 1913 Webster]
Un*par"a*goned(?), a.Having no paragon or equal; matchless; peerless. [R.] 1913 Webster]
Your unparagoned mistress is dead.Shak. 1913 Webster]
Un*par"al*leled(?), a.Having no parallel, or equal; unequaled; unmatched. 1913 Webster]
The unparalleled perseverance of the armies of the United States, under every suffering and discouragement, was little short of a miracle.Washington. 1913 Webster]
Un*parched"(?), a.[Pref. un- not (intensive) parched.]Dried up; withered by heat. [Obs.] \'bdMy tongue . . . unparched.\'b8 Crashaw. 1913 Webster]
Un*par"don*a*ble(?), a.Not admitting of pardon or forgiveness; inexcusable. Webster 1913 Suppl.]
Un*par"ent*ed(?), a.Having no parent, or no acknowledged parent. [R.] 1913 Webster]
Un*par`lia*men"ta*ry(?), a.Not parliamentary; contrary to the practice of parliamentary bodies. -- Un*par`lia*men"ta*ri*ness(#), n. 1913 Webster]
Un*prac"ti*ca*ble(?), a.Impracticable; not feasible. 1913 Webster]
Un*prac"ti*cal(?), a.Not practical; impractical. \'bdUnpractical questions.\'b8 H. James. 1913 Webster]
I like him none the less for being unpractical.Lowell. 1913 Webster]
Un*praise"(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + praise.]To withhold praise from; to deprive of praise. [R.] 1913 Webster]
Un*pray(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + pray.]To revoke or annul by prayer, as something previously prayed for. [R.] Sir M. Hale. 1913 Webster]
Un*pray"a*ble(?), a.Not to be influenced or moved by prayers; obdurate. [R.] Wyclif. 1913 Webster]
Un*prayed"(?), a.[With for.]Not prayed for. [Obs.] Sir T. More. 1913 Webster]
Un*preach"(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + preach.]To undo or overthrow by preaching. [R.] De Foe. 1913 Webster]
Un*prec"e*dent*ed(?), a.Having no precedent or example; not preceded by a like case; not having the authority of prior example; novel; new; unexampled. -- Un*prec"e*dent*ed*ly, adv. 1913 Webster]
Un`pre*dict"(?), v. i.[1st pref. un- + predict.]To retract or falsify a previous prediction.Milton. 1913 Webster]
Un*prej"u*diced(?), a.1.Not prejudiced; free from undue bias or prepossession; not preoccupied by opinion; impartial; as, an unprejudiced mind; an unprejudiced judge. 1913 Webster]
2.Not warped or biased by prejudice; as, an unprejudiced judgment. 1913 Webster]
-- Un*prej"u*diced*ness, n.V. Knox. 1913 Webster]
Un*prel"a*ted(?), a.[1st pref. un- + prelate.]Deposed from the office of prelate. 1913 Webster]
Un`pre*vent"ed(?), a.1.Not prevented or hindered; as, unprevented sorrows.Shak. 1913 Webster]
2.Not preceded by anything. [Obs.] Milton. 1913 Webster]
Un*priced"(?), a.Not priced; being without a fixed or certain value; also, priceless. \'bdAmethyst unpriced.\'b8 Neale (Rhythm of St. Bernard). 1913 Webster]
Un*priest"(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + priest.]To deprive of priesthood; to unfrock. [R.] Milton. 1913 Webster]
Un*prince"(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + prince.]To deprive of the character or authority of a prince; to divest of principality of sovereignty. [R.] Swift. 1913 Webster]
Un*prin"ci*ple(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + principle.]To destroy the moral principles of. [R.] 1913 Webster]
Un*prin"ci*pled(?), a.[Pref. un- not + principled.]Being without principles; especially, being without right moral principles; also, characterized by absence of principle. -- Un*prin"ci*pled*ness, n. 1913 Webster]
Un*pris"on(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + prison.]To take or deliver from prison. 1913 Webster]
Un*priz"a*ble(?), a.1.Not prized or valued; being without value. [Obs.] 1913 Webster]
2.Invaluable; being beyond estimation. [Obs.] 1913 Webster]
Un*prob"a*bly(?), adv.[Pref. un- not + probably.]Improbably. 1913 Webster]
Un*prob"a*bly, adv.[Un- + L. probabilis approvable, fr. probare to approve. Cf. Probable.]In a manner not to be approved of; improperly. [Obs. & R.] 1913 Webster]
To diminish, by the authority of wise and knowing men, things unjustly and unprobably crept in.Strype. 1913 Webster]
Un`pro*fi"cien*cy(?), n.Want of proficiency or improvement.Bp. Hall. 1913 Webster]
Un*prof"it(?), n.Want of profit; unprofitableness. [Obs.] Wyclif. 1913 Webster]
Un*pros"e*lyte(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + proselyte.]To convert or recover from the state of a proselyte.Fuller. 1913 Webster]
Un*prot"es*tant*ize(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + protestantize.]To render other than Protestant; to cause to change from Protestantism to some other form of religion; to deprive of some Protestant feature or characteristic. 1913 Webster]
The attempt to unprotestantize the Church of England.Froude. 1913 Webster]
Un`pro*vide(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + provide.]To deprive of necessary provision; to unfurnish. 1913 Webster]
Lest her . . . beauty unprovide my mind again.Shak. 1913 Webster]
Un*prov"i*dent(?), a.Improvident. [Obs.] \'bdWho for thyself art so unprovident.\'b8 Shak. 1913 Webster]
Un*rav"el(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- (intensive) + ravel.] 1913 Webster]
1.To disentangle; to disengage or separate the threads of; as, to unravel a stocking. 1913 Webster]
2.Hence, to clear from complication or difficulty; to unfold; to solve; as, to unravel a plot. 1913 Webster]
3.To separate the connected or united parts of; to throw into disorder; to confuse. \'bdArt shall be conjured for it, and nature all unraveled.\'b8 Dryden. 1913 Webster]
Un*rav"el, v. i.To become unraveled, in any sense. 1913 Webster]
Un*rav"el*ment(?), n.The act of unraveling, or the state of being unraveled. 1913 Webster]
Un*reave"(?), v. t.[See Unreeve.]To unwind; to disentangle; to loose. [Obs.] Spenser. 1913 Webster]
Un*reaved"(?), a.[See Un- not, and, for -reaved, cf. Rive, and AS. re\'a2fan to break.]Not torn, split, or parted; not torn to pieces. [Obs.] Bp. Hall. 1913 Webster]
Un`re*buk"a*ble(?), a.Not deserving rebuke or censure; blameless.1 Tim. vi. 14. 1913 Webster]
Un`re*li"a*ble(?), a.Not reliable; untrustworthy. See Reliable. -- Un`re*li"a*ble*ness, n. 1913 Webster]
Alcibiades . . . was too unsteady, and (according to Mr. Coleridge's coinage) \'bdunreliable;\'b8 or perhaps, in more correct English, too \'bdunrelyuponable.\'b8De Quincey. 1913 Webster]
2.Not having incurred reproof, blameless. [Obs.] 1913 Webster]
In unreproved pleasures free.Milton. 1913 Webster]
Un*rep"u*ta*ble(?), a.Disreputable. 1913 Webster]
Un`re*serve"(?), n.Absence of reverse; frankness; freedom of communication.T. Warton. 1913 Webster]
Un`re*served"(?), a.Not reserved; not kept back; not withheld in part; unrestrained. -- Un`re*serv"ed*ly(#), adv. -- Un`re*serv"ed*ness, n. 1913 Webster]
Un*rev"er*ent*ly, adv.Irreverently. [R.] B. Jonson. 1913 Webster]
Un*rid"dle(?), v. t. & i.[1st pref. un- + riddle.]To read the riddle of; to solve or explain; as, to unriddle an enigma or a mystery.Macaulay. 1913 Webster]
And where you can't unriddle, learn to trust.Parnell. 1913 Webster]
Un*rid"dler(?), n.One who unriddles.Lovelace. 1913 Webster]
Un*rig"(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + rig.](Naut.)To strip of rigging; as, to unrig a ship.Totten. 1913 Webster]
Un*right"(?), a.[AS. unriht. See Un- not, and Right.]Not right; wrong. [Obs.] Gower. 1913 Webster]
Un*right", n.A wrong. [Obs.] 1913 Webster]
Nor did I you never unright.Chaucer. 1913 Webster]
Un*right"(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + right.]To cause (something right) to become wrong. [Obs.] Gower. 1913 Webster]
Un*right"eous(?), a.[OE. unrightwise, AS. unrihtw\'c6s. See Un- not, and Righteous.] 1913 Webster]
Un*rul"i*ness, n.Quality or state unruly. 1913 Webster]
Un*rul"y(?), a.[Compar.Unrulier(/), superl.Unruliest.][Pref. un- not + rule. Cf. Ruly.]Not submissive to rule; disregarding restraint; disposed to violate; turbulent; ungovernable; refractory; as, an unruly boy; unruly boy; unruly conduct. 1913 Webster]
But the tongue can no man tame; it is an unruly evil, full of deadly poison.James iii. 8. 1913 Webster]
Un*rum"ple(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + rumple.]To free from rumples; to spread or lay even, 1913 Webster]
Un*sac"ra*ment(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + sacrament.]To deprive of sacramental character or efficacy; as, to unsacrament the rite of baptism. [Obs.] 1913 Webster]
Un*sad"(?), a.[AS. uns\'91d unsated, insatiable. See Un- not, and Sad.]Unsteady; fickle. [Obs.] 1913 Webster]
O, stormy people, unsad and ever untrue.Chaucer. 1913 Webster]
Un*sad"den(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + sadden.]To relieve from sadness; to cheer. [R.] Whitlock. 1913 Webster]
Un*sad"dle(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + saddle.] 1913 Webster]
1.To strip of a saddle; to take the saddle from, as a horse. 1913 Webster]
2.To throw from the saddle; to unhorse. 1913 Webster]
Un*sat"u*ra`ted(?), a.1.Capable of absorbing or dissolving to a greater degree; as, an unsaturated solution. 1913 Webster]
2.(Chem.)Capable of taking up, or of uniting with, certain other elements or compounds, without the elimination of any side product; thus, aldehyde, ethylene, and ammonia are unsaturated; benzene has three unsaturated bonds. The term is applied most commonly to compounds with a double or triple bond between two carbon atoms (as in ethylene). 1913 Webster +PJC]
Un*sat`u*ra"tion(?), n.The quality or state of being unsaturated. 1913 Webster]
Un*say(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + say.]To recant or recall, as what has been said; to refract; to take back again; to make as if not said. 1913 Webster]
You can say and unsay things at pleasure.Goldsmith. 1913 Webster]
Un*scale"(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + scale.]To divest of scales; to remove scales from. 1913 Webster]
[An eagle] purging and unscaling her long-abused sight at the fountain itself of heavenly radiance.Milton. 1913 Webster]
Un*scap"a*ble(?), a.Not be escaped; inevitable. [Obs.] Wyclif. 1913 Webster]
{ Un*scep"tered, Un*scep"tred }(?), a.1.[Pref. un- not + sceptered.]Having no scepter. 1913 Webster]
2.[1st pref. un- + scepter.]Deprived of a scepter. 1913 Webster]
Un*sci"ence(?), n.Want of science or knowledge; ignorance. [Obs.] 1913 Webster]
If that any wight ween a thing to be otherwise than it is, it is not only unscience, but it is deceivable opinion.Chaucer. 1913 Webster]
Un*screw"(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + screw.]To draw the screws from; to loose from screws; to loosen or withdraw (anything, as a screw) by turning it. 1913 Webster]
The counsels of God are to us unsearchable.Rogers. 1913 Webster]
-- Un*search"a*ble*ness, n. -- Un*search"a*bly, adv. 1913 Webster]
Un*sea"son(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + season.] 1913 Webster]
1.To make unseasoned; to deprive of seasoning. 1913 Webster]
2.To strike unseasonably; to affect disagreeably or unfavorably. [Obs.] 1913 Webster]
Why do I send this rustic madrigal, unseason quite?Spenser. 1913 Webster]
Un*sea"son*a*ble(?), a.Not seasonable; being, done, or occurring out of the proper season; ill-timed; untimely; too early or too late; as, he called at an unseasonable hour; unseasonable advice; unseasonable frosts; unseasonable food. -- Un*sea"son*a*ble*ness, n. -- Un*sea"son*a*bly, adv. 1913 Webster]
Un*sea"soned(?), a.1.Not seasoned. 1913 Webster]
2.Untimely; ill-timed. [Obs.] Shak. 1913 Webster]
Un*seat"(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + seat.] 1913 Webster]
1.To throw from one's seat; to deprive of a seat.Cowper. 1913 Webster]
2.Specifically, to deprive of the right to sit in a legislative body, as for fraud in election.Macaulay. 1913 Webster]
<-- p. 1581 --> 1913 Webster]
Un*sec"ond*ed(?), a.1.Not seconded; not supported, aided, or assisted; as, the motion was unseconded; the attempt was unseconded. 1913 Webster]
2.Not exemplified a second time. [Obs.] \'bdStrange and unseconded shapes of worms.\'b8 Sir T. Browne. 1913 Webster]
Un*se"cret(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + secret.]To disclose; to divulge. [Obs.] Bacon. 1913 Webster]
Un*se"cret, a.[Pref. un- not + secret.]Not secret; not close; not trusty; indiscreet. [Obs.] \'bdWe are unsecret to ourselves.\'b8 Shak. 1913 Webster]
Un*sec"u*lar*ize(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + secularize.]To cause to become not secular; to detach from secular things; to alienate from the world. 1913 Webster]
Un*seel"(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + seel.]To open, as the eyes of a hawk that have been seeled; hence, to give light to; to enlighten. [Obs.] B. Jonson. 1913 Webster]
Un*seem"(?), v. i.[1st pref. un- + seem.]Not to seem. [Obs.] Shak. 1913 Webster]
Un*seem"ing, a.Unbeseeming; not fit or becoming. 1913 Webster]
Un*seem"li*ness(?), n.The quality or state of being unseemly; unbecomingness.Udall. 1913 Webster]
Un*se"ly(?), a.[AS. uns/lig. See Un- not, and Silly.]Not blessed or happy; wretched; unfortunate.[Written also unsilly.] [Obs.] Chaucer. -- Un*se"li*ness, n. [Obs.] Chaucer. 1913 Webster]
Un*sem"i*nared(?), a.[See 1st Un-, and Semen.]Deprived of virility, or seminal energy; made a eunuch. [Obs.] 1913 Webster]
Un*sensed(?), a.Wanting a distinct meaning; having no certain signification. [R.] Puller. 1913 Webster]
Un*sen"su*al*ize(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + sensualize.]To elevate from the domain of the senses; to purify.Coleridge. 1913 Webster]
Un*sep"a*ra*ble(?), a.Inseparable. [Obs.] \'bdIn love unseparable.\'b8 Shak. 1913 Webster]
Un*serv"ice(?), n.Neglect of duty; idleness; indolence. [Obs.] Massinger. 1913 Webster]
Un*set"(?), a.Not set; not fixed or appointed. 1913 Webster]
Un*set"tle(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + settle.]To move or loosen from a settled position or state; to unfix; to displace; to disorder; to confuse. 1913 Webster]
Un*set"tle, v. i.To become unsettled or unfixed; to be disordered.Shak. 1913 Webster]
Un*set"tled*ness(?), n.The quality or state of being unsettled. 1913 Webster]
Un*set"tle*ment(?), n.The act of unsettling, or state of being unsettled; disturbance.J. H. Newman. 1913 Webster]
Un*sev"en(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + seven.]To render other than seven; to make to be no longer seven. [Obs. & R.] \'bdTo unseven the sacraments of the church of Rome.\'b8 Fuller. 1913 Webster]
Un*sew"(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + sew.]To undo, as something sewn, or something inclosed by sewing; to rip apart; to take out the stitches of. 1913 Webster]
Un*sex"(?), v. t.[imp. & p. p.Unsexed(?); p. pr. & vb. n.Unsexing.][1st pref. un- + sex.]To deprive of sex, or of qualities becoming to one's sex; esp., to make unfeminine in character, manners, duties, or the like; as, to unsex a woman. 1913 Webster]
Un*sex"u*al(?), a.Not sexual; not proper or peculiar to one of the sexes.De Quincey. 1913 Webster]
Un*shac"kle(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + shackle.]To loose from shackles or bonds; to set free from restraint; to unfetter.Addison. 1913 Webster]
Un*shak"a*ble(?), a.Not capable of being shaken; firm; fixed.Shak. J. S. Mill. 1913 Webster]
Un*sher"iff(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + sheriff.]To depose from the office of sheriff. [R.] 1913 Webster]
Un*shet"(?), v. t.To unshut. [Obs.] Chaucer. 1913 Webster]
Un*shift"a*ble(?), a.1.That may /ot be shifted. 1913 Webster]
2.Shiftless; helpless. [Obs.] 1913 Webster]
Un*ship"(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + ship.] 1913 Webster]
1.To take out of a ship or vessel; as, to unship goods. 1913 Webster]
2.(Naut.)To remove or detach, as any part or implement, from its proper position or connection when in use; as, to unship an oar; to unship capstan bars; to unship the tiller. 1913 Webster]
Un*ship"ment(?), n.The act of unshipping, or the state of being unshipped; displacement. 1913 Webster]
Un*shot"(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + shot.]To remove the shot from, as from a shotted gun; to unload. 1913 Webster]
Un*shot", a.[Pref. un- + shot.]Not hit by a shot; also, not discharged or fired off. 1913 Webster]
Un*shout"(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + shout.]To recall what is done by shouting. [Obs.] Shak. 1913 Webster]
Un*shroud"(/), v. t.[1st pref. un- + shroud.]To remove the shroud from; to uncover.P. Fletcher. 1913 Webster]
Un*shrubbed"(?), a.Being without shrubs. 1913 Webster]
Un*shut"(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + shut.]To open, or throw open. [Obs.] Chaucer. 1913 Webster]
Un*shut"ter(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + shutter.]To open or remove the shutters of.T. Hughes. 1913 Webster]
Un*sight"(?), a.Doing or done without sight; not seeing or examining. [Colloq.] 1913 Webster]
Unsight unseen, a colloquial phrase, denoting unseeing unseen, or unseen repeated; as, to buy a thing unsight unseen, that is, without seeing it. 1913 Webster]
For to subscribe, unsight, unseen, Hudibras. 1913 Webster]
There was a great confluence of chapmen, that resorted from every part, with a design to purchase, which they were to do \'bdunsight unseen.\'b8Spectator. 1913 Webster]
