== How To Make A Bootable USB installer == The Scientific Linux installation iso files can be converted to bootable USB devices. NOTE: A USB device of sufficient size is required. === Using dd === CAUTION: You will be expected to provide the full device name of your USB disk. If you provide the path to your existing operating system, it will be erased. .Relevant Commands [source,shell] ---- sudo dd if=SL-7-x86_64-DVD.iso of=/dev/sd<x> ---- Where <x> is the name of your USB device node. For example, +/dev/sdv+ === Using livecd-tools === NOTE: livecd-tools may not be available for all versions of Scientific Linux. + It may be packaged in external repos such as link:#yum-conf-epel[EPEL]. .Relevant Commands [source,shell] ---- sudo yum install livecd-tools man livecd-iso-to-disk ---- CAUTION: You will be expected to provide the full device name of your USB disk. If you provide the path to your existing operating system, it will be erased. .Typical Usage [source,shell] ---- livecd-iso-to-disk --format --reset-mbr --efi SL-7-x86_64-DVD.iso /dev/sd<x> ---- Where <x> is the name of your USB device node. For example, +/dev/sdv+ // vim: set syntax=asciidoc: