== Noteworthy SL Changes Since SL 6 ==
NOTE: This section documents changes made to SL specific packages since
      the SL 6 release. +
      This section does not list changes inherited from Upstream unless
      absolutely necessary.

=== No Longer Packaged By SL ===
The alpine package is present in EPEL7.

The default configuration provided by upstream already fulfills this function.

The default configuration provided by upstream already fulfills this function.

With SL7 yum-cron has nearly all the functionality of yum-autoupdate and +
features upstream support.  The yum-autoupdate code should still function on +
SL7; however, we do not include it within the release. +
See also: +
- link:#_sl_provides_automatic_updates[SL Provides Automatic Updates]

The Scientific Linux bundled PDF tools provide a wide range of functionality.
The Adobe flash player is migrating to the "Pepper" API and away from the native
- For more information see the link:http://www.adobe.com/go/flashplayer_roadmap[Adobe Flash Roadmap]

=== No Longer Packaged By Upstream ===
These legacy kerberos services are no longer packaged with the upstream product.
A request for EPEL7 has been filed in the upstream bugzilla (BZ#1130608)

=== SL Specific Behavior Changes ===

The Dual Layer DVD image requires a Dual-Layer (DL) compatible
drive for both burning and booting off of.  This image can be link:#_how_to_make_a_bootable_usb_installer[converted to USB].

.sl-release and yum-conf-sl7x
The official SL repos are now packaged as one repo per config file.  In this way
customizations that you make to a specific repo will not prevent others from
being updated.

A further change in SL7 is the +sl7-fastbugs+ repo, featuring bugfixes and enhancements,
is enabled by default.  In SL6 it was installed, but disabled by default.
Your changes to this repo will persist through system upgrades if you wish to alter it.

Also, the SL repos now utilize the yum variable +$slreleasever+ in their config entries.

Since those changes are in place, SL 7 installs +yum-conf-sl7x+ by default.

You may wish to review the section on link:#_using_sl_yum_variables[Using SL Yum Variables].

=== Upstream Specific Behavior Changes ===

Following upstream SL7 uses systemd as its init system.  The
link:https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-US/Red_Hat_Enterprise_Linux/7/html/System_Administrators_Guide/[System's Administrators Guide]
published by upstream provides a helpful introduction to systemd commands.  There is also a link:https://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/systemd/#thesystemdforadministratorsblogseries[Blog Series] on systemd features for System's Administrators.

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