Un*sight"ed, a.1.Not sighted, or seen.Suckling. 1913 Webster]
2.(Gun.)Not aimed by means of a sight; also, not furnished with a sight, or with a properly adjusted sight; as, to shoot and unsighted rife or cannon. 1913 Webster]
Un*sling"(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + sling.](Naut.)To take off the slings of, as a yard, a cask, or the like; to release from the slings.Totten. 1913 Webster]
Un*sluice"(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + sluice.]To sluice; to open the sluice or sluices of; to let flow; to discharge.Dryden. 1913 Webster]
Un*so`cia*bil"i*ty(?), n.The quality or state of being unsociable; unsociableness. 1913 Webster]
Un*so"cia*ble(?), a.Not sociable; not inclined to society; averse to companionship or conversation; solitary; reserved; as, an unsociable person or temper. -- Un*so"cia*ble*ness, n. -- Un*so"cia*bly, adv. 1913 Webster]
Un*sock"et(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + socket.]To loose or take from a socket. 1913 Webster]
Un*soft"(?; 115), a.Not soft; hard; coarse; rough. [Obs.] \'bdBristles of his beard unsoft.\'b8 Chaucer. 1913 Webster]
Un*soft", adv.[AS. uns/fte. See Un- not, and Soft.]Not softly. [Obs.] 1913 Webster]
Great climbers fall unsoft.Spenser. 1913 Webster]
Un*sol"der(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + solder.]To separate or disunite, as what has been soldered; hence, to divide; to sunder.[Formerly written also unsoder.]Tennyson. 1913 Webster]
Un*sol"diered(?; 106), a.Not equipped like a soldier; unsoldierlike. [Obs.] J. Fletcher. 1913 Webster]
Un*sol"em*nize(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + solemnize.]To divest of solemnity. 1913 Webster]
Un*so"na*ble(?), a.[Pref. un- + L. sonabilis sounding, from sonare to sound.]Incapable of being sounded. [Obs.] 1913 Webster]
Un*son"sy(?), a.[See Un- not, and Soncy.]Not soncy (sonsy); not fortunate. [Scot.] 1913 Webster]
Un*soot"(?), a.[AS. unsw/te. See Un- not, and Sweet.]Not sweet. [Obs.] Spenser. 1913 Webster]
Un*sort"ed(?), a.1.Not sorted; not classified; as, a lot of unsorted goods. 1913 Webster]
2.Not well selected; ill-chosen. 1913 Webster]
The purpose you undertake is dangerous; the friends you named uncertain; the time itself unsorted.Shak. 1913 Webster]
Un*soul"(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + soul.]To deprive of soul, spirit, or principle. [R.] Shelton. 1913 Webster]
Un*sound"(?), a.Not sound; not whole; not solid; defective; infirm; diseased. 1913 Webster]
-- Un*sound"ly, adv. -- Un*sound"ness, n. 1913 Webster]
Un*spar"(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + spar.]To take the spars, stakes, or bars from. [R.] Sir W. Scott. 1913 Webster]
Un*spar"ing(?), a.[Pref. un- not + sparing, p. pr. of spare.] 1913 Webster]
1.Not sparing; not parsimonious; liberal; profuse.Burke. 1913 Webster]
2.Not merciful or forgiving. [R.] Milton. 1913 Webster]
-- Un*spar"ing*ly(#), adv. -- Un*spar"ing*ness, n. 1913 Webster]
Un*speak"(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + speak.]To retract, as what has been spoken; to recant; to unsay. [R.] Shak. 1913 Webster]
Un*speak"a*ble(?), a.[Pref. un- not + speakable.]Not speakable; incapable of being uttered or adequately described; inexpressible; unutterable; ineffable; as, unspeakable grief or rage. -- Un*speak"a*bly, adv. 1913 Webster]
Ye rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory.1 Pet. i. 8. 1913 Webster]
Un*spe"cial*ized(?), a.Not specialized; specifically (Biol.), not adapted, or set apart, for any particular purpose or function; as, an unspecialized unicellular organism.W. K. Brooks. 1913 Webster]
Un*sped"(?), a.Not performed; not dispatched. [Obs.] Garth. 1913 Webster]
Un*spell"(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + spell.]To break the power of (a spell); to release (a person) from the influence of a spell; to disenchant. [R.] 1913 Webster]
Such practices as these, . . . unspelled.Dryden. 1913 Webster]
Un*sphere"(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + sphere.]To remove, as a planet, from its sphere or orb.Shak. 1913 Webster]
Un*spike"(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + spike.]To remove a spike from, as from the vent of a cannon. 1913 Webster]
Un*spilt"(?), a.Not spilt or wasted; not shed. 1913 Webster]
Un*spin"(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + spin.]To untwist, as something spun. 1913 Webster]
Un*spir"it(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + spirit.]To dispirit. [Obs.] Sir W. Temple. 1913 Webster]
Un*spir"it*al*ize(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + spiritualize.]To deprive of spiritually.South. 1913 Webster]
Un*spleened"(?), a.[1st pref. un- + spleen.]Deprived of a spleen. 1913 Webster]
Un*spot"ted(?), a.Not spotted; free from spot or stain; especially, free from moral stain; unblemished; immaculate; as, an unspotted reputation. -- Un*spot"ted*ness, n. 1913 Webster]
Un*squire"(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + squire.]To divest of the title or privilege of an esquire.Swift. 1913 Webster]
Un*sta"ble(?), a.[Cf. Instable.]Not stable; not firm, fixed, or constant; subject to change or overthrow. -- Un*sta"ble*ness, n.Chaucer. 1913 Webster]
Unstable equilibrium. See Stable equilibrium, under Stable. 1913 Webster]
Un*stack"(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + stack.]To remove, or take away, from a stack; to remove, as something constituting a stack. 1913 Webster]
Un*starch"(?), v. t.[Pref. un- + starch.]To free from starch; to make limp or pliable. 1913 Webster]
Un*state"(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + state.]To deprive of state or dignity. [R.] 1913 Webster]
High-battled C\'91sar will unstate his happiness.Shak. 1913 Webster]
Un*steel"(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + steel.]To disarm; to soften.Richardson. 1913 Webster]
Un*step"(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + step.](Naut.)To remove, as a mast, from its step. 1913 Webster]
Un*stick"(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + stick.]To release, as one thing stuck to another.Richardson. 1913 Webster]
Un*still"(?), a.[AS. unstille. See Un- not, and Still, a.]Not still; restless. [R.] 1913 Webster]
Un*sting"(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + sting.]To disarm of a sting; to remove the sting of. [R.] \'bdElegant dissertations on virtue and vice . . . will not unsting calamity.\'b8 J. M. Mason. 1913 Webster]
Un*stitch"(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + stitch.]To open by picking out stitches; to take out, or undo, the stitches of; as, to unstitch a seam.Collier. 1913 Webster]
Un*stock"(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + stock.] 1913 Webster]
1.To deprive of a stock; to remove the stock from; to loose from that which fixes, or holds fast. 1913 Webster]
2.To remove from the stocks, as a ship. 1913 Webster]
Un*stock"inged(?), a.1.[Pref. un- not + stocking.]Destitute of stockings.Sir W. Scott. 1913 Webster]
2.[1st pref. un- + stocking.]Deprived of stockings. 1913 Webster]
Un*stop"(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + stop.] 1913 Webster]
1.To take the stopple or stopper from; as, to unstop a bottle or a cask. 1913 Webster]
2.To free from any obstruction; to open. 1913 Webster]
Un*strain"(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + strain.]To relieve from a strain; to relax.B. Jonson. 1913 Webster]
Un*strained"(?), a.[Pref. un- not + strain.]1.Not strained; not cleared or purified by straining; as, unstrained oil or milk. 1913 Webster]
2.Not forced; easy; natural; as, a unstrained deduction or inference.Hakewill. 1913 Webster]
Un*strat"i*fied(?), a.(Geol.)Not stratified; -- applied to massive rocks, as granite, porphyry, etc., and also to deposits of loose material, as the glacial till, which occur in masses without layers or strata. 1913 Webster]
Un*strength"(?), n.Want of strength; weakness; feebleness. [Obs.] Wyclif. 1913 Webster]
Un*string"(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + string.] 1913 Webster]
1.To deprive of a string or strings; also, to take from a string; as, to unstring beads. 1913 Webster]
2.To loosen the string or strings of; as, to unstring a harp or a bow. 1913 Webster]
3.To relax the tension of; to loosen. \'bdHis garland they unstring.\'b8 Dryden.Used also figuratively; as, his nerves were unstrung by fear. 1913 Webster]
Un*striped"(?), a.1.Not striped. 1913 Webster]
2.(Nat. Hist.)Without marks or striations; nonstriated; as, unstriped muscle fibers. 1913 Webster]
Un*stud"ied(?), a.1.Not studied; not acquired by study; unlabored; natural. 1913 Webster]
2.Not skilled; unversed; -- followed by in. 1913 Webster]
3.Not spent in study. [Obs.] \'bdTo cloak the defects of their unstudied years.\'b8 Milton. 1913 Webster]
<-- p. 1582 --> 1913 Webster]
Un`sub*stan"tial(?), a.Lacking in matter or substance; visionary; chimerical. 1913 Webster]
Un`sub*stan"tial*ize(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + substantialize.]To make unsubstantial. [R.] 1913 Webster]
Un`suc*ceed"a*ble(?), a.Not able or likely to succeed. [Obs.] Sir T. Browne. 1913 Webster]
Un`suc*cess"(?), n.Want of success; failure; misfortune.Prof. Wilson. 1913 Webster]
Un`suc*cess"ful(?), a.Not successful; not producing the desired event; not fortunate; meeting with, or resulting in, failure; unlucky; unhappy. -- Un`suc*cess"ful*ly, adv. -- Un`suc*cess"ful*ness, n. 1913 Webster]
Un`sus*pi"cion(?), n.The quality or state of being unsuspecting.Dickens. 1913 Webster]
Un*swad"dle(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + swaddle.]To take a swaddle from; to unswathe. 1913 Webster]
Un*swathe"(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + swathe.]To take a swathe from; to relieve from a bandage; to unswaddle.Addison. 1913 Webster]
Un*sway"a*ble(?), a.Not capable of being swayed.Shak. 1913 Webster]
Un*swear"(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + swear.]To recant or recall, as an oath; to recall after having sworn; to abjure.J. Fletcher. 1913 Webster]
Un*swear", v. i.To recall an oath.Spenser. 1913 Webster]
Un*sweat"(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + sweat.]To relieve from perspiration; to ease or cool after exercise or toil. [R.] Milton. 1913 Webster]
Un*swell"(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + swell.]To sink from a swollen state; to subside. [Obs.] Chaucer. 1913 Webster]
Un`sym*met"ric*al(?), a.1.Wanting in symmetry, or due proportion pf parts. 1913 Webster]
2.(Biol.)Not symmetrical; being without symmetry, as the parts of a flower when similar parts are of different size and shape, or when the parts of successive circles differ in number. See Symmetry. 1913 Webster]
3.(Chem.)Being without symmetry of chemical structure or relation; as, an unsymmetrical carbon atom. 1913 Webster]
Unsymmetrical carbon atom(Chem.), one which is united at once to four different atoms or radicals. This condition usually occasions physical isomerism, with the attendant action on polarized light. 1913 Webster]
Un*ti"tled(?), a.1.Not titled; having no title, or appellation of dignity or distinction.Spenser. 1913 Webster]
2.Being without title or right; not entitled.Shak. 1913 Webster]
Un"to(?), prep.[OE. unto; un- (only in unto, until) unto, as far as + to to; this un- is akin to AS. // until, OFries. und OS. und until, conj. (cf. OS. unt/ unto, OHG. unzi), Goth. und unto, until. See To, and cf. Until.] 1913 Webster]
1.To; -- now used only in antiquated, formal, or scriptural style. See To. 1913 Webster]
2.Until; till. [Obs.] \'bdHe shall abide it unto the death of the priest.\'b8 Num. xxxv. 25. 1913 Webster]
Un"to, conj.Until; till. [Obs.] \'bdUnto this year be gone.\'b8 Chaucer. 1913 Webster]
Un*told"(?), a.1.Not told; not related; not revealed; as, untold secrets. 1913 Webster]
2.Not numbered or counted; as, untold money. 1913 Webster]
Un*tram"meled(?), a.Not hampered or impeded; free.[Written also untrammelled.] 1913 Webster]
Un*trav"eled(?), a.[Written also untravelled.] 1913 Webster]
1.Not traveled; not trodden by passengers; as, an untraveled forest. 1913 Webster]
2.Having never visited foreign countries; not having gained knowledge or experience by travel; as, an untraveled Englishman.Addison. 1913 Webster]
Un*tread"(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + tread.]To tread back; to retrace.Shak. 1913 Webster]
Un*treas"ure(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + treasure.]To bring forth or give up, as things previously treasured. \'bdThe quaintness with which he untreasured, as by rote, the stores of his memory.\'b8 J. Mitford. 1913 Webster]
Un*treas"ured(?), a.1.[Properly p. p. of untreasure.]Deprived of treasure. [Obs.] Shak. 1913 Webster]
2.[Pref. un- not + treasured.]Not treasured; not kept as treasure. 1913 Webster]
Un*treat"a*ble(?), a.Incapable of being treated; not practicable. [R.] Dr. H. More. 1913 Webster]
Un*trenched"(?), a.Being without trenches; whole; intact. [Obs.] 1913 Webster]
Un*tressed"(?), a.Not tied up in tresses; unarranged; -- said of the hair.Chaucer. 1913 Webster]
Un*true, adv.Untruly. [Obs. or Poetic] Chaucer. 1913 Webster]
Un*tru"ism(?), n.Something not true; a false statement. [Recent & R.] A. Trollope. 1913 Webster]
Un*trunked"(?), a.[1st pref. un- + trunk.]Separated from its trunk or stock. [Obs.] 1913 Webster]
Un*truss"(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + truss.]To loose from a truss, or as from a truss; to untie or unfasten; to let out; to undress. [R.] Dryden. 1913 Webster]
{ Un*truss"(?), Un*truss"er(?), }n.One who untrussed persons for the purpose of flogging them; a public whipper. [Obs.] B. Jonson. 1913 Webster]
Un*trust"ful(?), a.1.Not trustful or trusting. 1913 Webster]
2.Not to be trusted; not trusty. [R.] Sir W. Scott. 1913 Webster]
Un*truth"(?), n.1.The quality of being untrue; contrariety to truth; want of veracity; also, treachery; faithlessness; disloyalty.Chaucer. 1913 Webster]
2.That which is untrue; a false assertion; a falsehood; a lie; also, an act of treachery or disloyalty.Shak. 1913 Webster]
Syn. -- Lie; falsehood. See Lie. 1913 Webster]
Un*truth"ful(?), a.Not truthful; unveracious; contrary to the truth or the fact. -- Un*truth"ful*ly, adv. -- Un*truth"ful*ness, n. 1913 Webster]
Un*tuck"(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + tuck.]To unfold or undo, as a tuck; to release from a tuck or fold. 1913 Webster]
Un*tune"(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + tune.]To make incapable of harmony, or of harmonious action; to put out of tune.Shak. 1913 Webster]
Un*turn"(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + turn.]To turn in a reserve way, especially so as to open something; as, to unturn a key.Keats. 1913 Webster]
Un*turned"(?), a.[Pref. un- + turned.]Not turned; not revolved or reversed. 1913 Webster]
To leave no stone unturned, to leave nothing untried for accomplishing one's purpose. 1913 Webster]
[He] left unturned no stone Dryden. 1913 Webster]
Un*twain"(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + twain.]To rend in twain; to tear in two. [Obs.] Skelton. 1913 Webster]
Un*twine"(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + twine.]To untwist; to separate, as that which is twined or twisted; to disentangle; to untie. 1913 Webster]
It requires a long and powerful counter sympathy in a nation to untwine the ties of custom which bind a people to the established and the old.Sir W. Hamilton. 1913 Webster]
Un*twine", v. i.To become untwined.Milton. 1913 Webster]
Un*twirl"(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + twirl.]To untwist; to undo.Ash. 1913 Webster]
Un*twist"(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + twist.] 1913 Webster]
1.To separate and open, as twisted threads; to turn back, as that which is twisted; to untwine. 1913 Webster]
If one of the twines of the twist do untwist, untwisteth, untwisteth the twist.Wallis. 1913 Webster]
2.To untie; to open; to disentangle.Milton. 1913 Webster]
Un*ty"(?), v. t.To untie. [Archaic] Young. 1913 Webster]
Un*us"age(?; 48), n.Want or lack of usage. [Obs.] Chaucer. 1913 Webster]
Un*used"(?), a.1.Not used; as, an unused book; an unused apartment. 1913 Webster]
2.Not habituated; unaccustomed. 1913 Webster]
Unused to bend, impatient of control.Thomson. 1913 Webster]
Un*u"su*al(?), a.Not usual; uncommon; rare; as, an unusual season; a person of unusual grace or erudition. -- Un*u"su*al*ly, adv. -- Un*u"su*al*ness, n. 1913 Webster]
Un*veil"(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + veil.]To remove a veil from; to divest of a veil; to uncover; to disclose to view; to reveal; as, she unveiled her face. 1913 Webster]
Un*veil", v. i.To remove a veil; to reveal one's self. 1913 Webster]
Un*veil"er(?), n.One who removes a veil. 1913 Webster]
Un`ve*rac"i*ty(?), n.Want of veracity; untruthfulness; as, unveracity of heart.Carlyle. 1913 Webster]
Un*ves"sel(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + vessel.]To cause to be no longer a vessel; to empty. [Obs.] Ford. 1913 Webster]
