== How To Make A Bootable USB installer ==

The Scientific Linux installation iso files can be converted to
bootable USB devices.

NOTE: A USB device of sufficient size is required.

=== Using dd ===
CAUTION: You will be expected to provide the full device name
         of your USB disk.  If you provide the path to your
         existing operating system, it will be erased.

.Relevant Commands
sudo dd if=SL-7-x86_64-DVD.iso of=/dev/sd<x>
Where <x> is the name of your USB device node.  For example, +/dev/sdv+

=== Using livecd-tools ===
NOTE: livecd-tools may not be available for all versions of Scientific
      Linux. +
      It may be packaged in external repos such as link:#yum-conf-epel[EPEL].

.Relevant Commands
sudo yum install livecd-tools
man livecd-iso-to-disk

CAUTION: You will be expected to provide the full device name
         of your USB disk.  If you provide the path to your
         existing operating system, it will be erased.

.Typical Usage
livecd-iso-to-disk --format --reset-mbr --efi SL-7-x86_64-DVD.iso /dev/sd<x>
Where <x> is the name of your USB device node.  For example, +/dev/sdv+

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