/***** * entry.cc * Andy Hammerlindl 2002/08/29 * * All variables, built-in functions and user-defined functions reside * within the same namespace. To keep track of all these, table of * "entries" is used. *****/ #include #include #include #include #include "entry.h" #include "coder.h" using std::memset; using types::ty; using types::signature; using types::overloaded; using types::ty_vector; using types::ty_iterator; namespace trans { bool entry::pr::check(action act, coder &c) { // We assume PUBLIC permissions and one's without an associated record are not // stored. assert(perm!=PUBLIC && r!=0); return c.inTranslation(r->getLevel()) || (perm == RESTRICTED && act != WRITE); } void entry::pr::report(action act, position pos, coder &c) { if (!c.inTranslation(r->getLevel())) { if (perm == PRIVATE) { em.error(pos); em << "accessing private field outside of structure"; } else if (perm == RESTRICTED && act == WRITE) { em.error(pos); em << "modifying non-public field outside of structure"; } } } entry::entry(entry &e1, entry &e2) : where(e2.where), pos(e2.pos) { perms.insert(perms.end(), e1.perms.begin(), e1.perms.end()); perms.insert(perms.end(), e2.perms.begin(), e2.perms.end()); } entry::entry(entry &base, permission perm, record *r) : where(base.where), pos(base.pos) { perms.insert(perms.end(), base.perms.begin(), base.perms.end()); addPerm(perm, r); } bool entry::checkPerm(action act, coder &c) { for (mem::list::iterator p=perms.begin(); p != perms.end(); ++p) if (!p->check(act, c)) return false; return true; } void entry::reportPerm(action act, position pos, coder &c) { for (mem::list::iterator p=perms.begin(); p != perms.end(); ++p) p->report(act, pos, c); } varEntry::varEntry(varEntry &qv, varEntry &v) : entry(qv,v), t(v.t), location(new qualifiedAccess(qv.location, qv.getLevel(), v.location)) {} frame *varEntry::getLevel() { record *r=dynamic_cast(t); assert(r); return r->getLevel(); } void varEntry::encode(action act, position pos, coder &c) { reportPerm(act, pos, c); getLocation()->encode(act, pos, c); } void varEntry::encode(action act, position pos, coder &c, frame *top) { reportPerm(act, pos, c); getLocation()->encode(act, pos, c, top); } varEntry *qualifyVarEntry(varEntry *qv, varEntry *v) { return qv ? (v ? new varEntry(*qv,*v) : qv) : v; } tyEntry *tenv::add(symbol dest, names_t::value_type &x, varEntry *qualifier, coder &c) { mem::list& ents=x.second; if (ents.empty()) { return nullptr; } tyEntry *ent=ents.front(); if (!ent->checkPerm(READ, c)) { return nullptr; } if (permission perm = c.getPermission(); perm != PUBLIC) { // Add an additional restriction to ent based on c.getPermission(). ent = new tyEntry(ent, perm, c.thisType()); } tyEntry *qEnt = qualifyTyEntry(qualifier, ent); enter(dest, qEnt); return qEnt; } void tenv::add(tenv& source, varEntry *qualifier, coder &c) { // Enter each distinct (unshadowed) name,type pair. for(names_t::iterator p = source.names.begin(); p != source.names.end(); ++p) add(p->first, *p, qualifier, c); } tyEntry *tenv::add(symbol src, symbol dest, tenv& source, varEntry *qualifier, coder &c) { names_t::iterator p = source.names.find(src); if (p != source.names.end()) return add(dest, *p, qualifier, c); else return nullptr; } // To avoid writing qualifiers everywhere. typedef core_venv::cell cell; void core_venv::initTable(size_t capacity) { // Assert that capacity is a power of two. assert((capacity & (capacity-1)) == 0); this->capacity = capacity; size = 0; mask = capacity - 1; table = new (UseGC) cell[capacity]; memset(table, 0, sizeof(cell) * capacity); } void core_venv::clear() { if (size != 0) { memset(table, 