Un*vi"car(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + vicar.]To deprive of the position or office a vicar. [R.] Strype. 1913 Webster]
Un*vi"o*la*ble(?), a.Inviolable. 1913 Webster]
Un*vis"ard(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + vizard.]To take the vizard or mask from; to unmask.[Written also unvizard.] [Obs.] Milton. 1913 Webster]
Un*washed"(?), a.Not washed or cleansed; filthy; unclean. 1913 Webster]
<-- The great unwashed. people who are not wealthy. --> 1913 Webster]
Un*wash"en(?), a.Not washed. [Archaic] \'bdTo eat with unwashen hands.\'b8 Matt. xv. 20. 1913 Webster]
Un*wayed"(?), a.1.Not used to travel; as, colts that are unwayed. [Obs.] Suckling. 1913 Webster]
2.Having no ways or roads; pathless. [Obs.] Wyclif. 1913 Webster]
Un*wea"ried(?), a.Not wearied; not fatigued or tired; hence, persistent; not tiring or wearying; indefatigable. -- Un*wea"ried*ly, adv. -- Un*wea"ried*ness, n. 1913 Webster]
Un*wea"ry(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + weary.]To cause to cease being weary; to refresh. [Obs.] Dryden. 1913 Webster]
Un*weave"(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + weave.]To unfold; to undo; to ravel, as what has been woven. 1913 Webster]
Un*wedge"a*ble(?), a.Not to be split with wedges. [Obs.] Shak. 1913 Webster]
With body clean and with unwemmed thought.Chaucer. 1913 Webster]
Un*whole"(?), a.[AS. unh\'bel. See Un- not, and Whole.]Not whole; unsound. [Obs.] 1913 Webster]
Un*wield"y(?), a.Not easily wielded or carried; unmanageable; bulky; ponderous. \'bdA fat, unwieldy body of fifty-eight years old.\'b8 Clarendon. 1913 Webster]
-- Un*wield"i*ly(#), adv. -- Un*wield"i*ness, n. 1913 Webster]
Un*wild"(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + wild.]To tame; to subdue. [Obs. & R.] Sylvester. 1913 Webster]
Un*will"(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + will.]To annul or reverse by an act of the will.Longfellow. 1913 Webster]
Un*willed"(?), a.[1st pref. un- + will.]Deprived of the faculty of will or volition.Mrs. Browning. 1913 Webster]
And drop at last, but in unwilling ears, Pope. 1913 Webster]
-- Un*will"ing*ly, adv. -- Un*will"ing*ness, n. 1913 Webster]
Un*wind"(?), v. t.[AS. unwindan. See 1st Un-, and Wind to coil.] 1913 Webster]
1.To wind off; to loose or separate, as what or convolved; to untwist; to untwine; as, to unwind thread; to unwind a ball of yarn. 1913 Webster]
2.To disentangle. [Obs.] Hooker. 1913 Webster]
Un*wind", v. i.To be or become unwound; to be capable of being unwound or untwisted. 1913 Webster]
Un*wis"dom(?), n.Want of wisdom; unwise conduct or action; folly; simplicity; ignorance. 1913 Webster]
Sumptuary laws are among the exploded fallacies which we have outgrown, and we smile at the unwisdom which could except to regulate private habits and manners by statute.J. A. Froude. 1913 Webster]
Un*wise"(?), a.[AS. unw\'c6s. See Un- not, and Wise, a.]Not wise; defective in wisdom; injudicious; indiscreet; foolish; as, an unwise man; unwise kings; unwise measures. 1913 Webster]
Un*wise"ly, adv.[AS. unw\'c6slice.]In an unwise manner; foolishly. 1913 Webster]
Un*wish"(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + wish.]To wish not to be; to destroy by wishing. [Obs.] 1913 Webster]
Now thou hast unwished five thousand men.Shak. 1913 Webster]
Un*wor"thy(?), a.Not worthy; wanting merit, value, or fitness; undeserving; worthless; unbecoming; -- often with of. -- Un*wor"thi*ly(#), adv. -- Un*wor"thi*ness, n. 1913 Webster]
Un*wrap"(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + wrap.]To open or undo, as what is wrapped or folded.Chaucer. 1913 Webster]
Un*wray"(?), v. t.See Unwrie. [Obs.] 1913 Webster]
Un*wreathe"(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + wreathe.]To untwist, uncoil, or untwine, as anything wreathed. 1913 Webster]
Un*wrie"(?), v. t.[AS. onwre\'a2n; on- (see 1st Un-) + wre\'a2n to cover.]To uncover. [Obs.] Chaucer. 1913 Webster]
Un*wrin"kle(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + wrinkle.]To reduce from a wrinkled state; to smooth. 1913 Webster]
Un*write"(?), v. t.[1st pref. un- + write.]To cancel, as what is written; to erase.Milton. 1913 Webster]
Un*writ"ten(?), a.1.Not written; not reduced to writing; oral; as, unwritten agreements. 1913 Webster]
2.Containing no writing; blank; as, unwritten paper. 1913 Webster]
Unwritten doctrines(Theol.), such doctrines as have been handed down by word of mouth; oral or traditional doctrines. --
Unwritten law. [Cf. L. lex non scripta.]That part of the law of England and of the United States which is not derived from express legislative enactment, or at least from any enactment now extant and in force as such. This law is now generally contained in the reports of judicial decisions. See Common law, under Common. --
Unwritten laws, such laws as have been handed down by tradition or in song. Such were the laws of the early nations of Europe. 1913 Webster]
Un*yold"en(?), a.Not yielded. [Obs.] \'bd[By] force . . . is he taken unyolden.\'b8 Sir T. Browne. 1913 Webster]
Un*zoned"(?), a.Not zoned; not bound with a girdle; as, an unzoned bosom.Prior. 1913 Webster]
Up(, adv.[AS. up, upp, ; akin to OFries. up, op, D. op, OS. , OHG. , G. auf, Icel. & Sw. upp, Dan. op, Goth. iup, and probably to E. over. See Over.] 1913 Webster]
1.Aloft; on high; in a direction contrary to that of gravity; toward or in a higher place or position; above; -- the opposite of down. 1913 Webster]
But up or down, Milton. 1913 Webster]
2.Hence, in many derived uses, specifically: -- 1913 Webster]
(a)From a lower to a higher position, literally or figuratively; as, from a recumbent or sitting position; from the mouth, toward the source, of a river; from a dependent or inferior condition; from concealment; from younger age; from a quiet state, or the like; -- used with verbs of motion expressed or implied. 1913 Webster]
But they presumed to go up unto the hilltop.Num. xiv. 44. 1913 Webster]
I am afflicted and ready to die from my youth up.Ps. lxxxviii. 15. 1913 Webster]
Up rose the sun, and up rose Emelye.Chaucer. 1913 Webster]
We have wrought ourselves up into this degree of Christian indifference.Atterbury. 1913 Webster]
(b)In a higher place or position, literally or figuratively; in the state of having arisen; in an upright, or nearly upright, position; standing; mounted on a horse; in a condition of elevation, prominence, advance, proficiency, excitement, insurrection, or the like; -- used with verbs of rest, situation, condition, and the like; as, to be up on a hill; the lid of the box was up; prices are up. 1913 Webster]
And when the sun was up, they were scorched.Matt. xiii. 6. 1913 Webster]
Those that were up themselves kept others low.Spenser. 1913 Webster]
Helen was up -- was she?Shak. 1913 Webster]
Rebels there are up, Shak. 1913 Webster]
His name was up through all the adjoining provinces, even to Italy and Rome; many desiring to see who he was that could withstand so many years the Roman puissance.Milton. 1913 Webster]
Thou hast fired me; my soul's up in arms.Dryden. 1913 Webster]
Grief and passion are like floods raised in little brooks by a sudden rain; they are quickly up.Dryden. 1913 Webster]
A general whisper ran among the country people, that Sir Roger was up.Addison. 1913 Webster]
Let us, then, be up and doing, Longfellow. 1913 Webster]
(c)To or in a position of equal advance or equality; not short of, back of, less advanced than, away from, or the like; -- usually followed by to or with; as, to be up to the chin in water; to come up with one's companions; to come up with the enemy; to live up to engagements. 1913 Webster]
As a boar was whetting his teeth, up comes a fox to him.L'Estrange. 1913 Webster]
(d)To or in a state of completion; completely; wholly; quite; as, in the phrases to eat up; to drink up; to burn up; to sum up; etc.; to shut up the eyes or the mouth; to sew up a rent. 1913 Webster]
up (Prov. xxi. 20); to kill up (B. Jonson). 1913 Webster]
(e)Aside, so as not to be in use; as, to lay up riches; put up your weapons. 1913 Webster]
Up is used elliptically for get up, rouse up, etc., expressing a command or exhortation. \'bdUp, and let us be going.\'b8 Judg. xix. 28. 1913 Webster]
Up, up, my friend! and quit your books, Wordsworth. 1913 Webster]
It is all up with him, it is all over with him; he is lost. --
The time is up, the allotted time is past. --
To be up in, to be informed about; to be versed in. \'bdAnxious that their sons should be well up in the superstitions of two thousand years ago.\'b8 H. Spencer. --
To be up to. (a)To be equal to, or prepared for; as, he is up to the business, or the emergency. [Colloq.] (b)To be engaged in; to purpose, with the idea of doing ill or mischief; as, I don't know what he's up to. [Colloq.] --
To blow up. (a)To inflate; to distend.(b)To destroy by an explosion from beneath.(c)To explode; as, the boiler blew up.(d)To reprove angrily; to scold. [Slang] --
To bring up. See under Bring, v. t. --
To come up with. See under Come, v. i. --
To cut up. See under Cut, v. t. & i. --
To draw up. See under Draw, v. t. --
To grow up, to grow to maturity. --
Up anchor(Naut.), the order to man the windlass preparatory to hauling up the anchor. --
Up and down. (a)First up, and then down; from one state or position to another. See under Down, adv. Fortune . . . led him up and down. Chaucer. 1913 Webster] (b) (Naut.)Vertical; perpendicular; -- said of the cable when the anchor is under, or nearly under, the hawse hole, and the cable is taut.Totten. --
Up helm(Naut.), the order given to move the tiller toward the upper, or windward, side of a vessel. --
Up to snuff. See under Snuff. [Slang] --
What is up?What is going on? [Slang]
<-- what's up? what's happening? --> 1913 Webster]
Up, prep.1.From a lower to a higher place on, upon, or along; at a higher situation upon; at the top of. 1913 Webster]
In going up a hill, the knees will be most weary; in going down, the thihgs.Bacon. 1913 Webster]
2.From the coast towards the interior of, as a country; from the mouth towards the source of, as a stream; as, to journey up the country; to sail up the Hudson. 1913 Webster]
3.Upon. [Obs.] \'bdUp pain of death.\'b8 Chaucer. 1913 Webster]
Up, n.The state of being up or above; a state of elevation, prosperity, or the like; -- rarely occurring except in the phrase ups and downs. [Colloq.] 1913 Webster]
Ups and downs, alternate states of elevation and depression, or of prosperity and the contrary. [Colloq.] 1913 Webster]
They had their ups and downs of fortune.Thackeray. 1913 Webster]
Up, a.Inclining up; tending or going up; upward; as, an up look; an up grade; the up train. 1913 Webster]
U"pas(, n.[Malay p; p a tree + poison.] 1913 Webster]
1.(Bot.)A tree (Antiaris toxicaria) of the Breadfruit family, common in the forests of Java and the neighboring islands. Its secretions are poisonous, and it has been fabulously reported that the atmosphere about it is deleterious. Called also bohun upas. 1913 Webster]
<-- p. 1584 --> 1913 Webster]
2.A virulent poison used in Java and the adjacent islands for poisoning arrows. One kind, upas antiar, is derived from the upas tree (Antiaris toxicaria). Upas tieute is prepared from a climbing plant (Strychnos Tieute). 1913 Webster]
Up*bar"(?), v. t.1.To fasten with a bar. [R.] 1913 Webster]
2.To remove the bar or bards of, as a gate; to under. [Obs.] Spenser. 1913 Webster]
Up*bear"(?), v. t.To bear up; to raise aloft; to support in an elevated situation; to sustain.Spenser. 1913 Webster]
One short sigh of breath, upbore Milton. 1913 Webster]
A monstrous wave upbore Pope. 1913 Webster]
Up*bind"(?), v. t.To bind up. [R.] Collins. 1913 Webster]
Up*blow", v. t.To inflate. [Obs.] Spenser. 1913 Webster]
Up*blow", v. i.To blow up; as, the wind upblows from the sea. [Obs.] Spenser. 1913 Webster]
Up*braid"(, v. i.[imp. & p. p.Upbraided; p. pr. & vb. n.Upbraiding.][OE. upbreiden; AS. upp up + bregdan to draw, twist, weave, or the kindred Icel. breg to draw, brandish, braid, deviate from, change, break off, upbraid. See Up, and Braid, v. t.] 1913 Webster]
1.To charge with something wrong or disgraceful; to reproach; to cast something in the teeth of; -- followed by with or for, and formerly of, before the thing imputed. 1913 Webster]
And upbraided them with their unbelief.Mark xvi. 14. 1913 Webster]
Vet do not Upbraid us our distress.Shak. 1913 Webster]
2.To reprove severely; to rebuke; to chide. 1913 Webster]
Then began he to upbraid the cities wherein most of his mighty works were done.Matt. xi. 20 1913 Webster]
How much doth thy kindness upbraid my wickedness!Sir P. Sidney. 1913 Webster]
3.To treat with contempt. [Obs.] Spenser. 1913 Webster]
4.To object or urge as a matter of reproach; to cast up; -- with to before the person. [Obs.] Bacon. 1913 Webster]
Syn. -- To reproach; blame; censure; condemn. 1913 Webster]
Up*braid", v. i.To utter upbraidings.Pope. 1913 Webster]
Up"cast`(?), n.1.(Bowling)A cast; a throw.Shak. 1913 Webster]
2.(Mining.)The ventilating shaft of a mine out of which the air passes after having circulated through the mine; -- distinguished from the downcast. Called also upcast pit, and upcast shaft. 1913 Webster]
3.An upset, as from a carriage. [Scot.] 1913 Webster]
4.A taunt; a reproach. [Scot.] Sir W. Scott. 1913 Webster]
Up*cast"(?), v. t.1.To cast or throw up; to turn upward. [Obs.] Chaucer. 1913 Webster]
2.To taunt; to reproach; to upbraid. [Scot.] 1913 Webster]
Up"caught`(?), a.Seized or caught up. \'bd She bears upcaught a mariner away.\'b8 Cowper. 1913 Webster]
Up*cheer"(?), v. t.To cheer up.Spenser. 1913 Webster]
Up*climb"(?), v. t. & i.To climb up; to ascend. 1913 Webster]
Upclomb the shadowy pine above the woven copse.Tennyson. 1913 Webster]
Up*coil"(?), v. t. & i.To coil up; to make into a coil, or to be made into a coil. 1913 Webster]
Up"coun`try(?), adv.In an upcountry direction; as, to live upcountry. [Colloq.] 1913 Webster]
Up"coun`try, a.Living or situated remote from the seacoast; as, an upcountry residence. [Colloq.] -- n.The interior of the country. [Colloq.] 1913 Webster]
Up*curl"(?), v. t.To curl up. [R.] Tennyson. 1913 Webster]
Up*dive"(?), v. i.To spring upward; to rise. [R.] Davies (Microcosmos). 1913 Webster]
Up*draw"(?), v. t.To draw up. [R.] Milton. 1913 Webster]
Up*end"(?), v. t.To end up; to set on end, as a cask. 1913 Webster]
God, which shall repay all with upheaped measure.Udall. 1913 Webster]
Up*heav"al(?), n.The act of upheaving, or the state of being upheaved; esp., an elevation of a portion of the earth's crust.Lubbock. 1913 Webster]
Up*heave", v. t.To heave or lift up from beneath; to raise.Milton. 1913 Webster]
Up*held"(?), imp. & p. p. of Uphold. 1913 Webster]
Up"her(?), n.(Arch.)A fir pole of from four to seven inches diameter, and twenty to forty feet long, sometimes roughly hewn, used for scaffoldings, and sometimes for slight and common roofs, for which use it is split.[Spelt also ufer.] [Eng.] Gwilt. 1913 Webster]
Up*hill"(?), adv.Upwards on, or as on, a hillside; as, to walk uphill. 1913 Webster]
Up"hill`(?), a.1.Ascending; going up; as, an uphill road. 1913 Webster]
2.Attended with labor; difficult; as, uphill work. 1913 Webster]
Up*hilt"(?), v. t.To thrust in up to the hilt; as, to uphilt one's sword into an enemy. [R.] Stanyhurst. 1913 Webster]
Up*hoard"(?), v. t.To hoard up. [Obs.] Shak. 1913 Webster]
Up*hold"(?), v. t.1.To hold up; to lift on high; to elevate. 1913 Webster]
The mournful train with groans, and hands upheld. Dryden. 1913 Webster]
2.To keep erect; to support; to sustain; to keep from falling; to maintain. 1913 Webster]
Honor shall uphold the humble in spirit.Prov. xxix 3. 1913 Webster]
Faulconbridge, upholds the day.Shak. 1913 Webster]
3.To aid by approval or encouragement; to countenance; as, to uphold a person in wrongdoing. 1913 Webster]
1.A broker or auctioneer; a tradesman. [Obs.] 1913 Webster]
2.An undertaker, or provider for funerals. [Obs.] 1913 Webster]
The upholder, rueful harbinger of death.Gay. 1913 Webster]
3.An upholsterer. [Obs.] 1913 Webster]
4.One who, or that which, upholds; a supporter; a defender; a sustainer. 1913 Webster]
Up*hol"ster(?), v. t.[See Upholsterer.]To furnish (rooms, carriages, bedsteads, chairs, etc.) with hangings, coverings, cushions, etc.; to adorn with furnishings in cloth, velvet, silk, etc.; as, to upholster a couch; to upholster a room with curtains. 1913 Webster]
Up*hol"ster*er(?), n.[A substitution for older upholder, in OE., broker, tradesman, and formerly also written upholster, upholdster. See Upholder, and -ster.]One who provides hangings, coverings, cushions, curtains, and the like; one who upholsters. 1913 Webster]
Upholsterer bee. (Zo\'94l.)See Poppy bee, under Poppy. 1913 Webster]
Up*hol"ster*y(?), n.The articles or goods supplied by upholsterers; the business or work of an upholsterer. 1913 Webster]
U"phroe(?), n.(Naut.)Same as Euphroe. 1913 Webster]
Up"keep`(?), n.1.The act of keeping up, or maintaining; maintenance of persons, organizations, or objects such as machinery, by providing a location, repairs, and consumable items when necessary. \'bdHorse artillery . . . expensive in the upkeep.\'b8 Scribner's Mag. Webster 1913 Suppl. +PJC]
Small outlays for repairs or upkeep of buildings.A. R. Colquhoun. Webster 1913 Suppl.]
