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acct statement


    acct {
            [ listen addr-list ; ]
            [ port number ; ]
            [ spawn bool ; ]
            [ detail bool; ]
            [ max-requests number ; ]
            [ time-to-live number ; ]
            [ request-cleanup-delay number ; ]
    } ;


The acct statement configures the parameters of the accounting service.

listen statement

This statement determines on which addresses radiusd will listen for incoming accounting requests. Its argument is a comma-separated list of items in the form ip:port-number. ip can be either an IP address in familiar "dotted-quad" notation or a hostname. :port-number part may be omitted, in which case the default accounting port is assumed.

If the listen statement is omitted, radiusd will accept incoming requests from any interface on the machine.

Numeric statements

Sets the port number to listen for the authentication requests.
Sets the maximum number of accounting requests in the queue. Any surplus requests will be discarded.
Sets the request time-to-live in seconds. The time-to-live is the time to wait for the completion of the request. If the request job isn't completed within this interval of time it is cleared, the corresponding child process killed and the request removed from the queue.
Sets the request cleanup delay in seconds, i.e. determines how long will the completed account request reside in the queue.

Boolean statements

Determines if radiusd should spawn a child to process the request.
When set to false, disables detailed accounting (see section Detailed Request Accounting).

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