0, sizeof(cell) * capacity); size = 0; } } void core_venv::resize() { size_t oldCapacity = capacity; size_t oldSize = size; cell *oldTable = table; initTable(capacity * 4); for (size_t i = 0; i < oldCapacity; ++i) { cell& b = oldTable[i]; if (!b.empty() && !b.isATomb()) { varEntry *old = store(b.name, b.ent); // We should not be shadowing anything when reconstructing the table. DEBUG_CACHE_ASSERT(old == 0); } } assert(size == oldSize); #if DEBUG_CACHE confirm_size(); for (size_t i = 0; i < oldCapacity; ++i) { cell& b = oldTable[i]; if (!b.empty() && !b.isATomb()) { assert(lookup(b.name, b.ent->getType()) == b.ent); } } #endif //cout << "resized from " << oldCapacity << " to " << capacity << endl; } cell& core_venv::cellByIndex(size_t i) { return table[i & mask]; } const cell& core_venv::cellByIndex(size_t i) const { return table[i & mask]; } void core_venv::confirm_size() { size_t sum = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < capacity; ++i) { cell& b = table[i]; if (!b.empty() && !b.isATomb()) ++sum; } assert(sum == size); } varEntry *core_venv::storeNew(cell& cell, symbol name, varEntry *ent) { // Store the value into the cell. cell.storeNew(name, ent); // We now have a new entry. Update the size. ++size; // Check if the hash table has grown too big and needs to be expanded. if (2*size > capacity) resize(); // Nothing is shadowed. return 0; } varEntry *core_venv::storeNonSpecialAfterTomb(size_t tombIndex, symbol name, varEntry *ent) { DEBUG_CACHE_ASSERT(name.notSpecial()); DEBUG_CACHE_ASSERT(ent); DEBUG_CACHE_ASSERT(ent->getType()); signature *sig = ent->getSignature(); for (size_t i = tombIndex+1; ; ++i) { cell& b = cellByIndex(i); if (b.empty()) return storeNew(cellByIndex(tombIndex), name, ent); if (b.matches(name, sig)) return b.replaceWith(name, ent); } } varEntry *core_venv::storeSpecialAfterTomb(size_t tombIndex, symbol name, varEntry *ent) { DEBUG_CACHE_ASSERT(name.special()); DEBUG_CACHE_ASSERT(ent); DEBUG_CACHE_ASSERT(ent->getType()); ty *t = ent->getType(); for (size_t i = tombIndex+1; ; ++i) { cell& b = cellByIndex(i); if (b.empty()) return storeNew(cellByIndex(tombIndex), name, ent); if (b.matches(name, t)) return b.replaceWith(name, ent); } } size_t hashSig(const signature *sig) { return sig ? sig->hash() : 0; } size_t nonSpecialHash(symbol name, const signature *sig) { return name.hash() * 107 + hashSig(sig); } size_t nonSpecialHash(symbol name, const ty *t) { DEBUG_CACHE_ASSERT(t); return nonSpecialHash(name, t->getSignature()); } size_t specialHash(symbol name, const ty *t) { DEBUG_CACHE_ASSERT(t); return name.hash() * 107 + t->hash(); } size_t hash(symbol name, const ty *t) { if (name.special()) { return specialHash(name, t); } else { return nonSpecialHash(name, t); } } varEntry *core_venv::storeNonSpecial(symbol name, varEntry *ent) { DEBUG_CACHE_ASSERT(name.notSpecial()); DEBUG_CACHE_ASSERT(ent); DEBUG_CACHE_ASSERT(ent->getType()); signature *sig = ent->getSignature(); for (size_t i = nonSpecialHash(name, sig); ; ++i) { cell& b = cellByIndex(i); if (b.empty()) return storeNew(b, name, ent); if (b.matches(name, sig)) return b.replaceWith(name, ent); if (b.isATomb()) return storeNonSpecialAfterTomb(i, name, ent); } } varEntry *core_venv::storeSpecial(symbol name, varEntry *ent) { DEBUG_CACHE_ASSERT(name.special()); DEBUG_CACHE_ASSERT(ent); DEBUG_CACHE_ASSERT(ent->getType()); ty *t = ent->getType(); for (size_t i = specialHash(name, t); ; ++i) { cell& b = cellByIndex(i); if (b.empty()) return storeNew(b, name, ent); if (b.matches(name, t)) return b.replaceWith(name, ent); if (b.isATomb()) return