2.the cost of providing upkeep{1}. PJC]
Up"land(?), n.1.High land; ground elevated above the meadows and intervals which lie on the banks of rivers, near the sea, or between hills; land which is generally dry; -- opposed to lowland, meadow, marsh, swamp, interval, and the like. 1913 Webster]
2.The country, as distinguished from the neighborhood of towns. [Obs.] 1913 Webster]
Up"land, a.1.Of or pertaining to uplands; being on upland; high in situation; as, upland inhabitants; upland pasturage. 1913 Webster]
Sometimes, with secure delight upland hamlets will invite.Milton. 1913 Webster]
2.Pertaining to the country, as distinguished from the neighborhood of towns; rustic; rude; unpolished. [Obs.W2] \'bd The race of upland giants.\'b8 Chapman. 1913 Webster]
Upland moccasin. (Zo\'94l.)See Moccasin. --
Upland sandpiper, or
Upland plover(Zo\'94l.), a large American sandpiper (Bartramia longicauda) much valued as a game bird. Unlike most sandpipers, it frequents fields and uplands. Called also Bartramian sandpiper, Bartram's tattler, field plover, grass plover, highland plover, hillbird, humility, prairie plover, prairie pigeon, prairie snipe, papabote, quaily, and uplander. --
Upland sumach(Bot.), a North American shrub of the genus Rhus (Rhus glabra), used in tanning and dyeing. 1913 Webster]
Up"land*er(?), n.1.One dwelling in the upland; hence, a countryman; a rustic. [Obs.] 1913 Webster]
2.(Zo\'94l.)The upland sandpiper. [Local, U. S.] 1913 Webster]
Up*land"ish(?), a.Of or pertaining to uplands; dwelling on high lands. [Obs.] Chapman. 1913 Webster]
His presence made the rudest peasant melt, uplandish country dwelt.Marlowe. 1913 Webster]
Up*lay"(?), v. t.To hoard. [Obs.] Donne. 1913 Webster]
Up*lead"(?), v. t.To lead upward. [Obs.] 1913 Webster]
Up*lean"(?), v. i.To lean or incline upon anything. [Obs.] Spenser. 1913 Webster]
Up*lift"(?), v. t.[imp. & p. p.Uplifting.]To lift or raise aloft; to raise; to elevate; as, to uplift the arm; to uplift a rock.Cowper. 1913 Webster]
Satan, talking to his nearest mate, uplift above the wave, and eyes Milton. 1913 Webster]
Up"lift`(?), n.(Geol.)A raising or upheaval of strata so as to disturb their regularity and uniformity, and to occasion folds, dislocations, and the like. 1913 Webster]
Up"-line`(?), n.(Railroad)A line or track leading from the provinces toward the metropolis or a principal terminus; the track upon which up-trains run. See Up-train. [Eng.] 1913 Webster]
Up*lock"(?), v. t.To lock up. [Obs.] Shak. 1913 Webster]
Up*look"(?), v. i.To look or gaze up. [Obs.] 1913 Webster]
U`po*ko*ro"ro(?), n.[From the native Maori name.](Zo\'94l.)An edible fresh-water New Zealand fish (Prototroctes oxyrhynchus) of the family Haplochitonid\'91. In general appearance and habits, it resembles the northern lake whitefishes and trout. Called also grayling. 1913 Webster]
Up*on"(?), prep.[AS. uppan, uppon; upp up + on, an, on. See Up, and On.]On; -- used in all the senses of that word, with which it is interchangeable. \'bdUpon an hill of flowers.\'b8 Chaucer. 1913 Webster]
Our host upon his stirrups stood anon.Chaucer. 1913 Webster]
Thou shalt take of the blood that is upon the altar.Ex. xxix. 21. 1913 Webster]
The Philistines be upon thee, Samson.Judg. xvi. 9. 1913 Webster]
As I did stand my watch upon the hill.Shak. 1913 Webster]
He made a great difference between people that did rebel upon wantonness, and them that did rebel upon want.Bacon. 1913 Webster]
This advantage we lost upon the invention of firearms.Addison. 1913 Webster]
Upon the whole, it will be necessary to avoid that perpetual repetition of the same epithets which we find in Homer.Pope. 1913 Webster]
He had abandoned the frontiers, retiring upon Glasgow.Sir. W. Scott. 1913 Webster]
Philip swore upon the Evangelists to abstain from aggression in my absence.Landor. 1913 Webster]
Upon conveys a more distinct notion that on carries with it of something that literally or metaphorically bears or supports. It is less employed than it used to be, on having for the most part taken its place. Some expressions formed with it belong only to old style; as, upon pity they were taken away; that is, in consequence of pity: upon the rate of thirty thousand; that is, amounting to the rate: to die upon the hand; that is, by means of the hand: he had a garment upon; that is, upon himself: the time is coming fast upon; that is, upon the present time. By the omission of its object, upon acquires an adverbial sense, as in the last two examples. 1913 Webster]
To assure upon(Law), to promise; to undertake. --
To come upon. See under Come. --
To take upon, to assume. 1913 Webster]
Up"-o`ver, a.(Mining & Civil Eng.)Designating a method of shaft excavation by drifting to a point below, and then raising instead of sinking. Webster 1913 Suppl.]
Up"per(?), a.; comp. of Up. Being further up, literally or figuratively; higher in place, position, rank, dignity, or the like; superior; as, the upper lip; the upper side of a thing; the upper house of a legislature. 1913 Webster]
The upper hand, the superiority; the advantage. See To have the upper hand, under Hand.Jowett (Thucyd.). --
Upper Bench(Eng. Hist.), the name of the highest court of common law (formerly King's Bench) during the Commonwealth. --
Upper case, the top one of a pair of compositor's cases. See the Note under 1st Case, n., 3. --
Upper covert(Zo\'94l.), one of the coverts situated above the bases of the tail quills. --
Upper deck(Naut.), the topmost deck of any vessel; the spar deck. --
Upper leather, the leather for the vamps and quarters of shoes. --
Upper strake(Naut.), the strake next to the deck, usually of hard wood, and heavier than the other strakes. --
Upper ten thousand, or (abbreviated)
Upper ten, the ten thousand, more or less, who are highest in position or wealth; the upper class; the aristocracy. [Colloq.] --
Upper topsail(Naut.), the upper half of a double topsail. --
Upper works(Naut.), all those parts of the hull of a vessel that are properly above water. --
Upper world. (a)The atmosphere.(b)Heaven.(c)This world; the earth; -- in distinction from the underworld. 1913 Webster]
Up"per, n.The upper leather for a shoe; a vamp. 1913 Webster]
Up"per*most`(?), a.[From Up, Upper; formed like aftermost. Cf. Upmost.]Highest in place, position, rank, power, or the like; upmost; supreme. 1913 Webster]
Whatever faction happens to be uppermost.Swift. 1913 Webster]
Up`per*ten"dom(?), n.[Upper ten + -dom.]The highest class in society; the upper ten. See Upper ten, under Upper. [Colloq.] 1913 Webster]
Up*pile"(?), v. t.To pile, or heap, up.Southey. 1913 Webster]
Up"pish(?), a.[From Up.]Proud; arrogant; assuming; putting on airs of superiority. [Colloq.] T. Brown. -- Up"pish*ly, adv. [Colloq.] -- Up"pish*ness, n. [Colloq.] 1913 Webster]
Up*plight"(?), obs. imp. & p. p. of Uppluck. 1913 Webster]
Up*pluck"(?), v. t.To pull or pluck up. [Obs.] 1913 Webster]
Up*pricked"(?), a.Upraised; erect; -- said of the ears of an animal.Mason. 1913 Webster]
Up*prop"(?), v. t.To prop up.Donne. 1913 Webster]
Up*raise"(?), v. t.To raise; to lift up. 1913 Webster]
Up*rear"(?), v. t.To raise; to erect.Byron. 1913 Webster]
Up*ridged"(?), a.Raised up in a ridge or ridges; as, a billow upridged.Cowper. 1913 Webster]
Up"right`(?), a.[AS. upright, uppriht. See Up, and Right, a.]1.In an erect position or posture; perpendicular; vertical, or nearly vertical; pointing upward; as, an upright tree. 1913 Webster]
With chattering teeth, and bristling hair upright.Dryden. 1913 Webster]
All have their ears upright.Spenser. 1913 Webster]
2.Morally erect; having rectitude; honest; just; as, a man upright in all his ways. 1913 Webster]
And that man [Job] was perfect and upright.Job i. 1. 1913 Webster]
3.Conformable to moral rectitude. 1913 Webster]
Conscience rewards upright conduct with pleasure.J. M. Mason. 1913 Webster]
4.Stretched out face upward; flat on the back. [Obs.] \'bd He lay upright.\'b8 Chaucer. 1913 Webster]
5.(Golf)Designating a club in which the head is approximately at a right angle with the shaft. Webster 1913 Suppl.]
Upright drill(Mach.), a drilling machine having the spindle vertical. 1913 Webster]
1913 Webster]
Up"right`, n.1.Something standing upright, as a piece of timber in a building. See Illust. of Frame. 1913 Webster]
2.(Basketwork)A tool made from a flat strip of steel with chisel edges at both ends, bent into horseshoe, the opening between the cutting edges being adjustable, used for reducing splits to skeins. Called in full upright shave. Webster 1913 Suppl.]
3.(Football)the vertical part of a goalpost, especially the part above the horizontal bar; as, a field goal directly between the uprights. PJC]
Up*right"eous*ly(?), adv.[See Righteous.]In an upright or just manner. [Obs.] Shak. 1913 Webster]
<-- p. 1585 --> 1913 Webster]
Up"right`ly(?), adv.In an upright manner. 1913 Webster]
Up"right`ness(?), n.the quality or state of being upright. 1913 Webster]
Up*rise"(?), v. i.1.To rise; to get up; to appear from below the horizon. \'bdUprose the sun.\'b8 Cowley. 1913 Webster]
Uprose the virgin with the morning light.Pope. 1913 Webster]
2.To have an upward direction or inclination. 1913 Webster]
Uprose the mystic mountain range.Tennyson. 1913 Webster]
Up*rise", n.The act of rising; appearance above the horizon; rising. [R.] 1913 Webster]
Did ever raven sing so like a lark, uprise?Shak. 1913 Webster]
Up*ris"ing, n.1.Act of rising; also, a steep place; an ascent. \'bdThe steep uprising of the hill.\'b8 Shak. 1913 Webster]
2.An insurrection; a popular revolt.J. P. Peters. 1913 Webster]
Up*rist", obs. imp. of Uprise. Uprose.Chaucer. 1913 Webster]
Nor dim nor red, like God's own head uprist.Coleridge. 1913 Webster]
Up"roar(?), n.[D. oproer; akin to G. aufruhr, Dan. opr\'94r, Sw. uppror; D. op up + roeren to stir; akin to AS. hr/ran to stir, hr/r stirring, active, G. r\'81hren to stir, OHG. ruoren, Icel. hr\'91ra, Dan. r\'94re, Sw. r\'94ra. Cf. Rearmouse.][In verse, sometimes accented on the second syllable.]Great tumult; violent disturbance and noise; noisy confusion; bustle and clamor. 1913 Webster]
But the Jews which believed not, . . . set all the city on an uproar.Acts xvii. 5. 1913 Webster]
Up*roar"(?), v. t.To throw into uproar or confusion. [Obs.] \'bdUproar the universal peace.\'b8 Shak. 1913 Webster]
Up*roar", v. i.To make an uproar. [R.] Carlyle. 1913 Webster]
Up*roar"i*ous(?), a.Making, or accompanied by, uproar, or noise and tumult; as, uproarious merriment. 1913 Webster]
-- Up*roar"i*ous*ly, adv. -- Up*roar"i*ous*ness, n. 1913 Webster]
Up*roll"(?), v. t.To roll up.Milton. 1913 Webster]
Up*root"(?), v. t.To root up; to tear up by the roots, or as if by the roots; to remove utterly; to eradicate; to extirpate. 1913 Webster]
Trees uprooted left their place.Dryden. 1913 Webster]
At his command the uprooted hills retired.Milton. 1913 Webster]
Up*rouse"(?), v. t.To rouse up; to rouse from sleep; to awake; to arouse.Shak. 1913 Webster]
Up*run"(?), v. i.To run up; to ascend. 1913 Webster]
The young sun uprun.Chaucer. 1913 Webster]
[A son] of matchless might, who, like a thriving plant, Upran to manhood.Cowper. 1913 Webster]
Up*rush"(?), v. i.To rush upward.Southey. 1913 Webster]
Up"rush`(?), n.Act of rushing upward; an upbreak or upburst; as, an uprush of lava.R. A. Proctor. 1913 Webster]
Up`sar*o"kas(?), n. pl.(Ethnol.)See Crows. 1913 Webster]
Up"scale, a.1.relating to, or characteristic of, affluent people or people in the upper social classes. PJC]
2.expensive or of high quality. PJC]
Up*seek"(?), v. i.To seek or strain upward. \'bdUpseeking eyes suffused with . . . tears.\'b8 Southey. 1913 Webster]
Up*send"(?), v. t.To send, cast, or throw up. 1913 Webster]
As when some island situate afar . . . Upsends a smoke to heaven.Cowper. 1913 Webster]
Up*set"(?), v. t.1.To set up; to put upright. [Obs.] \'bdWith sail on mast upset.\'b8 R. of Brunne. 1913 Webster]
2.(a)To thicken and shorten, as a heated piece of iron, by hammering on the end.(b)To shorten (a tire) in the process of resetting, originally by cutting it and hammering on the ends. 1913 Webster]
3.To overturn, overthrow, or overset; as, to upset a carriage; to upset an argument. \'bdDetermined somehow to upset the situation.\'b8 Mrs. Humphry Ward. 1913 Webster]
4.To disturb the self-possession of; to disorder the nerves of; to make ill; as, the fright upset her. [Colloq.] 1913 Webster]
5.(Basketwork)To turn upwards the outer ends of (stakes) so as to make a foundation for the side of a basket or the like; also, to form (the side) in this manner. Webster 1913 Suppl.]
Up*set", v. i.To become upset. 1913 Webster]
Up"set`(?), a.Set up; fixed; determined; -- used chiefly or only in the phrase upset price; that is, the price fixed upon as the minimum for property offered in a public sale, or, in an auction, the price at which property is set up or started by the auctioneer, and the lowest price at which it will be sold. 1913 Webster]
After a solemn pause, Mr. Glossin offered the upset price for the lands and barony of Ellangowan.Sir W. Scott. 1913 Webster]
Up"set`, n.The act of upsetting, or the state of being upset; an overturn; as, the wagon had an upset. 1913 Webster]
2.such as to disturb the self-possession of; unnerving; causing mental distress; as, the sight was an upsetting experience. PJC]
Up*set"ting ther*mom"e*ter. A thermometer by merely inverting which the temperature may be registered. The column of mercury is broken and, as it remains until the instrument is reset, the reading may be made at leisure. Webster 1913 Suppl.]
Up"shot`(?), n.[Up + shot, equivalent to scot share, reckoning. Cf. the phrase to cast up an account.]Final issue; conclusion; the sum and substance; the end; the result; the consummation. 1913 Webster]
I can not pursue with any safety this sport to the upshot.Shak. 1913 Webster]
We account it frailty that threescore years and ten make the upshot of man's pleasurable existence.De Quincey. 1913 Webster]
Up"side`(?), n.1.The upper side; the part that is uppermost. 1913 Webster]
2.the benefits; the positive features; -- said of a situation or event that has both positive (good) and negative (bad) aspects. PJC]
To be upsides with, to be even with. [Prov. Eng. & Scot.] Sir W. Scott.T. Hughes. --
Upside down. [Perhaps a corruption of OE. up so down, literally, up as down.]With the upper part undermost; hence, in confusion; in complete disorder; topsy-turvy.Shak. 1913 Webster]
These that have turned the world upside down are come hither also.Acts xvii. 6. 1913 Webster]
Up"side-down`(?), a.having the part normally pointed upward pointed downward; inverted. PJC]
Up"side down`(?), adv.in such a manner that the part normally pointed upward is pointed downward; same as upsidown and upsodown. PJC]
Up"si*down`(?), adv.See Upsodown. [Obs. or Colloq.] Spenser. 1913 Webster]
Up"si*lon(?), n.[Gr. 'y^ psilo`n bare, mere, simple y.]The 20th letter (room, becoming before the 4th century b. c. that French u or Ger. \'81. Its equivalent in English is u or y. Webster 1913 Suppl.]
Up"sit`ting(?), n.A sitting up of a woman after her confinement, to receive and entertain her friends. [Obs.] 1913 Webster]
To invite your lady's upsitting.Beau. & Fl. 1913 Webster]
2.A spring or leap into the air. [R.] Chapman. 1913 Webster]
Up"spurn`er(?), n.A spurner or contemner; a despiser; a scoffer. [Obs.] Joye. 1913 Webster]
Up*stairs"(?), adv.Up the stairs; in or toward an upper story. 1913 Webster]
Up"stairs`(?), a.Being above stairs; as, an upstairs room. 1913 Webster]
Up*stand"(?), v. i.To stand up; to be erected; to rise.Spenser. Milton. 1913 Webster]
At once upstood the monarch, and upstood Cowper. 1913 Webster]
Up*stare"(?), v. i.To stare or stand upward; hence, to be uplifted or conspicuous. \'bdRearing fiercely their upstaring crests.\'b8 Spenser. 1913 Webster]
Up*start"(?), v. i.To start or spring up suddenly.Spenser. Tennyson. 1913 Webster]
Up"start`(?), n.1.One who has risen suddenly, as from low life to wealth, power, or honor; a parvenu.Bacon. 1913 Webster]
Up"start`, a.Suddenly raised to prominence or consequence. \'bdA race of upstart creatures.\'b8 Milton. 1913 Webster]
Up*stay"(?), v. t.To sustain; to support. [Obs.] \'bdHis massy spear upstayed.\'b8 Milton. 1913 Webster]
Up*stert"e(?), obs. imp. & p. p. of Upstart. 1913 Webster]
Up"stir`(?), n.Insurrection; commotion; disturbance. [Obs.] Sir J. Cheke. 1913 Webster]
Up*stream"(?), adv.Toward the higher part of a stream; against the current. 1913 Webster]
Up*street"(?), adv.Toward the higher part of a street; as, to walk upstreet.G. W. Gable. 1913 Webster]
Up"stroke`(?), n.An upward stroke, especially the stroke, or line, made by a writing instrument when moving upward, or from the body of the writer, or a line corresponding to the part of a letter thus made. 1913 Webster]
Some upstroke of an Alpha and Omega.Mrs. Browning. 1913 Webster]
Up"sun`(?), n.(Scots Law)The time during which the sun is up, or above the horizon; the time between sunrise and sunset. 1913 Webster]
Up*swarm"(?), v. i. & i.To rise, or cause to rise, in a swarm or swarms. [R.] Shak. Cowper. 1913 Webster]
Up*sway"(?), v. t.To sway or swing aloft; as, to upsway a club. [R.] Sir W. Scott. 1913 Webster]
Up*swell"(?), v. i.To swell or rise up. 1913 Webster]
Up"sy*tur"vy(?), adv.[Cf. Upside down, under Upside, and Topsy-turvy.]Upside down; topsy-turvy. [Obs.] Robert Greene. 1913 Webster]
Up"tails` all"(?). 1.An old game at cards. [Obs.] 1913 Webster]
She, poor bird, as all forlorn, uptill a thorn.Shak. 1913 Webster]
Up`-to-date"(?), a.Extending to the present time; having style, manners, knowledge, or other qualities that are abreast of the times. \'bdA general up-to-date style of presentment.\'b8 Nature. \'bdEverything's up-to-date in Kansas City.\'b8
I must prefer to translate the poet in a manner more congenial if less up-to-date.Andrew Lang. Webster 1913 Suppl.]
up-to-the-minute(?), a.being the most recent available; completely up-to-dateespecially,including information obtained within the past few minutes; as, up-to-the-minute news. PJC]
Up*town"(?), adv.To or in the upper part of a town; as, to go uptown. [Colloq. U. S.] 1913 Webster]
Up"town`(?), a.Situated in, or belonging to, the upper part of a town or city; as, a uptown street, shop, etc.; uptown society. [Colloq. U. S.] 1913 Webster]
Up*trace"(?), v. t.To trace up or out. 1913 Webster]
Up*train"(?), v. t.To train up; to educate. [Obs.] \'bdDaughters which were well uptrained.\'b8 Spenser. 1913 Webster]
Up"-train`(?). 1.A train going in the direction of the metropolis or the main terminus. [Eng.] 1913 Webster]
2.A train going in the direction conventionally called up. [U. S.] 1913 Webster]
Up*turn"(?), v. t.To turn up; to direct upward; to throw up; as, to upturn the ground in plowing. \'bdA sea of upturned faces.\'b8 D. Webster. 1913 Webster]
So scented the grim feature, and upturned Milton. 1913 Webster]
U"pu*pa(?; 277), n.[L., the hoopoe.](Zo\'94l.)A genus of birds which includes the common hoopoe. 1913 Webster]
Up*waft"(?), v. t.To waft upward.Cowper. 1913 Webster]
{ Up"ward(?), Up"wards(?), }adv.[AS. upweardes. See Up-, and -wards.] 1913 Webster]
1.In a direction from lower to higher; toward a higher place; in a course toward the source or origin; -- opposed to downward; as, to tend or roll upward.I. Watts. 1913 Webster]
Looking inward, we are stricken dumb; looking upward, we speak and prevail.Hooker. 1913 Webster]
2.In the upper parts; above. 1913 Webster]
Dagon his name, sea monster, upward man, Milton. 1913 Webster]
\'d8U"ra*chus(?), n.[NL., fr. Gr. / urine + / to hold.](Anat.)A cord or band of fibrous tissue extending from the bladder to the umbilicus. 1913 Webster]
\'d8U*r\'91"mi*a(?), n.[NL., fr. Gr. / urine + / blood.](Med.)Accumulation in the blood of the principles of the urine, producing dangerous disease. 1913 Webster]
U*r\'91"mic(?), a.(Med.)Of or pertaining to ur\'91mia; as, ur\'91mic convulsions. 1913 Webster]
\'d8U*r\'91"um(?), n.[NL., from Gr. / /, fr. / of the tail; cf. L. uraeus, adj.](Zo\'94l.)The posterior half of an animal. 1913 Webster]
\'d8U*r\'91"us(?), n.[NL., fr. L. uraeus pertaining to a tail, Gr. /, fr. / tail.](Egypt. Arch\'91ol.)A serpent, or serpent's head and neck, represented on the front of the headdresses of divinities and sovereigns as an emblem of supreme power. Webster 1913 Suppl.]
