#!/usr/bin/env texlua -- Description: Image-based regression testing for LaTeX packages -- Copyright: 2024-2025 (c) Jianrui Lyu -- Repository: https://github.com/lvjr/ppmcheckpdf -- License: The LaTeX Project Public License 1.3c local pcp = pcp or {} pcp.version = "2025A" pcp.date = "2025-02-20" -------------------------------------------- --> \section{Some code from l3build.lua} -------------------------------------------- local lfs = require("lfs") kpse.set_program_name("kpsewhich") build_kpse_path = string.match(kpse.lookup("l3build.lua"),"(.*[/])") local function build_require(s) require(kpse.lookup("l3build-"..s..".lua", { path = build_kpse_path } ) ) end ----------------------------------------- build_require("file-functions") release_date = "2021-04-26" -- for old build.lua file dofile("build.lua") build_require("variables") ------------------------------------------------------------ --> \section{Some variables and functions} ------------------------------------------------------------ local assert = assert local ipairs = ipairs local insert = table.insert local remove = table.remove local match = string.match local gsub = string.gsub local md5 = require("md5") local function md5sum(str) if str then return md5.sumhexa(str) end end local function filesum(name) local f = assert(io.open(name, "rb")) local s = f:read("*all") f:close() return md5sum(s) end local function readfile(name) local f = assert(io.open(name, "rb")) local s = f:read("*all") f:close() return s end local function writefile(name, sum) local f = assert(io.open(name, "w")) f:write(sum) f:close() end local function getfiles(path, pattern) local files = { } for entry in lfs.dir(path) do if match(entry, pattern) then insert(files, entry) end end return files end ------------------------------------------------------------ --> \section{Run check or save actions} ------------------------------------------------------------ imgext = imgext or ".png" local function getimgopt(imgext) local imgopt = "" if imgext == ".png" then imgopt = " -png " elseif imgext == ".ppm" then imgopt = " " elseif imgext == ".pgm" then imgopt = " -gray " elseif imgext == ".pbm" then imgopt = " -mono " else error("unsupported image extension" .. imgext) end return imgopt end local function pdftoimg(path, pdf) cmd = "pdftoppm " .. getimgopt(imgext) .. pdf .. " " .. jobname(pdf) run(path, cmd) end local function saveImgMd5(dir, imgname, md5file, newmd5) print("save md5 and image files for " .. imgname) cp(imgname, dir, testfiledir) writefile(md5file, newmd5) end local issave = false local function checkOnePdf(dir, job) local errorlevel local imgname = job .. imgext local md5file = testfiledir .. "/" .. job .. ".md5" local newmd5 = filesum(dir .. "/" .. imgname) if fileexists(md5file) then local oldmd5 = readfile(md5file) if newmd5 == oldmd5 then errorlevel = 0 print("md5 check passed for " .. imgname) else errorlevel = 1 print("md5 check failed for " .. imgname) local imgdiffexe = os.getenv("imgdiffexe") if imgdiffexe then local oldimg = abspath(testfiledir) .. "/" .. imgname local newimg = abspath(dir) .. "/" .. imgname local diffname = job .. ".diff.png" local cmd = imgdiffexe .. " " .. oldimg .. " " .. newimg .. " -compose src " .. diffname print("creating image diff file " .. diffname) run(dir, cmd) elseif issave == true then saveImgMd5(dir, imgname, md5file, newmd5) end end else errorlevel = 0 saveImgMd5(dir, imgname, md5file, newmd5) end return errorlevel end local function checkOneFolder(dir) print("checking folder " .. dir) local errorlevel = 0 local pattern = "%" .. pdfext .. "$" local files = getfiles(dir, pattern) for _, v in ipairs(files) do pdftoimg(dir, v) pattern = "^" .. jobname(v):gsub("%-", "%%-") .. "%-%d+%" .. imgext .. "$" local imgfiles = getfiles(dir, pattern) if #imgfiles == 1 then local imgname = jobname(v) .. imgext if fileexists(dir .. "/" .. imgname) then rm(dir, imgname) end ren(dir, imgfiles[1], imgname) local e = checkOnePdf(dir, jobname(v)) or 0 errorlevel = errorlevel + e else for _, i in ipairs(imgfiles) do local e = checkOnePdf(dir, jobname(i)) or 0 errorlevel = errorlevel + e end end end return errorlevel end local function cfgToDir(cfg) if cfg == "build" then return testdir else -- testfiledir may has been changed dofile(cfg .. ".lua") return testdir .. "-" .. cfg end end local function checkAllFolders(arglist) if arglist[1] == "-c" then if arglist[2] then return checkOneFolder(cfgToDir(arglist[2])) else print("missing config name for -c option") return 0 end else if #checkconfigs == 0 then return checkOneFolder(testdir) else local errorlevel = 0 for _, v in ipairs(checkconfigs) do local dir = cfgToDir(v) local e = checkOneFolder(dir) or 0 errorlevel = errorlevel + e end return errorlevel end end end ------------------------------------------------------------ --> \section{Print help or version text} ------------------------------------------------------------ local helptext = [[ usage: ppmcheckpdf [] valid actions are: check Run tests without saving outputs of failed tests save Run tests and save outputs of failed tests help Print this message and exit version Print version information and exit valid options are: -c Set the config used for check or save action please report bug at https://github.com/lvjr/ppmcheckpdf ]] local function help() print(helptext) return 0 end local function version() print("Ppmcheckpdf Version " .. pcp.version .. " (" .. pcp.date .. ")\n") return 0 end ------------------------------------------------------------ --> \section{Respond to user input} ------------------------------------------------------------ local function pcpMain(pcparg) if pcparg[1] == nil then return help() end local action = remove(pcparg, 1) -- remove leading dashes action = match(action, "^%-*(.*)$") if action == "check" then return checkAllFolders(pcparg) elseif action == "save" then issave = true return checkAllFolders(pcparg) elseif action == "help" then return help() elseif action == "version" then return version() else print("unknown action '" .. action .. "'\n") return help() end end local function main() return pcpMain(arg) end -- it equals to total number of failed tests local errorlevel = main() --print(errorlevel) if os.type == "windows" then os.exit(errorlevel) end