restricted int undefined=(intMax % 2 == 1) ? intMax : intMax-1; restricted real inches=72; restricted real inch=inches; restricted real cm=inches/2.54; restricted real mm=0.1cm; restricted real bp=1; // A PostScript point. restricted real pt=72.0/72.27; // A TeX pt; smaller than a PostScript bp. restricted pair I=(0,1); restricted pair right=(1,0); restricted pair left=(-1,0); restricted pair up=(0,1); restricted pair down=(0,-1); restricted pair E=(1,0); restricted pair N=(0,1); restricted pair W=(-1,0); restricted pair S=(0,-1); restricted pair NE=unit(N+E); restricted pair NW=unit(N+W); restricted pair SW=unit(S+W); restricted pair SE=unit(S+E); restricted pair ENE=unit(E+NE); restricted pair NNE=unit(N+NE); restricted pair NNW=unit(N+NW); restricted pair WNW=unit(W+NW); restricted pair WSW=unit(W+SW); restricted pair SSW=unit(S+SW); restricted pair SSE=unit(S+SE); restricted pair ESE=unit(E+SE); restricted real sqrtEpsilon=sqrt(realEpsilon); restricted pair Align=sqrtEpsilon*NE; restricted int mantissaBits=ceil(-log(realEpsilon)/log(2))+1; restricted transform identity; restricted transform zeroTransform=(0,0,0,0,0,0); int min(... int[] a) {return min(a);} int max(... int[] a) {return max(a);} real min(... real[] a) {return min(a);} real max(... real[] a) {return max(a);} bool finite(real x) { return abs(x) < infinity; } bool finite(pair z) { return abs(z.x) < infinity && abs(z.y) < infinity; } bool finite(triple v) { return abs(v.x) < infinity && abs(v.y) < infinity && abs(v.z) < infinity; } restricted file stdin=input(); restricted file stdout=output(); void none(file file) {} void endl(file file) {write(file,'\n',flush);} void newl(file file) {write(file,'\n');} void DOSendl(file file) {write(file,'\r\n',flush);} void DOSnewl(file file) {write(file,'\r\n');} void tab(file file) {write(file,'\t');} void comma(file file) {write(file,',');} using suffix=void(file); // Used by interactive write to warn that the outputted type is the resolution // of an overloaded name. void overloadedMessage(file file) { write(file,' '); endl(file); } void write(suffix suffix=endl) {suffix(stdout);} void write(file file, suffix suffix=none) {suffix(file);} path box(pair a, pair b) { return a--(b.x,a.y)--b--(a.x,b.y)--cycle; } restricted path unitsquare=box((0,0),(1,1)); restricted path unitcircle=E..N..W..S..cycle; restricted real circleprecision=0.0006; restricted transform invert=reflect((0,0),(1,0)); restricted pen defaultpen; // A type that takes on one of the values true, false, or default. struct bool3 { bool value; bool set; } void write(file file, string s="", bool3 b, suffix suffix=none) { if(b.set) write(b.value,suffix); else write("default",suffix); } void write(string s="", bool3 b, suffix suffix=endl) { write(stdout,s,b,suffix); } restricted bool3 default; bool operator cast(bool3 b) { return b.set && b.value; } bool3 operator cast(bool b) { bool3 B; B.value=b; B.set=true; return B; } bool operator == (bool3 a, bool3 b) { return a.set == b.set && (!a.set || (a.value == b.value)); } bool operator != (bool3 a, bool3 b) { return a.set != b.set || (a.set && (a.value != b.value)); } bool operator == (bool3 a, bool b) { return a.set && a.value == b; } bool operator != (bool3 a, bool b) { return !a.set || a.value != b; } bool operator == (bool a, bool3 b) { return b.set && b.value == a; } bool operator != (bool a, bool3 b) { return !b.set || b.value != a; } bool[] operator cast(bool3[] b) { return sequence(new bool(int i) {return b[i];},b.length); } bool3[] operator cast(bool[] b) { return sequence(new bool3(int i) {return b[i];},b.length); }