U"ral(?), a.Pertaining to, or designating, the Urals, a mountain range between Europe and Asia. 1913 Webster]
U"ral-Al*ta"ic(?), a.Of or pertaining to the Urals and the Altai; as the Ural-Altaic, or Turanian, languages. 1913 Webster]
{ U*ra"li*an(?), U*ral"ic(?), }a.Of or relating to the Ural Mountains. 1913 Webster]
U"ral*ite(?), n.[So called because first observed in the Ural Mountains.](Min.)Amphibole resulting from the alternation of pyroxene by paramorphism. It is not uncommon in massive eruptive rocks. 1913 Webster]
U`ral*i`ti*za"tion(?), n.(Geol.)The change of pyroxene to amphibole by paramorphism. 1913 Webster]
U*ram"il(?), n.(Chem.)Murexan. 1913 Webster]
U"ra*nate(?), n.(Chem.)A salt of uranic acid. 1913 Webster]
U*ra"ni*a(?), n.[L., from Gr. /, i. e., the Heavenly, fr. / heavenly, fr. / heaven.] 1913 Webster]
1.(Class. Myth.)One of the nine Muses, daughter of Zeus by Mnemosyne, and patron of astronomy. 1913 Webster]
2.(Zo\'94l.)A genus of large, brilliantly colored moths native of the West Indies and South America. Their bright colored and tailed hind wings and their diurnal flight cause them to closely resemble butterflies. 1913 Webster]
U*ra"ni*an(?), a.(Astron.)Of or pertaining to the planet Uranus; as, the Uranian year. 1913 Webster]
U*ran"ic(?), a.1.Of or pertaining to the heavens; celestial; astronomical. 1913 Webster]
On I know not what telluric or uranic principles.Carlyle. 1913 Webster]
2.(Chem.)Pertaining to, resembling, or containing uranium; specifically, designating those compounds in which uranium has a valence relatively higher than in uranous compounds. 1913 Webster]
U"ra*nin(?), n.(Chem.)An alkaline salt of fluorescein, obtained as a brownish red substance, which is used as a dye; -- so called from the peculiar yellowish green fluorescence (resembling that of uranium glass) of its solutions. See Fluorescein. 1913 Webster]
U*ran"i*nite(?), n.(Min.)A mineral consisting chiefly of uranium oxide with some lead, thorium, etc., occurring in black octahedrons, also in masses with a pitchlike luster; pitchblende. 1913 Webster]
U`ra*nis"co*plas`ty(?), n.[Gr. / top of a tent, plate (fr. / sky) + -plasty.](Surg.)The process of forming an artificial palate. 1913 Webster]
{ U`ra*nis*cor"a*phy, U`ra*nis*cor"rha*phy }(?), n.[Gr. / the top of a tent, the palate (fr. / sky) + / a seam.](Surg.)Suture of the palate. See Staphyloraphy. 1913 Webster]
U"ra*nite(?), n.[Cf. G. uranit, F. uranite.](Min.)A general term for the uranium phosphates, autunite, or lime uranite, and torbernite, or copper uranite. 1913 Webster]
U`ra*nit"ic(?), a.(Chem.)Of or pertaining to uranium; containing uranium. 1913 Webster]
U*ra"ni*um(?), n.[NL., from Uranus the planet. See Uranus.](Chem.)An element of the chromium group, found in certain rare minerals, as pitchblende, uranite, etc., and reduced as a heavy, hard, nickel-white metal which is quite permanent. Its yellow oxide is used to impart to glass a delicate greenish-yellow tint which is accompanied by a strong fluorescence, and its black oxide is used as a pigment in porcelain painting. Symbol U. Atomic weight 239. <--radioactive, U-235 isotope is used in atomic fission, in bombs or power plants --> 1913 Webster]
Uranus in 1781. 1913 Webster]
{ U"ran-o`cher, U"ran-o`chre }(?), n.[Cf. F. uranochre.](Min.)(a)A yellow, earthy incrustation, consisting essentially of the oxide of uranium, but more or less impure.
<-- #sic. No (b) appeared in the original. --> 1913 Webster]
{ U`ra*no*graph"ic(?), U`ra*no*graph"ic*al(?), }a.Of or pertaining to uranography; as, an uranographic treatise. 1913 Webster]
U`ra*nog"ra*phist(?), n.One practiced in uranography. 1913 Webster]
U`ra*nog"ra*phy(?), n.[Gr. /; / heaven + / to write.]A description or plan of the heavens and the heavenly bodies; the construction of celestial maps, globes, etc.; uranology. 1913 Webster]
U`ra*nol"o*gy(?), n.[Gr. / heaven + -logy.]A discourse or treatise on the heavens and the heavenly bodies; the study of the heavens; uranography. 1913 Webster]
U`ra*nom"e*try(?), n.[Gr. / heaven + -metry.](Astron.)A chart or catalogue of fixed stars, especially of stars visible to the naked eye. 1913 Webster]
U"ra*no*plas`ty(?), n.[See Uraniscoplasty.](Surg.)The plastic operation for closing a fissure in the hard palate. 1913 Webster]
U`ra*nos"co*py(?), n.[Gr. / + -scopy.]Observation of the heavens or heavenly bodies. 1913 Webster]
U`ra*no"so-(/), a.(Chem.)A combining form (also used adjectively) from uranium; -- used in naming certain complex compounds; as in uranoso-uranic oxide, uranoso-uranic sulphate. 1913 Webster]
<-- p. 1586 --> 1913 Webster]
U"ra*nous(, a.(Chem.)Pertaining to, or containing, uranium; designating those compounds in which uranium has a lower valence as contrasted with the uranic compounds. 1913 Webster]
1.(Gr. Myth.)The son or husband of Gaia (Earth), and father of Chronos (Time) and the Titans. 1913 Webster]
2.(Astron.)One of the primary planets. It is about 1,800,000,000 miles from the sun, about 36,000 miles in diameter, and its period of revolution round the sun is nearly 84 of our years. 1913 Webster]
Herschel, from Sir William Herschel, who discovered it in 1781, and who named it Georgium Sidus, in honor of George III., then King of England. 1913 Webster]
Ur"ban*ize(?), v. t.To render urban, or urbane; to refine; to polish.Howell. 1913 Webster]
\'d8Ur*bic"o*l\'91(?), n. pl.[NL., fr. L. urbs, urbis, a city + colere to inhabit.](Zo\'94l.)An extensive family of butterflies, including those known as skippers (Hesperiad\'91). 1913 Webster]
Ur*bic"o*lous(?), a.Of or pertaining to a city; urban. [R.] 1913 Webster]
Ur"ce*o*lar(, a.Urceolate. 1913 Webster]
Ur"ce*o*late(?), a.[L. urceolus, dim. of urceus a pitcher or waterpot.](Nat. Hist.)Shaped like a pitcher or urn; swelling below, and contracted at the orifice, as a calyx or corolla. 1913 Webster]
Ur"ce*ole(?), n.[See Urceolate.](R. C. Ch.)A vessel for water for washing the hands; also, one to hold wine or water. 1913 Webster]
\'d8Ur*ce"o*lus(?), n.; pl.Urceoli(#).[L., a little pitcher.](Bot.)Any urn-shaped organ of a plant. 1913 Webster]
Ur"chin(, n.[OE. urchon, irchon, a hedgehog, OF. ire, eri, heri, herichon, F. h\'82risson, a derivative fr. L. ericius, from er a hedgehog, for her; akin to Gr. chh`r. Cf. Herisson.] 1913 Webster]
1.(Zo\'94l.)A hedgehog. 1913 Webster]
2.(Zo\'94l.)A sea urchin. See Sea urchin. 1913 Webster]
3.A mischievous elf supposed sometimes to take the form a hedgehog. \'bdWe 'll dress [them] like urchins, ouphes, and fairies.\'b8 Shak. 1913 Webster]
4.A pert or roguish child; -- now commonly used only of a boy. 1913 Webster]
And the urchins that stand with their thievish eyes W. Howitt. 1913 Webster]
You did indeed dissemble, you urchin you; but where's the girl that won't dissemble for an husband?Goldsmith. 1913 Webster]
5.One of a pair in a series of small card cylinders, arranged around a carding drum; -- so called from its fancied resemblance to the hedgehog.Knight. 1913 Webster]
Ur"chon(?), n.(Zo\'94l.)The urchin, or hedgehog. 1913 Webster]
Ur"du(?), n.[Hind. urd.]The language more generally called Hindustanee. 1913 Webster]
Ure(?), n.[OE. ure, OF. oevre, ovre, ouvre, work, F. , L. opera. See Opera, Operate, and cf. Inure, Manure.]Use; practice; exercise. [Obs.] Fuller. 1913 Webster]
Let us be sure of this, to put the best in ure Chapman. 1913 Webster]
Ure, v. t.To use; to exercise; to inure; to accustom by practice. [Obs.] 1913 Webster]
The French soldiers . . . from their youth have been practiced and ured in feats of arms.Sir T. More. 1913 Webster]
U"re*a(?), a.[NL. See Urine.](Physiol. Chem.)A very soluble crystalline body which is the chief constituent of the urine in mammals and some other animals. It is also present in small quantity in blood, serous fluids, lymph, the liver, etc. 1913 Webster]
CO(NH2)2, and when heated with strong acids or alkalies is decomposed into carbonic acid and ammonia. It unites with acids to form salts, as nitrate of urea, and it can be made synthetically from ammonium cyanate, with which it is isomeric. 1913 Webster]
Urea ferment, a soluble ferment formed by certain bacteria, which, however, yield the ferment from the body of their cells only after they have been killed by alcohol. It causes urea to take up water and decompose into carbonic acid and ammonia. Many different bacteria possess this property, especially Bacterium ure\'91 and Micrococcus ure\'91, which are found abundantly in urines undergoing alkaline fermentation.<-- = urease --> 1913 Webster]
U"re*al(?), a.Of or pertaining to urea; containing, or consisting of, urea; as, ureal deposits. 1913 Webster]
U`re*am"e*ter(?), n.[Urea + -meter.](Physiol. Chem.)An apparatus for the determination of the amount of urea in urine, in which the nitrogen evolved by the action of certain reagents, on a given volume of urine, is collected and measured, and the urea calculated accordingly. 1913 Webster]
U`re*chi"tin(?), n.(Chem.)A glucoside extracted from the leaves of a certain plant (Urechitis suberecta) as a bitter white crystalline substance. 1913 Webster]
U`re*chi*tox"in(?), n.[Urechitin + toxic + -in.](Chem.)A poisonous glucoside found accompanying urechitin, and extracted as a bitter white crystalline substance. 1913 Webster]
\'d8U*re"do(?), n.[L., a blast, blight, a burning itch, fr. urere to burn, to scorch.] 1913 Webster]
1.(Bot.)One of the stages in the life history of certain rusts (Uredinales), regarded at one time as a distinct genus. It is a summer stage preceding the teleutospore, or winter stage. See Uredinales, in the Supplement. 1913 Webster]
2.(Med.)Nettle rash. See Urticaria. 1913 Webster]
U*re"do*spore(?), n.(Bot.)The thin-walled summer spore which is produced during the so-called Uredo stage of certain rusts. See (in the Supplement) Uredinales, Heter, etc. 1913 Webster]
U"re*ide(?), n.(Chem.)Any one of the many complex derivatives of urea; thus, hydantoin, and, in an extended dense, guanidine, caffeine, et., are ureides.[Written also ureid.] 1913 Webster]
-u*ret(?). A suffix with the same meaning as -ide. See -ide. [Obs.] 1913 Webster]
\'d8U*re"ter(?; 277), n.[NL., fr. Gr. /. See Urine.](Anat.)The duct which conveys the urine from the kidney to the bladder or cloaca. There are two ureters, one for each kidney. 1913 Webster]
\'d8U*re`ter*i"tis(?), n.[NL. See Ureter, and -itis.](Med.)Inflammation of the ureter.Dunglison. 1913 Webster]
U*reth"ane(?), n.[F. ur\'82thane. See Urea; Ether.]1.(Org. Chem.)A white crystalline substance, NH2.CO.OC2H5, produced by the action of ammonia on ethyl carbonate or by heating urea nitrate and ethyl alcohol. It is used as a hypnotic, antipyretic, and antispasmodic. Hence, any ester of carbamic acid. Webster 1913 Suppl.]
2.same as polyurethane. PJC]
\'d8U*re"thra(?), n.[L., fr. Gr. /. See Urine.](Anat.)The canal by which the urine is conducted from the bladder and discharged. 1913 Webster]
U*re"thral(?), a.Of or pertaining to the urethra. 1913 Webster]
Urethral fever(Med.), fever occurring as a consequence of operations upon the urethra. 1913 Webster]
\'d8U`re*thri"tis(?), n.[NL. See Urethra, and -itis.](Med.)Inflammation of the urethra. 1913 Webster]
U*re"thro*plas`ty(?), n.[Urethra + -plasty.](Surg.)An operation for the repair of an injury or a defect in the walls of the urethra. -- U*re`thro*plas"tic(#), a. 1913 Webster]
U*re"thro*scope(?), n.[Urethra + -scope.](Med.)An instrument for viewing the interior of the urethra. 1913 Webster]
U`re*thros"co*py(?), n.(Med.)Examination of the urethra by means of the urethroscope. 1913 Webster]
U*re"thro*tome(?), n.[Urethra + Gr. / to cut.]An instrument for cutting a urethral stricture. 1913 Webster]
U`re*throt"o*my(?), n.[Urethra + Gr. / to cut.](Surg.)An incision of the urethra, esp. incision for relief of urethral stricture. 1913 Webster]
U*ret"ic(?), a.[L. ureticus, Gr. /. See Urine.](Med.)Of or pertaining to the urine; diuretic; urinary; as, uretic medicine. 1913 Webster]
Urge(?), v. t.[imp. & p. p.Urged(?); p. pr. & vb. n.Urging(?).][L. urgere; akin to E. wreak. See Wreak, v. t.] 1913 Webster]
1.To press; to push; to drive; to impel; to force onward. 1913 Webster]
Through the thick deserts headlong urged his flight.Pope. 1913 Webster]
2.To press the mind or will of; to ply with motives, arguments, persuasion, or importunity. 1913 Webster]
My brother never urge me in his act; I did inquire it.Shak. 1913 Webster]
3.To provoke; to exasperate. [R.] 1913 Webster]
Urge not my father's anger.Shak. 1913 Webster]
4.To press hard upon; to follow closely 1913 Webster]
Heir urges heir, like wave impelling wave.Pope. 1913 Webster]
5.To present in an urgent manner; to press upon attention; to insist upon; as, to urge an argument; to urge the necessity of a case. 1913 Webster]
6.To treat with forcible means; to take severe or violent measures with; as, to urge an ore with intense heat. 1913 Webster]
Urge(?), v. i.1.To press onward or forward. [R.] 1913 Webster]
2.To be pressing in argument; to insist; to persist. 1913 Webster]
Ur"gence(?), n.Urgency. [Obs.] 1913 Webster]
Ur"gen*cy(?), n.[Cf. F. urgence.]The quality or condition of being urgent; insistence; pressure; as, the urgency of a demand or an occasion. 1913 Webster]
Ur"gent(?), a.[L. urgens, p. pr. of urgere: cf. F. urgent. See Urge.]Urging; pressing; besetting; plying, with importunity; calling for immediate attention; instantly important. \'bdThe urgent hour.\'b8 Shak. 1913 Webster]
Some urgent cause to ordain the contrary.Hooker. 1913 Webster]
The Egyptians were urgent upon the people that they might send them out of the land in haste.Ex. xii. 33. 1913 Webster]
Ur"gent*ly, adv.In an urgent manner. 1913 Webster]
Ur"ger(?), n.One who urges.Beau. & Fl. 1913 Webster]
U"ric(?), a.[Gr. / urine: cf. F. urique. See Urine.](Physiol. Chem.)Of or pertaining to urine; obtained from urine; as, uric acid. 1913 Webster]
Uric acid, a crystalline body, present in small quantity in the urine of man and most mammals. Combined in the form of urate of ammonia, it is the chief constituent of the urine of birds and reptiles, forming the white part. Traces of it are also found in the various organs of the body. It is likewise a common constituent, either as the free acid or as a urate, of urinary or renal calculi and of the so-called gouty concretions. From acid urines, uric acid is frequently deposited, on standing in a cool place, in the form of a reddish yellow sediment, nearly always crystalline. Chemically, it is composed of carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, and oxygen, C5H4N4O3, and by decomposition yields urea, among other products. It can be made synthetically by heating together urea and glycocoll. It was formerly called also lithic acid, in allusion to its occurrence in stone, or calculus. 1913 Webster]
\'d8U"rim(?), n.[Heb. /r\'c6m, pl. of /r, fire /r light.]A part or decoration of the breastplate of the high priest among the ancient Jews, by which Jehovah revealed his will on certain occasions. Its nature has been the subject of conflicting conjectures. 1913 Webster]
Thou shall put in the breastplate of judgment the Urim and the Thummim.Ex. xxviii. 30. 1913 Webster]
And when Saul inquired of the Lord, the Lord answered him not, neither by dreams, nor by Urim, nor by prophets.1 Sam. xxviii. 6. 1913 Webster]
Urim to have been a clear and colorless stone set in the breastplate of the high priest as a symbol of light, answering to the mystic scarab in the pectoral plate of the ancient Egyptian priests, and that the Thummim was an image corresponding to that worn by the priestly judges of Egypt as a symbol of truth and purity of motive. By gazing steadfastly on these, he may have been thrown into a mysterious, half ecstatic state, akin to hypnotism, in which he lost all personal consciousness, and received a spiritual illumination and insight. 1913 Webster]
1.A vessel for holding urine; especially, a bottle or tube for holding urine for inspection. 1913 Webster]
2.A place or convenience for urinating purposes. 1913 Webster]
U`ri*na"ri*um(?), n.[LL. urinarium.](Agric.)A reservoir for urine, etc., for manure. 1913 Webster]
U"ri*na*ry(?), a.[L. urina urine: cf. F. urinaire.] 1913 Webster]
1.Of or pertaining to the urine; as, the urinary bladder; urinary excretions. 1913 Webster]
2.Resembling, or being of the nature of, urine. 1913 Webster]
Urinary calculus(Med.), a concretion composed of some one or more crystalline constituents of the urine, liable to be found in any portion of the urinary passages or in the pelvis of the kidney. --
Urinary pigments, (Physiol. Chem.), certain colored substances, urochrome, or urobilin, uroerythrin, etc., present in the urine together with indican, a colorless substance which by oxidation is convertible into colored bodies.