storeSpecialAfterTomb(i, name, ent); } } varEntry *core_venv::store(symbol name, varEntry *ent) { DEBUG_CACHE_ASSERT(ent); DEBUG_CACHE_ASSERT(ent->getType()); return name.special() ? storeSpecial(name, ent) : storeNonSpecial(name, ent); } varEntry *core_venv::lookupSpecial(symbol name, const ty *t) { DEBUG_CACHE_ASSERT(name.special()); DEBUG_CACHE_ASSERT(t); for (size_t i = specialHash(name, t); ; ++i) { cell& b = cellByIndex(i); if (b.matches(name, t)) return b.ent; if (b.empty()) return 0; } } varEntry *core_venv::lookupNonSpecial(symbol name, const signature *sig) { DEBUG_CACHE_ASSERT(name.notSpecial()); for (size_t i = nonSpecialHash(name, sig); ; ++i) { cell& b = cellByIndex(i); if (b.matches(name, sig)) return b.ent; if (b.empty()) return 0; } } varEntry *core_venv::lookup(symbol name, const ty *t) { DEBUG_CACHE_ASSERT(t); return name.special() ? lookupSpecial(name, t) : lookupNonSpecial(name, t->getSignature()); } void core_venv::removeNonSpecial(symbol name, const signature *sig) { DEBUG_CACHE_ASSERT(name.notSpecial()); for (size_t i = nonSpecialHash(name, sig); ; ++i) { cell& b = cellByIndex(i); if (b.matches(name, sig)) { b.remove(); --size; return; } DEBUG_CACHE_ASSERT(!b.empty()); } } void core_venv::removeSpecial(symbol name, const ty *t) { DEBUG_CACHE_ASSERT(name.special()); DEBUG_CACHE_ASSERT(t); for (size_t i = specialHash(name, t); ; ++i) { cell& b = cellByIndex(i); if (b.matches(name, t)) { b.remove(); --size; return; } DEBUG_CACHE_ASSERT(!b.empty()); } } void core_venv::remove(symbol name, const ty *t) { DEBUG_CACHE_ASSERT(t); if (name.special()) removeSpecial(name, t); else removeNonSpecial(name, t->getSignature()); } size_t numFormals(ty *t) { signature *sig = t->getSignature(); return sig ? sig->getNumFormals() : 0; } size_t SigHash::operator()(const mem::pair& p) const { return hash(p.first, p.second); } bool SigEquiv::operator()(const mem::pair& p1, const mem::pair& p2) const { symbol name1 = p1.first, name2 = p2.first; if (name1 != name2) return false; ty *t1 = p1.second, *t2 = p2.second; DEBUG_CACHE_ASSERT(t1); DEBUG_CACHE_ASSERT(t2); if (name1.special()) { return equivalent(t1, t2); } else { return equivalent(t1->getSignature(), t2->getSignature()); } } void venv::checkName(symbol name) { #if 0 // This size test is too slow, even for DEBUG_CACHE. core.confirm_size(); #endif // Get the type, and make it overloaded if it is not (for uniformity). overloaded o; ty *t = getType(name); if (!t) t = &o; if (!t->isOverloaded()) { o.add(t); t = &o; } assert(t->isOverloaded()); size_t maxFormals = names[name].maxFormals; size_t size = 0; for (ty_iterator i = t->begin(); i != t->end(); ++i) { assert(numFormals(*i) <= maxFormals); varEntry *v = lookByType(name, *i); assert(v); assert(equivalent(v->getType(), *i)); ++size; } size_t matches = 0; core_venv::const_iterator end = core.end(); for (core_venv::const_iterator p = core.begin(); p != end; ++p) { if (p->name == name) { ++matches; varEntry *v=p->ent; assert(v); assert(equivalent(t, v->getType())); } } assert(matches == size); } void rightKind(ty *t) { if (t && t->isOverloaded()) { ty_vector& set=((overloaded *)t)->sub; assert(set.size() > 1); } } #ifdef DEBUG_CACHE #define RIGHTKIND(t) (rightKind(t)) #define CHECKNAME(name) (checkName(name)) #else #define RIGHTKIND(t) (void)(t) #define CHECKNAME(name) (void)(name) #endif void venv::namevalue::addType(ty *s) { RIGHTKIND(t); #ifdef DEBUG_CACHE assert(!s->isOverloaded()); #endif if (t == 0) { maxFormals = numFormals(s); t = s; } else { if (!t->isOverloaded()) t = new overloaded(t); #ifdef DEBUG_CACHE assert(t->isOverloaded()); assert(!equivalent(t, s)); #endif ((overloaded *)t)->add(s); size_t n = numFormals(s); if (n > maxFormals) maxFormals = n; } RIGHTKIND(t); } void venv::namevalue::replaceType(ty *new_t, ty *old_t) { #ifdef DEBUG_CACHE assert(t != 0); RIGHTKIND(t); #endif // TODO: Test for equivalence. if (t->isOverloaded()) { for (ty_iterator i = t->begin(); i != t->end(); ++i) { if (equivalent(old_t, *i)) { *i = new_t; return; } } // An error, the type was not found. assert("unreachable code" == 0); } else { #ifdef DEBUG_CACHE assert(equivalent(old_t, t)); #endif t = new_t; } #ifdef DEBUG_CACHE assert(t != 0); RIGHTKIND(t); #endif } #ifdef DEBUG_CACHE void venv::namevalue::popType(astType *s) #else void venv::namevalue::popType() #endif { #ifdef DEBUG_CACHE assert(t); RIGHTKIND(t); assert(!s->isOverloaded()); #endif if (t->isOverloaded()) { ty_vector& set=((overloaded *)t)->sub; #ifdef DEBUG_CACHE assert(set.size() > 0); assert(equivalent(set.back(), s)); #endif // We are relying on the fact that this was the last type added to t, and // that type are added by pushing them on the end of the vector. set.pop_back(); if (set.size() == 1) t = set.front(); } else { #ifdef DEBUG_CACHE assert(equivalent(t, s)); #endif t = 0; } RIGHTKIND(t); // Don't try to reduce numFormals as I doubt it is worth the cost of // recalculating. } void venv::remove(const addition& a) { CHECKNAME(a.name); if (a.shadowed) { varEntry *popEnt = core.store(a.name, a.shadowed); DEBUG_CACHE_ASSERT(popEnt); // Unshadow the previously shadowed varEntry. names[a.name].replaceType(a.shadowed->getType(), popEnt->getType()); } else { // Remove the (name,sig) key completely. #if DEBUG_CACHE varEntry *popEnt = core.lookup(a.name, a.t); assert(popEnt); names[a.name].popType(popEnt->getType()); #else names[a.name].popType(); #endif core.remove(a.name, a.t); } CHECKNAME(a.name); } void venv::beginScope() { if (core.empty()) { assert(scopesizes.empty()); ++empty_scopes; } else { scopesizes.push(additions.size()); } } void venv::endScope() { if (scopesizes.empty()) { // The corresponding beginScope happened when the venv was empty, so // clear the hash tables to return to that state. core.clear(); names.clear(); assert(empty_scopes > 0); --empty_scopes; } else { size_t scopesize = scopesizes.top(); assert(additions.size() >= scopesize); while (additions.size() > scopesize) { remove(additions.top()); additions.pop(); } scopesizes.pop(); } } // Adds the definitions of the top-level scope to the level underneath, // and then removes the top scope. void venv::collapseScope() { if (scopesizes.empty()) { // Collapsing an empty scope. assert(empty_scopes > 0); --empty_scopes; } else { // As scopes are stored solely by the number of entries at the beginning // of the scope, popping the top size will put all of the entries into the // next scope down. scopesizes.pop(); } } void venv::enter(symbol name, varEntry *v) { CHECKNAME(name); // Store the new variable. If it shadows an older variable, that varEntry // will be returned. varEntry *shadowed = core.store(name, v); ty *t = v->getType(); // Record the addition, so it can be undone during endScope. if (!scopesizes.empty()) additions.push(addition(name, t, shadowed)); if (shadowed) // The new value shadows an old value. They have the same signature, but // possibly different return types. If necessary, update the type stored // by name. names[name].replaceType(t, shadowed->getType()); else // Add to the names hash table. names[name].addType(t); CHECKNAME(name); } varEntry *venv::lookBySignature(symbol name, signature *sig) { // Rest arguments are complicated and rare. Don't handle them here. if (sig->hasRest()) return 