<-- urinary tract --> 1913 Webster]
U"ri*na*ry, n.A urinarium; also, a urinal. 1913 Webster]
U"ri*nate(?), v. i.[LL. urinare.]To discharge urine; to make water. 1913 Webster]
U`ri*na"tion(?), n.The act or process of voiding urine; micturition. 1913 Webster]
U"ri*na*tive(?), a.Provoking the flow of urine; uretic; diuretic. [R.] Bacon. 1913 Webster]
U"ri*na`tor(?), n.[L., from urinari to plunge under water, to dive.]One who dives under water in search of something, as for pearls; a diver. [R.] Ray. 1913 Webster]
U"rine(?), n.[F. urine, L. urina; akin to urinari to plunge under water, to dive, Gr. / urine; cf. Skr. v\'ber water, Icel. /r drizzling rain, AS. w\'91r the sea.](Physiol.)In mammals, a fluid excretion from the kidneys; in birds and reptiles, a solid or semisolid excretion. 1913 Webster]
1913 Webster]
U"rine, v. i.To urinate. [Obs.] Bacon. 1913 Webster]
U`ri*nip"a*rous(?), a.[Urine + L. parere to produce: cf. F. urinipare.](Physiol.)Producing or preparing urine; as, the uriniparous tubes in the cortical portion of the kidney. 1913 Webster]
U`ri*no*gen"i*tal(?), a.(Anat.)Pertaining to the urinary and genital organs; genitourinary; urogenital; as, the urinogenital canal. 1913 Webster]
U`ri*nom"e*ter(?), n.[Urine + -meter.]A small hydrometer for determining the specific gravity of urine. 1913 Webster]
U`ri*nom"e*try(?), n.The estimation of the specific gravity of urine by the urinometer. 1913 Webster]
<-- p. 1587 --> 1913 Webster]
{ U"ri*nose(?), U"ri*nous(?), }a.[Cf. F. urineux. See Urine.]Of or pertaining to urine, or partaking of its qualities; having the character or odor of urine; similar to urine.Arbuthnot. 1913 Webster]
U"rite(?), n.[Gr. / tail.](Zo\'94l.)One of the segments of the abdomen or post-abdomen of arthropods. 1913 Webster]
U"rith(?), n.The bindings of a hedge. [Obs. or Prov. Eng.] Halliwell. 1913 Webster]
Urn(?), n.[OE. urne, L. urna; perhaps fr. urere to burn, and sop called as being made of burnt clay (cf. East): cf. F. urne.] 1913 Webster]
1.A vessel of various forms, usually a vase furnished with a foot or pedestal, employed for different purposes, as for holding liquids, for ornamental uses, for preserving the ashes of the dead after cremation, and anciently for holding lots to be drawn. 1913 Webster]
A rustic, digging in the ground by Padua, found an urn, or earthen pot, in which there was another urn.Bp. Wilkins. 1913 Webster]
His scattered limbs with my dead body burn, urn.Dryden. 1913 Webster]
2.Fig.: Any place of burial; the grave. 1913 Webster]
Or lay these bones in an unworthy urn, Shak. 1913 Webster]
3.(Rom. Antiq.)A measure of capacity for liquids, containing about three gallons and a haft, wine measure. It was haft the amphora, and four times the congius. 1913 Webster]
4.(Bot.)A hollow body shaped like an urn, in which the spores of mosses are contained; a spore case; a theca. 1913 Webster]
5.A tea urn. See under Tea. 1913 Webster]
Urn mosses(Bot.), the order of true mosses; -- so called because the capsules of many kinds are urn-shaped. 1913 Webster]
Urn, v. t.To inclose in, or as in, an urn; to inurn. 1913 Webster]
When horror universal shall descend, urn all human race.Young. 1913 Webster]
Urn"al(?), a.Of or pertaining to an urn; effected by an urn or urns. \'bdUrnal interments.\'b8 Sir T. Browne. 1913 Webster]
Urn"ful(?), n.; pl.Urnfuls(/).As much as an urn will hold; enough to fill an urn. 1913 Webster]
Urn"-shaped`(?), a.Having the shape of an urn; as, the urn-shaped capsules of some mosses. 1913 Webster]
U"ro-(?). A combining form fr. Gr. o'y^ron, urine. 1913 Webster]
U"ro-. A combining form from Gr. o'yra`, the tail, the caudal extremity. 1913 Webster]
U`ro*bi"lin(?), n.[1st uro- + bile + -in.](Physiol. Chem.)A yellow pigment identical with hydrobilirubin, abundant in the highly colored urine of fever, and also present in normal urine. See Urochrome. 1913 Webster]
U"ro*cele(?), n.[1st uro + Gr. / tumor.](Med.)A morbid swelling of the scrotum due to extravasation of urine into it. 1913 Webster]
\'d8U`ro*cer"a*ta(?), n. pl.[NL., fr. Gr. / tail + /, /, horn.](Zo\'94l.)A division of boring Hymenoptera, including Tremex and allied genera. See Illust. of Horntail. 1913 Webster]
U"ro*chord(?), n.[2d uro- + chord.](Zo\'94l.)The central axis or cord in the tail of larval ascidians and of certain adult tunicates.[Written also urocord.] 1913 Webster]
U`ro*chor"da, U`ro*chor`da"ta(?), prop. n. pl.[NL. See Urochord.](Zo\'94l.)Same as Tunicata. 1913 Webster]
U`ro*chor"dal(?), a.(Zo\'94l.)Of or pertaining to the Urochorda. 1913 Webster]
U"ro*chrome(?), n.[1st uro- + Gr. / color.](Physiol. Chem.)A yellow urinary pigment, considered by Thudichum as the only pigment present in normal urine. It is regarded by Maly as identical with urobilin. 1913 Webster]
\'d8U`ro*de"la(?), n. pl.[NL.; Gr. / tail + / visible.](Zo\'94l.)An order of amphibians having the tail well developed and often long. It comprises the salamanders, tritons, and allied animals. 1913 Webster]
U"ro*dele(?), n.(Zo\'94l.)One of the Urodela. 1913 Webster]
U`ro*de"li*an(?), a.(Zo\'94l.)Of or pertaining to the Urodela. -- n.One of the Urodela. 1913 Webster]
U`ro*e*ryth"rin(?), n.[See 1st Uro-, and Erythrin.](Physiol. Chem.)A reddish urinary pigment, considered as the substance which gives to the urine of rheumatism its characteristic color. It also causes the red color often seen in deposits of urates. 1913 Webster]
U`ro*gas"tric(?), a.[2d uro- + gastric.](Zo\'94l.)Behind the stomach; -- said of two lobes of the carapace of certain crustaceans. 1913 Webster]
U`ro*gen"i*tal(?), a.[1st uro- + genital.](Anat.)Same as Urinogenital. 1913 Webster]
U`ro*glau"cin(?), n.[1st uro- + L. glaucus bright.](Physiol. Chem.)A body identical with indigo blue, occasionally found in the urine in degeneration of the kidneys. It is readily formed by oxidation or decomposition of indican. 1913 Webster]
U`ro*h\'91m"a*tin(?), n.[1st uro- + h\'91matin.](Physiol. Chem.)Urinary h\'91matin; -- applied to the normal coloring matter of the urine, on the supposition that it is formed either directly or indirectly (through bilirubin) from the h\'91matin of the blood. See Urochrome, and Urobilin. 1913 Webster]
U`ro*hy"al(?), a.[2d uro- + the Gr. letter (Anat.)Of or pertaining to one or more median and posterior elements in the hyoidean arch of fishes. -- n.A urohyal bone or cartilage. 1913 Webster]
U"ro*mere(?), n.[2d uro- + -mere.](Zo\'94l.)Any one of the abdominal segments of an arthropod. 1913 Webster]
U`ro*nol"o*gy(?), n.[Gr. / urine + -logy.](Med.)That part of medicine which treats of urine.Dunglison. 1913 Webster]
U"ro*pod(?), n.[2d uro- + -pod.](Zo\'94l.)Any one of the abdominal appendages of a crustacean, especially one of the posterior ones, which are often larger than the rest, and different in structure, and are used chiefly in locomotion. See Illust. of Crustacea, and Stomapoda. 1913 Webster]
U*rop"o*dal(?), a.(Zo\'94l.)Of or pertaining to a uropod. 1913 Webster]
U`ro*po*et"ic(?), a.[1st uro- + Gr. / to make.] 1913 Webster]
1.(Med.)Producing, or favoring the production of, urine. 1913 Webster]
2.(Zo\'94l.)Of, pertaining to, or designating, a system of organs which eliminate nitrogenous waste matter from the blood of certain invertebrates. 1913 Webster]
U`ro*pyg"i*al(?), a.[See Uropygium.](Anat.)Of or pertaining to the uropygium, or prominence at the base of the tail feathers, in birds. 1913 Webster]
Uropygial gland, a peculiar sebaceous gland at the base of the tail feathers in most birds. It secretes an oily fluid which is spread over the feathers by preening. 1913 Webster]
\'d8U`ro*pyg"i*um(?), n.[NL., fr. Gr. /, (corrupted form) /; / the end of the os sacrum + / rump.](Anat.)The prominence at the posterior extremity of a bird's body, which supports the feathers of the tail; the rump; -- sometimes called pope's nose. 1913 Webster]
U`ro*sa"cral(?), a.[2d uro- + sacral.](Anat.)Of or pertaining to both the caudal and sacral parts of the vertebral column; as, the urosacral vertebr\'91 of birds. 1913 Webster]
U*ros"co*py(?), n.[1st uro- + -scopy: cf. F. uroscopie.]The diagnosis of diseases by inspection of urine.Sir T. Browne. 1913 Webster]
U"ro*some(?), n.[2d uro- + -some body.](Zo\'94l.)The abdomen, or post-abdomen, of arthropods. 1913 Webster]
U"ro*stege(?), n.[2d uro- + Gr. / roof.](Zo\'94l.)One of the plates on the under side of the tail of a serpent. 1913 Webster]
\'d8U*ros"te*on(?), n.; pl. L. Urostea(#), E. Urosteons(#).[NL., fr. Gr. / the tail + / a bone.](Anat.)A median ossification back of the lophosteon in the sternum of some birds. 1913 Webster]
U`ro*ster"nite(?), n.[2d uro- + sternum.](Zo\'94l.)The sternal, or under piece, of any one of the uromeres of insects and other arthropods. 1913 Webster]
U"ro*style(?), n.[2d uro- + Gr. / a pillar.](Anat.)A styliform process forming the posterior extremity of the vertebral column in some fishes and amphibians. 1913 Webster]
U"rox(?), n.[See Aurochs, and cf. Urus.](Zo\'94l.)The aurochs. 1913 Webster]
U*rox"a*nate(?), n.(Chem.)A salt of uroxanic acid. 1913 Webster]
U`rox*an"ic(?), a.[Uric + alloxan.](Chem.)Pertaining to, or designating, an acid, C5H8N4O6, which is obtained, as a white crystalline substance, by the slow oxidation of uric acid in alkaline solution. 1913 Webster]
U`ro*xan"thin(?), n.[1st uro- + xanthin.](Physiol. Chem.)Same as Indican. 1913 Webster]
Ur*rho"din(?), n.[1st uro- + Gr. / a rose.](Physiol. Chem.)Indigo red, a product of the decomposition, or oxidation, of indican. It is sometimes found in the sediment of pathological urines. It is soluble in ether or alcohol, giving the solution a beautiful red color. Also called indigrubin. 1913 Webster]
Ur"ry(?), n.[Cf. Gael. uir, uireach, mold, clay.]A sort of blue or black clay lying near a vein of coal. 1913 Webster]
Ur"sa(?), n.[L. ursa a she-bear, also, a constellation, fem. of ursus a bear. Cf. Arctic.](Astron.)Either one of the Bears. See the Phrases below. 1913 Webster]
Ursa Major[L.], the Great Bear, one of the most conspicuous of the northern constellations. It is situated near the pole, and contains the stars which form the Dipper, or Charles's Wain, two of which are the Pointers, or stars which point towards the North Star. --
Ursa Minor[L.], the Little Bear, the constellation nearest the north pole. It contains the north star, or polestar, which is situated in the extremity of the tail. 1913 Webster]
Ur"sal(?), n.(Zo\'94l.)The ursine seal. See the Note under 1st Seal. 1913 Webster]
Ur"si*form(?), a.[L. ursus, ursa, a bear + -form.]Having the shape of a bear. 1913 Webster]
Ur"sine(?), a.[L. ursinus, from ursus a bear. See Ursa.]Of or pertaining to a bear; resembling a bear. 1913 Webster]
Ursine baboon. (Zo\'94l.)See Chacma. --
Ursine dasyure(Zo\'94l.), the Tasmanian devil. --
Ursine howler(Zo\'94l.), the araguato. See Illust. under Howler. --
Ursine seal. (Zo\'94l.)See Sea bear, and the Note under 1st Seal. 1913 Webster]
Ur"son(?), n.[Cf. Urchin.](Zo\'94l.)The Canada porcupine. See Porcupine. 1913 Webster]
Ur"su*la(?), n.(Zo\'94l.)A beautiful North American butterfly (Basilarchia astyanax syn. Limenitis astyanax). Its wings are nearly black with red and blue spots and blotches. Called also red-spotted purple. 1913 Webster]
Ur"su*line(?), n.[Cf. F. ursuline.](R. C. Ch.)One of an order of nuns founded by St. Angela Merici, at Brescia, in Italy, about the year 1537, and so called from St. Ursula, under whose protection it was placed. The order was introduced into Canada as early as 1639, and into the United States in 1727. The members are devoted entirely to education. 1913 Webster]
Ur"su*line, a.Of or pertaining to St. Ursula, or the order of Ursulines; as, the Ursuline nuns. 1913 Webster]
\'d8Ur"sus(?), n.[L., a bear.](Zo\'94l.)A genus of Carnivora including the common bears. 1913 Webster]
\'d8Ur*ti"ca(?), n.[L., a nettle.](Bot.)A genus of plants including the common nettles. See Nettle, n. 1913 Webster]
Ur`ti*ca"ceous(?), a.(Bot.)Of or pertaining to a natural order (Urticace\'91) of plants, of which the nettle is the type. The order includes also the hop, the elm, the mulberry, the fig, and many other plants. 1913 Webster]
Ur"tic*al(?), a.Resembling nettles; -- said of several natural orders allied to urticaceous plants. 1913 Webster]
\'d8Ur`ti*ca"ri*a(?), n.[NL. See Urtica.](Med.)The nettle rash, a disease characterized by a transient eruption of red pimples and of wheals, accompanied with a burning or stinging sensation and with itching; uredo. 1913 Webster]
Ur"ti*cate(?), v. t. & i.[imp. & p. p.Urticated(?); p. pr. & vb. n.Urticating.]To sting with, or as with, nettles; to irritate; to annoy.G. A. Sala. 1913 Webster]
Ur`ti*ca"tion(?), n.(Med.)The act or process of whipping or stinging with nettles; -- sometimes used in the treatment of paralysis. 1913 Webster]
U*ru*bu"(?), n.[Cf. Pg. urub\'a3 a certain Brazilian bird.](Zo\'94l.)The black vulture (Catharista atrata). It ranges from the Southern United States to South America. See Vulture. 1913 Webster]
\'d8U"rus(?), n.[L.; of Teutonic origin. See Aurochs.](Zo\'94l.)A very large, powerful, and savage extinct bovine animal (Bos urusorBos primigenius) anciently abundant in Europe. It appears to have still existed in the time of Julius C\'91sar. It had very large horns, and was hardly capable of domestication. Called also, ur, ure, and tur. 1913 Webster]
Ur"va(?), n.[NL.](Zo\'94l.)The crab-eating ichneumon (Herpestes urva), native of India. The fur is black, annulated with white at the tip of each hair, and a white streak extends from the mouth to the shoulder. 1913 Webster]
Us(?), pron.[OE. us, AS. /s; akin to OFries. & OS. /s, D. ons, G. uns, Icel. & Sw. oss, Dan. os, Goth. uns, L. nos we, us, Gr. / we, Skr. nas us. ////. Cf. Nostrum, Our.]The persons speaking, regarded as an object; ourselves; -- the objective case of we. See We. \'bdTell us a tale.\'b8 Chaucer. 1913 Webster]
Give us this day our daily bread.Matt. vi. 11. 1913 Webster]
Us"a*ble(?), a.Capable of being used. 1913 Webster]
Us"age(?), n.[F. usage, LL. usaticum. See Use.] 1913 Webster]
1.The act of using; mode of using or treating; treatment; conduct with respect to a person or a thing; as, good usage; ill usage; hard usage. 1913 Webster]
My brother usage and great liberty.Shak. 1913 Webster]
It has now been, during many years, the grave and decorous usage of Parliaments to hear, in respectful silence, all expressions, acceptable or unacceptable, which are uttered from the throne.Macaulay. 1913 Webster]
4.Customary use or employment, as of a word or phrase in a particular sense or signification. 1913 Webster]
5.Experience. [Obs.] 1913 Webster]
In eld [old age] is both wisdom and usage.Chaucer. 1913 Webster]
Syn. -- Custom; use; habit. -- Usage, Custom. These words, as here compared, agree in expressing the idea of habitual practice; but a custom is not necessarily a usage. A custom may belong to many, or to a single individual. A usage properly belongs to the great body of a people. Hence, we speak of usage, not of custom, as the law of language. Again, a custom is merely that which has been often repeated, so as to have become, in a good degree, established. A usage must be both often repeated and of long standing. Hence, we speak of a \'bdhew custom,\'b8 but not of a \'bdnew usage.\'b8 Thus, also, the \'bdcustoms of society\'b8 is not so strong an expression as the \'bdusages of society.\'b8 \'bdCustom, a greater power than nature, seldom fails to make them worship.\'b8 Locke. \'bdOf things once received and confirmed by use, long usage is a law sufficient.\'b8 Hooker. In law, the words usage and custom are often used interchangeably, but the word custom also has a technical and restricted sense. See Custom, n., 3. 1913 Webster]
<-- p. 1588 --> 1913 Webster]
Us"a*ger(?), n.[F. usager.]One who has the use of anything in trust for another. [Obs.] Daniel. 1913 Webster]
3.Interest paid for money; usury. [Obs.] Shak. 1913 Webster]
4.(Com.)The time, fixed variously by the usage between different countries, when a bill of exchange is payable; as, a bill drawn on London at one usance, or at double usance. 1913 Webster]
Us"ant(?), a.[OF.]Using; accustomed. [Obs.] \'bdUsant for to steal.\'b8 Chaucer. 1913 Webster]
{ Us"begs(?), Us"beks(?), }n. pl.(Ethnol.)A Turkish tribe which about the close of the 15th century conquered, and settled in, that part of Asia now called Turkestan.[Written also Uzbecks, and Uzbeks.] 1913 Webster]
Use(?), n.[OE. us use, usage, L. usus, from uti, p. p. usus, to use. See Use, v. t.] 1913 Webster]
1.The act of employing anything, or of applying it to one's service; the state of being so employed or applied; application; employment; conversion to some purpose; as, the use of a pen in writing; his machines are in general use. 1913 Webster]
Books can never teach the use of books.Bacon. 1913 Webster]
This Davy serves you for good uses.Shak. 1913 Webster]
When he framed use.Milton. 1913 Webster]
2.Occasion or need to employ; necessity; as, to have no further use for a book.Shak. 1913 Webster]
3.Yielding of service; advantage derived; capability of being used; usefulness; utility. 1913 Webster]
God made two great lights, great for their use Milton. 1913 Webster]
'T is use alone that sanctifies expense.Pope. 1913 Webster]
O C\'91sar! these things are beyond all use.Shak. 1913 Webster]
6.(Eccl.)The special form of ritual adopted for use in any diocese; as, the Sarum, or Canterbury, use; the Hereford use; the York use; the Roman use; etc. 1913 Webster]
From henceforth all the whole realm shall have but one use.Pref. to Book of Common Prayer. 1913 Webster]
7.The premium paid for the possession and employment of borrowed money; interest; usury. [Obs.] 1913 Webster]
Thou art more obliged to pay duty and tribute, use and principal, to him.Jer. Taylor. 1913 Webster]
8.[In this sense probably a corruption of OF. oes, fr. L. opus need, business, employment, work. Cf. Operate.](Law)The benefit or profit of lands and tenements. Use imports a trust and confidence reposed in a man for the holding of lands. He to whose use or benefit the trust is intended shall enjoy the profits. An estate is granted and limited to A for the use of B. 1913 Webster]
9.(Forging)A stab of iron welded to the side of a forging, as a shaft, near the end, and afterward drawn down, by hammering, so as to lengthen the forging. 1913 Webster]
Contingent use, or
Springing use(Law), a use to come into operation on a future uncertain event. --
In use. (a)In employment; in customary practice observance.(b)In heat; -- said especially of mares.J. H. Walsh. --
Of no use, useless; of no advantage. --
Of use, useful; of advantage; profitable. --
Out of use, not in employment. --
Resulting use(Law), a use, which, being limited by the deed, expires or can not vest, and results or returns to him who raised it, after such expiration. --
Secondary use, or
Shifting use, a use which, though executed, may change from one to another by circumstances.Blackstone. --
Statute of uses(Eng. Law), the stat. 27 Henry VIII., cap. 10, which transfers uses into possession, or which unites the use and possession. --
To make use of,
To put to use, to employ; to derive service from; to use. 1913 Webster]
Use(?), v. t.[imp. & p. p.Used(?); p. pr. & vb. n.Using.][OE. usen, F. user to use, use up, wear out, LL. usare to use, from L. uti, p. p. usus, to use, OL. oeti, oesus; of uncertain origin. Cf. Utility.] 1913 Webster]
1.To make use of; to convert to one's service; to avail one's self of; to employ; to put a purpose; as, to use a plow; to use a chair; to use time; to use flour for food; to use water for irrigation. 1913 Webster]
Launcelot Gobbo, use your legs.Shak. 1913 Webster]
Some other means I have which may be used.Milton. 1913 Webster]
2.To behave toward; to act with regard to; to treat; as, to use a beast cruelly. \'bdI will use him well.\'b8 Shak. 1913 Webster]
How wouldst thou use me now?Milton. 1913 Webster]
Cato has used me ill.Addison. 1913 Webster]
3.To practice customarily; to make a practice of; as, to use diligence in business. 1913 Webster]
Use hospitality one to another.1 Pet. iv. 9. 1913 Webster]
4.To accustom; to habituate; to render familiar by practice; to inure; -- employed chiefly in the passive participle; as, men used to cold and hunger; soldiers used to hardships and danger. 1913 Webster]
I am so used in the fire to blow.Chaucer. 1913 Webster]
Thou with thy compeers, Used to the yoke, draw'st his triumphant wheels.Milton. 1913 Webster]
To use one's self, to behave. [Obs.] \'bdPray, forgive me, if I have used myself unmannerly.\'b8 Shak. --
To use up. (a)To consume or exhaust by using; to leave nothing of; as, to use up the supplies.(b)To exhaust; to tire out; to leave no capacity of force or use in; to overthrow; as, he was used up by fatigue. [Colloq.] 1913 Webster]
Syn. -- Employ. -- Use, Employ. We use a thing, or make use of it, when we derive from it some enjoyment or service. We employ it when we turn that service into a particular channel. We use words to express our general meaning; we employ certain technical terms in reference to a given subject. To make use of, implies passivity in the thing; as, to make use of a pen; and hence there is often a material difference between the two words when applied to persons. To speak of \'bdmaking use of another\'b8 generally implies a degrading idea, as if we had used him as a tool; while employ has no such sense. A confidential friend is employed to negotiate; an inferior agent is made use of on an intrigue. 1913 Webster]
I would, my son, that thou wouldst use the power Cowper. 1913 Webster]
To study nature will thy time employ: Dryden. 1913 Webster]
Use(?), v. i.1.To be wont or accustomed; to be in the habit or practice; as, he used to ride daily; -- now disused in the present tense, perhaps because of the similarity in sound, between \'bduse to,\'b8 and \'bdused to.\'b8 1913 Webster]
They use to place him that shall be their captain on a stone.Spenser. 1913 Webster]
Fears use to be represented in an imaginary.Bacon. 1913 Webster]
Thus we use to say, it is the room that smokes, when indeed it is the fire in the room.South. 1913 Webster]
Now Moses used to take the tent and to pitch it without the camp.Ex. xxxiii. 7 (Rev. Ver.) 1913 Webster]
2.To be accustomed to go; to frequent; to inhabit; to dwell; -- sometimes followed by of. [Obs.] \'bdWhere never foot did use.\'b8 Spenser. 1913 Webster]
He useth every day to a merchant's house.B. Jonson. 1913 Webster]
Ye valleys low, where the mild whispers use Milton. 1913 Webster]
Use"ful(?), a.Full of use, advantage, or profit; producing, or having power to produce, good; serviceable for any end or object; helpful toward advancing any purpose; beneficial; profitable; advantageous; as, vessels and instruments useful in a family; books useful for improvement; useful knowledge; useful arts. 1913 Webster]
To what can I useful!Milton. 1913 Webster]
Use"ful*ly, adv.In a useful manner. 1913 Webster]
Use"ful*ness, n.The quality or state of being useful; utility; serviceableness; advantage.Addison. 1913 Webster]
Syn. -- Utility; value; profit. See Utility. 1913 Webster]
Use"less, a.Having, or being of, no use; unserviceable; producing no good end; answering no valuable purpose; not advancing the end proposed; unprofitable; ineffectual; as, a useless garment; useless pity. 1913 Webster]
Not to sit idle with so great a gift Useless, and thence ridiculous.Milton. 1913 Webster]
Syn. -- Fruitless; ineffectual. -- Useless, Fruitless, Ineffectual. We speak of an attempt, effort, etc., as being useless when there are in it inherent difficulties which forbid the hope of success, as fruitless when it fails, not from any such difficulties, but from some unexpected hindrance arising to frustrate it; as, the design was rendered fruitless by the death of its projector. Ineffectual nearly resembles fruitless, but implies a failure of a less hopeless character; as, after several ineffectual efforts, I at last succeeded. 1913 Webster]
Useless are all words Beau. & Fl. 1913 Webster]
Waiving all searches into antiquity, in relation to this controversy, as being either needless or fruitless.Waterland. 1913 Webster]
Even our blessed Savior's preaching, who spake as never man spake, was ineffectual to many.Bp. Stillingfleet. 1913 Webster]
-- Use"less*ly, adv. -- Use"less*ness, n. 1913 Webster]
Us"er(?), n.1.One who uses.Shak. 1913 Webster]
2.(Law)Enjoyment of property; use.Mozley & W. 1913 Webster]
U"-shaped`(?), a.Having the form of the letter U;specif.(Phys. Geog.), of valleys, resembling a broad U in cross profile. Webster 1913 Suppl.]
Ush"er(?), n.[OE. ussher, uschere, OF. ussier, uisser, oissier, hussier, huissier, fr. L. ostiarius a doorkeeper, fr. ostium a door, entrance, fr. os mouth. See Oral, and cf. Ostiary.] 1913 Webster]
1.An officer or servant who has the care of the door of a court, hall, chamber, or the like; hence, an officer whose business it is to introduce strangers, or to walk before a person of rank. Also, one who escorts persons to seats in a church, theater, etc. \'bdThe ushers and the squires.\'b8 Chaucer. 1913 Webster]
These are the ushers of Marcius.Shak. 1913 Webster]
Black rod. 1913 Webster]
2.An under teacher, or assistant master, in a school. 1913 Webster]
Ush"er, v. t.[imp. & p. p.Ushered(?); p. pr. & vb. n.Ushering.]To introduce or escort, as an usher, forerunner, or harbinger; to forerun; -- sometimes followed by in or forth; as, to usher in a stranger; to usher forth the guests; to usher a visitor into the room. 1913 Webster]
The stars that usher evening rose.Milton. 1913 Webster]
The Examiner was ushered into the world by a letter, setting forth the great genius of the author.Addison. 1913 Webster]
Ush"er*ance(?), n.The act of ushering, or the state of being ushered in. [Obs.] Shaftesbury. 1913 Webster]
Ush"er*dom(?), n.The office or position of an usher; ushership; also, ushers, collectively. [R.] 1913 Webster]
Ush"er*less, a.Destitute of an usher.Marston. 1913 Webster]
Ush"er*ship, n.The office of an usher; usherdom. 1913 Webster]
Us"i*ta*tive(?), a.[L. usitari to use often.]Denoting usual or customary action. \'bdThe usitative aorist.\'b8 Alford. 1913 Webster]
\'d8Us"ne*a(?), n.[NL., from Ar. usnah moss.](Bot.)A genus of lichens, most of the species of which have long, gray, pendulous, and finely branched fronds. Usnea barbata is the common bearded lichen which grows on branches of trees in northern forests. 1913 Webster]
Us"nic(?), a.(Chem.)Pertaining to, or designating, a complex acid obtained, as a yellow crystalline substance, from certain genera of lichens (Usnea, Parmelia, etc.). 1913 Webster]
Us"que*baugh(?), n.[Ir. or Gael. uisge beatha, literally, water of life; uisge water + beatha life; akin to Gr. bi`os life. See Quick, a., and cf. Whisky.] 1913 Webster]
1.A compound distilled spirit made in Ireland and Scotland; whisky. 1913 Webster]
The Scottish returns being vested in grouse, white hares, pickled salmon, and usquebaugh.Sir W. Scott. 1913 Webster]
2.A liquor compounded of brandy, or other strong spirit, raisins, cinnamon and other spices.Brande & C. 1913 Webster]
Us`self"(?), n. pl.Ourselves. [Obs.] Wyclif. Piers Plowman. Chaucer. 1913 Webster]
Us"tion(?), n.[L. ustio, fr. urere, ustum, to burn: cf. F. ustion.]The act of burning, or the state of being burned. [R.] Johnson. 1913 Webster]
Us*to"ri*ous(?), a.[L. urere, ustum, to burn.]Having the quality of burning. [R.] I. Watts. 1913 Webster]
Us"tu*late(?), a.[L. ustulatus, p. p. of ustulare to scorch, urere to burn.]Blackened as if burned. 1913 Webster]
Us`tu*la"tion(?), n.[Cf. F. ustulation.] 1913 Webster]
1.The act of burning or searing. [R.] Sir W. Petty. 1913 Webster]
2.(Old Chem.)The operation of expelling one substance from another by heat, as sulphur or arsenic from ores, in a muffle. 1913 Webster]
3.(Pharm.)(a)The roasting or drying of moist substances so as prepare them for pulverizing.(b)The burning of wine. 1913 Webster]
It is not certain that they took the better part when they chose ustulation before marriage, expressly against the apostle.Jer. Taylor. 1913 Webster]
U"su*al(?), a.[L. usualis, from usus use: cf. F. usuel. See Use, n.]Such as is in common use; such as occurs in ordinary practice, or in the ordinary course of events; customary; ordinary; habitual; common. 1913 Webster]
Consultation with oracles was a thing very usual and frequent in their times.Hooker. 1913 Webster]
We can make friends of these usual enemies.Baxter. 1913 Webster]
-- U"su*al*ly, adv. -- U"su*al*ness, n. 1913 Webster]
U`su*cap"tion(?; 277), n.[L. usucapere, usucaptum, to acquire by long use; usu (ablative of usus use) + capere to take: cf. usucapio usucaption.](Roman Law)The acquisition of the title or right to property by the uninterrupted possession of it for a certain term prescribed by law; -- the same as prescription in common law. 1913 Webster]
U"su*fruct(?; 277), n.[L. usufructus, ususfructus, usus et fructus; usus use + fructus fruit.](Law)The right of using and enjoying the profits of an estate or other thing belonging to another, without impairing the substance.Burrill. 1913 Webster]
U`su*fruc"tu*a*ry(?), n.[L. usufructuarius.](Law)A person who has the use of property and reaps the profits of it.Wharton. 1913 Webster]
U`su*fruc"tu*a*ry, a.(Law)Of or pertaining to a usufruct; having the nature of a usufruct. 1913 Webster]
The ordinary graces bequeathed by Christ to his church, as the usufructuary property of all its members.Coleridge. 1913 Webster]
{ U`su*ra"ri*ous(?), U"su*ra*ry(?), }a.[L. usurarius that serves for use, that pays interest. See Usurer.]Usurious. [Obs.] \'bdUsurarious contracts.\'b8 Jer. Taylor. Bp. Hall. 1913 Webster]
U"sure(?; 115), v. i.[imp. & p. p.Usured(?); p. pr. & vb. n.Usuring.][Cf. OF. usurer, LL. usurare.]To practice usury; to charge unlawful interest. [Obs.] \'bdThe usuringb senate.\'b8 Shak. 1913 Webster]
I usured not ne to me usured any man.Wyclif (Jer. xv. 10). 1913 Webster]
Foul usure and lucre of villainy.Chaucer. 1913 Webster]
U"su*rer(?), n.[F. usurier, LL. usurarius. See Usury, and cf. Usurarious.] 1913 Webster]
1.One who lends money and takes interest for it; a money lender. [Obs.] 1913 Webster]
If thou lend money to any of my people that is poor by thee, thou shalt not be to him as a usurer, neither shalt thou lay upon him usury.Ex. xxii. 25. 1913 Webster]
2.One who lends money at a rate of interest beyond that established by law; one who exacts an exorbitant rate of interest for the use of money. 1913 Webster]
1.Practicing usury; taking illegal or exorbitant interest for the use of money; as, a usurious person. 1913 Webster]
2.Partaking of usury; containing or involving usury; as, a usurious contract. 1913 Webster]
-- U*su"ri*ous*ly, adv. -- U*su"ri*ous*ness, n. 1913 Webster]
U*surp"(?), v. t.[imp. & p. p.Usurped(?); p. pr. & vb. n.Usurping.][L. usurpare, usurpatum, to make use of, enjoy, get possession of, usurp; the first part of usurpare is akin to usus use (see Use, n.): cf. F. usurper.]To seize, and hold in possession, by force, or without right; as, to usurp a throne; to usurp the prerogatives of the crown; to usurp power; to usurp the right of a patron is to oust or dispossess him. 1913 Webster]
Alack, thou dost usurp authority.Shak. 1913 Webster]
Another revolution, to get rid of this illegitimate and usurped government, would of course be perfectly justifiable.Burke. 1913 Webster]
Usurp is applied to seizure and use of office, functions, powers, rights, etc.; it is not applied to common dispossession of private property. 1913 Webster]
Syn. -- To arrogate; assume; appropriate. 1913 Webster]
U*surp", v. i.To commit forcible seizure of place, power, functions, or the like, without right; to commit unjust encroachments; to be, or act as, a usurper. 1913 Webster]
The parish churches on which the Presbyterians and fanatics had usurped.Evelyn. 1913 Webster]
And now the Spirits of the Mind Usurping, with a prevalence Wordsworth. 1913 Webster]
U*surp"ant(?), a.[L. usurpans, p. pr.]Usurping; encroaching. [Obs.] Gauden. 1913 Webster]
U`sur*pa"tion(?), n.[L. usurpatio / making use, usurpation: cf. F. usurpation.] 1913 Webster]
1.The act of usurping, or of seizing and enjoying; an authorized, arbitrary assumption and exercise of power, especially an infringing on the rights of others; specifically, the illegal seizure of sovereign power; -- commonly used with of, also used with on or upon; as, the usurpation of a throne; the usurpation of the supreme power. 1913 Webster]
<-- p. 1589 --> 1913 Webster]
He contrived their destruction, with the usurpation of the regal dignity upon him.Sir T. More. 1913 Webster]
A law [of a State] which is a usurpation upon the general government.O. Ellsworth. 1913 Webster]
Manifest usurpation on the rights of other States.D. Webster. 1913 Webster]
Usurpation, in a peculiar sense, formerly denoted the absolute ouster and dispossession of the patron of a church, by a stranger presenting a clerk to a vacant benefice, who us thereupon admitted and instituted. 1913 Webster]
U*surp"a*to*ry(?), a.[L. usurpatorius.]Marked by usurpation; usurping. [R.] 1913 Webster]
U*surp"a*ture(?), n.Usurpation. [R.] \'bdBeneath man's usurpature.\'b8 R. Browning. 1913 Webster]
U*surp"er(?), n.One who usurps; especially, one who seizes illegally on sovereign power; as, the usurper of a throne, of power, or of the rights of a patron. 1913 Webster]
A crown will not want pretenders to claim it, not usurpers, if their power serves them, to possess it.South. 1913 Webster]
U*surp"ing*ly, adv.In a usurping manner. 1913 Webster]
U"su*ry(?), n.[OE. usurie, usure, F. usure, L. usura use, usury, interest, fr. uti, p. p. usus, to use. See Use, v. t.] 1913 Webster]
1.A premium or increase paid, or stipulated to be paid, for a loan, as of money; interest. [Obs. or Archaic] 1913 Webster]
Thou shalt not lend upon usury to thy brother; usury of money, usury of victuals, usury of anything that is lent upon usury.Deut. xxiii. 19. 1913 Webster]