0; // Likewise with the special operators. if (name.special()) return 0; namevalue& nv = names[name]; // Avoid ambiguities with default parameters. if (nv.maxFormals != sig->getNumFormals()) return 0; // See if this exactly matches a function in the table. varEntry *ve = core.lookupNonSpecial(name, sig); if (!ve) return 0; // Keyword-only arguments may cause matching to fail. if (ve->getSignature()->numKeywordOnly > 0) return 0; // At this point, any function with an equivalent signature will be equal // to the result of the normal overloaded function resolution. We may // safely return it. return ve; } void venv::add(venv& source, varEntry *qualifier, coder &c) { const bool isAutoUnravel = c.isAutoUnravel(); for (const cell& p : source.core) { DEBUG_CACHE_ASSERT(p.filled()); varEntry *v=p.ent; if (v->checkPerm(READ, c)) { if (permission perm = c.getPermission(); perm != PUBLIC) { // Add an additional restriction to v based on c.getPermission(). v = new varEntry(*v, perm, c.thisType()); } varEntry *qve=qualifyVarEntry(qualifier, v); enter(p.name, qve); if (isAutoUnravel) { registerAutoUnravel(p.name, qve); } } } } bool venv::add( symbol src, symbol dest, venv& source, varEntry *qualifier, coder &c, mem::vector *addedVec ) { ty *t=source.getType(src); if (!t) return false; if (t->isOverloaded()) { bool added=false; for (ty_iterator i = t->begin(); i != t->end(); ++i) { varEntry *v=source.lookByType(src, *i); if (v->checkPerm(READ, c)) { if (permission perm = c.getPermission(); perm != PUBLIC) { // Add an additional restriction to v based on c.getPermission(). v = new varEntry(*v, perm, c.thisType()); } varEntry *qve=qualifyVarEntry(qualifier, v); enter(dest, qve); if (addedVec != nullptr) { addedVec->push_back(qve); } added=true; } } return added; } else { varEntry *v=source.lookByType(src, t); if (!v->checkPerm(READ, c)) { return false; } if (permission perm = c.getPermission(); perm != PUBLIC) { // Add an additional restriction to v based on c.getPermission(). v = new varEntry(*v, perm, c.thisType()); } varEntry *qve=qualifyVarEntry(qualifier, v); enter(dest, qve); if (addedVec != nullptr) { addedVec->push_back(qve); } return true; } } ty *venv::getType(symbol name) { return names[name].t; } void listValue(symbol name, varEntry *v, record *module) { if (!module || v->whereDefined() == module) { if (settings::getSetting("where")) cout << v->getPos(); v->getType()->printVar(cout, name); cout << ";\n"; } } void venv::listValues(symbol name, record *module) { ty *t=getType(name); if (t->isOverloaded()) for (ty_iterator i = t->begin(); i != t->end(); ++i) listValue(name, lookByType(name, *i), module); else listValue(name, lookByType(name, t), module); flush(cout); } void venv::list(record *module) { // List all functions and variables. for (namemap::iterator N = names.begin(); N != names.end(); ++N) listValues(N->first, module); } void venv::completions(mem::list& l, string start) { for(namemap::iterator N = names.begin(); N != names.end(); ++N) if (prefix(start, N->first) && N->second.t) l.push_back(N->first); } void venv::registerAutoUnravel(symbol name, varEntry *v, AutounravelPriority priority) { mem::pair p = {name, v->getType()}; if (nonShadowableAutoUnravels.find(p) != nonShadowableAutoUnravels.end()) { if (priority == AutounravelPriority::FORCE) { em.error(v->getPos()); em << "cannot shadow autounravel " << name; } return; } autoUnravels.emplace_front(name, v); if (priority == AutounravelPriority::FORCE) { // The value doesn't matter, we just need to know that the key exists. nonShadowableAutoUnravels[p] = nullptr; } } } // namespace trans