Thou oughtest therefore to have put my money to the exchanges, and then at my coming I should have received mine own with usury.Matt. xxv. 27. 1913 Webster]
What he borrows from the ancients, he repays with usury of //is own.Dryden. 1913 Webster]
2.The practice of taking interest. [Obs.] 1913 Webster]
Usury . . . bringeth the treasure of a realm or state into a few //nds.Bacon. 1913 Webster]
3.(Law)Interest in excess of a legal rate charged to a borrower for the use of money. 1913 Webster]
Am. Cyc. 1913 Webster]
Ut(?), n.(Min.)The first note in Guido's musical scale, now usually superseded by do. See Solmization. 1913 Webster]
U"tas(?), n.[OF. huitieves, witieves, witaves, oitieves, pl. of huitieve, witieve, etc., eighth, L. octavus. See Octave, n.][Written also utis.] 1913 Webster]
1.(O. Eng. Law)The eighth day after any term or feast; the octave; as, the utas of St. Michael.Cowell. 1913 Webster]
The marriage was celebrated and Canterbury, and in the utas of St. Hilary next ensuing she was crowned.Holinshed. 1913 Webster]
U*ten"sil(?; 277), n.[F. utensile, ustensile, L. utensile, fr. utensilis that may be used, fit for use, fr. uti, p. p. usus, to use. See Use, v. t.]That which is used; an instrument; an implement; especially, an instrument or vessel used in a kitchen, or in domestic and farming business. 1913 Webster]
Wagons fraught with utensils of war.Milton. 1913 Webster]
U"ter*ine(?; 277), a.[L. uterinus born of the same mother, from uterus womb: cf. F. ut\'82rin.] 1913 Webster]
1.Of or instrument to the uterus, or womb. 1913 Webster]
2.Born of the same mother, but by a different father. 1913 Webster]
Walter Pope, uterine brother to Dr. Joh. Wilki//.Wood. 1913 Webster]
U`te*ro*ges*ta"tion(?), n.[Uterus + gestation.]Gestation in the womb from conception to birth; pregnancy.Pritchard. 1913 Webster]
U`te*ro*vag"i*nal(?), n.[Uterus + vaginal.]Pertaining to both the uterus and the vagina. 1913 Webster]
U"te*rus(?), n.[L.]1.(Anat.)The organ of a female mammal in which the young are developed previous to birth; the womb. 1913 Webster]
male uterus, or [NL.]uterus masculinus. 1913 Webster]
2.(Zo\'94l.)A receptacle, or pouch, connected with the oviducts of many invertebrates in which the eggs are retained until they hatch or until the embryos develop more or less. See Illust. of Hermaphrodite in Append. 1913 Webster]
Utes(?), n. pl.; sing. Ute. (Ethnol.)An extensive tribe of North American Indians of the Shoshone stock, inhabiting Colorado, Utah, New Mexico, Arizona, and adjacent regions. They are subdivided into several subordinate tribes, some of which are among the most degraded of North American Indians. 1913 Webster]
U"ti*a(?), n.[NL.](Zo\'94l.)Any species of large West Indian rodents of the genus Capromys, or Utia. In general appearance and habits they resemble rats, but they are as large as rabbits. 1913 Webster]
U"ti*ca(?), a.[So called from Utica, in New York.](Geol.)Of, pertaining to, or designating, a subdivision of the Trenton Period of the Lower Silurian, characterized in the State of New York by beds of shale. 1913 Webster]
U"tile(?), a.[L. utilis, fr. uti to use: cf. F. utile. See Use, v. t.]Profitable; useful. [Obs.] 1913 Webster]
1.Of or pertaining to utility; consisting in utility; /iming at utility as distinguished from beauty, ornament, etc.; sometimes, reproachfully, evincing, or characterized by, a regard for utility of a lower kind, or marked by a sordid spirit; as, utilitarian narrowness; a utilitarian indifference to art. 1913 Webster]
2.Of or pertaining to utilitarianism; supporting utilitarianism; as, the utilitarian view of morality; the Utilitarian Society.J. S. Mill. 1913 Webster]
U*til`i*ta"ri*an(?), n.One who holds the doctrine of utilitarianism. 1913 Webster]
The utilitarians are for merging all the particular virtues into one, and would substitute in their place the greatest usefulness, as the alone principle to which every question respecting the morality of actions should be referred.Chalmers. 1913 Webster]
But what is a utilitarian? Simply one who prefers the useful to the useless; and who does not?Sir W. Hamilton. 1913 Webster]
U*til`i*ta"ri*an*ism(?), n.1.The doctrine that the greatest happiness of the greatest number should be the end and aim of all social and political institutions.Bentham. 1913 Webster]
2.The doctrine that virtue is founded in utility, or that virtue is defined and enforced by its tendency to promote the highest happiness of the universe.J. S. Mill. 1913 Webster]
3.The doctrine that utility is the sole standard of morality, so that the rectitude of an action is determined by its usefulness. 1913 Webster]
U*til"i*ty(?), n.[OE. utilite, F. utilit\'82, L. utilitas, fr. utilis useful. See Utile.] 1913 Webster]
1.The quality or state of being useful; usefulness; production of good; profitableness to some valuable end; as, the utility of manure upon land; the utility of the sciences; the utility of medicines. 1913 Webster]
The utility of the enterprises was, however, so great and obvious that all opposition proved useless.Macaulay. 1913 Webster]
2.(Polit. Econ.)Adaptation to satisfy the desires or wants; intrinsic value. See Note under Value, 2. 1913 Webster]
Value in use is utility, and nothing else, and in political economy should be called by that name and no other.F. A. Walker. 1913 Webster]
3.Happiness; the greatest good, or happiness, of the greatest number, -- the foundation of utilitarianism.J. S. Mill. 1913 Webster]
Syn. -- Usefulness; advantageous; benefit; profit; avail; service. -- Utility, Usefulness. Usefulness has an Anglo-Saxon prefix, utility is Latin; and hence the former is used chiefly of things in the concrete, while the latter is employed more in a general and abstract sense. Thus, we speak of the utility of an invention, and the usefulness of the thing invented; of the utility of an institution, and the usefulness of an individual. So beauty and utility (not usefulness) are brought into comparison. Still, the words are often used interchangeably. 1913 Webster]
U"til*i`za*ble(?), a.Capable of being utilized; as, the utilizable products of the gas works. 1913 Webster]
U`til*i*za"tion(?), n.[Cf. F. utilization.]The act of utilizing, or the state of being utilized. 1913 Webster]
U"til*ize(?), v. t.[imp. & p. p.Utilized(?); p. pr. & vb. n.Utilizing(?).][Cf. F. utiliser.]To make useful; to turn to profitable account or use; to make use of; as, to utilize the whole power of a machine; to utilize one's opportunities. 1913 Webster]
In former ages, the mile-long corridors, with their numerous alcoves, might have been utilized as . . . dungeons.Hawthorne. 1913 Webster]
\'d8U`ti pos`si*de"tis(?). [L., as you possess.] 1913 Webster]
1.(Internat. Law)The basis or principle of a treaty which leaves belligerents mutually in possession of what they have acquired by their arms during the war.Brande & C. 1913 Webster]
2.(Roman Law)A species of interdict granted to one who was in possession of an immovable thing, in order that he might be declared the legal possessor.Burrill. 1913 Webster]
Ut"most`(?), a.[OE. utmeste, utemest, AS. /temest, a superlative fr. /te out. ////. See Out, and cf. Aftermost, Outmost, Uttermost.] 1913 Webster]
1.Situated at the farthest point or extremity; farthest out; most distant; extreme; as, the utmost limits of the land; the utmost extent of human knowledge.Spenser. 1913 Webster]
We coasted within two leagues of Antibes, which is the utmost town in France.Evelyn. 1913 Webster]
Betwixt two thieves I spend my utmost breath.Herbert. 1913 Webster]
2.Being in the greatest or highest degree, quantity, number, or the like; greatest; as, the utmost assiduity; the utmost harmony; the utmost misery or happiness. 1913 Webster]
He shall answer . . . to his utmost peril.Shak. 1913 Webster]
Six or seven thousand is their utmost power.Shak. 1913 Webster]
Ut"most`, n.The most that can be; the farthest limit; the greatest power, degree, or effort; as, he has done his utmost; try your utmost. 1913 Webster]
We have tried the utmost of our friends.Shak. 1913 Webster]
U*to"pi*a(?), n.[NL., fr. Gr. not + / a place.] 1913 Webster]
1.An imaginary island, represented by Sir Thomas More, in a work called Utopia, as enjoying the greatest perfection in politics, laws, and the like. See Utopia, in the Dictionary of Noted Names in Fiction. 1913 Webster]
2.Hence, any place or state of ideal perfection. 1913 Webster]
U*to"pi*an(?), a.Of or pertaining to Utopia; resembling Utopia; hence, ideal; chimerical; fanciful; founded upon, or involving, imaginary perfections; as, Utopian projects; Utopian happiness. 1913 Webster]
U*to"pi*an, n.An inhabitant of Utopia; hence, one who believes in the perfectibility of human society; a visionary; an idealist; an optimist.Hooker. 1913 Webster]
U*to"pi*an*ism(?), n.The ideas, views, aims, etc., of a Utopian; impracticable schemes of human perfection; optimism. 1913 Webster]
U*to"pi*an*ist, n.An Utopian; an optimist. 1913 Webster]
U"tra*quist(?), n.[L. uterque, fem. utraque, both.]One who receives the eucharist in both kinds; esp., one of a body of Hussites who in the 15th century fought for the right to do this. Called also Calixtines. 1913 Webster]
U"tri*cle(?), n.[L. utriculus a little womb, a calycle, dim. of uter, utris, a bag or bottle made of an animal's hide: cf. F. utricule.] 1913 Webster]
1.A little sac or vesicle, as the air cell of fucus, or seaweed. 1913 Webster]
2.(Physiol.)A microscopic cell in the structure of an egg, animal, or plant. 1913 Webster]
3.(Bot.)A small, thin-walled, one-seeded fruit, as of goosefoot.Gray. 1913 Webster]
4.(Anat.)A utriculus. 1913 Webster]
U*tric"u*lar(?), a.[Cf. F. utriculaire.] 1913 Webster]
1.Of or pertaining to a utricle, or utriculus; containing, or furnished with, a utricle or utricles; utriculate; as, a utricular plant. 1913 Webster]
2.Resembling a utricle or bag, whether large or minute; -- said especially with reference to the condition of certain substances, as sulphur, selenium, etc., when condensed from the vaporous state and deposited upon cold bodies, in which case they assume the form of small globules filled with liquid. 1913 Webster]
\'d8U*tric`u*la"ri*a(?), n.[NL.](Bot.)A genus of aquatic flowering plants, in which the submersed leaves bear many little utricles, or ascidia. See Ascidium, 1913 Webster]
U*tric"u*late(?), a.Resembling a bladder; swollen like a bladder; inflated; utricular.Dana. 1913 Webster]
U*tric"u*loid(?), a.[L. utriculus a little womb, a calycle + -oid.]Resembling a bladder; utricular; utriculate.Dana. 1913 Webster]
U*tric"u*lus(?), n.[L., a little womb or matrix, a calycle.](Anat.)A little sac, or bag; a utricle; especially, a part of the membranous labyrinth of the ear. See the Note under Ear. 1913 Webster]
U"tro-(?). A combining form used in anatomy to indicate connection with, or relation to, the uterus; as in utro-ovarian. 1913 Webster]
Ut"ter(?), a.[OE. utter, originally the same word as outer. See Out, and cf. Outer, Utmost.] 1913 Webster]
1.Outer. \'bdThine utter eyen.\'b8 Chaucer. [Obs.] \'bdBy him a shirt and utter mantle laid.\'b8 Chapman. 1913 Webster]
As doth an hidden moth utter touch.Spenser. 1913 Webster]
2.Situated on the outside, or extreme limit; remote from the center; outer. [Obs.] 1913 Webster]
Through utter and through middle darkness borne.Milton. 1913 Webster]
The very utter part pf Saint Adelmes point is five miles from Sandwich.Holinshed. 1913 Webster]
They . . . are utter strangers to all those anxious thoughts which disquiet mankind.Atterbury. 1913 Webster]
4.Peremptory; unconditional; unqualified; final; as, an utter refusal or denial.Clarendon. 1913 Webster]
Utter bar(Law), the whole body of junior barristers. See Outer bar, under 1st Outer. [Eng.] --
Utter barrister(Law), one recently admitted as barrister, who is accustomed to plead without, or outside, the bar, as distinguished from the benchers, who are sometimes permitted to plead within the bar. [Eng.] Cowell. 1913 Webster]
Ut"ter, v. t.[imp. & p. p.Uttered(?); p. pr. & vb. n.Uttering.][OE. outren, freq. of outen to utter, put out, AS. to put out, eject, fr. out. Out, and cf. Utter, a.] 1913 Webster]
1.To put forth or out; to reach out. [Obs.] 1913 Webster]
How bragly [proudly] it begins to bud, utter his tender head.Spenser. 1913 Webster]
2.To dispose of in trade; to sell or vend. [Obs.] 1913 Webster]
Such mortal drugs I have, but Mantua's law utters them.Shak. 1913 Webster]
They bring it home, and utter it commonly by the name of Newfoundland fish.Abp. Abbot. 1913 Webster]
3.hence, to put in circulation, as money; to put off, as currency; to cause to pass in trade; -- often used, specifically, of the issue of counterfeit notes or coins, forged or fraudulent documents, and the like; as, to utter coin or bank notes. 1913 Webster]
The whole kingdom should continue in a firm resolution never to receive or utter this fatal coin.Swift. 1913 Webster]
4.To give public expression to; to disclose; to publish; to speak; to pronounce. \'bdSweet as from blest, uttering joy.\'b8 Milton. 1913 Webster]
The words I utter Shak. 1913 Webster]
And the last words he uttered called me cruel.Addison. 1913 Webster]
Syn. -- To deliver; give forth; issue; liberate; discharge; pronounce. See Deliver. 1913 Webster]
Ut"ter*a*ble(?), a.Capable of being uttered. 1913 Webster]
Ut"ter*ance(?), n.1.The act of uttering. Specifically: -- 1913 Webster]
(a)Sale by offering to the public. [Obs.] Bacon. 1913 Webster]
(b)Putting in circulation; as, the utterance of false coin, or of forged notes. 1913 Webster]
Ut"ter*most(?), a.[From Utter, a.; cf. Utmost, and Outermost.]Extreme; utmost; being; in the farthest, greatest, or highest degree; as, the uttermost extent or end. \'bdIn this uttermost distress.\'b8 Milton. 1913 Webster]
<-- p. 1590 pr=PI --> 1913 Webster]
Ut"ter*most`(?), n.The utmost; the highest or greatest degree; the farthest extent.Tennyson. 1913 Webster]
Wherefore he is able also to save them to the uttermost that come unto God by him.Heb. vii. 25. 1913 Webster]
He cannot have sufficient honor done unto him; but the uttermost we can do, we must.Hooker. 1913 Webster]
Ut"ter*ness, n.The quality or state of being utter, or extreme; extremity; utmost; uttermost. [R.] 1913 Webster]
\'d8U"va(?), n.[L., a grape.](Bot.)A small pulpy or juicy fruit containing several seeds and having a thin skin, as a grape. 1913 Webster]
U"vate(?), n.[L. uva grape.]A conserve made of grapes. 1913 Webster]
\'d8U"ve*a(?), n.[NL., fr. L. uva grape.](Anat.)The posterior pigmented layer of the iris; -- sometimes applied to the whole iris together with the choroid coat. 1913 Webster]
U"ve*ous(?), a.[See Uvea.]Resembling a grape. 1913 Webster]
U"vic(?), a.[L. uva grape.](Chem.)Pertaining to, or obtained from, grapes; specifically, designating an organic acid, C7H8O3 (also called pyrotritartaric acid), obtained as a white crystalline substance by the decomposition of tartaric and pyrotartaric acids. 1913 Webster]
U*vit"ic(?), a.[From L. uva a grape. So called because it may be produced indirectly from tartaric acid, which is found in the grape.](Chem.)Pertaining to, or designating, an acid, CH3C6H3(CO2H)2, obtained as a white crystalline substance by the partial oxidation of mesitylene; -- called also mesitic acid. 1913 Webster]
U`vi*ton"ic(?), a.(Chem.)Pertaining to, or designating, an acid which is obtained as a white crystalline substance by the action of ammonia on pyrotartaric acid. 1913 Webster]
U"vrou(?), n.See Euphroe. 1913 Webster]
\'d8U"vu*la(?), n.[NL., dim of L. uva a grape, the uvula.](Anat.)The pendent fleshy lobe in the middle of the posterior border of the soft palate. 1913 Webster]
1913 Webster]
U"vu*lar(?), a.(Anat.)Of or pertaining to a uvula. 1913 Webster]
U"vu*la*tome(?), n.[Uvula + Gr. / to cut.](Surg.)An instrument for removing the uvula. 1913 Webster]
U`vu*lat"o*my(?), n.(Surg.)The operation of removing the uvula. 1913 Webster]
\'d8U`vu*li"tis(?), n.[NL. See Uvula, and -itis.](Med.)Inflammation of the uvula.
Ux*o"ri*al(?), a.[See Uxorious.]Dotingly fond of, or servilely submissive to, a wife; uxorious; also, becoming a wife; pertaining to a wife. [R.] 1913 Webster]
The speech [of Zipporah, Ex. iv. 25] is not a speech of reproach or indignation, but of uxorial endearment.Geddes. 1913 Webster]
Ux*or"i*ci`dal(?), a.Of or pertaining to uxoricide; tending to uxoricide. 1913 Webster]
Ux*or"i*cide(?), n.[L. uxor wife + caedere to kill.] 1913 Webster]
1.The murder of a wife by her husband. 1913 Webster]
2.One who murders his wife. 1913 Webster]
Ux*o"ri*ous(?), a.[L. uxorius, fr. uxor a wife.]Excessively fond of, or submissive to, a wife; being a dependent husband. \'bdUxorious magistrates.\'b8 Milton. 1913 Webster]
How wouldst thou insult, uxorious to thy will Milton. 1913 Webster]
-- Ux*o"ri*ous*ly, adv. -- Ux*o"ri*ous*ness, n. 1913 Webster]
\'d8U"ze*ma(?), n.A Burman measure of twelve miles. 1913 Webster]